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Putra Aji Laras

Putra Aji Laras is one of my favorite teacher in Sman 2 Lumajang. Mr

putra or Mr boy is his nickname. He was born on 27 August 1990 in Lumajang.
He has lived in lawu street, Jambekereb, Citrodiwangsan, Lumajang city with
his Family.

He had taught me for one year in Ten class as a PKwn Teacher. He has
taught Pkwn in Sman 2 Lumajang since 2014 or 5 years ago. His hobby is play
Football and relaxing. He graduated from Sdn Ditotrunan 1 in 2003 , Smpn 1
Lumajang in 2006, and also Sman 2 Lumajang in 2009. He Had Studied at
University as a major student in Pkwn.

He is very warm and kindly person but if the student make a problem, he
will very angry. He will have planned for continue the study until S2 and open a
clothes shop also Sembako Shop. Hopefully, he can realize his dream as real.

Alvin Fajri Noor Syamsi

XI MIPA 1/03

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