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Name:_________________________________ Grade and Section:________________

Teacher:_______________________________ Date:___________________________
General Directions: Read each item carefully. Choose the best answer and blacken the circle
with the corresponding letter in your answer sheet.
I.Main Idea and Supporting Details
Directions: Read each passage and answer the following questions. 10 pts

Passage 1
Being a celebrity is often difficult. First of all, celebrities have to look almost perfect all the time.
There’s always a photographer ready to take an unflattering picture of a famous person looking dumpy in
old clothes. Celebrities also sacrifice in private lives. Their personal struggles, divorces, or family tragedies
all end up as front-page news. Last, and most frightening of all, celebrities are in constant danger of the
wrong kind of attention. Threatening letters and even physical attacks from crazy fans are things a celebrity
must face.

______ 1. What is the main idea of this paragraph?

A. Celebrities also sacrifice their private lives.
B. Being a celebrity is often difficult.
C. Celebrities are in constant danger of the wrong kind of attention.
D. Celebrities have to look almost perfect all the time.
______ 2. Which is the supporting detail?
A. Celebrities have to look almost perfect all the time.
B. Celebrities also sacrifice their private lives.
C. Celebrities are in constant danger of the wrong kind of attention.
D. All of the above

Passage 2
When tigers hunt, they hunt alone. In contrast, lions hunt in groups; they work together to trap their
victims or preys. Cheetahs use their speed to catch their prey. Leopards climb trees when they are hunting.
Surprisingly, jaguars can hunt in the water. In conclusion, there is great diversity in the hunting habits of
large cats and in the places in which they hunt.

______ 3. What is the main idea of the paragraph?

A. There is great diversity in the hunting habits of large cats and in the places in
which they hunt.
B. When tigers hunt, they hunt alone.
C. Cheetahs use their speed to catch their prey.
D. Jaguars can hunt in water.

______ 4. Which is the supporting detail to the idea “Places in which large cats hunt differ”?
A. Leopards climb trees when they are hunting.
B. When tigers hunt, they hunt alone.
C. Lions hunt in groups.
D. Both A and B

Passage 3
My dog, Putchie, does not remember his name. He doesn’t learn tricks, even the easiest ones like
“fetch the ball”. Worst, he eats inedible objects or things that are not safe to eat! I sometimes catch him
chewing on tissue or plastic. Finally, he does not recognize his own reflection. He gets scared whenever he
sees himself in the mirror. Putchie is not very smart.
______ 5. What is the main idea of the paragraph?
A. Putchie does not recognize his own reflection.
B. Putchie is not very smart.
C. Putchie eats inedible objects.
D. Putchie does not remember his name.
______ 6. Which is a supporting detail to the main idea?
A. Putchie is not very smart.
B. Putchie eats inedible objects.
C. Putchie does not remember his name.
D. Both B and C
______ 7.Which of the following is an additional information to the idea “Putchie eats inedible
objects or things that are not safe for him”?
A. He can’t learn the easy trick “fetch the ball”.
B. He gets scared whenever he sees himself in the mirror.
C. I sometimes catch him chewing on tissue or plastic.
D. None of the above
______ 8. Which of the following is an additional information to the idea “Putchie does not
recognize his own reflection”?
A. He can’t learn the easy trick “fetch the ball”.
B. He gets scared whenever he sees himself in the mirror.
C. I sometimes catch him chewing on tissue or plastic.
D. None of the above

Passage 4
There are some simple ways to save money at the supermarket. First, avoid products which charge
extra for packaging, such as cheese wrapped individually by slice. You can also buy brands of basic items
instead of expensive name-brand products. Some people organize a shopping list alphabetically; others
group items by categories. Also, shop when you are not hungry, so that you won’t be tempted to buy
pricey treats. Go to the store at odd hours or on weekdays to induce the time you spend in lines. Buy
locally grown fruits and vegetables, which are often better for you than canned or frozen ones.

_______9. What is the main idea of the paragraph?

A. Locally grown fruits and vegetables are cheaper and healthier.
B. Shopping when hungry forces you to buy expensive foods.
C. Products which charge extra for packaging are expensive.
D. There are some simple ways to save money at the supermarket.

______ 10. How can we save money at the supermarket?

A. Avoid products which charge extra for packaging.
B. Buy store brands of basic items.
C. Shop when you are not hungry.
D. All of the above

II. Vocabulary Development

A. Literal and Figurative Languages
Directions: Identify the figure of speech used in each sentence. Select your answers from
the choices inside the box.

__________________11. She is acting cruel to be kind.

________________12. There are roaches infesting the pest control office.

__________________13. Looking at a mess, she said, "You can win an award for

__________________14. Those are bittersweet memories.

__________________15. My favorite show on TV is The Waking Dead.

__________________16. Cheri just bought the coolest new virtual reality goggles.

__________________17. The most shoplifted book in America is The Bible.

__________________18. The only losing basketball coach in University of Kansas history is

James Naismith—the man who invented basketball in 1891.

__________________19. I would say y answer is a definite maybe.

__________________20. They couldn’t wait to get out alone together.

B. Unlocking of Difficult Words
Directions: Choose the letter of the meaning of the underlined word in the box. 5 pts.

1. suitable or safe to eat

2. very polite in a way that shows respect
3. existing or occurring in large amount
4. very serious about studying, reading, learning, etc.
5. a question or a request for information about something

______ 21. Myla has a query about the lesson that was discussed.
______ 22. The edible mushroom was served for lunch.
______ 23. Harrix shows courteous manners at all times.
______ 24. Liana is very studious. When it is time for her to review her lesson, no one should
disturb her.
______ 25. Rich people have abundant food served on the dining table.

III. Grammar Awareness

A. Phrases
Directions: Identify whether the underlined word/s is Verbal, Noun or Prepositional. Choose
D if it is not a phrase. 10 pts.

1. Verbal Phrase C. Noun Phrase

2. Prepositional Phrase D. Not a Phrase

______ 26. My brother will meet me at the City Library.

______ 27 They plan a welcome party for Mr. Cruz.
______ 28. This chocolate is super sweet.
______ 29. We are waiting for the bus to arrive.
______ 30. Ate Ana woreher lovely, pink dress tonight.
______ 31. Ryan speaks English, Korean and French.
______ 32 The chocolate cake in the refrigerator is Jerry’s gift to his mother.
______ 33. We have visitors from Canada.
______34. Coach Chito’s strategy worked for the team. They won the championship.
______ 35. I left the keys beside the T.V.

B. Adjectives
Directions: Analyze the trait shown below. Choose the letter that best describes the
person in the given situation from the pool of adjectives in the box. 10 pts.

3. God-fearing F. caring
4. honest G. obedient
5. independent H. responsible
6. friendly I. respectful
7. behave J. brave
______ 36 Rona returned the excess change given by the store owner.
______ 37 Since Venus is a new student in that school, she offered some of her food to
her classmates.
______ 38. Donna reminded her classmates not to stay long under the heat of the sun for
them not to suffer from skin cancer.
______ 39. Leif always returns his toys to its proper place.
______ 40. Aira does not get the things that she does not own. She is always reminded of
God’s commandment, “Thou shall not steal.”
______ 41. Edith goes home before 6:00 P.M. It is one of their house rules that everybody
should be home by that time.
______ 42. Chit can be left alone even during night time.
______ 43. The students sit quietly even without the presence of the teacher in the room.
______ 43. Arlene can do her assignments and projects by herself.
______ 44. Nora does not answer back on her parents when scolded by them.

IV. Literature
A.Reading and Literature
Directions: Read the story carefully then answer the test items that follow.

Flor and Liza chatted and sang cheerfully as they walked in the park. Suddenly a big
scary dog appeared. Liza quickly climbed a tree. Flor wanted help but her friend had already
left her. She was very scared because the dog seemed to be a rabid one and could easily bite
and infect her. She thought hard and when the dog came near to her, she lay very still on the
ground and controlled her breath. The dog came close to smell her body all over but the rabid
dog just walked away thinking that the lady was dead. Liza then came down from the tree
when she knew the dog was gone. She asked Flor scornfully, “What did the dog tell you?” The
Flor thought for a while. “The dog told me never to trust a friend who escapes and leaves you
alone when you need her the most.” she answered. Then Liza realized her mistake and felt
sorry for her friend.
For numbers 45-50, Arrange the following events based on their chronological order. 6 pts.

45. Flor and Liza went to the park.

46.Flor lay on the ground and controlled her breath.
47.Liza climbed a tree and left her friend Liza.
48.The dog left thinking that the lady was dead.
49. A scary dog appeared and scared the two friends.
50.Liza felt apologetic with what she did with her friend.

B.Types of Conflict
Directions: Determine the Type/Kind of Conflict present below. 4 pts

Man vs. Man (Physical) C. Man vs. Society (Social)

Man vs. Circumstance (Classical) D. Man vs. Himself (Psychological)

______ 51. MangTario wants to go town but he got lost in the forest.
______ 52. Rona told Faith a secret but Faith told another friend. Soon the whole school knew
the secret. Rona got very angry at Faith.
______ 53. Your new friend gives you a stick of cigarette. You know that smoking is bad but
you don’t want your new friend to think you are not cool.
______ 54. Gino is not very much liked in school. Other students avoid him because he’s
boastful and he bullies smaller kids.

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