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Second semester

Subject matter:

This paper contains a grammatical synthesis of the verb, its definition, types
and uses. Considering the verb to be as a reference to deepen in some verb

Teacher name: Fray Milton Torres Student name: William Vizcaino

ID 22.047.059

May 15th, 2019

According to the grammar, verb is a word indicating action, feeling or
being: verbs can be divided into three classes: action verbs, liking verbs, and
helping verbs. Additionally, the form of the verb can indicate the time of the
action: present, past, or future. (Also known as tense)1. Examples:
 They went to the church in the morning. (Shows action)
 She was angry with her boss for criticizing her work. (Shows
feeling and being)

Classes of verbs2
Verbs are classified as action, auxiliary (helping), or linking (state of being).
 Harry honked the horn. (Shows action)
 Harry is impatient. (Shows links and state of being)
 Harry was honking the truck's horn. (Shows helping)

 Actions verbs: as its name implies an action verbs shows action. Some
action verbs are transitive; others are intransitive. (The term action does not
always refer to a physical activity). Examples:
 Rain splashed the windshield. (Transitive verb)
 Josie drove off the road. (Intransitive verb)

 Transitive: transitive verbs have direct objects that receive the action.

1 Feng-Checkett Gayle - Checket Lawrence. The Write Start: Sentences to Paragraphs

with Professional and Student Readings [On-Line edition], Boston, 2013,
erb+add+action+and+feelings+a+sentence&source=bl&ots=2E7eUhtZk (Ingreso:14-05-2019)

2 Vandermey Randall-Meyer Verne-Van John. Comp Student edition [On-Line edition],

Boston, 2013,p.403 (Ingreso:14-05-2019)
 The health care industry employs more than 7 million workers
in the United States. (Workers is the direct object of the action verb

 Intransitive: intransitive verbs communicate action that is completed in

itself. They do not need an object to receive the action. Example:
 My new college roommate smiles and laughs a lot.

Note: some verbs can be either transitive or intransitive. Example

 Ms. Hull teaches physiology and microbiology. (Transitive)
 She teaches well. (Intransitive)

 Auxiliary (helping) Verbs: help to form some of the tenses, the mood, and
the voice of the main verb. The most used auxiliary verbs are the verbs to
be, to do and to have. For example: the auxiliary to do is needed to ask
questions in the present and past simple tenses. To be is needed for the
present and past continuous, and all the passive forms. The auxiliary to
have is used in the present and past perfect tenses.
 Do you like German food?
 Does your mother speak English?
 Did you come to school yesterday?
 Why are you talking? You should be listening to me!
 I was having a bath when you called!
 A new road is being built behind the school.
 Have you done your homework?
 My father has never visited the USA.
 How long have you been living in Germany?
Linking (State of Being) Verbs: a linking verb is a special form of intransitive
verb that links the subject of a sentence a noun, a pronoun, or an adjective in
the predicate. Examples:

 The streets are flooded. (adjective)

 The streets are rivers. (noun)

 Common linking verbs: am, is, are, was, were, be, being, been, become.
 Additional linking verbs: appear, look, sound, remain, taste, feel, seem,
grow, smell.

Regular and Irregular Verbs3

Regular Verbs
The Majority of English Verbs which rarely change their form are called Regular
Verbs. Regular Verbs are those verbs whose Past Tense and Past Participle
are formed by adding –d or –ed. These Verbs are more consistent than
Irregular Verbs and larger in number.


These Verbs are also called Weak Verbs and have five forms. In the table
below we can see Irregular Verbs along with their forms.

Past Past
Tense(- Participle(- Continuous Simple
Base d/ed) d/ed) Tense Present

Play Played Played Playing Plays

Dance Danced Danced Dancing Dances

Batta Kusum. Regular and regular verbs. [On-Line edition], 2019.
n (Ingreso: 15-05-
Past Past
Tense(- Participle(- Continuous Simple
Base d/ed) d/ed) Tense Present

Risk Risked Risked Risking Risks

Laugh Laughed Laughed Laughing Laughs

Clean Cleaned Cleaned Cleaning Cleans

Wash Washed Washed Washing Washes

Wink Winked Winked Winking Winks

Help Helped Helped Helping Helps

Miss Missed Missed Missing Misses

Love Loved Loved Loving Loves

Hate Hated Hated Hating Hates

Beg Begged Begged Begging Begs

Plan Planned Planned Planning Plans

Cry Cried Cried Crying Cries

Hope Hoped Hoped Hoping Hopes

Try Tried Tried Trying Tries

Free Freed Freed Freeing Frees

Travel Travelled Travelled Travelling Travels

Move Moved Moved Moving Moves

Irregular Verbs
Unlike Regular Verbs, these Verbs do not have fixed ending of
Past and Past Participle forms. Sometimes, even whole word can be
different. Similar to Regular Verbs, these Verbs too have five forms.
These forms are also known as Principal parts.
There are couples of hundred Irregular Verbs. Some of them are
as follows:
Past Continuous Simple
Base Past Tense Participle Tense Present

Awake Awoke Awaken Awaking Awakes

Beat Beat Beaten Beating Beats

Begin Began Begun Beginning Begins

Meet Met Met Meeting Meets

Run Ran Run Running Runs

Break Broke Broken Breaking Breaks

Sing Sang Sung Singing Sings

Cut Cut Cut Cutting Cuts

Bid Bade Bidden Bidding Bids

Build Built Built Building Builds

Catch Caught Caught Catching Catches

Eat Ate Eaten Eating Eats

Sleep Slept Slept Sleeping Sleeps

Sit Sat Sat Sitting Sits

Sink Sank Sunk Sinking Sinks

Stand Stood Stood Standing Stands

Steal Stole Stolen Stealing Steals

Write Wrote Written Writing Writes

Throw Threw Thrown Throwing Throws

Think Thought Thought Thinking Thinks

There are some verbs which can be both regular and irregular:

Base Tense Past Participle

Found Founded Founded Verb)
Find Found Found Verb)
Learn Learned Learned Verb)
Learn Learnt Learnt Verb)

Verb to be: forms4

Be is an irregular verb with several forms:

 Present: (I) am, (he, she, it) is (you, we, they) are + -ing form: being
 Past: (I, he, she, it,) was, (you, we, they) were + -ed form: been
 I’m in college at the moment.
 Where is she?
 He was her first husband.
 Were you at the U2 concert?
 The weather has been really nice since June.

Verb to be: uses

4 Cambrige University Press. Verb to be and expressions [On-Line edition],
We use be as a main verb and an auxiliary verb.

 Be as a main verb: be as a main verb has a number of meanings

 Qualities: we use be to talk about permanent or temporary qualities or

 He is very rich.
 My father is old now.
 The weather was terrible.
 The food is so good in Italy.

 Nationality and group identity: we use be to talk about our nationality

and our identity within groups or clubs:
 Is she Irish or English?
 I am an Arsenal fan.
 He is been a member of the rowing club for twenty years.

 Jobs and professions: we can use be to talk about a person’s job or

 He is a firefighter.
 Both of my brothers are policemen.
 My grandmother was a nurse.

 Age: we use be to talk about age:

 I was seventeen when I met Bob.
 Because I wasn’t eighteen, I couldn’t vote in the last election.
 How old is she?

 Relationships: we use be to talk how people are related:

 He is my first cousin.
 They are my best friends.
 Are you her sister?
 Place: we can use be to refer to where places and things are situated:

Her house is on the edge of the lake.

The shops are at the end of the street.

 Time: we use be to talk about time and dates:

 What time is it?
 The match was at seven o’clock.
 We are always late!
 The meeting is on the fifth of October.

 Behaviour and personality: We can use be to talk about behaviour

and personality:
 He was always gentle.
 Is she nice?
 The children can be rough with the new puppy.

When we talk about a way of behaving at the moment of speaking, we use the
continuous form of be:

 You’re being too generous.

 Ignore him. He is just being silly.

 We use be to describe feelings and situations:

 I was very happy.
 Are you hungry?
 Modal expressions with be: there are a number of expressions
with be which have modal meanings, for example, be to, be able to, be
allowed to, be supposed to:

 Will Martin be able to get everyone in his car?

 We were supposed to get there an hour ago.

 Be as an auxiliary verb: be is one of three auxiliary verbs in

English: be, do and have. We use be to make the continuous form and
the passive voice:
 I am reading a book about the Titanic at the
moment. (continuous)
 What was she doing in France? (continuous)
 The job was advertised last week. (passive)
 The house was being painted. (continuous and passive)

Feng-Checkett Gayle - Checket Lawrence. The Write Start: Sentences to

Paragraphs with Professional and Student Readings [On-Line edition],

Vandermey Randall-Meyer Verne-Van John. Comp Student edition [On-Line

edition], Boston, 2013,p.403

Batta Kusum. Regular and regular verbs. [On-Line edition], 2019.
(Ingreso: 15-05-2019)

Cambridge University Press. Verb to be and expressions [On-Line edition],

britanica/be-and-be-expressions/be (Ingreso: 15-05-2019)

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