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Reference Questionnaire


Candidate Name: Position:

Reference Source: Position:
Company Name: Contact Information:
Candidate Employment Dates:
Relationship to Candidate:

Please describe his/her duties and responsibilities:

Did they have any particular strengths?

Were there any areas for development/improvement?

Did you have any criticism of their work?

Please describe their VERBAL communication skills:

Please describe their WRITTEN communication skills:

Does this individual’s strengths lie more with his or her interpersonal or technical skills?

Did they prioritize well?

Did they receive any promotions?

Describe the individual’s interactions with colleagues?

Please rate 1 – 10. 1 being lowest and 10 being highest.

• Attention toward job and company

• Attention to detail

• Resourcefulness

• Motivation

• Integrity

• Professionalism

Describe their overall work ethic:

Why did they leave the company?

Did they leave on their own accord?

Was proper notice given?

Would they be eligible for rehire should you have a position available?

What type of work would you think they would be best suited for in the future?

May we discuss this reference with the candidate and/or client?

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