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Learning activity 1 - 20.09.19

Please visit and read an article on a site below:
from-the-themes-in-its-song/, and do these following activities with a friend.

1. Find and write the meaning of the following words:

1) betray
2) congregate
3) stopover
4) riff
5) pinpoint

2. Based on the meaning of those above words, write a simple sentence about a fact or a
feature which related to biology with the same words!
3. What is the main topic or idea that is told by the reading?
4. Please describe how was the research carried out by the researchers!
5. On the site you visit, there are three recorded sounds of the whales that had being
studied. What is/are the specific difference(s) between these sounds which showing
the findings of the study?

Please write and send your discussion results to my email:, today
by 12.00. Thank you.

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