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Script for Oral Communication Commercial (Group 3)

Baker’s Hill (Puerto Princesa City, Palawan)

A GROUP OF STUDENTS RIDING THEIR WAY The video will be on timelapse showing the
TO BAKER’S HILL PALAWAN way from city proper to Baker’s Hill

THE STUDENTS WILL INTRODUCE THE PLACE Students: A place of fun, food, and beautiful
WHY BAKER’S HILL IS ONE OF THE MUST man-made structures. Welcome to Baker’s


TOURIST DO HERE It is Insta worthy!
Lots of foods for different taste buds.
Relaxing ambiance
A perfect place to spend your FAMTIME.
Pasalubongs for you love ones are here!

THE BEST DAY FOR A TRIP Students: This place is perfect during sunny

THE BEST TIME IS NIGHT TIME Students: To experience the wonderful night,
you need to see the beautiful lights! Capture
the beams and colors by your lens. Feel the
air and the majestic view of Baker’s Hill.

THE BEST FOOD FROM THE BEST PLACE Students: Why choose one when you can
have more? They have bakery and different
restaurants that will serve you different
variety of foods.

PLACE FOR SOUVENIRS FOR YOUR LOVE Students: You’ll spot a lot of souvenir vendors
ONES here and there’s also a souvenir center beside
the bakery.

THINGS TO DO OUTSIDE Students: Your children could enjoy their day

by playing at the playground while teens and
adults could try the public and walk around
the place.
PERFECT WEATHER ON A PERFECT PLACE Students: You want to relax? Have a chill
time with yourself or maybe with someone?
This place is perfect for that!

WHAT’S ON SUNNY AND RAINY DAYS? Students: When the sun is up, see it to try
strolling, sightseeing and feel the heat. When
the rain pours, have yourselves some freshly
baked pastries and newly cooked foods.

HOW’S THE RATINGS? Students: Feel free and classy. A great place
with great foods. A place that you make you
say… “I left my heart at Baker’s Hill

Liana Brenda de Jesus
Nikka Sumandal
Lorenzo Heredero IV
Alexander Kevin Cortez
Jashmin Ayani
Aron Brahms Palmera

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