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22 September 2017

One of the most important thing that must be prepared before we take action in our life is make a
end-life goals. we also have a commitment and vow to reach it. Our mindset must be set to the end of our
target, so it makes our daily activity with ease. We don’t wander from the right track. So, we need to keep
our spirit and emphasize the world! Be strong guys

26 September 2017

I felt so sorry for allude her heart last night. I just wanted to know her dream and vision. I knew
that her feeling became hurt. She desires to focus on her test first, so he couldn’t make the life-time
schedule for a few moments. She is drilling all of the type of test for discernment her skill. So, I wish she
is given the best result. I Love Her. She is the person where I can tell story when I was bewildered.

29 September 2017

A letter was delivered by construction management consultant this afternoon for us. it has
contents about Provisional Hand Over invitation. Site manager have read it and he felt so relaxed. He
alleged the project condition is almost completed. Apparently, there are abound number of defect
checklist haven’t solved yet. Engineering team have to unbend this conjecture in order to build
consciousness and awareness about this matter. Site manager must acquaint the best method to
engineering team and supervisor in handling this problem.

10 Oktober 2017

A Scientist named Dwi Hartanto showed a dubious recognition about his achievement in
aerospace science. He confessed that have won many international competition and was invited by Mr.
B.J. Habibie in making appointment at Dutch ambassador workplace. He was also given scholarship from
the government to continue his study abroad.

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