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My Dream

Course title: English and language skill-1

Course code:1108

Submitted BY Submitted TO
Roll:ASH2129039M Lecturer
Session:20-21 Department of English
Department Of

I would like to express my special thanks of my honorable teacher

Mr.Jony Miah ,who gave me the golden opportunity to do this
wonderful assignment on My Dream. I would like to thanks my
parents and friends who helped me a lot in finalizing this project
within the limited time frame.

Riaz Uddin


Department of Educational Administration


Dream are experiences of imaginary images, sounds, voices

,words, thoughts and sensations during sleep. They usually seem real
while your dream is taking place. When you wake up, you either don’t
remember it, or you realize it never happened. My dream is to become
an ideal businessman. To work for the welfare of the country and
country’s people. Capital is the main reason why most of the
businessmen in our country do not want to go ahead with the business.
Many other factors are involved such as hostile environment, lack of
knowledge about business, safety management, lack of advance
planning, indifference towards work of field level workers are the major
hindrances to business. A businessman has to think about many things
before starting a business. He has to review the surrounding environment
well. In business, social, political, economic, natural etc. issues should
be observed. It is very important for a businessman to have an
understanding of the people around him. For a trader to be successful a
trader must have certain qualities he must have a risk taking attitude. In
business he has to utilize his intelligence, take timely decisions, he must
be flexible with his employees, adapt to adverse environment, take
sound decisions wisely, get the ability to coordinate with everyone. I
will identify the area to set up my business. I invest capital in business I
will do it according to the needs of the people of that area. I will create
new articles for business. I will keep adequate measures to survive in
adverse environment. I will increase the businessman by slowly
spreading the business sectors in different directions. My dream is to
grow up in life, enjoy the things in life that I couldn't do move freely,
live independently, live a beautiful life with people in the family and
society. I don’t prefer myself working under anyone so I set a dream that
I will create employment for many people and become the dream maker
of many people. So I thought I would be a businessman and there my
dreams would come true. I will be free to work there, I will not have to
work more days but others will work under me. My organization will
play a leading role in the service of the country and the decade ,will play
a special role in the economy of the country, will work in the creation of
human resources of the country. The staff of my organization will never
fear me but will see them with the eyes of a friend. Besides their salary,
bonus will be arranged. Also, the Bangladesh government is requesting
many directives to help create new entrepreneurs, using more training. A
dream is something we work hard day and night to achieve. It takes a lot
of hard work to make dreams come true. No man can live without
dreams. A person who has no dreams in life has no goals in life. We
should dream to realize life. We should work hard to realize our dreams.
Work for the welfare of the country and nation. Play a role in the
development of the country. Focusing on how to develop yourself as a
skilled human resource without putting pressure on the government and
turning unskilled human resources into skilled human resources.

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