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Assignment no 3

My Favorite Proverb And How It Relates To My Life

“ People Who Live In Glass Houses Should Not Throw Stones”

The proverb literally means that those people who are living in houses made of glasses should not throw
stones at others. This is because when you throw from glass houses, you are nowhere in the safer side. When
the other person starts throwing the stone at you, your house and everything you own with gets destroyed
instantly. The action of yours will end up destroying you ultimately. This has a symbolic meaning towards
our dealing with other persons. When you are at fault, you should not spot the faults of others. If you do so,
you will end up in trouble.
Those who “throw stones” at others to hurt them, can be thrown back to hurt themselves. When you say bad
about others you are going to experience the same. That too, when you live in a “glass house” it will be
easier for them to hurt you with your faults by throwing the same stones at you.
I have learned so much from this proverb because simply this proverb means that people who are not perfect
themselves (and this is the fact that no one is perfect in this world not even a single person) should not
criticize others for bad qualities in their character. Or we should not complain about others if we have bad
qualities, too
We expect everyone to be flawless. Our perfectionist syndrome is just an excuse to hide our vulnerable side.
And have a hard time accepting our own flaws.We criticize others because we are impatient. We don’t
tolerate those who behave differently or move at a different pace. We expect people to behave like we
would. When we focus on someone else’s flaw, we become blind to everything else. We want to look
smarter. But behave foolishly. We stop seeing the person. We just see their mistakes by spending our time
looking at others, we forget to confront what we need to improve ourselves.
Ok, so everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Some of us are creative. We see the big picture, but not the
details. Others are detail oriented to the point they miss seeing the forest, but take in each and every tree.
Some of us are liberal, while others are conservative. Some are people oriented, sensitive. Some are not.
My present insight is that although people say that it is obvious no one is perfect, they do not walk their talk.
They criticize others they criticize appearance their everything but they forget that fact that they also have
some hidden flaws and how they feel when somehow their flaws which they try to hide expose what would
happen if someone criticize your appearance. criticizing others is not difficult but to bear the same criticism
for yourself is not easy.
To be honest I am not perfect or I am not saying that I never criticize anybody sometimes I do criticize
people but when I am unaware that how it feels when someone is criticized and how much it hurts. Criticism
is not easy to digest I know how it feels because this thing occurs to me when people criticizes me on my
appearance, criticizes my abilities, criticize the way I am. After facing the criticism I realized that how It
feels, how much it hurts when someone faces a criticism how deeper our words will cut other soul or how
deeper our words will give life to others. After facing the criticism and the pain myself I decided to think
100 times before I speak. Before I will dish out criticism, I will stop myself, pause and consider whether I
really need to say anything at all. If someone did something to get on on my nerves, do I really need to
point it out? Sometimes, it's best to let small indiscretions go. So for now whenever someone do something
that I don’t like firstly I try to take a few deep breaths and try to leave the room or that place instead of
This proverb helps me a lot because whenever someone do something wrong or something that I don’t like I
try to focus on a person's positive qualities over their negative ones.
That little proverb just help me so much that I stop criticizing others because I know that "Nobody is perfect,
and nobody deserves to be perfect. Nobody has it easy, everybody has issues. You never know what people
are going through, so pause before you start judging, criticizing or mocking others. Everybody is fighting
their own unique wars"
"So don't throw stones on others houses if your own house is made of glass"

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