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ስስስስ ስስስ ስስስስስ ስስስስስስስ Addis Ababa Institute of Technology

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Monthly Internship Report

(April/May 2019)

Name of student: Melkamu Bayu

Student ID No.: ATR/9526/08

Mentor’s name: Ato. Andualem.E

School: School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

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ስስስ• (Dir) 251-11-123-2435 P.O.Box 385 Fax: 251-11-123-9480

ስስስስ (Mob) 251-91-331-5662

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ስስስስ ስስስ ስስስስስ ስስስስስስስ Addis Ababa Institute of Technology

ስስስስስስስ-ስስስስስስ ስስስስ ስስስስስስስ University–Industry Linkage Coordination Office

To be filled out by the School:

Submission date: ________________

Accepted by mentor: ________________

(Date, full name and signature)


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ስስስ• (Dir) 251-11-123-2435 P.O.Box 385 Fax: 251-11-123-9480

ስስስስ (Mob) 251-91-331-5662

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ስስስስ ስስስ ስስስስስ ስስስስስስስ Addis Ababa Institute of Technology

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This report summarizes my internship program from April 25 to May 16.

In the two consecutive weeks of this month Innovation and technology ministry gave us
training on business plan preparation. Through this training we got great experience from trainer
and he gives us mini project which is preparing our own business plan for a given entrepreneur
idea. In the remaining two weeks of the month, the company let us to do our own project either
web development or embedded projects.

After finishing business plan preparation training we have trying to find project ideas. To
do this we have searched different project ideas from google and we have selected the relevant
one for our environmental problems. After that we have trying to develop our business plane the
project and we have presented it to our adviser of ministry. Our advisor gave us some comment
and suggestion, after that we redevelop our business plan depending on suggestions, correction
and comments of our advisor.

After finishing our business plane preparation we started doing the project. Before starting
developing the project we have collected resources or components which are used to develop our
project. For instance we download protues, sensor libraries, and Arduino IDLE from online and
we installed it on our machine.

ስስስ Tel. ስስ.ስ.ስ ስስስ 

ስስስ• (Dir) 251-11-123-2435 P.O.Box 385 Fax: 251-11-123-9480

ስስስስ (Mob) 251-91-331-5662

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ስስስስ ስስስ ስስስስስ ስስስስስስስ Addis Ababa Institute of Technology

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Week No: 1 Dates: April 25, 2019

Weekdays Activities

Monday We have started business plan preparation training and through this day the trainer give
us Brief introduction about himself and the training. The trainer shared us his experience
of business plan development.

Tuesday We have trained about fundamentals of entrepreneurship and business planning and
business model develop and the deference between business plan and business model.

Wednesday We have trained how to develop our business model template and about contents of
business model template. And about minimum viable product

Thursday We have trained about customer segmentation, value proposition, channels and customer
relationship. These terms are contents of business model.

Friday We have trained about contents of business model preparation like key activities, cost
structure and positive and negative impacts.

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ስስስ• (Dir) 251-11-123-2435 P.O.Box 385 Fax: 251-11-123-9480

ስስስስ (Mob) 251-91-331-5662

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ስስስስ ስስስ ስስስስስ ስስስስስስስ Addis Ababa Institute of Technology

ስስስስስስስ-ስስስስስስ ስስስስ ስስስስስስስ University–Industry Linkage Coordination Office
 Week No: 2 Dates: May 1, 2019

Weekdays Activities

Monday We have started the training about fundamentals of supply chain analysis and some terms
like supply chain management, the productive life cycle and supply chain’s strategic

Tuesday We have learned about the effects of bullwhip effect on our supply chain management
and how to reduce its effect and about supply chain integration and strategies and also
about integrated strategies development.

Wednesday We have learned about fundamentals of forecasting, quantitative forecasting models and
forecasting error and accuracy

Thursday We learned about monitoring forecast accuracy, fundamentals of inventory optimization

and fundamentals of risk management.

Friday We have learned about product and process life cycle, operation planning process and
capability requirements planning.

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ስስስ• (Dir) 251-11-123-2435 P.O.Box 385 Fax: 251-11-123-9480

ስስስስ (Mob) 251-91-331-5662

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ስስስስ ስስስ ስስስስስ ስስስስስስስ Addis Ababa Institute of Technology

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Week No: 3 Dates: May, 8 2019

Weekdays Activities

Monday We have learned about process planning and design, and business feasibility analysis in
this topic we have learned about fundamentals of Economic evaluation.

Tuesday The trainer gave us mini project to develop our own business model and business plane
based on the training and he gave us some business ideal so, based on the ideas we
developed simple business model and plan and present it to the trainer.

Wednesday Through this day we trying to find project ideas and resource for our project from

Thursday Through this day we have started developing business plane and model for our project
and we have finished developing business model.
Friday We have developed business plan for our project and presented our business model and
plan to our advisor of the company and he gave us some correction and comments. Based
on the comments and corrections we redeveloped our business model and plane.

ስስስ Tel. ስስ.ስ.ስ ስስስ 

ስስስ• (Dir) 251-11-123-2435 P.O.Box 385 Fax: 251-11-123-9480

ስስስስ (Mob) 251-91-331-5662

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ስስስስ ስስስ ስስስስስ ስስስስስስስ Addis Ababa Institute of Technology

ስስስስስስስ-ስስስስስስ ስስስስ ስስስስስስስ University–Industry Linkage Coordination Office

Week No: 4 Dates: May, 16 2019

Weekdays Activities

Monday We have started doing our project. Our project title was temperature controller with
Arduino. To controller the temperature we have used fan for cooling purpose and heater
for warming purpose. Through this day we prepare set up for the project like software
installation such as protues and Arduino IDE.
Tuesday We have written c code for Arduino to controller fan and heater motor. Fan start to work
when temperature greater the 35 degree Celsius and heater start to work when temperature
less than 20 degree Celsius.

Wednesday We have developed schematics of our project on protues and we have uploaded hex file
of c code to Arduino uno microcontroller and we have got the expected result from the

Thursday We have prepared presentation slide and we trying to understand our presentation slide.

Friday We presented our project to the advisor and the adviser gave us some advice related to
our presentation style and he advised us do no frustrate when we present and also he gave
us a comment on our slide.

ስስስ Tel. ስስ.ስ.ስ ስስስ 

ስስስ• (Dir) 251-11-123-2435 P.O.Box 385 Fax: 251-11-123-9480

ስስስስ (Mob) 251-91-331-5662

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