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Journal of Food Engineering 74 (2006) 247–252

Performance of a solar dryer with limited sun tracking capability

Gikuru Mwithiga *, Stephen Njoroge Kigo
Biomechanical and Environmental Engineering Department, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, P.O. Box 62000, Nairobi, Kenya

Received 3 December 2004; accepted 7 March 2005

Available online 26 April 2005


A small solar dryer with limited sun tracking capabilities was designed and tested. The dryer had a mild steel absorber plate and a
polyvinyl chloride (pvc) transparent cover and could be adjusted to track the sun in increments of 15. The performance was tested
by adjusting the angle the dryer made with the horizontal either once, three, five or nine times a day when either loaded with coffee
beans or under no load conditions. The temperature distribution in the plenum and also the drying rate of parchment coffee were
determined. The temperature inside the plenum chamber could reach a maximum of 70.4 C and the dryer could lower the moisture
content of coffee beans from 54.8% to below 13% (w.b.) in 2 days as opposed to the 5–7 days required in sun drying. Tracking the
sun though allowing a faster rate of drying did not offer a significant advantage in terms of length of drying duration.
 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Solar dryer; Tracking; Coffee; Temperature distribution; Drying

1. Introduction placed in an enclosure, with a transparent cover on it.

Heat is generated by absorption of solar radiation on
The principle of solar crop drying dates back to the the product itself as well as on the internal surfaces of
advent of civilization. The methods then used were sim- the drying chamber. In indirect solar dryers, solar radi-
ple and often crude but were reasonably effective. The ation is not directly incident on the material to be dried.
two oil crises of the early and late 1970s were also an Air is heated in a solar collector and then ducted to the
important impetus that highlighted the need to have drying chamber to dry the product (Rabl, 1985). Specia-
solar dryers to save on energy (Karekezi & Ranja, lised dryers are normally designed with a specific prod-
1997). Use of solar energy today is much more desirable uct in mind and may include hybrid systems where
because most of the other alternative sources of energy other forms of energy are also used (Whitfield, 2000;
have adverse effects on the environment and are in most Mumba, 1995; Foster & Mackenzie, 1980). Although
cases more expensive. Consumers of solar dried prod- indirect dryers are less compact when compared to
ucts such as fruits and vegetables are also willing to direct solar dryers, they are generally more efficient.
pay more for solar dried products (Agribusiness Devel- Hybrid solar systems allow for faster rate of drying by
opment Centre, 2001). using other sources of heat energy to supplement solar
Solar dryers can broadly be categorised into direct, heat.
indirect and specialised solar dryers (Kreider & Kreith, The energy collected by a flat plate solar collector
1981). Direct solar dryers have the material to be dried depends on the solar isolation at the site as well as the
positioning of the solar collector with respect to the
sun. Maximum energy can be collected only if the sun-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +25 406752029; fax: +25 415152164. rays strike collector perpendicularly at all time through-
E-mail address: (G. Mwithiga). out the day. This of course can be very expensive since

0260-8774/$ - see front matter  2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
248 G. Mwithiga, S.N. Kigo / Journal of Food Engineering 74 (2006) 247–252

it requires a continuous tracking system. An alternative 2. Materials and methods

to continuous tracking is to periodically adjust the
position of the collector so that sunlight rays are as 2.1. Equipment
close as possible to the perpendicular position. Where
manual tracking is necessary due to the high cost of The dryer used in this study is shown in Fig. 1. It con-
tracking devices, as is the case in many developing sisted of a gauge 20 mild steel flat absorber plate formed
countries, one has to balance between maximising net into a topless box 1.0 m long · 0.8 m wide and 30 cm
energy absorbed and reducing labour costs (Chua & high. The inner surface was painted black for maximum
Chou, 2003). absorption of solar radiation while the outer surface was
Many researchers have used the exponential drying painted white. The underside of the collector plate was
model in describing the drying behaviour of agricultural insulated with a 15 mm thick block board while the side-
materials (Afzal & Abe, 2000; Doymaz, 2004a, 2004b; walls were un-insulated. The space enclosed by the walls
Inci & Pehlivan, 2004; Simal, Femenia, Garau, & Ros- of the box (hereafter referred to as the drying chamber)
sello, 2005; Velić, Planinić, Tomas, & Bili, 2004). This was divided into four vertical compartments of equal
model is presented in form of Eq. (1). size along the length of the box using wire mesh. The
drying rack was also made of wire mesh and was 5 cm
MR ¼ expðktÞ ð1Þ above the base absorber plate. The top of the drying
chamber was covered with a transparent polyvinyl chlo-
MR ¼ ½M ðtÞ  M e =½M ð0Þ  M e  ð2Þ ride sheet of thickness of 20 lm. The transparent sheet
was fixed onto a wooden frame that allowed it to snugly
where MR = moisture ratio, decimal; M(t) = instanta- fit into the top of the drying chamber and yet be easily
neous moisture content, % d.b.; M(0) = initial mois- removable during loading and sampling. Cold air
ture content, % d.b.; Me = equilibrium moisture content, entered the drying chamber through 3 mm holes drilled
% d.b.; k = drying rate constant, per hour; t = time, h. at the base of the wall of the box and escaped from the
For estimating the thin layer drying of a material this enclosure through a 5 mm wide slot cut at the top of the
model is easy to use and fairly accurate. However, the wall opposite the entry point as can be seen in Fig. 1(b).
temperature of the drying medium is one of the factors Air flow was entirely by natural convection.
that affects the drying rate constant of this model. This The entire drying unit was then bolted onto a shaft
fact introduces a problem in its use in prediction of dry- which was in-turn mounted on to a stand as shown in
ing rate under solar drying conditions since the temper- Fig. 1(a) so as to face east–west direction. A selector disc
ature of the drying medium under solar drying on the stand allowed the tilt angle that the drying unit
conditions is rarely constant. Nevertheless a few made with the horizontal to be easily adjusted in incre-
researchers have successfully used it among other mod- ments of at least 15. This way the collector plate could
els under solar drying conditions with reasonable suc- be intermittently adjusted in-order to track the sun dur-
cess (Basunia & Abe, 2001; Bennamoun & Belhamri, ing the day.
2003; Inci & Pehlivan, 2000).
The objective of this study was to study the effect of 2.2. Experimental design
four sun tracking alternatives on the temperature in
the drying chamber of a box-type solar dryer and to Solar dryer testing was carried out in the months of
determine the drying rates of parchment coffee. October and November 2003 at the Jomo Kenyatta Uni-

Fig. 1. The solar dryer used in drying experiments; (a) Pictorial view, (b) cross-section view.
G. Mwithiga, S.N. Kigo / Journal of Food Engineering 74 (2006) 247–252 249

versity of Agriculture and Technology (Kenya) located 2.4. Coffee drying

approximately 1 south of the equator. The maximum
and minimum dry bulb temperatures recorded at the Parchment coffee was acquired from a local factory
weather station during the testing period were 28– soon after initial stages of pulping and fermentation.
30 C and 12.5–15 C respectively. The average relative These are normal processing steps in the wet method of
humidity was 61.5%. coffee processing and are normally followed by drying.
There were four dryer settings for tracking the sun The coffee was then put into 1 kg plastic packages and
hereafter referred to as T1, T3, T5 and T9. Data collec- stored in a refrigerator at 5 ± 2 C. Before a drying
tion was made with the dryer empty in which case only experiment, the coffee was removed from storage and
the temperature of the drying chamber was recorded allowed to reach room temperature overnight. Four sam-
and also when the dryer was loaded with coffee in which ples of approximately 100 g were then placed in wire-
case the moisture content was monitored. Therefore 8 mesh trays and inserted into the dryer at 8.00 am in the
runs (4 dryer settings · 2 loading conditions) were made. morning while a fifth sample was reserved for the deter-
The four sets of dryer adjustments were as follows: mination of the initial moisture content. The coffee in the
wire-mesh trays was spread evenly in thin layers so that
T1: The dryer was set horizontal at 8.00 am and resistance to the passage of air through the dryer was
remained in that position throughout which minimal. Also the area occupied by the trays was less
amounted to a single tracking position per day. than 10% of the total area and thus allowed enough solar
T3: The dryer was set at an angle of 45 to the hori- energy to reach the absorber plate. The mass of the
zontal and facing east at 8.00 am, adjusted to the hor- sample was determined every 1 h in the first day of drying
izontal at 10.00 am and then set at 45 to the until 4.00 pm. The mass was measured using a digital
horizontal facing west at 2.00 pm. This was equiva- electric balance, measuring to an accuracy of 0.001 g.
lent to three tracking positions per day. In the second and third day of drying the mass of the
T5: The dryer was set at an angle of 60 to the hori- sample was determined at 8.00 am, 12.00 and 4.00 pm.
zontal facing east at 8.00 am and then adjusted to an The ISO routine method as described by Illy and Viani
angle of 30 to the horizontal at 10 am followed by an (1995) was used in moisture content determination.
adjustment to the horizontal position at 11 am. In the
afternoon the dryer was adjusted to 30 and 60 to
the horizontal facing west at 1.00 pm and 3.00 pm 3. Results and discussion
respectively. Therefore, the total number of tracking
positions per day was five. 3.1. Temperature distribution
T9: The dryer was set at an angle of 60 to the hori-
zontal facing east at 8.00 am and thereafter the angle Fig. 2 shows the change in the average temperature
was reduced by 15 every 45 min to reach the hori- developed in each of the drying chambers with time
zontal position at 11.00 am. The dryer remained at when the dryer was set at horizontal position (T1). It
the horizontal position until 1.00 pm when the angle can be seen that the temperature developed in the middle
it made with the horizontal was systematically chambers was higher than that developed in the other
increased by 15 facing west in intervals of 45 min chambers and this was the case throughout the day.
in order to reach an inclination of 60 at 4.00 pm. The lower temperature in both chamber 1 and 4 could
This resulted in a total of nine tracking positions be due the larger un-insulated surface area of side-walls
per day. leading to higher conduction heat losses. The tempera-
ture also increased with change in time to reach a max-
imum in each chamber at around noon. The lower
2.3. No load condition temperatures near the edge of the absorber plate can
be attributed to the higher transverse heat losses. The
Dryer performance was determined under no loading maximum temperature of 70.4 C recorded in chamber
conditions by measuring the temperature distribution in 2 is within the range of 37–72 C reported by Whitfield
the dryer at designated positions. In each of the four (2000).
compartments of the drying chamber, three thermocou- Fig. 3 shows the change in the ambient air tempera-
ples were positioned in equal spacing across the com- ture with time. It also shows the change in the drying
partment and at a height of 5 cm above the absorber chamber temperature (under no load conditions) with
plate and used to monitor temperatures. The output sig- time for sun tracking conditions of T1, T3, T5 and T9.
nal for each of the 12 thermocouples was sent to a data It can be seen that the ambient temperature remained
logger (Thermodac, model no. 5001A, Eto Denki com- relatively constant throughout the day only rising by
pany, Japan) and recorded in intervals of 1 h from 2 C. In each case the chamber temperature increased
8.00 am in the morning to 4.00 pm in the afternoon. as the time of the day elapsed to reach a maximum at
250 G. Mwithiga, S.N. Kigo / Journal of Food Engineering 74 (2006) 247–252

ber of tracking adjustments also developed the highest

temperature at all times.
The differences between drying chamber and ambient
air temperature were also computed using Eq. (3). These
temperature differences (DT) are a measure of the drying
potential of the air in the drying chamber since they af-
fects its ability to pick up moisture and to flow in and
out of the dryer. The temperature difference was ob-
served to increase sharply in all cases from a moderate

4 pm
50 20.8–27.0 C at 8.00 am to 31.0–40.9 C at mid-day.
Temperature, oC

3 pm
40 Thereafter the temperature difference continued to rise

2 pm
30 albeit slowly and reached a peak of 42.2 C at 3 pm be-

1 pm
20 fore dropping marginally. The DTs observed in this
10 1 2 noon study are higher than the average value of 20.4 C re-
1 1 am

0 ported by Schavelis (2000) while drying wood in an

10 am

automated solar lumber dryer.

Chamber 4

9 am

Time DT ¼ T c  T a ð3Þ
Chamber 3

8 am
Chamber 2

where, Tc = drying chamber temperature, C and,

Chamber 1

Ta = ambient temperature, C.

Chamber The temperature difference (drying potential) can also
be presented as a function of the number of tracking
positions of the dryer as seen in Fig. 4. It can be seen
Fig. 2. Change in drying chamber air temperature with time as that the drying chamber and ambient air temperature
measured at the centre of each chamber. difference (DT) is highest in the afternoon and that it in-
creases with the number of tracking positions. The
change in (DT) has a linear relationship with the number
of tracking positions with coefficient of determination
(R2) ranging from 0.9757 to 0.9982. This linear relation-
70 ship is presented in form of Eq. (4). However, it is
expected that DT will eventually tend to a maximum
60 as the number of tracking adjustment tend to infinity.
DT ¼ A þ BðnÞ ð4Þ
Temperature oC


40 45

Temperature difference


Ambient T9
T5 T3 30












8.00 am 9.00 am 10.00 am

15 11.00 am 12.00 noon 1.00 pm
Time 2.00 pm 3.00 pm 4.00 pm

Fig. 3. Ambient and drying chamber air temperature as a function of 10

time for different sun tracking conditions. 1 3 5 7 9
No of tracking positions
12 noon and thereafter decreased steadily in the after- Fig. 4. Variation of temperature difference with tracking conditions
noon. The dryer setting T9 which had the highest num- and time.
G. Mwithiga, S.N. Kigo / Journal of Food Engineering 74 (2006) 247–252 251

where A and B are regression constants and, n = number 1

of tracking positions. 0.9
3.2. Coffee drying 0.7

Moisture ratio
The moisture content of coffee beans as a function of 0.5
time is presented in Fig. 5. It can be observed that the
initial moisture content was approximately 121% d.b.
0.3 T9
(54.8% w.b.) and that in the first 8 h of drying the mois- T5
ture content fell to between 36.7% and 70.2% d.b. with T3
0.1 T1
dryer setting T9 having the largest reduction in moisture
content. The moisture content of the grain continued to 0
0 2 4 6 8 10
fall even during the night but at a reduced rate. From
Time, hours
Fig. 5 it can be seen that the rate of drying again picked
up on the second day of drying and reduced the mois- Fig. 6. The moisture ratio of coffee beans as a function time and
ture content to levels ranging from 14.6% d.b. (12.7% tracking condition for the first day of drying.
w.b.) for T9 to 22.3% d.b. for T1 by 4.00 pm of the sec-
ond day of drying. The decrease in moisture content on
Table 1
the second day was lower than the decrease observed on The drying rate constants and coefficient of determination for thin
the first day. This is because coffee dries within the fall- layer solar drying of coffee
ing rate period of drying and the rate of water removal Tracking conditions Drying rate constant, Coefficient of
decreases with decrease in moisture content during this per hour determination
period. Thus the acceptable equilibrium moisture con- T9 0.1651 0.9957
tent (emc) for the storage of coffee beans which is 13% T5 0.1326 0.9912
w.b. (Lucia & Assennato, 1994) was reached before T3 0.1033 0.9920
the end of the second day in the case of T9. However T1 0.0711 0.9901
the emc for coffee storage was also achieved in the sec-
ond night of drying for the dryer settings T5 and T3.
Also, the moisture content for tracking condition T1 moisture content for storage. Therefore, the normal
at 8.00 am on the third day of drying was 13.7% w.b., sun-drying period of 5–7 days was reduced to about
which was only 0.7% higher than the recommended 2 days.
It was not possible to fit the drying curves for the en-
tire drying period using the exponential drying model as
described in Eq. (1). However, for first 8 h of drying a
reasonably good agreement was found as can be seen
in Fig. 6. In fitting these curves an equilibrium moisture
120 content of 9.5% d.b., which was the lowest moisture
content achieved after 3 days of drying, was assumed.
Moisture content, % d.b.

100 T5
The drying rate constants and the coefficients of deter-
mination for the first day of drying and four tracking
conditions are presented in Table 1. Clearly the rate of
drying is dependent on the number of tracking adjust-
ments since the drying rate constant increases with the
60 number of tracking positions. Also, the drying rate con-
stants presented in Table 1 fall within the range of those
40 complied by Krokida, Foundoukidis, and Maroulis

4. Conclusion
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
The study shows that the solar dryer can be used to
Time elapsed, hours successfully dry grains. Drying of parchment coffee
Fig. 5. Change in moisture content of coffee beans with time when
could be reduced to 2–3 days as opposed to sun drying
drying coffee in the solar dryer over a three day duration (0 = 8.00 am which takes 5–7 days. Although tracking the sun has
of day 1; 22 = 6.00 am of day 2; 46 = 6.00 am of day 3). the advantage of higher drying rates the difference in
252 G. Mwithiga, S.N. Kigo / Journal of Food Engineering 74 (2006) 247–252

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