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Technological University of Honduras

English l

Student name:
Jose Luis Palma Hernandez

Gustavo Adolfo Saravia Argueta


Essay on the education of the future

San Pedro Sula,

09 of November of 2021
The Future of Education
The scourge of the COVID 19 Pandemic at the beginning of 2020 affected
everyone's life and their way of relating socially: It went from a way of shaking
hands or a kiss to greeting each other "at a distance", in a way of relating in
direct and face-to-face conversations to chat via zoom. All of this also prompted
a change in education. This had to advance by leaps and bounds to provide a
technological response to millions of students around the world and if someone
had asked the question of how did you see education in 20 years? The answer
would have been all the impulse that was given in a year to provide solutions to
children and young people in primary and secondary schools in our country.
It was also affected in the education of young people in the universities and
technical training centers of the country and the world and of the adult schools
that used to be done at night in high schools in our country. For this reason,
the teachers had to adopt an educational system that had to reinvent itself in
the same practice and that had to respond to what was being experienced with
this Pandemic called COVID 19. This is and will be the tip of the iceberg that
will influence an educational system that it must constantly reinvent itself in a
competitive and creative way to respond to the educational demands that are
already being presented- Therefore and bearing in mind the post-Covid 19,
what will this Education of the future be like then?
If we look closely, the education of the future should place the accent not on
the contents but rather be oriented towards developing the abilities of the
students to work in collaboration and adapt to the environments established by
the Organization "The Future of Global Education Faced with these studies , a
necessary thing to do is to change the way in which knowledge and skills are
transferred. But what will be the characteristics of the new educational model?
The schools, Technical Training Centers and universities of the future are seen
as the educational connection that will guide students on their way as people.
In this context, we can say that there will be 3 educational dimensions that are
important. Thus, online educational platforms will become the main content
providers while the educational formats of cities will offer services to develop
specific skills, as mentioned by "Education of the XXI Century," This leads to
think that the education they receive The youth of today should be oriented to
forming good citizens, committed to sustainability and coexistence. For
example, “a protagonist in each child”) is an organization with initiatives
focused on making the city become the playground where children learn to
respect the city and its people, and to receive respect in return ”. Finally, the
communities of practice will play a relevant role, as they will be the point of
exchange of technological experience.
Finally, the education of the future, that is to say 20 more years, will emphasize
activities such as gamification or meditation will be vital in the school of the
future to be able to apply different intensities depending on the objectives that
the students have to achieve. Thus, both students and teachers will develop
empathy, awareness, ecological thinking, creativity and cooperation.
But to get to this point, students must be allowed to interact with nature and
have more time for personal development. And they point out that adapting in
a positive way can only be achieved if the entire educational system becomes
aware of the new educational ethics.
This is how I think education will be 20 years from now and we owe that to this
fourth Industrial Revolution that began a few years ago and which has been
increased by the 2020 pandemic, making everything, especially education,
progress to leaps and bounds and technology and education has been installed
and positioned in today's market.
"We have to imagine alternative futures and think about what they will mean
for learning and education. That is my main point."
These are difficult times for education. Think of March 2020, when 1.5 billion
students around the world were unable to go to school. Many turned to
distance learning, but this could not compensate for the social function that
schools also provide. The social welfare of pupils and students plummeted,
further affecting vulnerable groups. Teachers were able to meet some of this
need, but they also faced a steep learning curve themselves. After all, being a
good teacher was no longer enough. You also had to become a very good
coach, a good mentor, and also understand how different students learn in
different places and situations. At the same time, many really interesting
innovations came to light, and not only in the technological field.
We saw many social innovations, reorganizing people, space, time, and
technology in very new ways. Will this crisis make us better or worse 20 years
from now?
It's really hard to tell. These days the pandemic is on everyone's mind. But
what the pandemic has taught us above all is that the future will always
surprise us. Climate change is likely to hit us harder and, in fact, it is quite
predictable. When you open the window you see it coming. Think artificial
intelligence. It is going to greatly influence our way of living, of socializing, of
running our educational systems. How else can the future surprise us? Think
economic crises, data breaches, natural disasters, cyber wars, power outages ...
to name just a few. I don't think anyone really has a clear idea of how this is
going to influence and shape us. There are many different trends that we must
be aware of.
From a constructivist perspective with a socio-cultural orientation, this work
presents a theoretical model that allows us to analyze the transformative
potential of virtual environments based on their ability to mediate relationships
between teachers, students and content. Attending to the basic principles of the
theoretical model, some central issues related to the analysis of joint activity in
these settings are reviewed and a multi-method approach is proposed for their
study. Finally, aspects related to the design and research of virtual
environments conceived as spaces for the development of teaching and
learning processes are highlighted.

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