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Performance Task in Research 1 (By Group)

LESSON: 7 Steps of a Research Process

 Online Asynchronous Class: August 31 & September 1
 August 27: Synchronous Class Topic/Discussion (Rights of Research
 SUBMISSION: September 1, 2021
 PRESENTATION IN CLASS: September 3, 2021
1. The class will be divided into groups with 3 members in each strand.
2. Each group will search a sample research study which is related to
their strand.
3. Each group will analyze the research study.
4. Each group will make a summary of the research study using the 7
Steps of the Research Process.
a. For presentation requirement:
i. PowerPoint for the explanation of the 7 Steps of the
Research Process
ii. MS Word for the brief summary of the groups
5. Each group will submit the PowerPoint presentation and MS word in
the MS Team channel.

Individual Activity in Research 1

LESSON: Ethics in Research
1. The students will ask to read each scenario then answer the
questions provided.
Scenario 1
While you are working on a problem on an exam you accidentally notice
that the student next to you has a different answer. You decide to go back
and check your work. After realizing that you made a mistake, you change
your answer.
1. Is this an act of academic integrity?
2. What did the student do wrong?
3. How could this have been avoided?

Scenario 2
A student is accused of plagiarism in a consulting report. While most of the
report appears to be original, the professor finds several paragraphs that
are directly copied from a journal article, which is cited in the students
reference list. The student, convinced that he did not plagiarize, produces
all of the notes he used when writing his paper. It is discovered that the
copying was a result of sloppy note taking, because the student did not
distinguish between his own notes and the words of the article’s author in
his notes.
1. Is this plagiarism?
2. Is this student responsible for a violation of academic integrity, or is
this merely a case of bad study habits?

Scenario 3
You have a research paper due in a few days for your English class. If you
don’t do well in this class, your financial aid will be compromised—you
cannot afford school otherwise. A friend tells you about a website that
creates custom papers for a small fee. You are guaranteed an “A” on the
essay, and guaranteed you won’t be caught.
1. Is this an act of honesty?
2. What actions should you do? Why?
3. How will your ethical behavior help you considering the action you
might take?
Performance Task in 21st Century Literature (By Group)
Lesson: Literary History/Evolution of Philippine History
1. The class will be divided into 5 groups with 5 members. Each group
will be given a Literary Compositions they have to act. Literary
Compositions are;
a. Corrido
b. Awit
c. Pasyon
d. Zarzuela
e. Komedya
2. The class will show their performance through a video presentation.
They have to show their creativity and innovation by using props and
editing skills.
3. The video presentation must be 5 minutes.
4. The class will ask to submit their video presentation ahead of the
submission day.

Individual Activity in 21st Century

Lesson: Literary History/Evolution of Philippine History
Choose one Spanish influence in Filipino literature and create an
illustration about it. Present this illustration in class and explain how you
think it was able to impact contemporary Filipino literature.

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