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Estefania Martinez

August 13, 2019
The Worst Idea Ever

From my point of view hearing the word ‘camping’’ was synonymous with fun. This changed

when my friends and I have decided to plan a trip to one of the highest points above sea level
in Ecuador- Ingapirca, everything began when I told everyone about the richness and the
incredible sceneries of the place. They were so excited about visiting the ruins and getting on
to the history. For that reason, we started planning our trip. To be honest, at that time I was
very busy and didn't pay enough attention to it. When the day arrived, we traveled and my
best friend realised that she had forgotten her cell phone on the bus, which made her upset and
sad. We started to assemble the tents and had no problems until night came, and I had a very
strong stomachache. We couldn’t get anything for the pain in Ingapirca, so we had to find a
car that would take us to Cañar to buy a pill. I didn’t have a good time. Let me finish giving
you advice. If you want to plan a trip, please make sure everything is in order. Carry a
first aid kit. Also, it’s very important to keep warm, this is how you will enjoy a
carefree trip!

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