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Es importante comenzar señalando que los pronombres pueden estar en singular o plural y que
pueden hacer referencia a la distancia.
It is important to start by pointing out that pronouns can be singular or plural and that they can refer
to distance.

that(ese/a/o, aquél, aquello/a)
those(esos/as, aquellos/as)

Singular and here (singular y aquí):

I like this car.(Me gusta este coche.)
Singular and there (singular y allí):
I like that car.(Me gusta ese coche.)
Plural and here (plural y aquí):
I like these cars.(Me gustan estos coches.)
Plural and there (plural y allí):
I like those cars.(Me gustan aquellos coches.)

Los pronombres demostrativos pueden ir acompañados de un nombre como vemos en los

ejemplos anteriores, o pueden ir solos como en los siguientes.

Demonstrative pronouns can be accompanied by a name as we see in the previous examples, or

they can go alone as in the following examples:

This is a good book.(Éste es un buen libro.)

What is that?(¿Qué es eso?)

Other Uses of Demonstrative Pronouns

1. Podemos utilizarlos “this” para presentarnos por teléfono.
Hello. This is Alicia.(Hola. Soy Alicia.)
2. Para preguntar quién hay al otro lado de la línea telefónica o en un lugar oscuro, usamos “that”.
Peter, is that you?(¿Eres tú, Peter?)
3. También usamos “this” cuando presentamos personas.
Lucy, this is my friend Jill.(Lucy, ésta es mi amiga Jill.)
4.“That” también lo podemos utilizar para referirnos a algo del pasado.
That pizza was delicious.(Aquella pizza estaba riquísima.)

Nota: Tanto puede ser una pizza que acabamos de comer como una pizza que comimos en las
vacaciones del año pasado.

So much can be a pizza that we just ate as a pizza that we ate on vacation last year.

The possessive adjective needs to agree with the possessor and not with the thing that is
 My car is very old.
 Her boyfriend is very friendly.
 Our dog is black.
 Their homework is on the table.
Like all adjectives in English, they are always located directly in front of the noun they refer to.
(Possessive Adjective + Noun)
We do not include an S to the adjective when the noun is plural like in many other languages.
 Our cars are expensive. (Correct)
Ours cars are expensive. (Incorrect)
However, the verb that is used needs to be in agreement with the noun - if the noun is singular then
the verb is singular; if the noun is plural then the verb is plural.
 My pen is black. (Singular)
My pens are black. (Plural)
 Our child is intelligent. (Singular)
Our children are intelligent. (Plural)

Its vs. It's

Be careful not to confuse its and it's.
Its = The possessive adjective for It.
It's = a contraction of it is.

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