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Assalamualaikum wr.

Honorable, Mr. ......................................
Unforgotable, all my friend in this room.

First of all, let’s thank and pray to our God, Allah SWT, who has given us mercy and blessing,
so we can come and gather in this place in good condition.
Second of all, may salutation and peace always be given to our prophet, Muhammad SAW, the
last messenger of God who has guided us from the darkness, from the stupidity, and from
Jahiliyah to Islamiyah.

Well. Today is very special moment, I stand here to deliver a speech about the addiction to
gadget and smart phone.

Previously. I have a story about my friend who’s been addicted to gadget. He always played
every day of his gadget, day and night, and even when going to the bathroom he bri ng the
gadget. I don’t know what is do there. I think he’s been very addictive gadget. And this is one of
the effects.

As we know. Nowdays gadget is very important for us, but actually what the meaning of gadget?
Gadget is a device used to communicate by someone with another person. We know together as
time goes by and the development of technology, today gadget are not just used as a tool of
communication. the advanced features are the more up to date and makes a lot of things can be
done with gadgets. Such as browsing or otherwise. But things like that, will make people
become addicted to gadgets.

For example many students who use gadget to web browsing and the web is not reasonable. In
addiction, the gadget is also used as the arena most advanced curren t cheating and even during
the hours of studying they use it.

In fact. Gadget addiction is higher than addiction to cigarettes, alcohol, or drugs. Even in china
gadget is known as a disease called pathological gadget. Indeed the gadget addiction today ha s
become a matter that cannot be separated from life, in this modern phased era, almost everything
can be done easily by gadget, but gadget can be misleading, be careful. Make no mistake when
using it.

Selective in using the gadget is important. Parents o r adults must acompany their children when
played gadget, dont let them enter the world of the wrong gadget. Dont be too fixated on the
gadget. Remember that the real world is more beautiful than the gadget world.

Ladies and gentleman,

Now, we know the bad and good effects of advance technology. We can get the good effects.
But don't forget the bad one. Once more, I tell you that we have to be aware of the negative
effects and try to minimize them so that our life will be safer and quieter.
That’s all my speech, may what i have delivered be usefull in our life in this world and here
after. If you found many mistakes in my speech please forgive me.

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