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Comenzado el Friday, 5 de April de 2019, 10:05

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en Friday, 5 de April de 2019, 10:39
Tiempo empleado 34 minutos 15 segundos
Cali cación 6,1 de 10,0 (61%)

Pregunta 1 Vocabulary: Match each department to its role/responsibilities in a company:

An integrated communications-based process to discover how existing and newly-identi ed customer/client needs and wants may be satis ed by the products and/or services of a company.
Puntúa 0,6 Sales
sobre 1,0

Responsible for persuading the consumer to purchase the end product, manufactured through marketing’s research

Human The function of the organisation that is responsible for the management and motivation of people in the workplace.

The functional area responsible for turning inputs into nished outputs through a series of production processes.

Responsible for resource allocation as well as resource management, acquisition and investment within a company

La respuesta correcta es: Sales → Responsible for persuading the consumer to purchase the end product, manufactured through marketing’s research,
Marketing → An integrated communications-based process to discover how existing and newly-identi ed customer/client needs and wants may be
satis ed by the products and/or services of a company., Human Resources/Personnel → The function of the organisation that is responsible for the
management and motivation of people in the workplace., Production → The functional area responsible for turning inputs into nished outputs through a
series of production processes., Finance → Responsible for resource allocation as well as resource management, acquisition and investment within a

Pregunta 2 Vocabulary: Mark the quality which is seen as an undesirable interpersonal 'skill':
Puntúa 1,0 Seleccione una o más de una:
sobre 1,0 a. Innovative.

b. Intercultural sensitivity.

c. Active decision-maker.

d. Perfectionist.

e. Team worker.

f. Ability to communicate at all levels of the organization.

La respuesta correcta es: Perfectionist.

Pregunta 3 Grammar: Fill in the gaps with the correct frequency adverbs
Parcialmente Read this information about Mr Jones:
Mr Jones is a very punctual man.
Puntúa 2,0
sobre 5,0 It's rare that he has meetings.
He writes a lot of reports at work.
Every now and then he has to speak by phone.
Mr Jones is now going to describe his work habits using the frequency adverbs below. Fill in the correct one for each statement he makes:
usually, never, sometimes, hardly ever, always 
I arrive to work on time.
I arrive late.
I have to attend meetings
I have to write reports
I have to speak by phone

Pregunta 4 Grammar: Which sentences indicate the highest degree of certainty that the future action will happen?
correcta Seleccione una o más de una:
Puntúa 0,5 a. They will go on a business trip.
sobre 1,0
b. They are going on a business trip.

c. They are going to go on a business trip.

Las respuestas correctas son: They are going on a business trip., They are going to go on a business trip.

Pregunta 5 Match the HR staff development practices with their de nitions:
Puntúa 2,0 Allowing workers to adapt their way of working ( exitime, teleworking, etc) to suit the diverse needs of employees' lives.
sobre 2,0 Flexible working

Regularly assessing an employee's performance, development requirements, and potential.


Long-term individual Ensuring a continual update and promotion of the professional development of employees.

Equal opportunity Maintaining fair working practices and equal treatment for each employee.

Informing new staff about the company and its procedures and ensuring they integrate successfully into their new job.
Induction programme

Providing an employee with an experienced person who can assist with professional development and offer support and advice.

Temporarily transfering an employee to another organization or to a different part of the company.


Motivating a group of employees to work together effectively.

Team development.

La respuesta correcta es: Flexible working practices → Allowing workers to adapt their way of working ( exitime, teleworking, etc) to suit the diverse
needs of employees' lives., Appraisal → Regularly assessing an employee's performance, development requirements, and potential., Long-term individual
development → Ensuring a continual update and promotion of the professional development of employees., Equal opportunity policies → Maintaining fair
working practices and equal treatment for each employee., Induction programme → Informing new staff about the company and its procedures and
ensuring they integrate successfully into their new job., Mentoring → Providing an employee with an experienced person who can assist with professional
development and offer support and advice., Secondment → Temporarily transfering an employee to another organization or to a different part of the
company., Team development. → Motivating a group of employees to work together effectively.


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