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Marketing and Services Management

Preparatory Examination 2014-15

Class :I

Time :3 Hrs Max: Marks :70

Section A

1. Answer any 5 questions. Each question carries two marks: (5x2=10)

a. What is meant by micro Environment?
b. What is tourism marketing?
c. What is durable and Perishable Product?
d. Define Marketing.
e. Name the stages of product lifecycle?
f. What do you mean by service encounter?
g. Who are travel agents?
Section B

Answer any three questions. Each carries 6 marks: (3x 6=18)

2. Explain the significance of Educational services.

3. Explain the benefits of market segmentation?
4. Explain the Product Life Cycle with a neat diagram.
5. Explain the characteristic features of services?
6. Explain the service gap model in detail?

Section C

Answer any Three questions. Each carries 14 marks: (3x14=42)

7. What is marketing environment? Explain the different kinds of marketing environment?

8. Discuss the strategies relating to product planning and development?
9. Explain the factors influencing Buyer/consumer behaviour?
10. Explain in detail the P’s of services marketing?
11. Explain the Basis of Market Segmentation?

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