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Name :Risky erianto

Student Number : 18525113
Class :c

Reading: Comprehending Text by Creating Image, Skimming & Scanning

Date: Information
---- September 2018
Reading Passage Title: Write down short information of each the passage (maximum
Crane 3 sentences)
Solar Tower -Will you operate the crane for me?
Vector -What is the function of solar tower?
-Hence equal areas are swept over by the
radius vector in equal times.

Vocabulary: Example:
Write 20 key words and phrases
especially in Engineering with the 1. Crane (noun) =
meaning in English and bahasa. English: a tall metal structure with a long horizontal part, used
for lifting and moving heavy objects
Bahasa: derek

2. Wire=metal drawn out into the form of a thin flexible

thread or rod.In Bahasa:Kawat
3. Manufacture=the making of articles on a large scale
using machinery.In Bahasa:manufaktur
4. Cable=a thick rope of wire or nonmetallic fiber,
typically used for construction, mooring ships, and
towing vehicles.In Bahasa:Kabel
5. Hammer=a tool with a heavy metal head mounted at
right angles at the end of a handle, used for jobs such
as breaking things and driving in nails.In
6. Screw=a short, slender, sharp-pointed metal pin with
a raised helical thread running around it and a slotted
head, used to join things together by being rotated so
that it pierces wood or other material and is held
tightly in place.In Bahasa:sekrup
7. Solar=relating to or determined by the sun.In
Bahasa:Mengenai Surya
8. Screwdriver:a tool with a flattened, cross-shaped, or
star-shaped tip that fits into the head of a screw to
turn it.In Bahasa:Obeng
9. Machine:an apparatus using or applying mechanical
power and having several parts, each with a definite
function and together performing a particular task.In
10. Engineering:the branch of science and
technology concerned with the design, building, and
use of engines, machines, and structures.In
11. Electric:an electric train or other vehicle.In
12. Plier:pincers with parallel, flat, and typically
serrated surfaces, used chiefly for gripping small
objects or bending wire.In Bahasa:Tang
13. Force:strength or energy as an attribute of
physical action or movement.In Bahasa:Kekuatan
14. Rake:an implement consisting of a pole with a
crossbar toothed like a comb at the end, or with
several tines held together by a crosspiece, used
especially for drawing together cut grass or fallen
leaves, or smoothing loose soil or gravel.In
15. Oil:a viscous liquid derived from petroleum,
especially for use as a fuel or lubricant.In Bahasa:Oli
16. Technology:the application of scientific
knowledge for practical purposes, especially in
industry.In Bahasa:teknologi
17. Industry:economic activity concerned with the
processing of raw materials and manufacture of
goods in factories.In Bahasa:industry
18. Key:a small piece of shaped metal with incisions
cut to fit the wards of a particular lock, and that is
inserted into a lock and turned to open or close it.In
19. Nut:a small flat piece of metal or other material,
typically square or hexagonal, with a threaded hole
through it for screwing onto a bolt as a fastener.In
20. Magnet:a piece of iron (or an ore, alloy, or other
material) that has its component atoms so ordered
that the material exhibits properties of magnetism,
such as attracting other iron-containing objects or
aligning itself in an external magnetic field.In
Reading Activity: Activity Result:
Creating Image
(create images using the senses to help (supposed you imagine the reading passage through
them to draw conclusions, make visualization)
predictions, interpret information,
remember details and assist with
overall comprehension)

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