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S.Y 2018-2019

Name:________________________________ Grade/Sec.: ___________________Score:__________

Direction: Read carefully the questions and write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided for.

From the selection Self-Service Elevator, Gaucho, and Brazil

1-4 Find the meaning of the underlined word in the choices and answer the question itself by choosing the
letter of the correct answer on the next set of choices.

______1. What is the root word of revelation and what does it mean?
A. Reveal B. Revel C. Revelate D. Rebel
A. Revelation is an enlightening or astonishing disclosure
B. Revelation is the last book in the Bible (New Testament).
C. Revelation is an act of prophesying something to happen in the future.
D. None of the above
______2. When is a person riding high as a businessman, an inventor, an actress, a radio commentator, an architect?
A. Successful B. Bankrupt C. Dishonest D. Professional
______3. Does simpleton necessarily have a low intelligence quotient (IQ)?
A. A person lacking intelligence or common sense
B. Somebody who is insane.
C. A person who has never been to school and learn different academic subjects.
D. All of the above
A. No, he doesn’t because we are all rational being and we can think differently from others.
B. Yes
C. Yes but he or she somehow needs to adapt the challenge.
D. None of the above
______4. I usually scorn people whom I hate especially if they were disrespectful to others.
A. Lack of respect B. reprimand C. approach sincerely D. despise
______5. Is a free man who works as a cowboy in the southern plains of South America?
A. Gaucho B. Gucho C. freemason D. Illuminati
______6. Who is Gavilan in the story?
A. A man who doesn’t know how to value the importance of time.
B. A man who values his independence and takes his hard life with patience and resignation to the
Divine Will.
C. A man who never give up despite of all the circumstances.
D. None of the above
______7. What do you call the jack, card in a suit of cards?
A. Pago B. sota C. copo D. vulture
______8. In Spanish, what does “I’ll bet the whole amount!” mean?
A. Pago B. copo C. poncho D. gringo
______9. The following describes Gavilan in the story, except one, which?
A. Gavilan has decided to spend the night at camp.
B. I’m a gaucho… but never wanted to be a gaucho!
C. Gavilan lies smoking, stretched out by the burnt – out fire.
D. He falls off to sleep like a child.
______10. What selection where you can find this passage: I hear the millstones grinding sugarcane, the gurgle of sweet
juices flowing into the vats, the clank of pails among rubber trees…?
A. Self-Service Elevator B. Brazil C. Gaucho D. None of them
______11. In these lines from the poem: …the talk of planters among coffee bushes, the talk of miners in gold mines, the
talk of workmen in furnaces where steel is made, the talk of diamond hunters shaking sieves, the talk of colonels
in the verandas of country houses..which facets of Brazil the lines describe?
A. Work in the countryside C. Industries in the city
B. The future of the country D. Description of the rivers
______12. How about in these lines: But what I hear, above all, in this hour of pure sunlight still palms, shining rocks,
flashes, gleams, scintillations, is the song of thy candles, Brazil, of all thy cradles, in which there sleeps, mouth
dripping with milk, dusky, trusting, the man of tomorrow!?
A. Work in the countryside C. The future of the country
B. Industries in the city D. Business talk all over the country

13 – 20 VOCABULARIES taken from the three selections. Find the opposite meaning (antonym) of the underlined word.
Write the letter of the correct answer.

_______13. Luis made a firm resolve to hold his sister to a strict accounting for such slanderous remarks.
A. Harmful B. Libelous C. kind words D. humiliating
_______14. Luis is a young man with absolutely no stability or steadfastness of purpose.
A. weak B. unstable C. firm D. None of them
_______15. Giving in to a strange impulse, he pulls out a roll of bills and tosses it onto a card.
A. Momentum B. sudden desire C. weak D. whim
_______16. Suppressing a yawn, he rises and leaves to look for his horses.
A. Control B. Refrain C. free D. captive
_______17. Clamour of stock exchanges shrieking numbers like parrots.
A. Loud demands B. Compel C. calm D. Lament
_______18. I hear the millstones grinding sugarcane, the gurgle of sweet juices flowing into the vats…
A. Murmur B. ripple C. be quiet D. None of them
_______19. When he heard this revelation, he felt an irrepressible urge to interrupt such insults and shouting.
A. Uncontrollable B. Impossible to repress C. Repress D. None of them
_______20. We don’t believe what our enemies say about us because their opinions are biased by envy or hate.
A. Unfair B. Partial C. Honest D. One-sided

II. USING WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS THAT EMPHASIZE A POINT. Encircle the letter of the correct answer. 2 PTS EACH.

1. Facebook Inc. has applied hundreds of patents _____________ was only granted one in 2012 for “dynamically
generating a privacy summary” in social media.
A. But B. too C. by all means D. without a doubt
2. The Filipino scientist Angel Alcala was behind the invention of artificial coral reefs used for fisheries in Southeast
Asia. ________________ , no online databases indicate that he filed a patent for his work.
A. Again B. However C. Undoubtedly D. As a matter of fact
3. Alexander Fleming did not patent in 1928 his discovery of penicillin, which has a highly valuable antibacterial
properties that can treat numerous infections. Andrew J. Mayer _______________ patented a method for the
production of penicillin in 1945.
A. lastly B. initially C. subsequently D. in the meantime
4. ________________ Apple Inc. filed on March 5, 2012 a patent for “portable electronic device, method, and
graphical user interface for displaying electronic lists and documents,” competitors may now be liable for any
imitation of smartphone features.
A. Since B. Firstly C. Even if D. Consequently
5. Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright patented their flying machine on May 22, 1906. The invention_____________
relates to a class of flying machines with sustained weight when moved through the air either by the application
of mechanical power or by the utilization of the force of gravity.
A. truly B. otherwise C. specifically D. in any case
6. Daisuke Inoue, said to be the first designer of karaoke in 1971 called Juke 8, was not able to patent his work.
_____________, the Juke 8 consisted of an amplifier, a microphone, a coin box, and an eight track stereo,
quickly spread across Japan.
A. Eventually B. In short C. To illustrate D. As a result
7. _______________Philo T. Farnsworth faced a legal battle over the legitimacy of his television system, he ruled
over patent priority in the 30’s.
A. Since B. Because C. Even though D. To top it all off
8. Thomas A. Edison filed on November 4, 1879 a patent for his electric lamp, _______________ one that gave
light by incandescence, consisting of a filament of carbon of high resistance secured to metallic wires.
A. anyhow B. additionally C. particularly D. for example
9. The United States issued Alexander Graham Bell a patent for his telephone in 1876; ________________, early
efforts of popularizing the new technology were not received well.
A. in fact B. however C. naturally D. that is to say
10. Hans Lippershey was the first one to file for a telescope patent in 1608; ___________________, he was not
granted entitlement since there were a few others who claimed to have invented the device as well.
A. So B. nonetheless C. in other words D. as a matter of fact

III. Choose the following modal verbs to fill-in the blanks.

Can be able to
Must might
Could may

1. I don’t think I will have much work next week. I think I will ________________ take a day off.
2. Excuse me, _________________ you tell me where the bus station is?
3. Oh no, I think they _________________ be hurt! But I’m not sure.
4. They look just the same! I am sure that boy __________________ be his son.
5. They haven’t __________________solve the problem yet.
6. She _________________play the flute and the guitar.
7. He is running very well! I think he _________________win!
8. That looks delicious, and I am so hungry! _________________ I have some?
9. When we were younger, we _________________ watch movies all afternoon! Now we think it’s boring.
10. That looks like fun! ________________we paint some eggs with you?

IV. Underline the correct modal verbs inside the parentheses and write the function on the space provided for.

1. We (must, shouldn’t, mustn’t) drive more than 70 Km per hour. _________________

2. Carol ( can, can’t, may) ice-skating terrifically well but I (can’t, can, may). ___________________
3. “Super Size Me” is a good film on fast food. I think you (should, can, may) see it. ______________
4. (Could, Must, Might) I have the menu, please? _______________________
5. The school canteens (can, may, should) have balanced meals. ___________________
6. My uncle James died last year. He (can, could, may) perform magic. _________________
7. I haven’t got any money. I (may, must, can) go to an ATM machine. _________________
8. There are some clouds in the sky. It (might, must, should). ___________________
9-10 Write the full name of your two advisers :-p___________________________, ______________________

Proverbs 3:5
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

When you understand that life is a TEST, you realize that nothing is insignificant in your life.

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