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GL Report
UID: 300057823258451

Total Recharge Rebate

Heavy Spenders, Medium Spenders, My Opinion:

Free Players: N/A

Anniversary Red Envelope

Heavy Spenders: Aren’t so eager to spend in this event, mainly because others are

giving the envelopes to their alt or none at all. Another reason is because lately

there have been so many recharging events and they feel like they are only good

for their money.

Medium Spenders: The only medium spenders would be the players who are new

on the server and don’t understand the mechanics completely.

Free Players: N/A

My Opinion: I believe this event could be boosted up a bit or let to run the whole

week, from Thursday to Thursday. Another aspect is that small groups can not

participate or benefit from this event, making it only for top players.
Break Golden Eggs
Heavy Spenders, Medium Spenders, My Opinion:

Free Players: N/A

Colored Banner Gift

Heavy Spenders, Medium Spenders, My Opinion:

Free Players: N/A

Time-Limited Shop
Heavy Spenders, Medium Spenders, Free Players, My Opinion:

Missions General Mobilization

Heavy Spenders, Medium Spenders, Free Players:

Anniversary Fireworks Celebration

Heavy Spenders, Medium Spenders, Free Players:
My Opinion:

Wheel of Fortune
Heavy Spenders:

Medium Spenders, Free Players:

My Opinion:

Fateful Choice
Heavy Spenders, Medium Spenders, Free Players:

Refining Rebate&Limited Refinement

Heavy Spenders, Medium Spenders, Free Players:

Recruitment Feedback
Heavy Spenders, Medium Spenders, Free Players, My Opinion: Nice rebate as
always. But the 800 milestones is a bit hard to achieve and the reward given isn’t
so appealing.
Myoboku Trial
Heavy Spenders, Medium Spenders, Free Players, My Opinion:


Tsunade NPC: First of all, everyone is disappointed by it only having

one part of the supposed NPC. Secondly, fix or make the book’s name clear so
everyone knows what ninja is for( regarding the Kakuzu-Final Shot Book, having
the same name for 2 different ninjas). Everyone wants the other parts released
Omoi [Swimsuit]: Everyone is fine with a new ninja we get for free when he
won’t change much/anything to the existing meta. Good for collection, so no one
complains. Only that we don’t fully get him, to be more exact, we only get 70 frags
because 3v3 gives each day 5 frags.

Obito [Ten-Tails Jinchuriki]: Tooooo soon. Tooo early. Pushing the

release of ingots-only ninja is something the players despite. We only see it as
being “tools” for their milking.

Suigetsu ST/SB: finally Another OG ninja gets his skills upgraded and we
truly happy about it.

Tobirama Senju [Edo Tensei]: the only complaint I heard till now was
that he wasn’t in events lately, last seen at the beginning of august.

Refinement Feature Update: REALLY? Well to begin with,

players aren’t happy in the slightest with “update”, rather call it a
downgrade. They are pissed off because even if 80% of the community
will say “NO”, if the 20% votes “yes” well devs will say that we, as a
community, like the idea and will implement it. Some simple arguments
against this update: the majority of the players, aren’t done with their
first position let alone the others. If we would allow this update to
receive a green light, we would make the “position 1 stack meta” to
grow even stronger. Secondly, this update won’t just fill the glass with
the Company’ mistakes towards its community, but will spill the water
and turn it into an ocean of ever complaints. Which takes us to the third
part: Players will quit, not 1 or 3 but a lot. Regarding my server, this
update or being merged again with S1-S7 will make my Server quit
faster than Usain Bolt( who’s 100m speed is 9.58s). After all I’ve
already said, If this company doesn’t value its players,, maybe it values
the money they spend on the game, so It should try to keep the players
playing in order to make money. That won’t be possible if the players
Arena: update the arena season rewards, for example include

Group Shop: increase the amount of advanced refine from 1 to 3 or 5

Reintroduce advanced threads in such ways that people could finish their
battle armor without a lot of effort, given how the functions is basically here since
the beginning. Another item refreshed or reintroduced should be all outfits as not
everyone has every outfit and some tend to appear more than others.

Update the ranking rewards; we had for some time the one currently, so maybe
we can get till 300k milestones

Update the grocery store with newer power items such as the Training Potions

Include “This is youth” outfit in the mysterious shop of Grocery store.

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