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How to Size

smooth Roll
Adam Zanker

Smooth roll crushers are widely where R = radius ofroll(mm); d = the ~ ~ cos(arc tan p)K + S
used as secondary crushers, operating half-gap between rolls (mm); r = the cos(arc tan ~) - 1.
most effectively when set for size re- radius of feed (mm); and a = the angle (4)
ductions in a ratio between 3 or 4 to I. of friction. This e(luation may be rear-
The feed supplied to these units var- ranged as follows: Etluation (4) gives the direct de-
ies from 13 to 102 mm in size and the pendency of the roll diameter from
product obtained ranges from 13 mm 2R + 2d the gap between the rolls, feed size,
to about 20 mesh. Smooth roll Cos a = 2R + 2r. and the coefficient of internal friction
crushers produce very few fines and of the material to be crushed.
It is possible to insert other vari- The solution of
the e(~uation, while
absolutely no oversize.
ables for greater convenience,
relatively simple, is nevertheless
The diameter of the rolls varies with
namely: 2R = D (diameter of the roll tedious and time-consuming. There-
the clearance between them, feed
in mm); 2d = S (the gap between rolls fore, a nomograph has been con-
size, and the coefficient of internal
in mm); and 2r =- k (the diameter of structed which allows a graphic solu-
friction ofmaterial to be crushed, De-
feed particles in mm). The rearranged tion.
tailed calculations of this relationship
e(luatiou looks as follows:
may be found in Unit operations of
Chemical Engineering, (McCabe, D+S
W. L., and Smith, J. C., 1967, McGraw coscr=D+k, (3) Using the Nomograph
Hill, NY, Chapter 26, pg. 825). The simple procedure in solving
The geometrical arrangement of the When taking into account that y is the this problem is as follows:
roll crusher is shown on the ac- coefficient of internal friction of the Step 1. Find the intersection point
companying sketch. A relatively sim- crushed material, and the angle a is of the lines of known values of K on
ple relationship between the diame- the angle of friction: p = tan a, a = arc the grid in the central part of the
ter of feed, the roll, and the gap be- tan p, and cos a = cos (are tan ~). After nornograph. Mark this point A.
tween them is as follows: - - inserting tl~e new value of C(JSa, and Step 2. Connect point A with a
rearranging the e(luation for D, the ruler to the known value of S on the
final e(luation will he obtained: left-side scale. Extend this line up to
the intersection point with the right-
hand D scale. Read the final result D
on this intersecting point.

Sample Calculation
It is known that a rock to be crushed
has a coefficient ofinternal friction of
0.22. The average size of feed e(luals k
= 460 mm. The size of the product
desired is 11.1 mm (the size 01 product
e[luals the gap between rolls, hence S
= 11.1 mm). What is the proper diame-
ter of rolls to bti used for this opera-
Solution: According to the proce-
dure described, the proper diameter
of crushing rolls is graphically cleter-
mined at 1.43 m. ❑

Adam Zanker is a mining engineer living

in Kiriat Jam, Israel.


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