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NAME: -Agnes Novelita F.

L /01
-Cindy Theresia T. Sitompul/07

Percakapan B.Inggris
B: Hello, Can I speak to ken, please?
K: This is Ken, Who is this?
B: I am boy. I found your number from the newspaper, I see you
decided to become an english teacher. Is that true?
K: Oh yes, What can I help for you ?
B: I need an english teacher for my company buiness.Can you help me?
My english is not good, I’m afraid.
K: With my pleasure, but I heven’t experience in teaching even though
I’m fluent in English.
B: It’s ok. This is your first experience, moreover it’s good enough to
teach peoples.
K: Yes, I also need students, if you want to join, you can also invite your
friends together to study with me.
B: Ok, I will share it with my friends and if may I know why you want to
become an English teacher?
K: I want to develop and share my knowledge in English and add
experience even though this is the first time.
B: Wow!, I’m more interested to join you. If may I know, how do you
K: If you join me. I will use my own technique that is with the book that I
use and some notes that I have.
B: Do I need to bring some book that I have?
K: If you have it and don’t mind, please bring it. Perhaps, that is an
addition to information.
B:Ok, If may I know what the price of each meeting is?
K:Every meeting Rp.80.000,-
B: How many meetings in a month?
K: Twice a week every Tuesday and Thursday
B:Can it be Rp150.000,- in a week? And I will also invite my friends.
K: Hemmm….ok.
B: Where is the place?
K: Jln. Bougenvile no.3021, blog2
B: What the time does it start?
K: What time do you get.
B: I finished, working at 3 o’clock, how about 4 o’clock?
K: Yes, when do you want to start ?
B: Next week.
K: Ok, is there something you want to ask?
B: Nothing seems.
K: If you have some question, you can contact me.
B: Oh.., ok thank you.
K: Your welcome, don’t forget to invite your friends.
B: Sure... See you there.
K: See you, Bye.

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