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Recommendation and improvement

Preset timer and temperature for industrial oven – Having multiple presets as the company
only bakes one flavor of cookies would ensure newly trained employees to manage baking time
and temperature.

As requested by one of the staff members from zomb.cookies and as an learning engineering, I
think it would benefit the workflow of the company. Thus, it would result in higher production rate
of cookies and lesser errors would occur during production phase.
Security lock to use equipment

Having an authentication to use industrial equipment would allow better security at the workplace.
This would render the equipment useless without proper authorization and would avoid any theft
Mixer with adjustable holder for mixing bowl

Having and adjustable holder for the mixing bowl will allow for other mixing bowl to be used in the
mixer and avoid having the mixer using one size of mixing bowl.
Automation – from mixing, spooning, heating oven, baking, cooling, packing, sealing, expiration

The advantages of having a fully automated system are endless. Firstly, it would reduce hygiene
issues that would mainly caused by humans. They would also spend lesser on employment as its
their highest costing currently.

To conclude, this site visit to a Small – Medium Enterprise is very englightening and
insightful. It gave us first-hand exposure in managing a small/medium company from
every phase – management, production, marketing, human resource, accounting,
taxation and supervising.

By implementing the business model canvas, we are able to analyze the company’s
attributes and properties. By observing their value propositions which Zombie Cookies is
in the food and beverage company sector, we were able to correlate with their customer
segments and also their relatioionships with their customers. During the interview, we
were able to identify their marketing strategies and how they are able to maintain their
business model with existing and uprising market demands.

We were also able to discover their main key partners in order for them to save cost
during inventory supplying. How they distribute their products through The Lorry app
available on the app store, is also an interesting find as it helps us to understand how
their distribution flow operates.

This visit also allows us to observe common problems that happens in almost every
department. As an example, Zombie Cookies highest expense are employment and
production. This has been pinpointed during the interview we had with the managing
director. They already have future plans to indulge in automation to reduce employment
costs for staff. This maybe costly initially but it would save them more money in the long
run if they plan to keep their business model for a long period of time.

As future engineers, we are able to foresee possible recommendations that can be made
to allow better managing every detail. That especially includes technological solutions
that should be implemented such as mentioned before.

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