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Media Literacy

During the past decades of the 20th Century, our society has undergone so much
change in our economy and our society. And now in the 21st Century, the changes had
become so evident because of the presence of Media and Technology. This change
affected the demands and challenges in our workplace including our educational
system fully affecting our 21st Century learners.

In the 21st Century, information is accessed not only in the print materials but also
in media devices, giving information through texts, sound and pictures. And because
of this, the need for Media Literacy emerged. In the 21st Century learning system
students are taught how to widen their space and use media to their advantage. Thus,
teaching them how to be Media Literate. Teaching students how to find and manage
information needed for a particular task. They don’t need to accumulate all the
information needed for their lifetime, because that only leads to information
overwhelm. What they need to know is how to find the information they need and to
know when they need it. And establishing critical thinking skills to analyze and
evaluate if the gathered information is useful for what they want to know. In this way,
students can analyze if there are knowledge gaps and skilfully go through media to fill
in the gaps.








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