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Total Quality Management.


Introduction: -
Poka Yoke is a set of quality management strategies that aid in the elimination of
flaws in goods by selecting various types of errors during the design or production
phases. Poka Yoke refers to a set of strategies that aid in the prevention of errors.
These strategies identify how things can go wrong and how mistakes can be avoided
first and foremost. Poka Yoke is a set of simple tools for avoiding mistakes.
PokaYoke is a combination of two Japanese words: poka, which means inadvertent
error, and yoke, which means stop. Poka-Yoke assures that the proper conditions
exist prior to the execution of a process step, preventing faults from developing in
the first place. When this isn't possible, Poka-Yoke takes on the role of a detective,
scouring the approach for weaknesses as quickly as possible. A poka-yoke is a
mechanism in a Lean manufacturing process that helps to avoid mistakes. Its purpose
is to cut down on product faults by preventing, correcting, or publicizing human
errors as they occur.

Concept and Analysis: -

Shigeo Shingo, a Japanese industrial engineer, pioneered formal Poka Yoke
procedures. In the 1950s, Shigeo Shingo was one of the early proponents of
statistical methods in quality control in Japanese manufacturing. As a result, he
gradually realized that statistical process control methods are incapable of achieving
zero product faults. According to him, the reason for this is that the statistical control
approach relies on sampling, which means that 100% of the products are not
inspected before they reach the clients. The statistical approaches evaluate only a
small portion of the products due to the random sample strategy. As a result,

statistical methods leave a lot of room for mistake rates to reach customers. The main
objectives of Poka Yoke are as follows –
 To make quality a natural part of the manufacturing process. This helps to
improve quality at a low cost and with minimal effort.
 To eliminate all unintentional and human errors.
 Ignoring excuses and putting forth genuine efforts to improve quality.
 It is a good idea to put into action a proposal that has a 51% possibility of
 It is critical to be concerned about workers in order to improve quality.
 To begin doing it correctly from now on.
 Errors can only be eliminated and defects reduced to zero via the combined
efforts of all personnel involved in the process. As a result, positive inspiration
and a sense of responsibility for quality development are important.
 Locating the root cause of the flaws aids in the development of long-term
solutions for preventing errors rather than relying on a band-aid solution.

The Poka Yoke techniques are mainly utilized at the following levels –
 Preventing a mistake from being committed - Although Poka Yoke
recognizes that faults are inevitable due to human error, it also recognizes
that they are expected. However, the strategy aims to prevent errors from
occurring in the first place. Consider an automotive manufacturer's
expectation that specific heat resistant bolts will be used in the engine
assembly. To prevent bolts from being misplaced in other assemblies, the
bolts might be produced with certain physical dimensions that only suit the
engine assembly. This prevents employees from inadvertently using the
unique bolts in assemblies other than the engine assembly.

 Detecting mistakes incurred unintentionally - The technique aims to uncover
errors before they become major issues that cost the organization a lot of
money. When a person forgets to buckle up while driving, the car seatbelt
warning signal, for example, beeps. This alerts the consumer to the
occurrence of the problem, which is neglecting to buckle up.
 Mitigating risks - At this point, Poka Yoke approaches help to mitigate the
threat by detecting past errors. In industrial facilities, for example, indicators
are employed to detect undesired events such as the emission of toxic gases.
One well know example of implementation of Poka Yoke technique is at a Mexican
restaurant which wishes to ensure high end service quality through detecting
mistakes and rectifying them. When consumers enter, the first potential error occurs.
If the maitre d' is guiding other customers to their tables, checking on table status,
or speaking with kitchen personnel, the maitre d' may not realise a customer is
waiting. An electrical sensor on the entrance door serves as a mistake-proofing
measure. The sensor transmits a signal to a vibrating pager on the maitre d's belt,
ensuring that the maitre d' is always aware of who comes in and out of the restaurant.
Other ways of error proofing took the place of the stages that required the maitre d'
to leave the front entrance to seat guests. Instead, the maitre d' records a unique
visual identifier of one or more members of the party during the welcoming stage.
The table busser informs the waiter when the table is ready, and the waiter goes to
the maitre d' to learn how to recognise the customers. The waiter locates the
customers in the lounge, leads them to their table, presents them with menus, and
takes extra drink orders. This mistake proofing method not only eliminates a
customer-caused problem, but it also improves the restaurant ambiance by removing
the annoying loudspeaker, keeps the maitre d' at the front door to greet customers,
creates a sense of exceptional service when the waiter "magically" knows the
customers, and eliminates additional waiting time at the maitre d' to waiter hand-off.
Conclusion: -
The benefit of utilizing Poka-Yoke is that it helps individuals and systems operate
correctly the first time, eliminating mistakes. By reducing faults, these strategies can
dramatically improve the quality and reliability of products and processes. This
approach to production is a wonderful match for the Lean management toolkit's
ethos of continuous improvement. One of the most valuable diamonds in the crown
of Lean management is the Poka-Yoke approach. It's a means to ensure quality
without having to go through a formal quality assurance process, rather than
preventing problems from occurring in the first place.

Introduction: -
When the products and services do not integrate the features assured by the
manufacturers, the organizations fail to meet the expectation of the customers. It is
critical for businesses to understand their consumers' expectations and build
products and services to meet those expectations. QFD (Quality function
deployment) is a quality management technique that aids organizations in assessing
customer needs and preferences and, as a result, ensuring customer happiness. QFD
emphasizes the importance of maintaining quality in both processes and products.
The goal of adopting QFD is to ensure that quality is built into the product rather
than assessed after it is completed. It is a quality system that establishes a strong link
between the end user and other business activities such as marketing, design, quality,
production, manufacturing, and engineering.

Concept and Analysis: -
In 1966, Yoji Akao, a Japanese quality planning expert, developed the concept of
QFD for the first time. Mr. Akio's main goal with QFD was to devise a mechanism
that would assist manufacturers in designing products based on client preferences.
In 1972, the Mitsubishi shipyard in Kobe was the first to apply QFD approach. QFD
was afterwards used by a number of Japanese companies. Toyota is the most well-
known Japanese firm, and it was Toyota that pioneered QFD. QFD is currently used
extensively in the manufacturing and service industries. QFD provides a systematic
approach to understanding client preferences, turning preferences into product
features, and designing goods. QFD is defined by Dr. YojiAkao (1966) as "a method
for transforming user needs into design quality, deploying functions forming quality,
deploying ways for achieving design quality into subsystems and component parts,
and eventually to particular elements of the manufacturing process."
For example, if let’s consider an automobile manufacturer who receives constant
criticism of customers on the basis of compensation to car bumpers during low speed
collisions. In this scenario, the QFD department advices the following steps to
compile –
 Recognize the customers – Car Owners.
 Find out their requirements - The scenario necessitates the use of stronger
bumpers that can withstand slow-speed crashes, as well as bumpers that are
attractive, cost-effective, rust-free, and long-lasting.
 Importance of Requirements - Bumpers that are attractive, powerful enough
to withstand slow-speed collisions, cost-effective, rust-free, and long-lasting.
 Interpret - Consider client expectations while creating design criteria, and
produce a higher-quality bumper. To make improved and stronger bumpers,
use high-quality materials and make the necessary design changes.

QFD comprises of two factors mainly –
1. Quality Deployment - It incorporates customer expectations into the
product design. This ensures that the needs of the clients are addressed.
2. Function Deployment - It covers all aspects of business, from design to
manufacture, with the help of teams. This role aids in the integration of
several organizational functions in order to achieve the common goal of
providing superior quality products to customers.
The primary premise of QFD is that quality awareness should be deeply ingrained
in products, and there should be no need for quality assessment after production.
Customers' requirements are regularly communicated to the design and production
teams in QFD, allowing customers to be involved in the production process in some
form. Understanding consumers' requirements and expectations, defining the needs
to be prioritized, searching for ways to serve those needs, implementing those ways
cost-effectively, and maintaining quality in all processes and end products are the
major goals of executing QFD. QFD can be defined as a procedure in which the
customer's voice is valued and recognized throughout the manufacturing process.
The QFD process starts with product planning, then moves on to product and process
design, and finally to quality management, testing, maintenance, and training. The
stages of QFD deployment are as follows: -
 Product planning - This step is even referred to as the development of a quality
home. Recognizing client demands and expectations, as well as conducting
market research on rivals, warranty data, measurements, product features,
sketches, national and international quality standards, ideas, blue prints, and
market plans, are all part of this step. Obtaining client data at this step is
critical to achieving QFD, as QFD's ultimate goal is to help consumers achieve
their objectives.
 Product designing, development, specifications - Product features are defined
and a sample is created at this stage. The designing and engineering teams are
in charge of this step. This stage's main goal is to translate the needs of the
customers into product specifications. As a result, this stage requires a great
deal of creativity and innovation.
 Process planning - The real products and their sub-parts are developed in this
stage in accordance with the previous stage's disclaimer. The manufacturing
and engineering departments lead and administer this stage. This stage's main
goal is to create a flowchart and regulate the manufacturing process and
 Production process controlling - The production process is administered and
controlled at this step to ensure that the items are made according to the
standards. First, the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the control and
monitoring process, production scheduling, and risk assessment are explained
in this step. Furthermore, the requirements for product testing are specified.

Conclusion: -
QFD identifies both implicit and explicit customer requirements, focusing on the
customers' value-adding opportunities. Every step of the product development
process is guided by the needs of the consumer. The products and services of
competitors are analysed and compared to the company's own products in QFD.
Firms gain a competitive edge as a result of this. QFD focuses on making product
adjustments and amendments throughout the design stage. As a result, there would
be few design changes in the early stages of product development. As a result, the
time it takes to design a product is reduced. Because the adjustments are made in the
original life cycle and the demands of the consumers are considered while producing

the products, QFD decreases the cost of warranty claims, support, and design

Introduction: -
The increased competition in the global economy is forcing businesses to rethink
their methods for delivering goods and services in a timely manner to fulfil the needs
of their customers. Following the sample technique is a useful measure they can take.
Both manufacturers and purchasers benefit from sampling in the long run. It aids in
the selection of a random sample from a specific lot by an organization. The
organization can decide whether to accept or reject the entire lot based on the
sample's testing results. This is a statistical process that employs random samples,
meaning that each item in the lot has an equal chance of being included in the
inspected sample.

Concept and Analysis: -

It will be approved if a sample from a bigger batch exhibits an acceptable amount of
faults. If this is not done, the entire batch will be rejected. If acceptance sampling is
used before receiving products from a supplier (i.e., inbound inspection), the
acceptable level of faults must be agreed upon by both the supplier and the customer,
because the supplier may be forced to return the entire lot if acceptance sampling
fails. A sample strategy lays out the guidelines for sampling as well as the criteria
for accepting or rejecting a lot. The steps involved in acceptance sampling are as
follows –

 To select a sample from a whole population using various methods like simple
random sampling or quota sampling. In the given case of Roma Pvt Ltd, when
they receive a consignment of bearing cap parts they need to select a sample
lot from the whole consignment through random sampling process.
 To evaluate the chosen samples based on a predefined criterion. In this step,
Roma Pvt Ltd has a predefined criterion for the quality of the bearing cap
parts. They have to evaluate the sample collected based on that criteria.
 If that chosen sample meets the predefined criterion, the whole lot is accepted
otherwise it is rejected. If Roma Pvt Ltd, finds that the chosen samples are
meeting their criteria, they will accept the whole lot of consignment, otherwise
reject them.
 To record the results of the acceptance sampling procedure for future

Conclusion: -
The technique is normally performed right before the products are to be dispatched
at the production facility. The goal is to determine a batch's quality with a particular
level of statistical certainty without having to test every single unit. The corporation
determines whether to accept or reject the lot based on the results—how many of the
predefined number of samples pass or fail the testing. The main advantages of this
process is that it is usually less expensive in nature. As lesser no of products is tested
so there is low risk of damage of goods and also reduces the percentage of inspection

Introduction: -
In acceptance sampling, the Operating Characteristic (OC) curve is a graph. It
describes how well an acceptance strategy can differentiate between excellent and
bad lots. A curve is associated with a certain plan, which is made up of a sample size
and an acceptance level. For a given sample size and acceptance number, this
approach is used to visualize the probability of lot acceptance versus the lot
proportion faulty graphically. This approach can be used to create plots with several
curves for multiple sample sizes or multiple acceptance numbers. The lot size can
be considered to be unlimited (or continuous) and calculations performed using the
binomial distribution, or the lot can be set and calculations performed using the
hypergeometric distribution.

Concept and Analysis: -

The OC Curve is a graph of sampling plan attributes considered during project
management. It shows the percentage of lots or batches that are predicted to be
acceptable according to the stated sampling plan and process quality. The OC curve's
major goals are to:
1. Assist in the selection of sample programs.
2. To assist in the selection of risk-reduction plans that are effective.
3. Assisting in the reduction of inspection costs.
There are four parameters that are used in Operating Characteristics (OC) curve.
They are as follows: -
 Producer’s Risk - The likelihood that a sampling plan will reject a good lot of
items (non-defective), forcing the producer to replace the rejected lot. It's also
known as a Type I mistake.

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 Consumer’s Risk - Refers to the likelihood that a consumer may accept a
substandard item that has a great number of flaws. Once approved, the
consumer would have a difficult time getting the company to replace the poor
lot. It's also known as a Type II mistake.
 Acceptable Quality Level (AQL) - The greatest percentage of flaws that
consumer are willing to tolerate. Acceptance Quality Limit (AQL) is a term
that refers to the acceptable quality level.
 Lot Tolerance Percentage Defective (LTPD) - Refers to the percentage of
defects that exceeds the AQL and is thus rejected by customers. The
likelihood of LTPD being accepted is minimal. This is also known as the
Quality Limiting Level (LQL). The LQL is calculated as a percentage of
defectives, whereas the LTPD is calculated as a percentage of defectives.

Conclusion: -
The operating characteristic curve for a sampling plan is a graph that shows the
relationship between the fraction of a lot that is faulty and the probability of
acceptance. Acceptance sampling's ability to identify defectives from acceptable or
good and bad lots is mostly determined by the sample size (n) and the amount of
defectives allowed in the sample. The method can be used in industries that use mass
production and follow a predetermined production sequence. The strategy is both
cost-effective and simple to comprehend. Causes less weariness and boredom, and
the amount of computation labour required is minimal.

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