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~ , . , , , MUTUAL UFO NETWORK, INC,-------
· $1.50


I Phlllp J. Klass, left, and Allan Hendry at Smithsonian Institution UFO Symposium
' September 6. (Photos: Thomas P. Deuley)
(USPS 002-970)
103 Oldtowne Rd.
Seguin, Texas 78155
RICHARD HALL We include in this issue Ukka Serra's workshop paper from the
Editor 1980 Hot.lSton MUFON Symposium discussing UFO research in
ANNORUFFEL Scandinavia. V.-J. Ballester , Olmos contributes · a valuable
Associate Editor international bibliography of source materials.
The Smithsonian Institution UFO symposium September 6
LEN STRINGFIUD raised some expectations that UFOs might be reaching a new
Associate Editor
plateau of respectability and sc'ientific attention. Although public
MILDRW BlESELE interest was surprisingly high, it is doubtful that the attitudes, of
Contributing Editor
II llttllll 111111111111111

scientists and officials were much influenced. News media coverage
was mediocre; without adequate news coverage, and without a
stronger focus.on why UFOs deserve more serious attention, the
Director ¢ MUFON
symposium is not likely to have much effect on the present impasse.
Humanoid Study Group



Religion and UFOs
In this luue
SMITHSONIAN UFO SYMPOSIUM •..••.••.••••.•.•....•••..•..•.... 3
MARK HERBSTRftT By Richard Hall

SCANDINAVIAN WORKSHoP ........ '. ........................... , ... S
By llkka Serra
HOW TO BUILD MODEL UFOs ....•....•....•.......•......•••.....•8
Promotion;Public:ity By Wayne l.apl:irte
CAN WE LEARN SOMETHING FROM VULCAN? .••........• ·.•..... 10
By Or. Louis Winkler
BOOK REVIEW· UFOs: The Greatest.Mvstery ..... , ................ 11
Landing Trace Cases
By Vicente.Juan Ballester Olmos
UFO Propulsion
CALIFORNlA REPORT· ..A N'egh1 on the Mountain* •.••.....••...... JS
By Ann Druffel
Staff Writer

IN OTHERS' WORDS ••.•.•. .- •.•••••.•..•.•••.••...•..•......•....•• 19
By Lucius Farish
DIRECTOR'S MESSAGE ............................................ 20
By Walt Andrus
Editor/Publishers Emeritus
published by the Mutual UFO
Network, Inc:., Seguin, Texas.
Membership/Su~iption rates:
$15.00 per year in the U.S.A.;
$16.00 foreign. Copyright 1980 by
the Mutual UFO Network. Second
class p<>Slage paid at Seguin,
Texas. POSTMASTER: Send form
3579 to .wise change of address to
The contents of The MUFON UFO JOURNAL are
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represent the official position ofMUFON. Opinion$
Permission is hereby gJanted to quote from this
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from any one article, the aulh<N' of the article is given
103 Oldtowne Rd., Seguin, Texas of conlributou are their own, and do not necessarily credit, and the statemenl ..Copyright 1980 by The
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Articles inay be forwarded directly t? MUFON. Texa$~ is included.
By Richard Hall

On· Saturday, Sept.,mber 6, the Klass acknowledged that UFOs and Scheaffer that UFO reports have
prestigious Smithsonian InstituUon could not be anyone's secret weapons, not been proven to be something new
sponsored an all-day UFO symposium but also said they could not be and important, left the door open a
in Washington;' D.C. A large crowd spaceships since the U.S. radar crack. He believes that UFO reports do
(400-500) filled the Baird Auditorium of n€twork is all-encompassing and they deserve scientific attention for reasons
the Natural History Museum, even at would not go undetected. Nor could the of serendipity, if nothing else, and that if
the minc:;1-boggling price of $30 U.S. government keep a secret for over they are something real, they would
_admi_ssion ($25 for Smithsonian 30 years. He also said there were too clearly be of great import. But research
Associates). Flash bulbs popped many UFO reports for spaceships to be suffers both from ''shotgun skepticism"
continously. Moderator Frederick C. · a credible answer, a statement disputed and blatant exploitation (citing the
Durant m, recently retired as a special by Scheaffer when his tum came to National E11quirer as a prime example),
·assistant tri the Director of the· National speak. "One UFO moving from place to not to mention unsophisticated
Air & Space Museum, ruled with an place could cause many sightings," he inveStigators. He does not think that
iron hand and made the speakers stick noted. Scheaffer then proceeded to UFOs are real, but does not rule out
to the tight-schedule. give the most irrelevant talk of the day, that someone could be flying here
In ope co'rner were what Phil Klass ·linking UFOiogists with people who across space. He is particularly
cal1ed -the "UFO promoters": Dr. J. study fairies, witchcraft, astrology, and perturbed by false claims of astronaut
Allel'I Hynek, Dr. Bruce S. Maccabee, a long list of other borderline sciences sightings, some of which he believes are
and AUan Hendry. In the other comer or pseudosciences. "Which do you propagated by a small group of low-
were what Maccabee, in his retort, throw out," he asked, "UFOs or level russian technologists.
called the "UFO demoters": Phillip physics?'' The major impression of this
.KlaSS, Robert Scheaffer, and James Oberg, while agreeing with Klass observer was that the level of dialogue
Oberg. The results were fairly
predictable; the "prOmoters" promoted
and the "demoters" demoted.
Dr. Hynek ·probably summed it up
best in a comment at the University of
Maryland the night before: '1 don't
know of a single scientific problem that
was ever solved by debate, on]y by hard
work." He added, however, that a
debate in. such a prestigious forum
cOUld helP ·to Stir up the· interest that
' ·would allow the hard work to be done.
Both sides were effective in what
they set out to do. Drawing on
examples from the history of science,
Hynek·cautioned that. the very puzzling
nature of UFOs may be a signal that
something important is going on.
Maccabee expressed "skepticism of
the skeptics," illustrating cases where
they have been in error, and both men
discussed strong cases as examples.
Hendry, usirig slides, showed examples Smithsonian panel, I. to r. 1 Bruce S. Maccabee, J. Allen Hynek.
of aU the important case types. He also James Oberg, F.C. Durant, Allan Hendry, Philip Klass, Robert
clashed strongly with Klass over some Scheaffer (photo: Thomas P. Deuleyl
particulars of cases, providing the only
real fireworks of the day.
(Smithsonian, Continued) SIX-YEAR UFO STUDY
has changed liltle in 30 years, that
minds are made up, and that too much
time is wasted arguing about "pop
(From the Enterprise-Courier, Charleston, Mo. - Dec. 6, 1979)
ufology" rather than about the
hardcore cases. Whether or not
extraterrestrial beings could reach the
earth if they wanted to, or whether they
would want to, are totally irrelevant
considerations. The honest answer to 34 UFO Sightings in Region
these questions -- also a/firmed by
Oberg - is that no one knows, and
those that pretend to know one way or
Called 'Incredible' by Physicist
the other are, in his words, "blowing OT Harley Rutled1e hu Tm, Pn,jirl ha ■ 1(1'.ged 28 'fllU In obj«l hlvial maa, E1ghteea li1lltin11 occWTed
•n111;111nced pa,rt (If \M resulu tllhllllp of '.tT UFO. near
smoke," The choice of "lhrowing out" of a oia-yt11r ""lentafic r,eid PiOOmml, where the l\udy
Wit kind or tum II 1m- irl daylighl and 18 more at
po.n,01e," Rutledge em· dmk, The,e 30 1tahtl111•
either UFOs or physics, posed by sr.udy of Un1denulied f'l)'inl began in April, 1973; 17 pr81ued "'Btn l'u seen I IOI constitute nur!y one-f0\11111
Ob)a:li he dll"ecllll while s,,:htmp DI 19 UFOI nur the Proja,t totals and under
Scheaffer, is of the same order. HUFOs rilatrln1 1i.- phys,,;,, deparl• F1m11ng11m. and IOI oilhlmga
or thmga 1h11 looked im-
cond1tiO!II wti11re 111nlilhl
are unreal, they will change our menl at M.JSIOllri of 111 Ut"Os near th"' would llava illuminated an)'
State Univer.uty in Cape Missi5Slp1 River almil • 70 craft tn the lllly.
understanding of human behaviour; if C:.u-lll'daill mile :attteh from Pm-yville
Of the 114 UFO$ ob•rval
b)' f'niJect members, • hve "I'm not the<mly meleeinl
they are real, they will change our Durm1 thal s, • yeer pened ta Sikestm BLI\ • li1hti11Pof i-11 miere balls of Hahl. Fi..., these thillll," Rulledge
1M professor r.a,d ~c and (0- SO UFO& w...-e ll'Offl wilhln or
understanding of physics. No were teen to l1411 U'I. <t7 tllffl pQinted out. During Ille US
necessary contradiction between the
....,,.MJ"s had el!M'nm~ I~
si111unp of m l'H" Ht-
toear the ci1Y HmilS ol Cap,1'
Girarlllllu ilsell. ''Oftm UFOI
off. while 36 tW1\Nl ffl ■ 1111 off. oightinp, m pcnoi. hi••
Six difleN!nl co!onllan been bee11 pre1ent, n,pruenling
two has been established. Futhermore,
libelled 34 of It"' sigJ-i.mgs a,
ir,crl'dible beause ihe l'FOi
llavehavered °""
aty. "' Rutledl"' aid.
II' 11ar the otiserved· 50 off-while, 'Z1 m<1Te than 30 ProJ,ect mem-
1mber, 21 ..tllte. 7 red. s bei-1 and ""U over a hundred
a theory or hypothesis ("extrater- nh,b1ted ptiys,cal or In once caae • Cape yellow. and two J111h1s wen! a diff"""'t !Mftllnl H 1pec-
behavioral proPtr1.1es beyond Girardeau 11irt reported bdn& grffn color. Fin h&hla lllon. 1bal sveragea aluut
restrial"), while obviously important knllMl man-madP tirlmolfl:J' d\a&ed by a small dlSC nying chanaed: colcr. four persons present per
and relevant, should not take Rutled11e, d,ree1or of at I reel.op level II temporarily Seven a-aft ha~e bao ab- 1,1hlin,:. "Howcwldany UFO
f'roJect ldenllhcalum. • hlinded thl! &1rl by OIWl111g a !ll"l"ved, iacludlic lwv dia:s study, or lin,gle slgllllq, ba
precedence over empirical investi- u.,,;,.,,,.,.;1y-1>,a,iec1 0'8J1Diulim br,g!N )igllf Sll'!I upmi ilB H and' • bullel-tbaped ob)ft:I Miter docurnen11d 1ba11
gation. of sc1ai1ists, engu1eers, she reached the dllDI" of her One ol 1he disa WHobsened !hill~" he a&Q.
1tudenli. ud amateur heme. Two witfll!!RS venfted lll daylight by Ru!Jalge fmm Rulledppmmi!ll!S lhal , _
It remains to be seen how much astronClllliers fru-rntd to study the apenenoe. hi• ofliee at the University he will release more nar1liog
the symposium will "stir up." Due to the UFO.. said lliat c;11 l2 oe, Rulledge report• 11J11t many The ~!Wped object. aleo . rsultll from Project data to
ca,a,n,; UFOs lo read of the UFOs were obM!rved in observed 1n dlY!icJ!l. ehHlltd the public. "'In the hfginllinl,
visible public interest, the Smithsonian lD him ard other Pn>Ject mot,m .alld n UFOs dlan,9d color •nd t"a/tilhed. 1&-<!'tonMd lbl•ortaniutim:i to
is considering publishing the 111emben "It·• enough to moum by slart1111. SloppLflll, Contrary la popular 5eekthetr1'b1ndpn1e111l1to
malle you think ..,... .,..,., Is archangai&dire,,tioli Ill some rl!l)mentaliolll rl UFOs on Ille pihlic:," Rutledge !!lated.
proceedings. The Chrislian Science fllayin& a game "'llh 11$." c,..,, hovenng lighlsstreaked televisicw, and in ii.- movUIS. "'Al finl I WH ret:lcffl1 1D
Monitor reported it on September 10. Co•enn& a large area of acrou the sil}' 11111 rr,ct1011 of a.,i}' three UFO& (lbirer;ed by deicribe 111me of our ht•
Southeast M1,;,,ourt. the r1eld a Sl!CU'ld at low al\i1ude and Rwledge and lus cn,w 1 made credible tzpel\encea (cir far
Time magazine had a reporter present !11.udy ha• Htellded :m mils "en la\der a elrud cover sotnd. of ridicllle. We have !Mu
and a story was planned (it has not north d SI Uluis, 111 milm RutledJe has obser;«I I U,hl careful not to m,ke lln·
"151 of the M1ssiaippl lll."11!1", make an 1115lao111M111.1s nghl- suhlllanlillled claima,"
appeared as of this writing). Other area aod into lllmus a111le !llm, \he, hghl sw1\cl11ng
news media, the wire services, and nlr 20 """mds Later "'II that
some science magazines covered the
event. Depending on what they say,
some new dialogue may result.

UFO WEEKEND On Friday evening, Dr. J. Allen MUFON was represented by

Hynek spoke at the University of Bruce Maccabee, Maryland State
During the weekend of the Maryland; after his talk, a panel Director, and Richard Hall.
Smithsonian UFO Symposium, discussion included Dr. Bruce S.
separate programs were sponsored by Maccabee, Stanton Friedman, and D D D D
or jointly operated by the Fund for UFO Richard Hall. On Saturday evening, the
Research, the Center for UFO Studies, Fund for UFO Research sponsored a
and Citizens Against UFO Secrecy. At program at the American University The Committee of skeptics led by
a press conference Friday, September where the speakers were Stanton philosopher Paul Kurtz, informally
5, members of all three groups joined in Friedman and Capt. William Startup, known as the "Committee to Repeal
a call for the govemment lo turn over airline pilot from New Zealand. Capt. Anomalous Phenomena," was well
military reports to civilian groups after Starlup described his experiences represented at the Smithsonian UFO
proper security screening and to allow while flying the plane on the night of Symposium. All three skeptics on the
former government emplayees to talk December 31, 1978, when the movie panel are associated with the group.
about their sightings. films were taken of objects also seen Kurtz travelled to Washington at their
visually and tracked on radar. invitation especially for the occasion.
By Dkka Serra
(MUFON Representative for Finland)

(Following are excerpts from Mr. thought it was possible that the space
Serra's prepared paper, which people had a message to all of us.
included a history of UFO research in
Finland, Sweden, Norway, and
The Interplanetarian Society
started to grow, and in the fi!U of 1963
Denmark.) the Society published its first
membership magazine. Two years later
Believe it or not, but organized the Society had as many as 100
UFO research did not begin in Finland
until the 1960's. There are two reasons
members. This may not seem like
much, but for a scarely populated
' for this. First, the geographical reason. country like Finland it is a hell of a lot.
I Finland is way up north in the European The same portion of population here in
neck-of-the-woods. It is far away from America would mean as many as 7,300
the European centers of action. And people. However, there was also one
second, the reason related to our setback. The president, the Reverend
national character and the official Arvi Merikallio, declared it was against
attitude. The Finnish people are very his beliefs to continue as a member and
quiet and introverted by character. he resigned Other talented forces
What about the official attitude? At first continued his work.
glance it seems to be similar to the In 1967 the organization began to
intentional silence that has been publish the Vimana magazine. The
reported in several countries, but if you word Vimana is from the Sanskrit llkka Serra
dig deeper in the silence you find out language and it means a flying craft. The
that it is not really intentional. It is magazine was published at a slow pace,
simply the resu1t of slow bureaucratic four times a year, but it turned out to be approximate]y 22,000 members. The
action. In fact, there has been no official extremely efficient in spreading the amount of UFO sightings was also
attitude so far. It has taken a lot of information. A couple of local branches gradually increasing.
energy to get active UFO research had also started active operation by In 1970 Mr. Tapani Kuningas was
going in Finland. But we have taken this now, one in the city of Turku and the chosen president of the Inter•
as a challenge and we have succeeded. other in the city of Oulu. planetarian Society. New requests for
The first organization was founded But the following year, 1968, was UFO reports were published in several
in 1960 in the city of Porvoo. It was perhaps the most important year for UFO books. In 1971 a large UFO wave
called the Flying Saucer Club and Finnish UFO research. The backbone took place in Finland. And the first
consisted mostly of active persons from 9f modern UFO research in Finland, commercially operating magazines
Helsinki: The second organization, the Mr. Tapani Kuningas introduced were founded. 1he first one, UFO Time
Interplanetarian $ociety, was founded himself to the members by organizing (Ufoaika in Finnish), went bankrupt
on November 21, 1962. The first the first scientific study of past after a few years, but the second.
president of the organization was a sightings. The material he accumulated ULTRA magazine began to feature all
clergyman, the ·Reverend Arvi during the study was also the raw aspects of the New Age, not only
Merikallio, and the center of operation rnat_erial for his first book, "UFO's in the UFO's. At the moment ULTRA
was Helsinki. This organization had a Skies of Finland." Since then he has magazine is the leading New Age
very challenging g"oal. The Society was published several books. 11lagazine in the Scandinavian
founded for the purpose of spreading When the first American countries. Once or twice a year the
UFO information to the Finnish people. astronauts landed on the moon in 1969, magazine publishes new requests for
This was such an important job that we the Finnish UFO research people UFO reports:
regard this organization as the pioneer presented a request for UFO reports However, what goes up must
of the field, even though it was the on the .nationwide radio network. The come down. The second half of the
second organization and not the first request resulted in about 400 letters 1970's was a downhill ride for the
one. These pioneers thought UFOs and the amount of members in the Interplanetarian Society. The Society
were most probably spacecraft built by lnterplanetarian Society climbed up to
people from outer space, and they 300, which here in America would mean (continued on next page)
(Workshop, Continued) support, but once again, we take it as a hallucination since it WclS confirmed by
was officially dissolved last year (1979). challenge and we believe we can do it in radar.
But why did it happen? The major the future. The publicity that we have
reason was the founding of UFO. The Greatest Achievements received has contributed to the fact
Research of Finland, which I represent, One of the major achievements of that as many as 40 Finnish-language
on April 29, 1973. There were several UFO Research of Finland was UFO books have appeared in our book
reasons for this. The counhy had a publication of the radar-visual sighting stores. Most of them have been
couple of dozen local organizations and by military pilots on April 12, 1969, at translations from foreign books, but the
clubs, but they were not able to noon. The story goes like this: local writers have also published a
cooperate. The members had no The pilot's mission was to perform number of volumes.
guidelines for operation and there was a an orientation flight above the Pori UFO Research of Finland has also
general need for a more scientific airport in western Finland. The weather contributed to the making of the first
method of research. And since the was sunny and at an altitude of 3 Finnish-language UFO documentary
lnterplanetarians had already done the kilometers there was a strong 100 knot movie. The one-hour movie was made
pioneering work it was , time to wind from the north. Another mi6tary by Mr. Raimo Miekka and Mr. Oiva
introduce some new ideas. Mr. officer was sitting beside him in his Nieminen and it was completed only a
Kuningas was chosen chairman of the plane. few weeks ago.
new organization, and from the very Aher receiving instructions from Our greatest achievements in the \
beginning the organization started the Rissala air control the pilot guided field of research have been the UFO
holding UFO conferences and special his plane to the runway. Now he and the fragment case from Kallavesi Lake in
education weekends for members. other man heard a radio conversation 1964 and-the Suonenjokimetal retrieval
The publication of our quarterly
reports was commenced in spring 1974,
between a Fouga fighter plane ar.d the
training officer on the ground.
case from last year. The fragment case
has been published in MUFON UFO
both in Finnish and in English. ln July The officer: "Hey 286, discontinue Journal and the Suonenjoki case has
1975 we started cooperation with the
Swedish U.R.D. Foundation in order to
develop computerized sighting reports.
your mission and go to see what those 7
balloons above you really are - over."
The',.plane: "Roger, discontinued.
been introduced in our quarterly report
number 3/79. No natural solution has
been founcl for the UFO fragment. It

The report form was first made irl I'll go and:see them." was neither a geological entity nor a Ir
Swedish and later translated into The officer: "They seem to be meteorite. As far as the Suonenjoki
Finnish and English. In the fall of the stationary above the airfield. I guess the case is concerned, it contains 12 photos
same year we mailed an informative altitude would be something like 15()() to of a mini-ufo and four landing trace
letter to the President of Finland, Mr. 3000 meters. There seem to be 7 of areas with pieces of metal and some red
Urho Kekkonen, hoping' to gain public them." liquid in them.
recognition for UFO research. In 1975 it The plane: "Roger, I will climb u·p." One member on our board of
was time for a new UFO wave and the At this moment the major witness directors, Mr. Urpo Hayrinen, an
amount of sighting reports increased. turned his plane on the runway to see engineer, has created a theory about
Now it was time to start a deeper the balloons better. He saw 7 yellow the possible source of UFO energy.
Scandinavian co-operation. ln··spring balloon-shaped objects hovering above UFO energy may be produced by
1975,-. the First Scandinavian UFO the airfield as if observing something. fusion. First you make positrons in a
Conference was held in Norway. A Now the Fouga fighter plane began to meson field and when the positrons
special program for information approach the balloons and the radio co!Hde with electrons they combine and
exchange between the Scandinavian conversation continued. make gravitons. And graviton energy is
countries was agreed upon. Last year I
was chosen chairman -of the UFO
Research of Finland. Mr. Tapani
Air control: ''We can see them
here at the air control."
The radar officer: "The radar is
UFO energy. If you want to control
graviton energy you can do it by using
magnetic fields. It sounds simple, but it
Kuningas continued his services as
I could summarize our history by
observing them."
The training officer: "286, this is
your officer, they seem to move slowly
fits with aU the EM effects that have
been observed around UFOs. Patent is
pending here in the United States. As
saying the following. UFO Research of due north, yeah, I think they are gonna far as other theories and ideas are
Finland receives about 100 sighting leave you, you won't catch them any concerned, we believe that there are
reports annually. We mail our quarterly more. They are disappearing in the several explanations to UFO
reports to 20 carefully selected northern skies." phenomena and one of them is most
addresses around the world. We have A few seconds later the same likely parapsychic.
applied for grants from several funds, objects were observed in Vaasa, which There is one interesting aspect in
but so far in vain. And at the moment is about 180 kilometers north of Pori. our international contacts. We have
we have almost 100 members, some of The speed must have been enormous, managed to create a continuing
them investigators a"nd some support and they were flying against heavy dialogue with East European
members. We have not been able to winds so they could not have been investigators. We have contacts with
gain public recognition or public ba1loons. And it could not have been an
(Continued on next page)
(Workshop, Continued) it has ~en in operation for about 4 that they have created a continuing
Yugoslavia, Poland, and Russian years. The greatest achievements are dialogue with the Norwegian military
Estonia. We have also become experts as follows: The systematic and officials.
on Russian rocket launchings that take statistical research method for finding The major Danish organization is
place at Plesetsk near the Finnish answers to the questions "Is there really called SUFOI (Scandinavian UFO
border. We can tell Russian rockets something?" and if so 'What is it?" The Investigation). It was the first UFO
from real UFO phenomena. computerized sighting report, access to organization in all the Scandinavian
UFO Research of Finland would an IBM 370 computer, systematic countries. It was founded in 1957 and at
like to see a widening of intemationaJ training scheme supported by a training first it operated as an umbrella
information exchange. We beJieve that manual, the idea that there must be a organization for all Scandinavian
after each major research project the greatest common denominator for all countriE?s. This sort of pioneering work
investigators should publish the results, UFO cases, and the beginning of joint was extremely valuable. Later on
not only as articles in magazines, but as Scandinavian investigation efforts SUFOI has concentrated on domestic
international information letters mailed based on U.R.D. methods. cases even though they still have
directly to similar organizations in other The U.R.D. Foundation believes members in Norway. At the moment
countries. My organization operates that goals must be defined, the work SUFOI has as many as 6,000 members.
according to the principle of direct mail needed to achieve the goals must be The same portion of population here in
·,' and we hope that other organizations
YJill follow our example.
specified, resources must be organized,
and international cooperation must
the U.S. would mean a total of half a
million members.
We believe that an international lead to, harmonizatirin and UFO research in the Scandinavian
UFO organization should operate standardization. "Maybe an Inter• countries is surprisingly lively. We have
within the framework of the United national Committee for UFO Research had limited resources, but we have
Nations, siiice independent is what we need. been able to make it work. We all hope
international organizations are given a Norway and Denmark to see a deeper international
consult<!tive status at the U.N. If the In Norway the national cooperation in the future, both between
new organization wou1d on]y perfonn organization is called the Norsk UFO the various organizations and .within
consultative duties, it would nol: Center (Norwegian UFO Center). the framework of the United Nations.
stumble to. the differences of opinion in Their greatest achievement is the fact
the internationill UFO rese"arch
community. In short, we believe that
direct mail and a low profile work at the
U.N. are the keys to a better future of
Sweden (Source: NASA ReJease No. 80-83)
The pioneering organization in
Sweden has beeri UFQ.SVERIGE
(UFO SWEDEN). Its members can be Voyager 1 Voyager 2
congratulated for a couple of great
achievements: The team-work solution 1,217,563,695
Spacecraft distance from km 1,040,456,637
and _the UFO Sweden Support Fund 646,509,788
Earth mi 756,559,008
They have based all work on the

''I activities of local teams. There are at

least 3 persons in each team. And the
Swedish people can make donations to
Spacecraft distance to
the UFO Sweden Support Fund. Spacecraft distance km 1,894,947,312 1,661,572.288
The people of UFO Sweden hope
traveled since launch mi 1,177,465,664 1,032,453,152
that the joint endeavours within the
international UFO movement wi11 lead
Spacecraft velocity km/sec 45.3 41.6
to a better understanding of the UFO relative to Earth mph 101,429 93,085
phenomena. In small countries like the
Scandinavian countries there is a need Spacecr~ft velocity km/sec 20.8 17.6
for closer contacts. with bigger and relative to Sun mph 46,509 39,350
stronger organizations in foreign
countries. UFO Sweden is looking Date of Saturn Encounter Nov. 12, 1980 Aug. 27, 1981
forward to a widening of international (closest approach)
information exchange.
The U.R.O. Foundation is the
second major UFO organization in
Sweden. It is scientifically oriented and

By Wayne Laporte i
On January 9, 1967, two teenage '
brothers, Dan and Grant Jaroslaw, told i
local news reporters they had ,,"
photographed a discoid-shaped UFO
which hovered for 10 minutes behind
their house in Mt. Clemens, Michigan.
The photos showed a discoid with a tail
and antenna in the rear of the craft.
Tree branches were quite visible in the i
foreground. The clarity of the phptos
along with the fact that the UFO was '''
seen only a mile from Selfridge Air
Force Base brought a quick
investigative response from the Air
Dr. J. Allen Hynek, than a
consultant with the Air Force's Project
Bluebook, was quoted in REAL
magazine's 1967 Flying Saucers
Pictorial as saying, "Analysis so far does
not show any indication of an obvious
hoax. The striking thing to me is the Photo by Wayne LaPorte inspired by recent controversy on the
similarity these pictures have to other Meier case
photos I have seen and also to verbal
descriptions I've taken from ostensibly to build UFO models. Hopefully, this Monogram also makes a model of
reJiable people. To the best of my knowledge will help on any photo cases. the Flying Sub from the 1V series
recollection, even the 'antenna' shown And, this information will also enable an "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea."
on the back has been previously investigator to build a UFO model for Built as is, it looks remarkably like some
reported, as has the tail structure "(In the den, home library, or special public UFOs that have been seen rising out of
Dr. Hynek's Edmund Scientific tape· displays. the sea.
casette program "UFO/IFO," he says Currently, there are two plastic Monogram also markets a model
he was only partially convinced of the iniection molded UFO hobby kits of the Cylon Base Star from the 1V

photos being genuine.) available at most hobby stores. series "Battlestar Galactica." The
But, was this an aunthentic photo Lindberg Products, Inc., 8050 N. upper and lower discoid-shaped
case? No. Years later, one or the Monticello Avenue, Skokie, IL 60076 sections can be assembled separately \
brothers wrote Dr. Hynek and makes a 6•inch diameter discoid model to make two UFOs.
confessed that they had hoaxed the molded of "glow-in-the-dark" plastic. It Also, Monogram puts out a kit of
encounter by photographing a model has a bubble canopy and comes the U.S.S. Skipjack atomic submarine
on a very fine thread. Their motive - complete with a "little green man." which can easily be converted into a
they merely wanted some attention. Monogrc:m Models, Inc., 8601 cigar-shaped UFO model. Only the two
Now we have improved photo Waukegan Rd., Morton Grove, IL hull halves need be glued together.
analysis techniques, including 60053 manufactures a 7½" diameter However, to create a blunt exhaust end
computer enhancement analysis, to model (in one inch equals six feet scale) will. require use of a hobby razor saw or
help "weed out" such hoaxes. of the bell-shaped UFO in "The hot knife. Use either one of these tools
Nevertheless, it's possible to create Invaders" 1V series. The kit comes to remove the rear tip to simulate an
some astounding fakes if one is well• with both a humanoid crew and exhaust port at the tail end.
skilled in model building and humans (MIS or abductees!) The top Many arts and crafts stores stock
photography. The intent of this report can be removed to reveal a detailed clear plastic vacuformed transparent
is to brief investigators on how easy it is interior. domes, bubbles, and spheres. By

(Model UFOs, COntinued) - NEW MOVIE "HANGAR 18"
trimming and joining these parts with
sheet plastic stock, many different DEPICTS UFO RETRIEVAL
types of half-moon, saturn-type,
discoids, and bell-shaped craft can be Sunn Classics Productions, headquartered in Salt Lake City, has released a
built. Scissors or an Xacto knife will be film --fiction--entitled "Hangar 18" surmising what would happen if the government
required to cut the plastic. Cut edges retrieved a flying saucer. It surmises that a vast cover-up would encue, with violent
can be sanded smooth with wet-dry repressive action toward those in the know._ A few years ago Sunn Classics was
sandpaper. Liquid plastic cement working on a factual documentary to feai:ure reported "retrieval" cases. Why they
should be used to glue parts together as switched to fiction, and what effect this will have on efforts to ascertain the truth, is
regular pJastic t.ube cement has a not known.
tendency to eat through thin plastic. Contributing Editor Mildred Biesele visited Sunn Classics headquarters,
Finally, the assembled model should be talked to representatives, and obtained still photographs from the movie, one of
spray_ painted silver. Testors makes a which is shown here. Chuck Sellier, president of Sunn Classics, recently described
very good silve·r spr2ly paint available in their use of computers to determine what people want to see, and people were
~mall spray cans. · found to be very interested in UFOs. "They believe ·that flying saucers exist, they
Also, many craft stores stock a believe that the government has come kind of contact with flying saucers, and they
large selection of ba11s, cones, eggs, and presume that if the government had, they would not tell anyone," he said. "Almost
cones made of styrofoam. These 80% of the population believes literally in thQse statements."
shapes can be spray painted or Sellier also reported that the Defense Department refused to cooperate with
airbrushed to simulate "glowing them, and suggested "they might seek an injunction to keep us from making the
UFOs." picture." The company was forced to find an abandoned Air Force base as a
Plastic LEGGS hosieiy containers production site; other scenes were shot in the mountains around Salt Lake City.
make excellent egg-shaped UFOs.
Half-moon UFOs cari be created by
using the half-sections and adding sheet
plastic bottoms to the half-sections.
Many . hobby stores sell model
rocket parts which include nose 'cones
and body tubes of different sizes. These
parts ·can be used to make conical and
cylindrical UFOs..
Spherical craft can be modeled by
spray painting hard rubber balls or ping
pong balls. Windows· in the ping pong
balls Can 1;>e made by drilling holes with
a power drill or hobby motor tool.
Airborne "flying saucer" photo
hoaxes · can be accomplished by
throwing hubcaps, frisbees, frisbees
with vacuformed domes glued to them,
or weighted scratch-built UFO models
made of Vacuformed ·domes. And; a
manufacturer of gas-powered model
airplanes has just marketed a gas-
))OWered UFO!
Anyone with a basic knowledge of
·•·;· . -- -
. - . ,...,,.,,.,.,_,,,.,.,,_ ..... _
........ ~, _ _ _ _ _ _ ,,,_,,,"'"°''")<nOOt""'7>

electronics and carpentry can ~~---~------------ ---- - - .

const~u~t a homerriade ·vacuform
machine using a home vacuum cleaner models developed can be very realistic current sci-fi movies attest to what a
as a vacullnl pump. This device allows a looking. skilled rriodeler. and photographer can
heated piE!ce of plastiC (which in a The appearance of UFO models do.· A si~ple technique is to photograph
heated state is like a sheet of rubber) to can be enh_anced by instaliing miniature the UFO hanging on a string or fishing
be sucked over a mold until it cools to lamps, light emittin9 diodes, and fiber line, rilake a blow-up of the photo,
form a rigid plastic shape conforming to optics. Lighted models photographed airbrush out the string and add haze,
the original mold. Pots, pans, dishes, in low light conditions while suspended and then re-photograph the touched-up
bowls, or shapes carved out of balsa by fishing line can produce very photo using a close-up lens. (See
wood can be used as m0lds. This takes authentic-looking UFO photo hoaxes. accompanying photo. "Oust swirl" on
some time and skill to do, but the The realism of scenes from many ground created by airbrush.)

By Dr. Louis Winkler

{MUFON Consultant in Astronomy)

(The following note is based on an affair wa5 the promin~t FreJlch disks transiting the sun was F. von P.
article by Dr. Winkler entitled "Vulcan
and Other 19th Century UFOs"which
astronomer, U.J.J. Leverrier, who was
given principal credit for the discovery
Gruithison. In 1819 he made five such
observations which many other
won "Honorable Mention" in the 1980 of Neptune in 1846. His highly astronomers later took as observations
competition sponsored by the Griffith respected reputation in the field of of an intra-Mercurial planet. And it
Observatory of Los Angeles, for celestial mechanics and conviction of apparently did not bother too many
writings in popular astronomy. The
article wi/f eventually appear in the
Griffith Observer.)
the existence of Vulcan helped sway
many to believe in Vulcan also. If
Leverrier was able to predict the
people that in 1821 and 1822Gruithison
also saw clouds on the moon as we11 as
urban deveiopments in progress with
Vulcan has long been classified existence of a new planet with the aid of "streets, buildings and fortifications."
among the strange phenomena, and theoretical astronomy, why not a Of course with our modern direct I
Charles Fort included commentary and second planet in a similar fashion? In exPloration of the moon we find no
source references regarding the object addition to the many observations of atmosphere or sign of life or
in his collected works. More specific Vulcan made by others, Leverrier was arche01ogical remains of cities.
associations of Vulcan and UFOs have linked to other unusual observations it is unlikely that the above
also been made, especially in the listing when in 1864 he filed a report with the observers or others confused their
by Jacques Vallee as part of, Flavia prestigious French Academy of small, round spots with sunspots
Pereira's collection of early UFO Science of a phenomenon occurring in because sunspots are identified by their
phenomena. Pereira's valuable work is the sky. His report consisted of three irregular shape and shadowy peripheral
a relatively obscure publication entitled letters from witnesses regarding a structure. Further, sunspots reappear
"O Llvro Verrnelho Dos Discos "large, luminous torpedo shaped about one month late?' as the sun
Voadores" which appeared during 1966 object," which is similar to some of our rotates, but these small, round spot$
in Sao Paulo. more modern UFO reports. did not. Possibly their observations
The 19th century was an era of Apparently Leverrier never made any were of a residual ring of material close
discovery for astronomy involving unusual observations himself since his to the sun. It was oniy in 1977 that
nearly 100 new objects in the solar time was consumed as a theorist and Uranus was shown to have rings, and
system, including comets, asteroids, administrator. only in 1979 that a ring of Jupiter was
moons of planets, and the planets The person who triggered the discovered. But, if there was ring
Neptune and Vulcan. During this intensive search for Vulcan in 1859 was material about the sun during the 19th
century numerous professional E. Lescarbault, a French.physician and century it is difficult to explain why
astronomers thought they saw Vulcan, amateur astronomer. Although many none is detected now.
which often appeared as a small, black before Lescarbault saw unexplained A German astron0mer, J.G. Galle,
small, dark disks cross the sun, the air '
disk slowly crossing the face of the sun. was the first to see the planet Neptune '!
It allegedly had an orbit well contained of discovery was strong and Leverrier in 1846 with the guidance ofLeverrier's
within the orbit of Mercury, but the felt that Lescarbault had seen an intra- calculations, and he received the Red
planet has never been confirmed Mercurial planet. So Leverrier made an Eagle medal for his contribution. Galle,
definitively. Although Vulcan is unlike announcement to the French Academy however, went on to make one of the
modem UFO accounts of vehicles or of Science, urging observers to search most bizarre astronomical observ-
encounters, there may still be for an intra-Mercurial planet. ations ever recorded in the professional
something to glean regarding the Lescarbault not only thought he saw journals. In 1873 he and others saw a
associated psychological phenomena. Vulcan in 1859 but he also thought he "meteor that first appeared to emerge
Many competent astronomers not only saw a nova in 1885, which at the time and separate itself from the disk of the
thought they saw Vulcan but were also was a candidate for ·being only the planet Mars and enter our
involved in other unusual observations. second nova to be discovered atmosphere." Another astronomer, H.
The following is a brief account of these telescopica.lly. This candidacy, Sage, who also observed the
frailties of the mind where the individual however, was quickly terminated when phenomenon said "the planet appeared
is faced with critical decisions of reality it was discovered that LescarbauJt as if it was breaking up and dividing into
or illusion. mistook the planet Saturn for the Nova. two parts." Not only is Mars still in one
The central figure in the Vulcan Among the astronomers who piece, distance and time considerations
made early observations of small, dark of the "meteor" indicate that the speed
BOOK REVIEW do, either consciously or sub- contribution of that shameless shaman
consciously - a disanning literary of saucerism, George Adamski). Of the
UFO's: The Greatest Mystery, by device, to say the least, and one that contactee clan, Ms. Evans ponders:
Hilary Evans (New Jersey: Chartwell allows and encourages the reader to
Books, Inc.), 1979; 94 p. (Overs;ze suspend any preconceived notions What motivation lies behind their

book produced in England, printed in · about ·the reality of reported UFO extraordinary claims? Somebody certainly
is being taken for a ride, but who? Though
Hong Kong.) encounters. It's the poetry of the
some acquired a short-lived celebrity, and a
observer from afar, casting not few made a little money from books and
judgment but perspective upon her lecturing, by and large the contactees made
When I rounded up the other two
1979-vintage members of this genre of chosen subject. no worthwhile material gains. Rather it
Ms. Evans's commentary on what seems as though the phenomenon
UFO book for a review in the MUFON represents another aspect of that strange
UFO Journal (Jan. 1980), this she terms the "six shades of
psychological compulsion which spurs so
particular volume had escaped my strangeness" - lights, shapes, radar many people to make false confessions
attention. Now, thanks to a bit of observations, and boardings - is a when a particularty·sensational murder is
serendipity dul'ing my recent canvass of model of restraint in these days of reported by the media, or to report visions
extremist mouthings by pro and con of the Blessed. Virgin. It is not deliberate
a Walden's Book Store in Newport deceit, not cakulated greed for fame or
News, Va, I'm able to remedy the UFO theorists. Her Fortean-
fortune - just a lonely impulse, part comic
philosophic approach is maintained
omission For stowed on the lower shelf and part pathetic.
of a display table were three copies of throughout, and renews the reader's
I,, Ms. Evans's work, each bearing a sales commitment to Charles Fort's tradition From that discussion, the author
sticker reading "$4.95." Even before of enlightened skepticism in journeying proceeds to the question of
through the tricky landscape of "conspiracy" to account for the world
heading to the checkout coun.ter, I was
abuzz with hopes of rendering a contemporary UFOiogy, whether one governments' reluctance to take th'e
studious comparison of this completion be a novice traveler (to which this book UFO matter seriously. Then she dips
of the trilogy. "On a scale of ·1 to 3," seems aimed) or a seasoned explorer. further into the controversy by serving
asked my daughter, Gretchen (whom I The scenery along the way up a desciption of the "Three Men in
deploy as a UFO-book scout when I includes several classic histories Black" post-UFO encount'er
enter a book store iri · her selected, summarized, and illustrated syndrome.
neighborhood), "how will you rate this to pose a thesis: ~If these people sa.» What gives this encyclopedic
one?" Before answering her, let me give what they said they saw, then these Study its enduring qUality is its
you a rundown on contents and objects, whatever they are, must surely willingness to ask the hard questions -
packagmg. . be the most remarkable phenomena hard not just for the "nonbeliever" in
The text accompanying these ever reported by anyone, anywhere, 'at UFO reality, but also for the "true
any time." Among the landmarks of this
colorful illustrations· -- both believer," that person who zealOUs)y
photographs and drawings - begins eclectic, chronological joumei; are the clings to the flbnsiest threads of UFOric
with a poem by an 11-year-okl witnes.s prophetic insights of the early science- theory or thesis. Indeed, the book'$ last
to a UFO sighting. To reduce an ages. fiction writers, the case for "natural seven topics are framed as questions on...._
old, ,worklwide mystery to the level of causes," the "airship" invasion of 1897 the possible origin of the pesky UFO's:
poetry is no mean feat, of course; but in America, the foo fighters/ghost "Natural phenomena? Here on Earth?
that's just what the author sets out to rockets era, the Kenneth Arnold saga. From under the ocean? Extrater-
the Capt. Mantell death, the contactee restrial? All in the mind? AltE!mative
heyday (including the dubious (Continued on page 17)
(Vulcan, Continued)
of light was exceeded, violating deduced from their observations that 20th century there is an air . of
Einstein's special theory of relativity. , they saw different objects;• and were acceptance of interplanetary travel
Two noteworthy American thus implying that there were two since astronauts have set foot on the
astronomers who participated in Vulcans, neither admitted to error in moon, and scientists have landed
observations of Vulcan were J.C. observation. It is· likely that each of instruments on Mars and Venus, and
Watson and L. Swift. In 1869 Watson these observers• mistook stars in rhe made flybys of Mercury and Jupiter.
received the Lelande medal for vicinity of the sun for Vulcan during the Couk:l the expectation of further extra•
discovering numeroui; asteroids, while time of the eclipse. terrestrial travel produce over·
Swift discovered 14 comets from the During the 19th century there wai; interpreted visual sightings of UFOs? If
year 1877 to 1899, making him one of an air of expectation of discovery in the the analogy between 20th century
the· most prolific comet discoverers in solar system causing many to see a non• UFOs and 19th cl?ntury Vulcan holds,
the history of astronomy. But in spite of existent planet and_ possibly other then we should expect a significant
their observational skills. each saw an illusionary phenomena. And among proportion of the UFOs authenticated
object in the vicinity of the sun during a these observing vignettes of Vulcan by ufologists to be illusionary.
total eclipse in 1877 which he tJ,ought tc;> ·there is a thread of thought which is
be Vulcan. Although it could be remindful of our mod.em UFOs. In the
By Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos
(Guardia Civil,9,D-16, VALENCIA-20, Spam)

This is a preliminary bibliography Gillmor, editor, Bantam Books, New lliE STUDY OF WITNESSES
covering references to published works York, January 1969, 655-716. ''The Applied Assessment of Central
on methods, techniques, systems, and "Signalisation lumineuse desavions," J. Nervous System Integrity: A Method
information which may assist the UFO Derache, LDLN, XIV, 112, June 1971, for Establishing the Creditability of Eye
researcher in the isolation and study of 19. Witnesses and Other· Observers,"
the unidentifiable residue of the general "Une lumiere dans le couchant. .. ," Sydney Walker, Symposium on
UFO phenomenon input from an Michel Monnerie, LDLN, XVI, 128, Unidentified Flying Objects, United
objective viewpoint. October 1973, 26. States G0verment Printing Office,
This paper is being published with "General Concepts and Terms Related Washington, D.C., 1968, 152-174.
the double purpose of providing to Observation of Aerial "Establishing Observer Creditability: A
sources·of information to ufologists and Objects,"Richard F. Haines, TheAPRO Proposed Method," Sydney Walker,
requesting additional items from Bulletin, XXIII, l,July-August 1974, 7·8, Symposium on Unidentified Flying
readers in order to enlarge and 3, November-December 1974, 7-9; May Objects, United States Government
complete this list. In particular, 1975, 4-6; XXIV, 4, October 1975, 6; 5, Printing Office, Washington, D.C.,
references are sought on analyses of November 1975, 5-6; and 6, December 1968, 185-189.
traces, EM effects, radioactiVity, sound, 1975, 4-5. "Psychological Stress Evaluator,"
ionization of the air, etc., on methods "Signalisations des avions," Michel NICAP, UFO Quarterly Review,
designed to capture objective data from Monnerie, LDLN, XVD, 137, August- October-December 1973,.12-18.
the reported raw information, and, in September 1974, 25. "Reliability Assessment of Eyewitness
general, on every topic in which the "Airplanes-UFOs or IFOs,'' Richard F. Testimony," Ron Westrum, Eastern
present subject is divided. Haines, The APRO Bulletin, April 1975, Michigan University, Ypsilanti,
Suggestions to modify the 5-6. Michigan, March 1974. Personal
pi-oposed classification of the entire "Un specialiste fait le point sur la communications.
subject will also be considered, as well signalisation aerienne desaeronefs," M. "Hypnotic Regression of Alleged CE-Ill
as any offer to contribute to a formal Vial, LDLN, XVIII, 147, August- Cases: Ambiguities in the Road to
publication of this bibliography, as a September 1975, 24-25. UFO's," Alvin H. Lawson, Proceedings
collection of abstracts of papers "Psychological and Biological Aspects of the 1976 CUFOS Conference,
contained herein. of Viewing Very Bright Objects," CUFOS, Evanston, Illinois, May 1976,
The author keeps similar Richard F. Haines, Proceedings of the 141-151; FSR, XXII, 3, 1976, 18-25,
bibliographies on statistics, detection, 1976 CUFOS Conference, CUFOS, published October· 1976.
propulsion, orthoteny, etc. Evanston, Illinois, May 1976, 89-96. "UFO Witnesses and Field
"Nous sens: leurs possibilites et leurs Investigators," Richard F. Haines, FSR,
IDENTIFICATION OF STIMULI limites," Michel Bougard, rNFORE- XXI, 6, 1975, 8-11, published April 1976.
"UFOs and Artificial Satellites," E.R. SPACE, Les Temoins, first special "What Can We Learn from Hypnosis of
Smith, FSR, Vll,5,September-October issue, December-1977, 38-55. Imaginary Abductees?" Alvin H.
1%1, 6-11. "La depuracion preliminar en el Lawson, 1977 MUFON UFO
"How to Select Significant UFO tratamiento dentifico de la informadon Symposium Proceedings, MUFON,
Reports," Jacques Vallee, FSR, XI, 5, referente a OVNIS," Roberto E. Seguin, Texas, July 1977, 107-134;The
September-October 1965, 15-18. Banchs, STENDEK, IX, 32, June 1978, MUFON UFO Journal, 120, November
"Craters: Their Origin and 42-44. 19n, 7-9, and 121, December 1977, 7-9.
Elucidation," Alan W. Sharp, BUFORA "OVNI, ballons-sondes ... ne "Hypnotism and Abduction Cases,"
Journal, I, 7, Winter 1965, 9-12. · confondez pas," Marcel Pamiere, R;chard Hall, The MUFON UFO
"Visual Perception of UFO's," A. APPROCHE, 20-21, 1979, 6-9. Journal, 123, February 1978, 8-9.
Durham and K. Watkins, FSR, XIII, 3, "Atmospheric Phenomena Log," John "How Can Hypnosis Be Used in UFO
May-June 1967, 27-29; and 4, July• Armitage, Journal of Transient Aerial Abduction Cases?," H. Kent Newman,
August 1967, 24-26. Phenomena, I, 1, July-August 1979, 22· APA Symposium, Toronto, 28 August
"Radar and the Observation of UFO's," 23. 1978; International UFO Reporter, 3,
Roy H. Blackmer, Scientific Study of 10/11, October-November 1978, 19.
Unidentified Flying Objects, Daniel S. (continued on next page)
angulaires," Eoqueteur 1318, LDLN, "Observational Evidence of
(Bibliogl'aphy, Continued) XX, 165, May 1977, 3334. Anomalistic Phenomena," Robert M.L.
"Hypnosis of Imaginary UFO ·"The Alphabet of UFO Reports," J. Baker, The Journal of the Astronautical
Abductees," Alvin H. Lawson, APA Webber, Proceedings-2nd National Sciences, XV, 1, January-February
Symposium, Toronto, 28 August 1978; .Research and lnuestigadons 1968, 31-36; Symposium on
International UFO Reporter, 3, 10/11, Conference-1976, BUFORA, London, Unidentified Flying Objects, United
October-November 1978, 20.21. 1978. States Government Printing Office,
"Trance Figures," Allan Hendry, "Des spectres d' OVNI," Pierre Washington, D.C., 1968, 177-182;
OMNI, July 1979, 32 and 136. Vieroudy, LDLN, XXI, 172, February UFO's - A Scientific Debate, Cornell
''The Ethical Ufologist," Berthold E. 1978, 29-31; and Michel Monnerie, 31· University Press, Ithaca, New York,
Schwarz, MAGONIA, 1, Autumn 1979, 32. 1972, 190-210.
13-14. "Le GEPAN et I' etude du phenomene "More Light on the Heflin UFO Case,"
"Witnesses of UFOs and , Other OVNI," GEPAN, GEPAN-CNES, John R. Gray, FSR, XV, 2, March-April
Anomalies," Ronald M. Westrum, UFO Toulouse, February 1979. 1969, 24-28.
Phenomena and the Behauioral "UFOs and Apparent Size," Wayne "Flying Saucer Ovei Cluj, Romania,"
Scientist, RiChard F. Haines, editor, Laporte~ The MUFON UFO Journal, Florin Gheorghita, FSR, XV, 6,
The Scarecrow Press, Inc., Metuchen, 137, July 1979, 16-17. November-December 1%9, 12-16; and
N.J., 1979, 89-112. "Estudio de la cinta grabada por Javier G. Delcorps, LDLN,XIV, 114,0ctober
"Psychiatric and Parapsychiatric Bosque," Alberto Adell y Pedro 1971, 22-25; and F. Gheorghita, XV,
Dimensions of UFOs," Berthold E. Redon, STENDEK, IV, 13, June 1973, 116, February 1972, 15-16.
Schwarz, UFO Phenomena and the 3-18. "Photomicrography: A Way to Salvage
Behauioraf Scientist, Richard F. "Nuevos aspectos ·tecnicos sobre el Film Images of UFO's," Robert B.
Haines, editor, The Scarecrow Press, caso de Javier Bosque," Alberto Adell, Klinn, Proceedings of the 1976 CUFOS
Inc:, Metuchen, N.J., 1979, 113-134. Ponencias tecnicas del primer Conference, CUFOS, Evanston,
"Limitations of Human Verbal Behavior congreso nacional de Ufologia, Illinois, May 1976, 133-140.
in the Context of UFO-Related STENDEK-CEI, ·Barcelona, February "On the Possibility That the
Stimuli," Michael E. Persinger, UFO 1978, 31-41. McMinnville Photos Show a Distant
Phenomena and the Behauioral "A Note on Infrasonic UFO Detection," Unidentified Object (UO)," Bruce S.
Scientist, Richard F. Haines, editor, The APRO Bulletin, XXDI, 1, July• Maccabee, Proceedings of the 1976
The Scarecrow Press, Metuchen, N.J., August 1974, 8-9. CUFOS Conference, CUFOS,
1979, 164-187. "Reconstruction of Witnesses' Evanston, Illinois, May 1976, 152-163.
"Evoked Potentials: A Better Lie Experiences of Anomalous Phenome- "Observational Data of an Anomalistic
Detector?",· John F. Schuessler, The na," Roger N. Shepard, UFO Aerial Phenomena," William H.
MUFON UFO Journal, 138, August Phenomena and the Behauioral Spaulding, FSR, XXD, l, 1976, 12-17,
1979, 17. Scientist, Richard F. Haines, editor, published May 1976.
"Brain Potentials: Signaling Our Inner The Scarecrow Press, Metuchen, N.J., "Ufology and the Digital Computer,"
Thoughts, Psychology Today. March 1979, 188-224. William H. Spaulding, Proceedings of
1979. the 197~ CUFOS Conference,
UFO MANUALS CUFOS, Evanston, nlinois,.May 1976,
RESOLVING OBJECTIVE Guide de l'enqUeteur, SOBEPS, 234-250, 1976 MUFON Symposium
SIGHTING DATA Proceedings, MUFON, ·seguin, Texas.
Brussels, 1974.
"Analyse spectrale de la lumiere emise
Field ln"uestigator's Manual, Raymond June 1976, 42-52.
par !es M.O.C.,"· Michel Monnerie,
E. Fowler, editor, MUFON, Seguin, "Mibdentungen and Falschungen
LDLN, XII, 99, April 1969, 22. fotografischer Aufnahmen im
Texas, June 1975.
"Un goniometre de poche," Michel
Manual del ufologo, Alberto Adell, Zusammenhang mit UFOs," H.
Monnerie, LDLN, XVI, 126, June-July Malthaner, Ungewohnliche Grauita-
Editorial-7½, Barcelona, 1979.
1973, 27. UFO lnuestigation - A Field tions-Phanomene, MUFON-CES,
"Ideas for an Experimental Approach,"
Jnuestigator's Handbook, Roger Feldkirchen-Westernham, West
Claude Poher, Proceedings of the 1976
Stanway and Jenny Randles, editors, Germany, 1976, 22-23.
CUFOS. Conference, CUFOS, "lnformationsausschop fotografischen
BUFORA, London, February 1979.
Evanston, Illinois, May 1976, 221-230.
The UFO Handbook, Allan Hendry, Aufnahm~n mit nich identifizierten
"L etude Spectro9raphique du Himmelsobjekten (NHO),". A.
D0ubleday, New York, 1979.
Phenomene OVNI," Pierre Vieroudy, Schneider Unerklarliche Himme/-
Observing UFOs, Richard F. Haines,
LDLN, XIX, 160, Decembe,- 1976, 21- serschein~ngen Aus Alterer Und
Nelson-Hall, Chicago, 1980, 300 p.
25; and Claude Poher, LDLN, XX, 162 Neuerer Zeit, MUFON-CES,
February 1977, 26-27. . Feldkirc:hen-Westerham, West
"UFO Appearance Recognition and RECORDING OF UFO
Germany, ·1977, 179-283.
Identification Test Procedure," Richard PASSAGE ON FILM
"The Presentation of Photographic "The Analysis of UFO Photographs
F. Haines, UFO PHENOMENA, I, 1, and Films as Evidence," Robert Digby,
1976, 39-53, published July 1977. Reports," J.M. Adams, FSR, VII, 3,
"Pour mesurer les hauteurs May-June 1%1, 18-20. (Continued on next page) l3
Evanston, Illinois, May 1976, 259-26.5. "Progress on an Instrumented Field
(Bibliography, Continued). -"Tecnicas modernas de posible Study," Mario DeSario and Jeffrey L.
and lnuestigation Conference, 1976, aplicacion para la deteccion nocturna Kretsch, Proceedings of the 1976
BUFORA, London, 1978. de OVNIS," Jose Thomas Ramirez y CUFOS Conference, CUFOS,
'Interesante fotografie de un OVNI en Barbero, STENDEK, VII, 26, Evanston, Illinois, May 1976, 50-61.
Bariloche," Daniel Rojo and Daniel December 1976, 31-35. "The 1.)se of Thermoluminiscence for
Moreno, UFO PRESS, 111, 12,July 1979, "A Technilogical Approach to UFOs," the Evaluation of UFO Landing Site
26-29. Ray Stanford, · International UFO Effects," Edward J. Zeller, Proceedings
"Photographic Surveillance for UFOs," Reporter, II, 8, August 1977, 5-7. of thf? 1976 CUFOS Conference,
W.T. Powers, FSR, XIV, January• Los OVNI y la evidencia fotografica, CUFOS, Evanston, Dlinois, May 1976,
February 1968, 14•15, 17. Guillermo Roncoroni y Gustavo 301-308.
"Photographic Sky Coverage for the Alvarez, Cielosur Editora S.A.C.I., "Monitoring for Radioactivity a
Detection of UFOs," Thornton Page, Buenos Aires, January 1978. Challenge," Tommy Roy Blann,
Science, 160, 14 June 1968, 1258-1260. (Coleccion Nueva Dimension.) SKYLOOK, 102, May 1976, 12-13.
"Letters," D. Herbison•Evans, Science, "Angel Hair ... Under Analysis," Allan
161, 27 September 1968, 1297. ANALYSIS OF TRACES Hendry, International UFO Reporter,
"The· UFOscope," anonymous, FSR, "A Report on the Investigation of II, 8, August 1977, 4 and 8, and m, 3,
XIV, 6, November-December 1968, Magnesium Samples From a UFO March 1978. ·
25-27. Explosion O.,er the Sea in the Utatuba "A Physical Trace Doth Not A CED
"Instrumentation of UFO Searches," Region of Brazil," Olavo T. Fontes, Make," Allan Hendry, International
Frederick Ayer II, Scientic Study of Flying Saucers, Coral E. Lorenzen, UFO Reporter, II, 9, September 1977,
Unidentified Flying Objects, Daniel S. Signet Books, New York, 1966, 104- 4, and Ill, 3, March 1978.
Gillmor, editor, Bantam Books, N.V. 145; and D.R. Saunders and R.R. "Thermoluminiscence MeasurementS
January 1%9, 761-804. Harkins, UFOs? Yes!, Signet Books, of- Soil Samples Affected by a UFO,"
''Cours de photographie astro- New York, 1968, 170-174;andScientific Geoff Stevens, CUFOS Bulletin,
nomique," Michel Monnerie, LDLN- Study of Unidentified Flying Objects, Spring 1978, land 3-6~ and K. Roberts
Contact Lecteurs, XII, 100 bis, July Daniel S. Gillmor, editor, Bantam and G. Stevens, FSR, XXIV, 3, 1978,
1%9, 10; XIII, 102 bis, January 1970, 8- Books, New York, 1%9, 94-97; and 18-21, published November 1978.
12; l, March 1970, 6-7; 2, May 1970, 11· Jacques Scornaux, LDLN, XIX, 158, "Laboratory Tests: Baleia and other
· 12; and 3, July 1970, 4-6. October 1976, 5-9; and LDLN, 160, Cases," in "Humanoids Encountered at
"Cine-Theodolite and E-M Detectors," December 1976, 26-27; and Michel Baleia," Hulvio B. Aleixo, FSR, XV, 1,
G.L. Bernier, SPACEUNK, VI, 2 Bourron, LDLN, XX!, 174, April 1978, January-February 1969, 12-13.
January 1970, 17. 3-6. ''Trancas, como cartabon del ana1isis
"Short Exposure Astra-Photography "Wide Range Field Detector and comparado," Los OVNIS ante la
Using E'xtended Development Survey Instrument," Jerry Johnson, Cienca, Oscar A. Galindez, CADIU,
Techniques," Robert Halliday, DATA-NET Report, IV, 1, January Buenos Aires, September 1971, 78-107.
MUFOB, 111, 5, November 1970, 51-55. 1970, 6-7. "Metal Identification," John
"Observation photographique du ciel," "Green Water from Saapunki," FSR, Schuessler, The MUFON UFO
Rene Hardy, LDLN, XIII, 109, XVD, 4, July-August 1971, 26-27; and Journal, 131, October 1978, 13.
December 1970, 17. "The Saapunki UFO," Ahti Karavieri, "Identification of Crash Sites," John F.
"Resufo s'elargit," Michel Monnerie, 5, September-October 1971, 23-26. Schuessler, The MU FON UFO
LDLN, XV, 119, August 1972, 21-23; "UFO's and E-M Radiation," G.G. Journal, 132, November-December
XVI, 122, February 1973, 24-26~ 123, Doel, BUFORA·Journal,DI, 4, Autumn 1978, 18.
March 1973, 24-25; and 127, August- 1971, 4-6.
September 1973, 26-27. "Estudio de la cinta grabada por Javier Acronyms used: FSR for Flying Saucer
"Courrier Resufo," Michel Monnerie, Bosque," Alberto Adell y Pedron Review, and LDLN for Lumieres dans
LDLN, XVI, 125, May 1973, 24-26. Redon, STENDEI<, IV, 13, June 1973,
la Nuit.
"UFO/VECTOR: Multi-Purpose 3-18; and "Nuevos aspectos tecnicos
Instrument Console," PSI--Journal of sobre el caso de Javier Bosque,"
Instrumented UFO Research, I, 1, Ponencias tecnicas del primer
October 1975, 7-8.
"La station automatique pour detector
congreso nacional de U/ologia,
STENDEK-CEI, Barcelona, February
Jes OVNI," SVEPS, Le Nouveau Deft 1978, 31-41. 103 OLOTOWHE RO,
des OVNI, Claude Bourret, France- "Echantillonnages sur Jes sites d'
SEGUIN, TX 78155
Empire, Paris, 1976, 259-266. atterrissages pour analyses
"The Operation Argus Concept: A mineralogiques," l.-L. R., LDLN,
New Look at UFO Event Sharing and XVIII, 145, May 1975, 24-25. ··
Data Sharing," Ray Stanford, "Carces (Var) le 10 fevrier 1975," M.
Proceedings of the 1976 CUFOS Losa, LDLN, XVUI, 146, June-July
Conference, Cente'r for UFO Studies, 1975, 12-14.

B Ann Druffel



Occasionally, the unexplained had seen a bright, blinking beam of light communities below.
events which we, as UFO researchers envelop their pick-up truck on an Rather hesitatingly, Kriese said
investi93te on behalf of other witnesses, isolated stretch of mountain road in that the last of these incidents was
are manifested before our own eyes. nearby_Litde Tunjunga Canyon. about one month prior to the date of the
When this occurs, we are in most cases Kriese reported that he and reported Sylmar landing (March 6,
unprepared and startled, just as any several other young people traveled up 1977), which would place it sometime in
other witness. Regrettably, ufology has the severely-rutted fire road late at February 1977. On this last occasion,
not yet reached· the stage where night. Four miles off the main paved the group experienced what seemed to
researcher:S have at their · disposal highway, .they ·parked their vehicle on a be a time lapse of about 15 minutes
·proper tracking and documenting widened the road, where a Rat during their frantic ride down the fire
equipment to fuUy r~ord a UFO event. piece of. ground formed a sort of road, chased by the brilliant light. One
The .following incident, which plateau. of the young men had lloticed the time
seems in my opinio~ to fit peripherally Suddenly, at about 11:00 p.m., a the light appeared, and it seemed that it
into an "unidentified flying object" bright flash of light descended upon had taken their vehicle about 20
classification, ·occurred On September their truck, startling them. Kriese could minutes longer than usual to makE! the
7, 1978. I have waited this long to report see the brilliant white light relfected on trip down to the paved highway.
it because it was c;ontroVersial even the hood. The light repe~ted flashing Kriese made no claims ·regarding
among the four researchers who with frequent but irregu)ar rhythm. this apparent lapse of time. The idea of
witnessed it. However, recently other None of the group could see the source hypnotic regression was suggested to
UFO researchers in this area have of the light, except that it seemed to him as a possible means of clarifying the
ur9€4 that it be published. The event come directly from the sky above. incident, and the young guard seemed
indicated that there are possibly Fearfully: theY sped back d ~ the amenable toward this. later, however,
conuentional objects flying in our skies chuck-holed road as fast as they could. he withdrew from any further
,I which cannot, under. ordinary The light followed their truck precisely, investigation, and contact with him was
circumstances, be positively identified flashing periodically. Each time, the lost. There are two possible reasons by
as conventional. glqw streamed over their car, as if Kriese ceased his cooperation: Either
Our·"night on the mountain" and traveling in perfect unison with them. the landing rE!port made by Kriese on
its subsequent events began as a result As soon as they turned onto th€ paved March 6, 1977, was frowned upon by
of interviews held by MUFON main highway, the light disappeared. the security company for which he
investjgator Morrey Allan and myself Kriese could remember no sounds worked, or members of his family
with Douglas Kriese, an 18-year-old accompanying the strange light. resented the investigators' interest in
security guard who reportedly viewed Intrigued by this first incident, the their son.
an "apple-colored" glowing object land group of young _people went back at Whatever Kriese's reasons,
near a manufacturing plant in .Sylmar, least twice to check it out. Each time, at Morrey Allen and I were fascinated by
California. 1 In ~he course of our about 11:00 p.m. the light reappeared, his report of the regularly recurring
prolonged investigation, Kriese related flashing down upon their vehicle, and nature of the chasing light and
to us that a group of his friends and he the incredible _chase down the determined fo check out the situation
mountain would begin anew. Always, ourselves. The bitter night chill of
the light abruptly left them as they winter and torrential rains of the
1. See MUFON UFO Journal, March 1978, reached the paved highway which led following spring prevented speedy
"California Report" column. further down the mounain to the settled (Continued on next pogeJ
(California Report, Continued) latitude, Capella has enough of a light at any time and, like us, saw only
followup, and the fire road was washed northerly declinat10n to appear to be one manifestation of the light beam.
out in places during subsequent rising up and eastward (for a short The light went out quickly and was
flooding. while). It was a rare and unexpected not repeated. Leaping from our cars,
Finally, however, on September 7, treat for inveterate city dwellers. we saw the craft, stiU with a broad.
1978, a group of four investigators took We settled back to await 11:00 smear of golden-yellow. ·light covering
two cars up the same dirt road Kriese p.m. As that hour approached, we what now seemed to be the back
had pointed out to us. In one car were suddenly saw a bright yellow light in the bottom portion of the hull, leisurely fly
Allen, his daughter Mickey, and west. When first seen, it was about off straight to the east. By the time we
niyself. In the secnd car were Raymond magnitude -1 but quickly grew in size. piled out of the cars, the craft was about .
Bayless and D. Scott Rogo, well-known In about a minute it was approximately 70 degrees high in the east. It had taken
Southland psychic researchers who 70 degrees elevation and about only a few seconds to travel 40 degrees.
were interested in UFOs and the magnitude -5. Through the open Still there were no other identifying
inherent parapsychological aspects windows of Allen's car we heard a or navigational lights visible. It traveled
apparent in many reports. muted but unmistakable sound of a a straight easterly course away from us
About 4 miles up the unpaved fire helicopter, flying about 1,000 feet above and disappeared in apparently normal
rriad, we reached the wide place in the the terrain. The only lighting on the fashion into the distance. Shortly
rc,:ad which had been described by otherwise invisible body of the craft was afterward, we headed for our
Kriese; We parked the two cars off the a curious "smear" of golden-yellow . respective homes.
road· about 200 feet apart (pointed li9ht. No other identifyillg lights were What kind of helicopter flies
doiun the trail for a quick getaway) and visible. without proper navigational lights? No
waited. We oriented our directions by The smeared light is difficult to Rashing white strobe lights, or red or
the stars arid watched the sky. describe, and even among the five green lights·, or any color of navigational
The evening was clear, crisp, and observers there was controversy about lights, blinking or steady. Only that
dark. The moon, still in crescent stage, it. Rogo did not see anything odd about smear of golden light along the hull, the
was not visible. There was absolutely the yellow light, and feels the only like of which I had never seen before.
no source of light from c1,ny direction on unusual thing about the helicopter was Allen later suggested that the "smear''
the darkened road. By walking about 50 the lack of blinking lights. However, the might be 11.lminous paint, perhaps a
yards to the south we could see, down rest of the observers felt that the yellow means of recognition by persons who
the steep mountainside, the faraway light, ragged but yet self-contained, was for reasons of their own prefer not to
foothill communities. We were at about not part of any normal lighting for any use conventional, legally required, and
5,000 feet, and the lights clumped kind of aircraft. 1ne only way I can easily recognized lighting. But the
together like spilled displays of describe the effect as-Jsaw it is this:·take smear looked too brilliant to be
industrial diamonds. It was cold in the the incandescence of a burning bulb ordinary luminous paint.
open, hOWever, even though it was still filament, color it golden, and smear it ·1 cio' not mean to suggest that the
summer, for the unrestrained wind like paint on the hull of a flying craft. As craft was one of the so-called "mystery
brought the chill factor down to wintry the helicopter flew in a straight path helicopters" of UFO fame. Except for
standards. We decided to wait in the closer toward us, we could see that the the odd lighting, its flight behavior was
smeared light covered a large portion of nonnal. Convinced that we had seen
Sometime around 10:30, from the hull and did not relfect-light onto the what Kriese had described, Allen and I
Allen's car, we sighted a yellowish light unlit portion. felt rewarded for the experience, even
of first degree magnitude rising above On a whim I signalled the though the craft had not chased our car
. the low horizon in the north-northeast. helicopter with my Rashlight. Almost down the fire road in a headlong chase.
It took an easterly course as it crept immediately, Allen's car in which three But this brought up another millOr
slowly upward, at an angular speed of of us were sitting was flooded by a beam puzzling point. Why should the truck in
about 3 degrees during 10 minutes. This of bright light, bluish-white in color. It which Kriese and his buddies traveled
c0urse negated our first impression came from the craft above us, but we be harrassed by repeated Rashes of
that it might be a star. We were were too startled to watch the action. light as they sped down the unpaved
expectant, and Allen, Mickey, and I We drew in our heads like startled road? It was suggested that the craft
took turns flashing a light toward it in turtles. pursued Kriese and his friends because
hopes· of attracting attention. Our Bayless, sitting in Rogo's car they seemed to be running away. Our
signals produced no reaction, and behind us, saw the light beam stream two cars, sitting stationary on the side
presently to the right of the bright light a down, extending perhaps SO feet out of the fire road, apparently warranted
group of three smaller white lights were onto the vegetation on each side of the no more than a cursory glance from
seen rising alongside it. It was then that road. But curiously, Bayless thought whoever piloted the craft. Since we did
it became apparent that the bright that the beam, which was sustained for not nin away, and because we were in
object was Capella, and the smaller a short time but not confined to a quick, two cars instead of one, did the pilot of
accompanists were the "kids" of "the sudden flash, had been dir€Cted toward the craft decide that we were not
goat." Although not circumpolar at our Rogo's car instead of Allen's. He did not signalling for help? Whatever, it seems
remember seeing Allen's car bathed in
(California Report, Continued) Mart R. Herbstritt
we did not warrant further that usual]y helicopter pilots, when
investigation. using their searchlights, have to search
I continued to puzzle, ho\l.,ever, around a bit with their light beams
before precisely focusing them on a
over the manner in which the helicopter
specific target.
immediately flooded the position of our
car without first searChing for the Therefore, this apparently normal
precise spot. This aspect is what had helicopter contains two puzzling
aspects: its curious lighting and its THE SKY FOR OCTOBER 1980
puzzled Kriese also, how the light beam
ability to pinpoint an object l,OCN) feet Mercury - Although greatest
precisely hit their .car every time it
flashed on, even when traveling down
below with instantaneous success. elongation east {25 degrees) occurs on
the bumpy, uncertain road. In spite of our continued curiosity, the 10th (E.S.T.), this is a very
Why didn't Kriese report hearing
no return trips have been made by unfavorable elongation. At best the
investigators to that lonely wide spot in planet stands 7 degrees above the
noise from the directK>n of the flashing
light? Young people sitting in cars at the road 5,000 feet above the city lights. southwestern horizon at sunset.
Without adequate surveillance Venus - It rises about 3½ hours
night talk, laugh, and make all sorts of
equipment, what would be _gained? before the sun, and is well up in the
commotion. The soft whir of the high•
Could a camera with . tripod and southeast at sunrise. It passes 0.3
flying chopper must have 90Ile
telephoto lens capture a picture of the degree south of Regulus on the 4th, and
unnoticed, especially during their noisy
confusion which broke out each- time craft? What would a spectrogram of the 0.5 degree north of Jupiter on the 30th.
the light beam flooded their vehicle. · yellow-golden light reveal? Where is the Mars - It is very 16~ in the southwest
My subsequent efforts to identify equipment, the -time, and the funds for at sun.set, and sets less than 2 hours
this strangely-lit craft met with no such research? For the time being, our later. On the 2nd, it passes 1.0 degree
success. Contactin9 the local ·FAA only night on the mountain will have to south of Uranus, and on the 24th, it
confirmed what we alread knew - that remain as it is - a blend of identified passes 4 degrees north of Antares.
readily visible and recognizable flying and unidentified, an unsolved niystery. Jupiter - In Virgo, it rises about 2
lights are legally required on all' A final question. If unmarked hours before the sun, and is low in the
helicopter(s) with illegal lighting travel east at sunrise.
helicopters, miliiatY, police, Sheriff, fire
boldly and repeatedly over the Saturn - In Virgo, it rises about 1½
department, and private alike. The
most logical explanation seemed t6 be mountains east of the heavily populated hours before the sun, and is low in the
that the helicopter was a regular Los Angeles Basin, are other aircraft, east at sunrise.
equal]y enigmatic, flying over other
surveillance craft for the forestry
service in the area. ar~ of our country? Do they belong, The Orionid Meteor shower occurs
perhaps, to some type of governmental from the 18th to the 23rd.
I called the Agriculture
Oeparment, which conducts forestry authority which declines to obey FM
laws? Could this be a partial MOON PHASES (E.S.T.)
services for the Angeles Crest
explanation, at least,' to some "UFO" New Moon - October 8 at 9:50 p.m.
Mountains, and learned that there are
reports? First Quarter - October 16 at 10:47
no -regular nisl)t surveillance flights
from this department. The only time p.m.
helicopters 'fly over the mountains on (Book Review, Continued) Full Moon --OctOber 23 iiit 3:52 p.m.
behalf of the Forestry Service is in the universe? Menace or miracle?'' -And Last Quarter - October 30 at 11:33
case of brush· fires. The local Sheriff finally, the author's invitation to join in a.m.
Department sometimes patrols in the the exploration of those issues ends in a
mountains above Tujunga, but usuaily question:
not at night. There are helicopters from
the Los- Angeles .Police Department, Man · is pushing back the frontiers of so doing take a vital step foiward fl
other city j)olice· departments, and knowledge faster now than ever in his knowledge and undentanding. Perhaps-
military·- and Private helicopters which hlstory, and though some of us stUlcontinue lhot is the secret of the UFO: perhaps it is a
to behave with appalling stupidity, as a sum scribbled on a blackboard, seemingly
travel at night over the mountains whole the race seems to be meaningless to our eyes, but desir,ted by
and/or foothills, but all of these, without increasing in wisdom as weU as in know- some great teacher to stretch our minds·a
exception, are required by the FAA to how. Many today would scorn the little further?
bear proper and easily recognizable suggestion that the UFO has a vital part to
lighting. play in ,that development. Yet man has
So now, Gretchen, back to your
_Ways increased his knowledge by solving
In speaking with Mr. Yarbrough,. question: on a scale of 1 to 3, where" dol
the problems which perplexed him: in trying
Fire ; Management Officer for the to SOM! the problem of the UFO - surely place this contribution to graphic
Tujunga District of the Forestry the most perplexing phenomenon which UFOiogy? fll answer .this way: let's
Service, I was unable to obtain any . has ever confronted man - he may have to hope that by the time you try your hand
useful information as to 1·he possible redraft established laws of physics, rethink
at UFO-book reviewing you will have
lixisting notions of space and_ time, make
identity of the chopper we viewed on been schooled in the art of
whatever changes to the structure of his
September 7, 1978. Besides the puzzle knowledge that have to be made to sidestepping such irrelevant
of the lack of proper lighting, he stated accomoda.te this nev,, phenomenon, and in comparisons.--1..arry W. Bryant
(Director's Message, Continued) crash/retrievals, or do they constitute a alternative realities such as ghosts
agencies in the past when a person was systematic pattern to discredit the communications with the dead, and
dealing with sensitive issues. Your parties involved? Only concentrated close encounters with UFOs are
Director is s~lidting from Journal and detail study will reveal the truths. included.
readers one of the posters advertised . Two new State Section Directors The book is indexed in such· a
by Ancient Astronauts magazine, since were appointed since the last issue of geographical manner that finding a
it appears doubtful that I will receive the Journal. Dana M. Schmidt, J.D., a particular event, or a particular kind of
one from the original source. patent attorney, residing at 47 Aspen event, becomes a simple task. This is
At first it may appear that the Drive, Rochester, NY 14625, has the first, .and the only, case-by-case
bubble has been broken, since this responsibility for the New York bibliography ever devoted to these
explanation implies that one set of the counties of Monroe, Wayne, and strange events. This 1114 paged book,
photographs has a logical answer. Mr. Ontario. Greg Long, a former field priced at $59.95, was published by
Stringfield has been totally aware of the investigator in Colorado now living in Greenwo0d Press, Westport, Conn.,
probable source of the photographs Washington State, has been assigned and London, England, and released
and why someone or some agericy the counties of Franklin, Benton, and August 1980. George had access to all.
would desire to discredit the research Walla Walla. A former school teacher, copies of SKYl.OOK and the MUFON
he has done in the retrieval cases. Greg is now employed as a technical UFO Journal, starting from September
Leonard has advised your Director that editor. His address is SOJadwin, #114, 1967 to the present. He has
the photographs were delivered to him Richland, WA 99352. David G. Walley, acknowledged the heJp of the following
by a person who secured them from a 525 West End Avenue, New York, NY MUFON members in his book: Lucius
second party that is a member of an 10024, has· volunteered as a Research Farish, Robert G. Neeley, Jr., and
intelligence agency. With this Specialist: Walter H. Andrus, Jr.
kn°"'ledge, most investigators would Stanton T. Friedman and his family After three years of publishing
probably cease and desist further haVe moved from Hayward, Calif., to problems, Thomas E. Bearden,
research into the photos, but this has the capital city of New Brunswick. They MUFON Consultant in Nuclear
not deterred Mr. Stringfield. Len is have established a residence at 110 Engineering, has published his new
exploring every scientific avenue to Kings College Road, Fredericton, NB book titled "The_ Excalibur Briefing" in
determine the authenticity Of the E3B 2E7, Canada. Stan has been which he explains paranormal
photographs by securing the invited to represent MUFON as the phenomena. Mr. Bearden presented a
professional advice of medical people, Provincial Director for both New paper at the 1979 MUFON UFO
photographers, zoologists, and Brunswick and Nova Scotia. He has Symposium in San Francisco and
biologists, who · are conducting advised that the producer of his film submitted a published paper for the
extensive tests. Their results, to date, "UFOs Are Real" has changed the title 1980 MUFON UFO Symposium
have been very enlightening on the to "Alien Encounter," but still has not Proceedings, so many readers are
positive side, therefore the released the movie to the theaters. It is familiar with hiS work. Colonel Bearden
investigation continues. available from your' local Fotomat endeavors to show precisely what
The September 30th issue of the outlet on one-half inch video tape under UFOs are ·and how they are formed,
Globe-, a weekly tabloid featured a story its original name for either VHS or Beta what the bioenergy is in Hieronymus
titled ''Photos of dead alien expose reproduction. devices, thought photography, psychic
UFO cover-up." More than forty We are extremely proud to surgery, and psychokinetics. He
photographs of a wrecked UFO and its announce the publication of a new book explains the strange cattle mutilations,
charred pilot were given to Charles J. compiled by George M., Eberhart, and shows that UFO waves precisely fit
Wilhelm, Dennis Pilichis, and Willard MUFON Staff Librarian, titled "A Geo- predictions for the future. This is a
McIntyre by a veteran navy Bibliography of Anomalies: Primary Strawberry_ Hill Press/Walnut Hill
photographer who has kept them Access to Observations of UFOs, paperback book with 266 pages of
secret for 32 years. Mr. Wilhelm, a Ghosts, and Other Mysterious explanations, drawings, and
MUFON State Section Director living Phenomena." This is a culmination of photographs that may be purchased for
in Fairfield, Ohio, released two of the many years of research by Mr. Eberhart $8.95 by writing to Tom Bearden, 1902
photos for publication in the GLOBE, on paranormal experie1:1ces covering Willis Road S.E., Huntsville, AL 35801.
purported to show a charred body, 20,000 separate events from across the As announced in the September
allegedly that of a UFO pilot who United States, as well as Canada and 1980 issue of the MUFON UFO
crashed in northern Mexico, about 30 Greenland. Biological, physical, and Journal, the 1981 MUFON UFO
miles south of Laredo, Texas, in 1948. meteorological.mysteries are examined Symposium will be held July 24, 25, and
These photographs will require the from lake monsters to spontaneous 26, 1981, at Kresge Auditorium at ·
same painstaking investigation that Mr. human combustion. Parapsychology is Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Stringfield has conducted in his represented by cases of poltergeist, (M.I.T.) in Cambridge (Boston), Mass.,
research to determine their clairvoyance, precognition, psychic hosted by MUFON of Massachusetts
authenticity. Are these alleged photography, and many other psychic with Joe Santage!o, Eastern Regiona1
photographs a "br~k through" in processes. . Phenomeria suggesting Director, serving as ·chairman.□

Lucius Farish


· The September 2 issue of concern ourselves with his criticisms of - stories. But, did something actually
NATIONAL ENQUIRER contains THE SIRIUS MYSTERY." The lack of happen near Roswell, New Mexico, in ,
Leonard StringfieJd's comments on the substantiation in the various "super- July 1947, which served as an
various descriptions of UFO entities skeptic" charges is also·demonstrated inspiration or starting point for all the
•• which have been reported throtigh the by a !Ong refutation of an Oberg article rumors? This is the theme of the new
years. An excerpt from THE on Velikovsky in the October issue Qf book by Charles Berlitz and William L.
Berlitz and William L Moore .ippears in A couple of interesting articles on The authors contend, on the basis of
the· September 16 ENQUIRER issue. phantom submarines and Bigfoot can their extensive research into the story,
The August 26 issue of THE STAR be found in the #19 issue of TRUE that a UFO did crash in the New
rePor1:s on the widespread UFO UFOs & OUTER SPACE QUARTER- Mexico desert, with its remains
sightings in Argentina on June 14, 1980. LY, but most of the other material is (including alien humanoids) being
A wave of UFO reports from the rehash and/or non-UFO-related. The confiscated· by the military and taken to
Hillsboro, N.H., area is detailed in the same could be said for the #12 issue of Wright Field (now Wright-Patterson Air
Septem~ 9 issue. A three-part series IDEAL'S UFO MAGAZINE and the #9 Force Base), Ohio.
'of articles by Dr. J. Allen Hynek is issue of UFO UPDATE, although the The book is marred by the
featured in the September 16, 23, and latter publication does have a few items inclusion of unverified material (though
30 issues of THE STAR. of interest. not necessarily information pertaining
Harry Lebelson contributes the Well-known astronomer Dr. directly to the book's central theme); ·
"UFO Update" column in September Robert Jastrow contributes an article but when the authors stick to the
OMNI, discussing the theories of the on UFOs to the Novembei/December · events which allegedly occurred near
late Dr. Carl Jung and how they might issue of the "new'' SCIENCE DIGEST. Roswell, they provide some fascinating
pertain to UFO contactee reports. Although Dr. Jastrow draws no firm data. There is no proof that crashed
James Oberg's column in the October ·conclusions on UFO visitations, he saucers exist, but there is certainly
OMNI is largely devoted to the Val does not rule out the possibility of enough information to strongly suggest
Johnson case from Minnesota, highly advanced exfraterrestrials being that they do. THE ROSWELL
suggesting that the possibility of a hoax responsible for some of the reports. INCIDENT makes for highly interesting
or prank cannot be ruled out. Attempting to keep up with what - reading. It is available for $10.00 from
The contents of October UFO used to be the INTERNATIONAL Grossett & Dunlap, Inc., 51 Madison
REPORT includes articles by Jerome UFO REPORTER seems to be as Avenue, New York, NY 10010. If you
Clark, Jim Miles, Stanton Friedman, difficult as keeping up with UFOs! The
,,'' Ronald Edwards, and others. Topics IUR · ceased publication, with plans ·to
prefer an autorgraphed copy, these
may be obtained frbm William L. Moore
covered include the "crashed saucers" publish a column of UFO news in each at P.O. Box 1845, Prescott, AZ.
reports, · UFO ground effects, UFO bi-monthly issue of PROBE. After two 86302. Add $1.25 for postage and
films, the California "airships" of 1896, issues, that publication has now fol~ed handling.
etc. and the "IUR" material has been shifted
The October issue of FATE has an to SECOND LOOK (now re-titled
article by Robert K.G. Temple, "In FRONTIERS OF SCIENCE). It will
Defense of THE SIRIUS MYSTERY," now (supposedly) appear in each issue
which is a response to James Oberg's . of_ that- magazine:· Stay tuned for our
skeptical · look at the Tempie
book/theory (FATE, November 1978).
next installment in this continuing saga!
We've heard them for 30 years,
Temple concludes his article by saying, those fascinating, but apocryphal, 103 OLDTOWNE RD.
"In my view, it is pointless to attack stories of how UFOs supposedly· SEGUIN, TX 78155 .
someone in print unless you can crashed•in Mexico or Arizona or New
substantiate what you are saying. Since Mexico or any one of a few dozen other
Oberg cannot do so, we need not locations. Mostly, they've been just that


On October 11, 1980, a "MUFON and disclose what they have seen ancient civHization far superior to our
Mini-Symposium" was held at the Main provided that their names are not own. By special a_rrangement with New
Auditorium Building, at the Couflty released to the press. As an example of York's finest color litographers we are
Fairgrounds in Sonora, Calif., chaired the investigation that must take place now offering a laser-sharp 4 color
by Marvin Taylor, Assistant State concerning ~every report, I quote from reproduction (24" x 36") printed on
Director for Northern California. The my Director's Message in the July 1980 Champion's Krome KOte paper and
featured speakers were J. Allen Hynek, issue of The MUFON UFO Journal. "A liquid laminated to enhance and
Ph:D., Director of CUFOS; Thomas bombshell was dropped. at the preserve the print's fine quality for
Gates, MUFON Consultant in symposium when Leonard H. aeons to come." The ad goes on to say
Astronomy; Paul Cerny, Western Stringfield, author of 'The UFO "Dr. L.K. Barnes, who has been in
States Regional Director; and. Marvin Crash/Retrieval Syndrome' announced telepathic confact with ancient
Taylor. MUFON of Northern California that he had brought eight photographs Atlanteans · via the Vortex of
followed this fine event by sponsoring showing a preserved body in a glass box Knowledge (Cayce's Vortex) claims
Dr. J. Allen Hynek in a lecture on with possibly nitrogen gas circulating that he shall disclose the origin of this
October 16, 1980, at ttie Civic within the container. These alleged earth-shaking find in the next Ancient
Auditorium in Redding, Calif., arranged photographs are prints, both in black Astronauts."
by Paul Cerny. With superb public and white and color, given to him by a Since I do not subscribe to this
education of this nature, it is person from an intelligence agency of magazine, I do not know if the article
understandable why MUFON has the U.S. government." was published as. promised. Your
more members in California than in Leonard did not allow these Director responde·d to the
any other state. photographs to be reproduced by the advertisemen·t in order to secure this
Each time Leonard Stringfield news media, since their authenticity "magnificent 2 ft. by 3 ft. full color
· appears on a radio or television was still under investigation. Stanton reproductiOn of this incredible
program, MUfON receives a deluge of Friedman, MUFON Consultant and discovery" by sending a check for $7.00
orders for his monograph titled "The William "Bill" Moore, State Section to the publishers of the magazine.
UFO, Crash/Retrieval Syndrome" Director in Prescott, Arizona, Several months have elapsed, the
Status Report II: New Sources, New continued their research into these check has not been cashed, and
Data published by the Mutual UFO questionable photographs and have MUFON has not · received this
Network, January 1980. ($5.00 found a logical source. The front cover "fantastic photograph." Dennis W.
postpaid from MUFON). His of the November 1977 issue of "Ancient Hauck, former editor of "Official UFO" ..'

specialized work in thiS exciting field Astronauts," published by Country• and "Ancient Astronauts," resigned h~ II
continues to produce positive results. wide Publications, Inc. ih New York position with Countrywide Publications, Ii
On August 21st, Len provided this brief -City featured a replica of one of the when the owners decided that they '
up-date by telephone. He now has 18 photographs under the caption "The wouJd change their format from
first• hand witnesses who allegedly have hllmanoid found in cryOgenic legitimate UFO reports, submitted by
seen the alien bodies. Of these 18, three suspension within- the SECRET established investigators, to "pure
new witnesses said they saw live bodies, CHAMBERS BENEATH THE EMPIRE fiction" generated by fictitious writers.
one claimed to have seen three bodies STATE BUILDING." Your Director is confident that
being loaded into an ambulance, A subsequent advertisement in the someone has photographed this poster
another saw one in Hawaii in 1944, same magazine has the following quote: or a "cropped" version of the magazine
while yet another reported having "This is the startling photograph of a cover and submitted same to Leonard
observed a single body at Wright- being discovered and carefully Stringfield as a cruel joke. A more
Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio. photographed by the government serious implication could be an attempt
Before these new witness reports beneath the streets of New York City. It by someone to discredit Mr.
may be accepted as authentic, each has become the most controversial and Stringfield's fine work to date by
must be checked out thoroughly. sought after indisputable physical making a public disclosure of the origin
However, it is gratifying to know that evidence thus far, in the search to prove of some of his eight photographs. This
people are now willing to come forward that there once existed on Earth an is a technique used by intelligence
(Continued on Page 18)

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