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Nanang eko putra R

1. Background

Free sex is sexual relations carried out by men and women without any
marriage ties (Desmita, 2012) Free sex develops from a western culture that emphasizes
freedom (Irwansyah, 2006). ) Sexual behavior is all behavior driven by sexual desire,
both with the opposite sex and with same-sex (Sarwono, 2010). According to
Soetjiningsih (2004) Free sex behavior carried out by adolescents is inseparable from
the lack of adolescent knowledge about free sex
WHO (World Health Organization) (2016) states that around 21 million girls
aged 15-19 years in developing countries experience pregnancy each year and almost
half of pregnancies (49%) are unwanted pregnancies. According to (Indonesian
Ministry of Health, 2013) there are many factors that can influence the behavior of
adolescent sexuality such as family environment, changes in the value of sex in society,
lack of religious education, the influence of mass media (pornography) and peers. Based
on the results of research by the National Family Planning Coordinating Board
(BKKBN), it is known that 68% of teenagers in Indonesia have had sex. Even from the
results of a 2009 study, also said that 87% of teenagers had watched pornographic films
or blue films.
Adolescence begins with puberty, namely the period of physical changes
(including physical appearance such as body shape and body proportions) and
physiological functions (maturation of sexual organs and increased production of sexual
hormones). (Sofia, Retnowati.2006) . With the presence of physical changes and
physiological functions in adolescents, it causes attraction to the opposite sex which
results in sexual arousal. And the attraction to the opposite sex, adolescent behavior
begins to be directed to attract the attention of the opposite sex (Kusmiran, 2012).

2. Free sex
2.1 Definition
Free sex is all behavior driven by sexual desire, both with the opposite sex and
with the same sex. These behavioral forms can vary, from feelings of attraction to
dating behavior, flirting, and intercourse (Sarwono, 2012)
But sex is intended as a sexual intercourse, namely the relationship between
marriage or intercourse between men and women in a particular moment that is
intentionally done either in return or just satisfaction (Syam, 2010)

2.2 Educational Objectives

The purpose of free sex is to give birth to individuals who are constantly
adjusting to the community and environment, and responsible, both to themselves and
others. The sex education goals can be detailed as follows:
A. Establish an understanding of sex differences between men and women in family,
work and all life, which is always changing and different in every society or
B. Establish an understanding of the role of sex in human and family life, sex and
love, feelings of sex in marriage and so on
C. Develop self-understanding in connection with sexual functions and needs, so sex
education in the strict sense (in contex) is education about human sexuality
D. Helping students in developing personalities, so that they are able to take
responsible decisions, such as choosing a mate, family life or not, divorce, moral
decency in sex

2.3 Factors That Cause Free Sex

some of the main causes of free sex are as follows:

A. far from parents and the environment which is free from the background of sex
among teenagers
B. proof of love being the reason for free sex
C. free sex creates self-esteem and trust in the opposite sex decreases
D. social media (internet) are electronic forms where users make online
communication for various information, ideas, personal messages, content
(Sarwono, 2012)

2.4 Impact of Free Sex

The impact that occurs is an unwanted pregnancy and does not feel ready
physically, mentally and socio-economically. Prospective mothers feel they do not want
and are not ready to become pregnant, it is difficult to expect genuine and strong
affection, so that the future of children can be neglected and tend to end their
pregnancies by abortion (Pratiwi, 2013)

3. Teenagers
3.1 Definition
Adolescence is the phase of development of children who step on between
childhood into adulthood. This period is usually also called the transition period (Kolip,
2013). Adolescence becomes early adolescence around the age of 13-16 years and late
adolescence around the age of 16-18 years, early adolescence and late adolescence are
distinguished because in late adolescence individuals have achieved a developmental
transition that is closer to adolescence (Sarwono, 2012)

3.2 Characteristics of Youth

According to Joewana (2004) adolescence is characterized by relatively rapid
changes, both physical, mental-emotional and social life of adolescents. Very rapid
changes often lead to tension, anxiety, confusion, feeling depressed, insecurity, not even
to the state of depression.

3.3 Youth Phases

According to Nirwana (2011) the stages of adolescence include pre-puberty
(12-13 years), puberty (14-16 years), late puberty (17-18 years), and adolescence
adolescence period (19-21 years)

3.4 Factors Causing Problems in Adolescents

Factors causing problems in adolescents include very rapid biological and
spicological changes, parents and educators who are less prepared to provide
information because of lack of knowledge, improved nutrition which can lead to early
menarche and young marriage, improved communication facilities due to technological
advances, lack of use a means to channel teenage turmoil

4. Health Education
4.1 Definition of Health Education
Health education is an effort planned to influence other people, individuals,
groups or communities so that they can do what is expected by health education actors
(Fitriani, 2011). Health education is part of the overall health effort (promotive,
preventive, curative, and rehabilitation) which focuses on efforts to improve healthy
living behavior among the community (Erwin Setyo Kriswanto, 2012).

4.2 Health Education Objectives

the main goal of health education is for someone to be able to:
A. Establish their own problems and needs
B. Understand what they can do with the problem
C. Decide on the most appropriate activities to improve healthy living standards
and people's welfare (Mubarak, 2009)
While the main goal of health education according to Health Act No.23 of 1992 is to
improve the ability of the community to maintain and improve health status both
physically, mentally and socially so that it is economically and socially productive
(National, 2012)
4.3 Scope of Health Education
According to Fitriani 2011, there are several dimensions of the scope of health
education, including:
1) Target Dimensions
A. Individual
The method that can be done is:
1. Guidance and counseling
2. Interview

B. Group
Methods that can be used for small groups include:
1. Group discussion.
2. Expressing opinions (Brainstorming)
3. Role playing
4. Simulation

C. Broad society
The methods that can be used in the community are:
1. Seminar
2. Lecture

2) Implementation Level Dimensions

a. Health education in schools targeting students
b. Health education at the hospital or other health services
c. Health education in the workplace with the target of workers or

3) Dimensions of Level of Health Services

There are four levels of prevention that can be done through health education,
a. Health improvement
b. General and special forms of protection
c. Disability restrictions
d. Rehabilitation

4) Media Health Education

Media is a tool that has the function of delivering messages. Media as a learning
tool has conditions including:
a. Must be able to increase the motivation of subjects to learn
b. Stimulate learning to remember what has been learned
c. Activate the learning subject in providing feedback or feedback
d. Encourage learners to practice right and right
While tools used include:
See tools (visual), hearing aids (audio), sight and hearing aids (audio visual), as well as
tools with written media such as posters, leaflets, booklets, flipcharts, flipcharts
(Notoatmodjo, 2010)

5. Extension
5.1 Definition of Extension
Counseling is a reciprocal relationship between two individ- ual people, where a
person tries to help another individual (client) to reach an understanding of himself in
relation to the current and future problems (Ministry of Health, 2010)
Counseling is a process of delivering information to a person or group to increase
knowledge through the dissemination of messages. Facilities in health have 3 groups,
namely health education for individuals, health education for groups, and public health
education, by means of a broad community or group (Mubarak, 2012)

5.2 methods in counseling

Methods that can be used in providing health education (Notoadmodjo, 2010)
a. Lecture method
A way to explain and explain an idea, understanding or message verbally to a
group of targets. So that a group can get information about health.

b. Group discussion method

It is a conversation that has been planned or prepared about a topic that will be
discussed between 5-20 participants (targets) with someone who has been
appointed a discussion leader.

c. Brainstorming method
A form of problem solving where each member proposes all possible solutions
to problems thought by each participant and evaluates the opinions that have
been proposed previously

d. Panel method
Talks that have been planned in front of participants about a topic to be
discussed, and needed 3 people or more panelists with someone leader.

e. Method of role playing

Acting a situation in a human life without doing exercises first, carried out by 2
or more people to be used as a thought material from a group.

f. Method of symposium
A series of lectures conducted by 2-5 people with a lot of topics but the topics
are interconnected

g. Seminar method
Is a way in which a group of people gather to discuss a problem / topic
accompanied by someone who is an expert in the field of problems / topics
(Notoadmodjo, 2010)

6. Conclusions And Recommendations

Based on the data analysis that has been done, regarding the impact of
premarital free sex among adolescents there are various risks known, namely pregnancy
outside of marriage, contracting venereal disease, and the occurrence of abortion.

The suggestions given to the parties concerned, namely:

1. it is expected that the government, social organizations that are related to
increasing the role of the problem of premarital sex behavior are increasingly
prevalent among adolescents
2. to adolescents should parents give advice, you can receive and apply the advice
given by your parents, so that teens avoid the problem of free sex
3. parents should function as parents maximally, so that your child is protected
from the dangers of free sex and parents can be role models for children and
other parents.

Erwin Setyo Kriswanto. (2012). Konsep proses dan aplikasi dalam pendidikan
kesehatan. Yogyakarta: Fakultasi Ilmu Keolahragaan Universitas Negeri

Fitriani, S. (2011). Promosi Kesehatan. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.

Mubarak, W. I. (2009). Promosi Kesehatan: Sebuah Pengantar Proses Belajar

Mengajar Dalam Pendidikan. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.

Nasional, B. K. (2012). Survei Demografi Dan Kesehatan Indonesia . Jakarta:

Kementerian Kesehatan.

Notoatmodjo, S. (2010). Ilmu Perilaku Kesehatan. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.

Mubarak, W. (2012). Promosi Kesehatan Untuk Kebidanan . Jakarta: Salemba


Notoadmodjo, S. (2010). Metodologi Penelitian Kesehatan. Jakarta: Rineka


Depkes, RI. (2010). Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia No

HK.03.01/160/1/2010 Tentang Rencana Strategis Kementrian Kesehatan .
Jakarta: Depkes RI.

Pratiwi, A. T. (2013). Coping Remaja Perempuan Yang Hamil Diluar Nikah.

Jurnal Penelitian.

Sarwono, S. W. (2012). Psikologi Remaja. Jakarta: Grafindo Persada.

Syam, N. (2010). Agama Pelacur. Yogyakarta: PT. Lkis Printing Cemerlang.

Kolip, E. M. (2013). Pengantar Sosial, Pemahaman Fakta Dan Gejala

Permasalahan Sosial: Teori, Aplikasi Dan Permasalahan. Jakarta: Kencana.

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