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Reviewer in ESP II (UB)

First Quarterly Assessment

I. Put a check ( ) on the space provided if the statement shows a responsible child.
______1. Bea always helps her mother in buying groceries.
______2. Jane throws her trash in the trash can always.
______3. Cardo always fights his little brother.
______4. Maria did her homework first before watching TV.
______5. Emma didn’t return the books she borrows on the shelves.
______6. Tintin fix her bed sheet every morning.
______7. Luis talk back always to his parents when scolded.
______8. Anjo loves to keep his toys after using it.
______9. Kris helps the needy and less fortunate.
______10. Brent always goes to school with dirty uniform and messy look.
II. Identify the correct action that a child with self – discipline will do given the following situations. Encircle
the letter of your answer.
11. The school have a policy of No ID, No Entry. You forgot your ID. The security guard strictly follows this
policy. So, you cannot enter the school premises. What will you do?
a. I will cry and create noise.
b. I will insist that he allows me to enter because I am a pupil of that school.
c. I will call my parents and request them to bring my ID.
12. When your mother calls for your younger brother, he yelled and answered “What?” What will you do?
a. You will remind your brother to speak in a gentle way.
b. You will slap your brother.
c. You will ask your brother to face the wall.
13. Your younger sister was playing with her toys in the living room when she accidentally hit the flowerpot.
She was very afraid because your mother warned her already not to play near the flowerpot or she will be
punished. Your sister told you not to tell your mother about it. What will you do?
a. You will scold your sister for breaking the flowerpot.
b. You will tell the truth to your mother.
c. You will tell your mother that it was the maid who broke it.
14. Your mother arrived from the market and saw your siblings playing and watching TV. Your family’s
agreement is to clean the house before doing these activities. When your mother reminded them about this
rule, your brother turned his back and silently whispered, “Hmph! Who cares?” You heard him. What will
you do?
a. You will just keep quiet because you pity your brother.
b. You will tell your mother what your brother did.
c. You will tell your siblings to clean the house so that your mother will not get angry.
15. There is a group of girls in the library who are talking and giggling instead of reading or studying. What
will you do?
a. I will not stop them because I have no power to do so.

funTEACHtic Learning Center

Bulalacao Bldg. P. Zamora St., Batangas City
b. I will shout at them because they are making noise.
c. I will approach and remind them because they are disturbing those who like to study.
16. Cell phones are not allowed inside the classroom during class hours. A child violating this policy will
have his or her cell phone confiscated. This will be given back at the end of the class provided his or her
parent will come to school. Do you agree with this policy? Why?
a. I do not agree with this policy because if my family calls, I will not be able to attend their needs
b. I do not agree with this policy because if I fell bored in school, I want to call my friends.
c. I agree with this policy because it helps pupils concentrate in their studies.
17. If a child is absent because of sickness or tardiness, he or she should present himself or herself to
Prefect of Discipline and secure an admission slip. Is this policy all right with you? Why?
a. Yes, this policy is all right with me because it helps monitor pupils’ attendance and avoid
b. No, because securing an admission slip takes time. I do not like to wait 10 to 20 minutes.
c. No, because I do not want to tell the truth why I was absent.
18. There is a school policy states that do not destroy or damage school property. When you went to the
comfort room, you saw your friends writing something on the wall about your teacher. What will you do?
a. I will report them to the Prefect of Discipline.
b. I will ask them to erase what they wrote and I will help them do it.
c. I will erase it by myself and tell them not to do it again.
III. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if not.
__________19. A family should spend time together to have strong relationship.
__________20. A family that prays together stays together.
__________21. Family members should fight each other.
__________22. Children should follow the rules that set by their parents for them.
__________23. If one member of the family is sick or has a problem, other members should ignore it.
__________24. Do things on your own even without your parents’ permission.
__________25. Parents and children should show signs of love by saying I love you to each other from the
__________26. Family should keep their communication always open.
__________27. Parents should not listen to the opinions and feeling of their children.
__________28. Each member of the family should feel that he or she is loved.
__________29. Children should do the assigned chores before playing.
__________30. Each member of the family should show respect to each other.

Prepared by:

funTEACHtic Learning Center

Bulalacao Bldg. P. Zamora St., Batangas City
Reviewer in ESP II (UB)
First Quarterly Assessment
Answer key

3. ___
5. ___
7. ___
10. ___
11. C
12. A
13. B
14. C
15. C
16. C
17. A
18. B
19. TRUE
20. TRUE
22. TRUE
25. TRUE
26. TRUE
28. TRUE
29. TRUE
30. TRUE

funTEACHtic Learning Center

Bulalacao Bldg. P. Zamora St., Batangas City

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