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Preguntas de Ingles

1. Which of the following sentences has a complete subject and complete predicate?
A) The girl lives in New York
B) The girl lives
C) The girl
D) Lives in New York

2. Which of these sentences have a complete predicate?

a) The architect buildings and houses
b) The architect builds tall buildings and houses
c) The architect tall buildings and houses
d) The architect tall buildings

3. Which sentence has a Simple Predicate?

a) Your beautiful hair!
b) Don’t go to the party!
c) A good book
d) The beautiful girl

Which sentence has adjectives?

a) The horse is running around the farm.
b) The beautiful brown horse is running around the farm.
c) The horse is running in the farm.
d) Running around the farm

4. What is the Interrogative sentence?

a) I like your cool red car
b) I like your cool red car!
c) Do you like my cool red car?
d) I don’t like your cool red car

5. What is the Imperative sentence?

a) Can you jump very high?
b) Does your mother let you go to the party?
c) Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492
d) Clean your room
6. Which of the sentences below has a verb phrase?

a) I like ice cream with cherries?

b) My sister runs the 5k every Sunday
c) Our teachers ae very nice
d) I have never gone to Africa

7. Which of these sentences has a complete Subject?

a) Runs very fast when she is in PE
b) She always runs very fast when she is in PE
c) Always runs very fast when she is in PE
d) Very fast when she is in PE

8. Which of these words is a Collective Noun?

a) Girl
b) Team
c) Happiness
d) Miss Claudia

9. Which of these words is an Abstract Noun?

a) Band
b) Pencil
c) President Trump
d) Love

10. Which of these are Possessive Pronouns?

a) Us, them
b) She, they
c) Yours, his
d) I, we

11. Which if these are Object pronouns?

a) Hers, his
b) They, theirs
c) Them, us
d) Her, she
12. Which if these are Subject Pronouns?
a) Hers, her
b) I, they
c) Them, theirs
d) Your, yours

13. Which if these sentences has the correct Object Pronoun?

a) My mother baked a cake for Carlos and Raul
b) My mother baked a cake for they
c) My mother baked a cake for them
d) My mother baked a cake for their

14. Replace the noun with the correct Subject Pronoun.

My mother and uncle are organizing a nice party

a) She is organizing a nice party

b) He is organizing a nice party
c) Them are organizing a nice party
d) They are organizing a nice party

15. Replace the noun with the correct Object Pronoun

Tom Brady will throw the ball to Daisy

a) Tom Brady will throw the ball to she

b) He will throw the ball to Daisy
c) Tom Brady will throw the ball to her
d) Daisy will throw the ball to him

16. Which sentence is correct?

a) The little girls will give the easter eggs to her mom
b) The little girls will give the easter eggs to their mom
c) The little girls will give the easter eggs to his mom
d) The little girls will give the easter eggs to hers mom

17. Which of these sentences has an Indirect Object?

a) My mom is making tamales for me
b) My mom is making tamales
c) My mom is making delicious tamales
d) My mom is making
18. Which of these words is the correct Reflexive Pronoun?
a) Themselves
b) Hisself
c) Theirself
d) Myselves

19. Which of these sentences is correct?

a) I made cookies by themselves
b) She made cookies by themselves
c) We made cookies by themselves
d) They made cookies by themselves

20. Which of these sentences is correct?

a) Whom did you give the present to?
b) Who did you give the present?
c) Whose did you give the present?
d) Where did you give the present?

21. Which of these pronouns are Interrogative pronouns?

a) Himself, herself
b) Itself, ourselves
c) Who, whose
d) Her, hers

22. Which of these verbs is the Past Participle of fly?

a) Flew
b) Fly
c) Flown
d) Flewed

23. Which of these verbs is the Past Participle of sing?

a) Sang
b) Sung
c) Sing
d) Singed

24. Which of these verbs is the Past of slide?

a) Slidden
b) Slid
c) Slided
d) Slide
25. What is Miss Monicas complete name?
a) Monica Salazar
b) Monica Laura Salas Gomez
c) Monica Laura Salazar Gomez
d) Monica Salinas Gomez

26. What is the Past tense of the verb swim?

a) Swam
b) Swum
c) Swimmed
d) Swimm

27. What are the word or words that the Adjetives describes?
The incredible story was told by two intelligent students from Hispano School

a) Was
b) School
c) Story and students
d) Students

28. Which of these sentences has the correct Possessive Noun?

a) I have Monica’s book in my car

b) The stores food was in the left section
c) My mothers cell phone is not working
d) One girls’ shoes were in the closet

29. Which of the following phrases is the setting of a story

a) when Rikky Tikki Tavi saw the cobra he jumped to save Teddy
b) This story takes place in a Bungalow in India in the early 1900’s
c) Rikky Tikky fought and fought with Nagaina
d) Nag, why don’t you leave the family alone? You have one egg left

30. Which sentence is correct?

a) Lions are more dangerous tigers

b) Lions are dangerous than tigers
c) Lions are more dangerous than tigers
d) Lions are most than tigers

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