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Accepted Manuscript

Andrés Folguera

PII: S0895-9811(19)30099-9
Reference: SAMES 2121

To appear in: Journal of South American Earth Sciences

Received Date: 25 February 2019

Accepted Date: 26 February 2019

Please cite this article as: Folguera, André., , Journal of South American Earth Sciences (2019), doi:

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Book review

AAPG Memoir 117 "Petroleum Basins and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Andes of Peru and
Bolivia." Gonzalo Zamora Valcarce, Ken McClay, and Victor Ramos (eds.). 656 pages.

The AAPG Memoir 117 dedicates to the petroleum geology and exploration potential of Peru
and Bolivia. The book analyses the geological evolution of the sedimentary basins of the sub-

Andean and forearc regions of Peru and Bolivia as part of the South American margin of
western Gondwana, where source rocks and reservoirs developed. The book also deals with
the different uplift phases associated with the development of the Peruvian and Bolivian
Andes since the mid-Cretaceous to the Neogene that generated complex structural styles.

The book comprehends 23 papers from tectonics, geochemistry and petroleum systems, fold
and thrust belt structure, stratigraphy and sedimentology and oil and gas exploration
potential. Key chapters are focused on the structural evolution of fold and thrust belts and the

origin of the complex stratigraphy that characterizes the Peruvian and Bolivian -Andean
foothills. Among these, the first chapter constitutes an outstanding synthesis of Ramos that

goes from the Mesoproterozoic accretional history that structured the basement of Perú and
Bolivia Paleozoic to Cenozoic basins to the development of the first Paleozoic peri-Gondwanan
arcs and fold and thrust belt systems associated with subduction of oceanic crust beneath the

Terra Australis orogen and Paleozoic continental accretions. Then the chapter analyses Early
Mesozoic extensional systems and the different contractional phases that inverted those
depocenters and mechanisms associated with this deformational switch. Then, a second
chapter constitutes an excellent synthesis of Mc Clay of the different fold and thrust belts that

are flanking the eastern topographic break associated with the Peruvian and Bolivian Andes,
discussing mechanics of deformation of their basement and sedimentary cover, development

of triangle zones, and other structures with oil and gas prospecting interest. Another
outstanding chapter by Baby et al. focuses on the structure of the Eastern Cordillera and Sub-
Andean system and their evolution through the different deformational phases, recognizing
growth strata geometries in seismic data and the field and presenting detailed temporal
reconstructions of the evolving structure.

Subsequent chapters provide magnetic and gravimetric data in order to constraint basin
geometries of the different depocenters at the foothills of the Peruvian and Bolivian Andes;
detailed evolution of several specific basins characterized by their hydrocarbon potential
based on seismic and borehole data; sedimentological and geochemical analyses of some key
strata intervals through the different depocenters; U-Pb provenance data for the different
units; description of stratigraphic and structural traps.

AAPG Memoir 117 is a complete and excellent material, based on high-standard scientific and
technical work, full of graphical material such as detailed geological maps, stratigraphic charts,
structural cross sections and interpreted seismic information that will be used for decades by
researchers working for both oil industry and academia.

Andrés Folguera


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