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Punctuality was one of the virtues beyond reproach. Much of the time and wealth will be

saved if this virtue will be carried out to the system of every responsible citizen. Punctuality will

encompass all of the positive action in all aspects. Though it was less appreciated in other

situations like productivity against punctuality, none the less, it is still very vital in situations that

needed it most.

This study determined the factors affecting students in their daily routine during school

days. Always and often times being tardy in the flag ceremony, in attending classes after recess

time in the morning and afternoon class sessions and during the first period in the afternoon class

session. There were observed instances that during their transfer of room in their specialization

subjects and other activities that needs outdoor activities, they were behind schedule in attending

to it.

On one on one interview to the students there was an indication that student had

significantly disliked the subjects of Science and Mathematics and might be the reason for

leniency in their study. The aversion towards the matter was merely on the subject and has

nothing to do with the Subject Teacher. Moreover, there were students who rated their teacher

that might affect their performance at school.

Chapter I


Education is an essential basis of good life. Education teaches what man lives and

struggles for. It cultivates an integrated life. By so doing, it gives significance of life. It is

necessary for society. Education fashions and models man for society. Man cannot be conceived

merely in terms of his biological existence. Education brings into focus the social aspect of man.

Education signifies man's supreme position in society.

The success of the school in carrying out its primary charge of educating and socializing

students is contingent on students attending school regularly. In recognition of the importance of

regular school attendance to quality education, attendance becomes a priority goal (At-Risk

Youth in Crisis Handbook, 1993). Educators have long emphasized the importance of class

attendance and punctuality.

Only in the classroom may the student hear the teacher's presentation, participate in class

discussions, and enjoy the benefits of spontaneous interactions between the students and teacher.

Many of the people are getting educated but some are not caring about the good

education that they have when there are a lot of people that are not getting any education.

Punctuality is one of the virtues beyond reproach. Much of the time and wealth will be

saved if this virtue will be carried out to the system of every responsible citizen. Punctuality will

encompass all of the positive action in all aspects. Though it was less appreciated in other
situations like productivity against punctuality, none the less, it is still very vital in situations that

needed it most.

One of the most recurring and the most “frustrating problem” that the schools are having

with their students nowadays is tardiness (Sprick and Daniels, 2007). It comes as no surprise that

students with high tardiness rates earn lower grades than students with better attendance and

punctual going to school (Redick & Nicoll 1990). Fleming and Zafirau found that over three-

fourths of school failure rates were explained by the attendance rate (Fleming & Zafirau 1982).

Also, Students who are late to classes may fall behind in their classroom work. If a

student misses the first part of a lecture, for example, he may miss the notes that he will need to

study for an upcoming exam. Some teachers do not accept late homework, so they will not

permit a student to turn in a homework assignment if he is tardy. This can result in an incomplete

or failing grade for the work (Fuller,2013).

Additionally, the school as an institution is also vastly affected. As Nakpodia and

Dafiaghor (2011) put it: “lateness inhibits the process of achieving the goals of the school” (p.

60). The school cannot serve its function as well as it should be expected if tardiness among

students is prevalent.

Studies have revealed that those students with “perfect or near-perfect attendance” have

good grades compared to those students who misses classes often and late-comers (Cowan

Avenue Elementary School Community, 2007, para 3). Moreover, as mentioned by Zeiger

(2010), the results from the survey report conducted by teachers show that students with high

tardiness rates have “higher rates of suspension and other disciplinary measures” (National
Center for Education Statistics Indicators of School Crime and Safety [NCESISCS] (2007)). It

also causes the students to have behavioural problems and to drop out.

A school also serves the country by producing professionals and competent citizens but

this purpose can be defeated if the students are tardy in school. A study conducted by Weade

(2004) showed that there is a high probability that a tardy student will also be tardy at work.

According to Weade, tardiness among employees has shown to affect profitability. Abernathy

(1989) added that since employers want punctual workers, a tardy employee will most likely be

relegated from the workplace. This is a big detriment for a tardy student in the long run and a

setback for the school as a professional institution. Also, students who are frequently tardy to

school are also more apt to be fired from a job for showing up late (Zeiger, 2013, para 5).

There is about 20% of the TVL Class in San Nicolas National High School who is always

late in attending the flag ceremony as well as in attending to their subsequent classes.

This problem had accumulated from tolerable to habitual state and it has a significant

impact in their performance at school. Most of the class had been believed to be influenced by

their peers and will be embedded in their mind pattern until college and ultimately to their

vocation and their adventures in life. In San Nicolas National High School Grade 12 TVL

students, one of the problems the students encounter is tardiness.

To figure it out, students set aside their precedence to study and learn thus the proponents

of this research had to find out. This study focuses on the determining the factors affecting the

punctuality of the student at San Nicolas National High School Grade 12 TVL.
Statement of the Problem

As the school inculcates discipline to have a world class graduates, globally competitive

and well-rounded individuals, the researchers had in mind to unearth the reason behind of this

punctuality virtue which is annoyingly, losing its ground.

This study aimed to determine how the following factors affect the punctuality of the

a. Demographic profile of the student

1. Gender

2. Age

b. Factors that affects the punctuality of the students

1. Distance in kilometres between residence and school

2. Hours allotted in sleeping

3. Sending/Reading SMS/Calling/chatting with friends thru mobile phone

4. Sleeping habit/ TV shows obsession

5. Online/LAN games/Social Networking Sites (SNS) cyber compulsion

6. Financial Constraints/Standard of Living

7. Family Values on punctuality

8. Mode of transportation

9. Traffic load of the route to school

10. Subject/class related cause

11. Teacher related cause

12. Peer Influence/Camaraderie

13. Bullying/ stress factor

14. Classroom supervision

Significance of the Study

The results of the study will be of great help to the following:

A. Students. This will help them identify the reasons why they came late in the class
and think for some necessary adjustment to solve their problem.
B. Teachers This study will help them identify them think of some ways to eliminate
the tardiness of the students.
C. The Future Researchers. This study will serve as a guide for further studies to be
conducted in the future. The study can also open in development of this study. They
would be able to use these data for them to get the ideas and references if they are
planning to conduct the same study.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study was focused on determining the factors that affects the punctuality of the

students. Due to some constraints such as money, time and other probable causes, the researchers

only considered San Nicolas National High School Grade 12 TVL students. The respondents of

this study were those students who experience being tardy at school.

Definition of Terms

Tardiness – refers to an instance of being late, especially for school or work that is noted down
as a misdemeanour.

Gender - refers to sexual identity, particularly in relation to society or culture.

Age – refers to the length of time that one has existed.



Being always present in class and getting to school on time are two of the crucial

determining factors of a student’s success, not just as a student but as a person who will be

managing his/her own life in the future. Given the importance of being punctual, this study aims

to explore and find out the factors that affect the punctuality of Grade 12 TVL students at San

Nicolas National High School. In this chapter, we will be discussing about the background of our

study. It includes facts about tardiness, the different factors that causes it and its effect to the

students as students and as bearer of their own lives in the future. From reliable research

materials like online journals and research papers, we will provide some facts and theories from

authors, teachers and notable people in order to have a concrete justification of our study.

First, we will give a definition of tardiness and present some theories and facts about it.

Next, we will discuss he various factors that causes the students to come to school late, the

psychological theories, the observation of the teachers and the personal reasons of the students.

Lastly, the effects of tardiness to students, not just to himself/herself but also to his/her future and

to other people, will be discussed.


As San Nicolas National High School. Students, we are expected to perform well with

excellence in everything that we do, most especially in the academic aspect. One factor that

dictates the quality of performance of a student is his/her punctuality that is, getting to school on

time or being tardy. As cited by Nakpodia and Dafiaghor (2011), “lateness” can be defined as the
“situation where an individual arrives after the proper, scheduled or usual time (Oxford Advance

Learners’ Dictionary, 5th ed., 1995), Lauby (2009) puts it as a term used to describe “people not

showing up on time” and Breeze et al. (2010) contributed by saying that, lateness is synonymous

with “tardiness”, which implies being slow to act or slow to respond, thus not meeting up with

proper or usual timing. Lastly, Weade (2004) defined tardiness as “being late for any measurable

length of time past the stated or scheduled start time for work or school.” In most schools, a

student is considered tardy when he/she is not present when the school bell rings or when the

first teacher starts to give instructional materials for the first subject in the morning class.

One of the most recurring and the most “frustrating problem” that the schools are having

with their students nowadays is tardiness (Sprick and Daniels, 2007). It creates problems, not just

to the students but also to the teachers (Cowan Avenue Elementary School Community, 2007,

para 1). Cowan Crier, the official School Publication of CAESC, also states that while having

“occasional tardy” isn’t a big deal, unfailing tardiness is and it gives students problems including

being ill-prepared for the job market. According to the results of the study of the U.S.

Department of Education on “truancy”, which is related to tardiness, being present and on time

in going to school are big factors on the “success and behavior” of the students (Zeiger, 2010,

para 1). Thus, it is a lot important to value time and practice being on time while being a student.

According to CAESC (2007) and Zeiger (2010), the most essential learning time of the

day for the students lies in the morning, specifically between 8:00 to 9:30 AM. It is because the

students are most mindful and observant at this time of the day. It is also the reason why the most

important lessons and subject matters are discussed during this time. So when students are late or

are not present during this time of the day, they, in effect, miss out most of the important lessons

to be noted and learned.

Factors affecting Punctuality

Reasons for being late in class and other factors affecting the punctuality if a student

vary. There had been some theories that pointed out that tardiness is caused by the personality of

a person. Santillano (2010) stated that psychological theorists considered some “personality

traits, including low self-esteem and anxiety” as triggering factors of tardiness. She also

mentioned that while some theorists considered tardiness as an “inborn quality” since our being

early or late is “partially biologically determined”, which she also agreed, other experts also

believed that some people are “chronically tardy” for the reason that they consciously and

unconsciously get good things from it..

In the book cited by Santillano, “Never be late again: cures for the punctually challenged”,

the author Diana DeLonzor suggested that some personality traits could most likely lead to a

person being often late. Some of the traits included were “struggling with self-control”, “feeling

nervous or uncomfortable with social situations” and “getting distracted easily”. Santillano also

discussed about the study conducted by DeLonzor at San Francisco State University in 1997 in

which she surveyed 225 respondents about their habits that makes them late from their

appointments. It was also a test on the personalities of the respondents that affect their habits.

According to the results of DeLonzor’s study, those respondents that were often tardy apt to be

anxious and gets distracted easily.

Nakpodia and Dafiaghor attribute lateness or tardiness to a lot of factors or causes. Going

late to bed and waking up late next morning are the most common. The authors added film-

watching late at night as a cause for tardiness. The student may forget that he/she needs to be in

school the next day. The distance between the student’s home and school or solely the school’s
location is also considered by Nakpodia and Dafiaghor as a possible cause for tardiness. Not just

because it takes more time to get to school, but according to the authors, the student is

susceptible to more distractions and hindrances along the way. Parent’s untimely tasks and

commands are also reasons that students come late to school. Habitual tardiness can also be

learned from other members of the family, especially from the older ones. Lack of a firm and

consistent policy on punctuality also encourages students to come late at school since there are

no consequences attached to lateness or tardiness. These causes of tardiness will lead to serious


Another study was the one conducted by Enamiroro Oghuvbu in Nigeria. The objective

of the study was to determine the causes of the absenteeism and lateness among the secondary

students in Nigeria and to seek for solutions to the growing problem. According to Oghuvbu

(2008), female students are more likely to be late than male students because of “their

involvement in domestic activities by their parents” (para 7). Also, as cited by Oghuvbu,

“distance to school, school discipline, family background and school location” (Emore, 2005) are

some of the common causes for the tardiness of the secondary students.

Oghuvbu collected the data from a sample size of 17, 417 Nigerian respondents from

2005-2006. The sample was made up of 20 principals and 50 each from a set of teachers, parents

and students. The means of collecting data was through a thirty-item questionnaire answerable

by either strongly agree (SA), agreed (A), disagree (D), and strongly disagreed (SD). The

questionnaire had four questions, one of which was about the causes of lateness among the

secondary students of Nigeria.

The study revealed that the causes of lateness among the secondary students in Nigeria

were “going late to bed because of watching films and home movies, resulting into wake up late

in the morning, distance to school and keeping friends who are not students” (Oghuvbu, 2008).

These results went consistent with the results of Oghuvbu’s reference studies which proves that

tardiness among students have been a growing problem and that it is caused, not just because of

the students but also because of the lack of imposing discipline from the parents.

Another research partly studied about tardiness but tackled a specific reason or factor. A

study by Pimentel and Quijada (2011) focused on the frequency of use by the UP Cebu freshmen

students of Facebook and a part of the study tackled about the effect of the famous social

networking site to UP Cebu students’ punctuality and academic performance.

For their study, Pimentel and Quijada collected 60 respondents and provided them with

questionnaires. The questionnaires contained questions that ask the respondents about their use

of Facebook and its effects. A certain question asked the respondents if late-night use of

Facebook has an effect on their punctuality. According to the results of the study, three out of 60

respondents are always late, eight said they are sometimes late, 12 said they are seldom late and

37 said that they never get late due to late-night use of Facebook. Generally, the results showed

that the respondents are seldom late in class because of late-night use of the social networking

site. Ledoux, as cited by Pimentel and Quijada, said that lack of sleep causes neural malfunctions

and further affects a person’s behaviour. In the study’s case, it is a student’s punctuality that is


Sometimes, it is not solely the students’ fault why they keep on being late in coming to

class. Another factor that could affect the punctuality of a student is the response of the teachers
to tardy students. Sprick and Daniels (2007) stated that the range of the teachers’ response was

“from ignoring them to sending them to office” (p. 21). This variation could lead the students to

confusion as to how important it is to be on time in going to class. Another reason is the lack of

motivation. Students who come to school on time are not given incentives or rewards. Also,

responses to tardiness are lenient, that is nothing is done until the tenth strike or more. Another

reason is “giving the student the impression that they won’t be missing anything if they are late”

since in some classes, no important activities or instructions and no lessons are being done for

first few minutes. Lastly, crowded hallways could create traffic, thus blocking the way of other

students and making it hard for them to pass through.

Effects of Tardiness

Tardiness among students has its own negative repercussions. Nakpodia and Dafiaghor

(2011) emphasized that lateness or tardiness is not just the problem of the late student but it

affects the surrounding people. A student coming late in class distracts the rest of the students

and disrupts the flow of the teacher’s discussion. It is even a burden to the student/s whom the

late students ask for what to catch up with. The rest of the effects given by Nakpodia and

Dafiaghor are about the welfare of the whole school, its productivity and revenue. Knowing the

possible effects of lateness or tardiness, it is necessary for solutions to be executed.

Studies have revealed that those students with “perfect or near-perfect attendance” have

good grades compared to those students who misses classes often and late-comers (Cowan

Avenue Elementary School Community, 2007, para 3). Moreover, as mentioned by Zeiger

(2010), the results from the survey report conducted by teachers show that students with high

tardiness rates have “higher rates of suspension and other disciplinary measures” (National
Centre for Education Statistics Indicators of School Crime and Safety [NCESISCS] (2007)). It

also causes the students to have behavioral problems and to drop out. Lastly, Zeiger (2010) stated

that “Students who are frequently tardy to school are also more apt to be fired from a job for

showing up late.”

A study conducted by Barbara Lee Weade on 2004 tried to "determine if school tardiness

is a predictor of work tardiness" (Weade, 2004). It provided a lot of literature that observes

correlations and factors affecting a student's tardiness. As cited by Weade, the 3rd most common

cause for the failure of a student is "excessive tardiness and unexcused absences" (Ligon and

Jackson, 1988). "Inconsistency of school rules" (Britt, 1988) and situations such as “crowded

halls, limited opportunities for social interaction, irrelevant course content, and teacher

indifference” (Damico et al., 1990) are also factors that affect a student's attendance and

punctuality. As mentioned by Weade, personal values, financial security and lack of parental

guidance (Payne, 2001) as well as family background (Featherstone et al., 1992) influence

tardiness and absences of students.

Weade gathered data from the schools of participating students. First and foremost, she

asked consent from the students and their parents in order to gain permission to collect their

school records. She collected and studied the attendance and punctuality records of these

students based on the number of unexcused absences and minutes of tardiness. Her study showed

that among high school students, the grade point average is correlated with absences and

tardiness. This means that students with better attendance and punctuality have higher grade

point averages and vis-à-vis. Her study was also able to show that attendance and punctuality of

students are not consistent throughout the year. There were more absences and tardiness at the
latter part of the year. Gender has also shown to be a non-factor in the attendance and punctuality

of high school students.

The study was very comprehensive in its subject matter. It tackles not just school

tardiness but its implications on work tardiness. It shows that "students who are on-time for

school classes are also likely to be on-time at work while students who are tardy frequently at

school will probably also be tardy at work" (Weade, 2004). The study requires a lot of data but

Weade was able to gather a sufficient amount. Though some possible correlations were not

established, it is outside the scope of this research.

Due to the fact that tardiness has been giving negative effects on the students nowadays,

the most important thing to do is to develop a firm, consistent and functional policy that

addresses late students. There must be defined sanctions and penalties for late

students. Nakpodia and Dafiaghor (2011) stated that school administrators must lead by

example. They should be punctual in their own meetings and classes to avoid students to think

that being late is just alright since even the authoritative persons are doing it. They should as well

teach it and integrate it in every lesson. The effort on the remedy on lateness or tardiness does

not start and end with the school. It must begin with the parents of the students and the

government must take part as well. Transportation must be improved in order to avoid students

getting stuck in traffic or encountering other obstacles down the streets.

Some schools have already started finding solutions that would effectively minimize

and/or eliminate tardiness among students. One of the solutions made by some schools is

implementing tardiness policies, wherein they take steps in approaching the students and parents

for them to solve the problem. CAESC has their policy worked this way. Other schools initiated
interdisciplinary curriculum that integrates discipline and conduct in academics. Cordogan (as

cited by Weade, 2004), said that a school in Chicago, Illinois adapted a similar curriculum and

yielded positive results. Students under the interdisciplinary program exhibited more positive

behaviours from students not from the curriculum. Interdisciplinary students showed less

absences and tardiness, as well as higher grades. Other schools made smaller academic changes

such as developing personality works and cooperative learning activities, such as creation of

portfolios and tutorial to younger students. These taught the students better goal-setting, decision

making skills and time management. In return, students under these behavior modification

programs yielded less tardiness and higher grades.

To summarize, many studies have shown the reasons and factors that may contribute to

the tardiness of a student. One of the mentioned reasons of tardy students was waking up late in

the morning, which can also be attributed to late-night activities, such as social networking,

watching movies and television shows, as well as untimely academic and domestic errands. As

proven by several studies, sometimes, it’s not also the act of the student that leads to his/her

tardiness. The heavy traffic, the teachers, the school surroundings and policies may also serve as

influences to the tardiness of students.

Many studies have also shown the effects of tardiness on the students, the teachers, the

school and the society. According to these studies, the tardiness of a student consumes his/her

learning time as well as disturbs other students and teachers. The tardy student also poses as a

threat to the school as an educational and professional institution and the student may be one of

the less productive members of the society.

A lot of studies as well gave testimonies to effective remedies on tardiness. These studies

promoted integration of personality development and interdisciplinary programs into school

curriculum to aid students enhance positive behaviour and personality leading to the decrease of


Our study intends to find out the factors that affects punctuality of San Nicolas National

High School Grade 12 TVL students and the reasons and factors that may influence this


Conceptual Framework

Punctuality of students is affected by many factors. In this study it aims to explore and

find out the factors that affects the punctuality of Grade 12 TVL students at San Nicolas National

High School. .

The independent variables include the demographic profile of the student and the

dependent variable are the factors that affects the punctuality of the students.

Research Hypothesis

The following will be tested in this study:

Is there is a significant relationship between the demographic profile of the students and

the factors that affects their punctuality?



This chapter presents a discussion of the research design, the locale of the study,

population, samples and sampling procedures, the research instruments, data gathering

procedures and the statistical treatment of data gathered in the study.

Research Design

This study utilized descriptive - correlational research which investigated the

demographic profile of the student and the factors that affects the punctuality students. It is

descriptive because it described firstly, the students’ demographic profile in terms of their gender

and age and factors that affects the punctuality of the Grade 12 TVL students

Locale and Population

Sampling of the Study

The study was conducted at San Nicolas National High School and considered Grade 12

TVL students only The 40 respondents of this study were those students who experience being

tardy at school.

Research Instruments

The survey was done utilizing the survey questions (please see attached Survey Sheet)

and the result was tallied and was scrutinized accordingly. The complexity of the Survey Sheet

was intentionally prepared to extract valid and trustworthy answers from the subject population.

The explicit outcome of the answers was categorized in factors that affect their punctuality

values in attending to their classes or other learning related activities.

Data Gathering Procedure

Prior to the actual survey, the researchers officially requested a Letter of Permit to the

Coordinator of the Senior High School to have a study on the factors that affects the punctuality

of the students in the school and requested from the advisers the names of students who

experience being tardy in coming to school.

Upon approval of the request, the researchers personally administered the Survey

Questionnaires to the student samples on the date scheduled by the coordinator of the school.

Anchored on the principle of research ethics, the researcher explained to the students that all the

information they provide shall be treated with utmost confidentiality and will be used only for

the intended purpose. The benefits that will be obtained from the results of the study were also

explained to the respondents.

Statistical Treatment of Data

Frequency, percentage distribution, means and Pearson’s r correlation was used to

analyse the data collected.

For the factors that affects the punctuality of the students, frequency count and

percentage distribution was obtained. Pearson r value will be used to determine the relationship

between demographic profile of the students and the factors that affects their punctuality. Data

will be processed through the IBM Statistics SPSS Version 20. The level of significance will be

set at the 0.05 probability level.



This chapter presents the data obtained from the survey questionnaires answered by the

respondents, the analyses and interpretations leading to the answers of the research problems

stated in the first chapter.

The survey was done utilizing the survey questions (please see attached Survey Sheet)

and the result was tallied and will be scrutinized accordingly. The complexity of the Survey

Sheet was intentionally prepared to extract valid and trustworthy answers from the subject

population. The explicit outcome of the answers will be categorized in factors that affect their

punctuality values in attending to their classes or other learning related activities.

This was classified according to the details of each factor. The elucidation of the findings

will be presented in non-statistical and technical languages which will generally benefit the

readers as well as the subject of the study. Thus, the presentation will be done according to the

intention of the researcher to shed light on this tricky rationalization.

To give due consideration on other factors that affects the schedules of the student, the

researcher made a survey on the following

Table 1. Number of Respondent According to their Gender and Age

Total Number of
Male Female Age Respondent

25 10 17 35
2 1 18 3
1 1 19 2

Total 28 12 40
Table 2: Relationship between the Demographic Profile of the
Students and the Factors that Affects their Punctuality
Male Female Age
Pearson Correlation 1 .999 -.884

Male Sig. (2-tailed) .023 .310

N 3 3 3
Pearson Correlation .999 1 -.866
Female Sig. (2-tailed) .023 .333
N 3 3 3
Pearson Correlation -.884 -.866 1

Age Sig. (2-tailed) .310 .333

N 3 3 3

*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

Table 1 specify that the greater majority of the students who experience being tardy at

school were male either come from single parent or two working parents’ home, where one is not

available to take care of the student in order to maintain their punctuality and regularity. One of

an interesting findings was that arriving to school late is predicted by the age of a student and in

the Pearson’s correlation it was significant at the 0.05 level in a two-tailed test.

In a study of tardiness among students in the Philippines, Arbiol and Diente-Billones

(2013) found that introverted student were more likely to be late to class.

Figure 1 states the distance of home to school, Figure 2 will represent the mode of

transportation/ utility to reach school and the time allotted to travel to school and Figure 3

represent the allowance per day of the student In figure 1 it shows that 12.5% of the students

were living at the distance of more than 500 metres but less than 1 kilometre, 15% of the

students were living at the distance of more than 2 kilometres, 30% of the students were living at

the distance of 1 kilometres and most these students had tricycle as the mode of transportation

and they had to travel more or less 20 to 45 minutes to reach school. With these figure
representation, a student would likely be late for school since the time allotted for travel is

almost or half of the hour, they need to wake up early and prepare. A typical student needs

Home to School Distance

Figure 1

Table 2. Mode of Transportation of the Student Coming the School

Mode of Transportation No. of Students
Bus 2
Tricycle 31
Motorcycle 4
Extended 1
family vehicle 1
walking/hiking 1

1.5 hours to prepare and travel to school, they should wake up as early as 5:00 am to have ample

time for preparation and allocate time threshold for travel if the student aspires punctuality

Figure 2

Average Allowance of Student per Day

Figure 3

In Figure 3 and Table 2, it was noted that majority the average allowance of the students were

P70/ day and P100/day and it depends upon the home distance of the students from the school

on the allowance of the student per day.

Table 3. Amount of Allowance of Student per day

Amount in Peso Number of Students
50 9
70 14
100 14
150 3

In figure 4 and figure 5 below is representing the personal factor of every student which

comprehensively supports the reasons in being late with; attending to classes, flag ceremony, and

submitting paper works, etc. This information gives us the detail on how they spend their

residual time after classes or while class is going on. This clearly shows that friends/peer

influence plays vital role in student’s life; secondary is the compulsion with TV shows and the
pre-occupation of mobile phone to student’s attention as well as the household chores that was

understandably assigned to young adolescents in their share of tasks at home.

Figure 4

Table 4. Daily Routine of the Student

Spend most of the Time in Number of Students

Watching Television 14
Playing 12
Working 1
Hanging 9
Sending 2
Doing Household 1
Others 1
Sometimes the child has to perform chores around the home, including, in the case of the

older siblings, the responsibility of the younger children. In such cases, the children are too tired

to wake up in the morning and attend school on time (Pope, 2003).

Figure 5

Table 5. Time when the Student Sleep

Time when the student sleep Number of student

*7:45:00PM 2
*8:30:00PM 5
*9:00:00PM 8
*10:00:00PM 14
*12:00:00AM 11
Figure 6

In figure 6, it supports the leniency of students in their study. Basically, a sound mind

needs adequate sleep to function well especially in learning lessons at school. Adequacy on the

number of hours of sleep per individual vary by its age category. A typical student in adolescent

stage needs 8-10 hours of sleep to have a keener sense of understanding the lessons all

throughout the day. A student who have a complete 10 hours of undisturbed and sounding sleep

was generally gaining outstanding results in academic excellence.

The figure 6 represent the sleep habit of the subject which was generally falls at 9:00

PM, 10:00 pm and 12:00 PM. If a student would sleep at 10:00 pm and should wake up at 5:00

am, therefore, the student had only 7 hours of sleep, this 1 to 3 hours depravation of sleep has

significant effect on the learning period of every student. This would affect the mood, span of

attention and mental aptitude.

Figure 7 below in the interview by the researcher it shows the information on the

student’s attitude towards punctuality in attending their subjects. The information is a negative

reaction towards the subject thus affecting attendance and punctuality. Ranking first is the

Science subject and followed by mathematics. The negative attitude towards this subject is

mainly brought by dislike of the subject itself.

Figure 7
Figure 8

With the gathered data it was noted by the researcher for this small but dominant few had

made significant stimulus in students who are easily influenced because of varied reasons. As the

primary source of education, the parents should ultimately understand the right of every child for

education and underlying obligations related therein. Parents and or guardians who are being

complacent would greatly affect child’s performance at school. Valuing the education has more

on affirmative impact with the students who are positively reinforced by parents


The figure above confirms the hypothesis of having students at 20 % (+/-) who are being

late in attending the classes, flag ceremony and other learning related activities. The figure

further states the factors that significantly affect the student’s performance at school.

The researcher made an extra mile in identifying other factors which might affect the

attitude towards learning by including the information gathering which was shown at figures 1.7

and 1.8. There was an indication that student had significantly disliked the subjects of Science

and Mathematics and might be the reason for leniency in their study. The aversion towards the

matter is merely on the subject and has nothing to do with the Subject Teacher. Moreover, there

are students who fairly rated their teacher that might affect their performance at school.

There is a student who was bullied in the classroom, a parent who negatively adjudged

the education privileges of a child and a student who blatantly disliked the teacher, the number of

student in this study with strikingly averse situation from the other student is less significant to

negligible percentage.

Furthermore, internal factors are to be the focus in making appropriate actions by the

researcher. Giving weight in time management and valuing the virtue of punctuality.

1. The student should be guided in their time management if the reason is the distance,

financial constraints on the fare and mode of transportation.

2. An arranged home visitation to personally confer with the parents or guardians about the

situation of the student if the primary reason was financial support for the fare likewise read-

through the family ideals in punctuality and the attitude towards Child Education. Same feat will

be done to students who are well buffered with extra cash spent for cyber compulsion.

3. Evaluate the student regarding its learning difficulty to the concerned subject and confer to

the subject teacher vis-à-vis the circumstances. Concrete action is to conduct an initial Multiple

Intelligence Assessment to every student before the class begins early in June to determine the

learning difficulties and or learning styles. Upon verifying the learning styles, the teacher will

look into the design of lesson planning to address the situation.

4. Look into the situation of the peer influence as well as bullying of classmates that might be

the reason of deplorable attitude towards learning.

5. Faithfully device an operant conditioning to give rewards to those who are early comers

and reinforce consistency all through-out the school year.

6. Organize a peer counsellor among students. Selected students with venerable outlook in

student’s life, behave well in campus, renowned for leadership capability and have a strong

interpersonal skill. They will be assigned per “problem-subject” group or individual.


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