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BCS & Bank Math Average BCS & Bank Math Average

n1a1 + n2a2 a1 = 1g wbw`©ó msL¨v¸‡jvi Mo

09. Average
‡gvU msL¨vi Mo = n + n
1 2
a2 = †kl wbw`©ó msL¨v¸‡jvi Mo

m~Î-2:- ‡hLv‡b,

msL¨vwU N = n – (n1 a1+ n2 a2) n = ‡gvU msL¨v †hvMdj

Average (Mo) n1= 1g wbw`©ó msL¨v

n2= †kl wbw`©ó msL¨v

 Mo (Average) : GKB RvZxq KZ¸‡jv ivwki mgwó‡K D³ ivwk¸‡jvi †gvU a1 = 1g wbw`©ó msL¨v¸‡jvi Mo

msL¨v Øviv fvM Ki‡j †h fvMdj cvIqv hvq, Zv‡K ivwk¸‡jvi Mo e‡j| (The a2 = †kl wbw`©ó msL¨v¸‡jvi Mo

quoitent obtained by dividing sum of the expessions of same m~Î-3:- ‡hLv‡b,

kind by the number of expressions, is called avarage of the msL¨vwU N = an – (n1 a1+ n2 a2) a= ‡gvU msL¨vi Mo

n = ‡gvU msL¨v †hvMdj
GKRvZxq KwZcq ivwki mgwó
Mo = n1= 1g wbw`©ó msL¨v
ivwki msL¨v
n2= †kl wbw`©ó msL¨v
Sum of the expressions of the same kind
Average = Number of the expressions
a1 = 1g wbw`©ó msL¨v¸‡jvi Mo

Formula:- a2 = †kl wbw`©ó msL¨v¸‡jvi Mo

m~Î-4:- ‡hLv‡b,

m~Î-1:- ‡hLv‡b, µwgK msL¨vi Mo [hLb avivwU 1 n‡Z n = ‡kl/ c`msL¨v

hLb 1g I †kl wbw`©ó msL¨vi Mo n1 = 1g wbw`©ó msL¨v ïiæ nq]

†`Iqv _v‡K, ZLb- n2 = †kl wbw`©ó msL¨v

1| (Bank Job Publication)

BCS & Bank Math Average BCS & Bank Math Average
n+1 cÖ_g I †kl wbw`©ó w`‡bi Mo T1 = 1g w`bMywji †gvU ZvcgvÎv
(A) = (n  2 )  n
ZvcgvÎv D‡jøL _v‡K ZLb- T2 = ‡kl w`b¸wji †gvU ZvcgvÎv
m~Î-5:- ‡hLv‡b,
wbw`©ó w`‡bi ZvcgvÎv,
n1 + n2 n1= 1g we‡Rvo msL¨v
µwgK we‡Rvo msL¨vi Mo = 2 (D) = T – (T1 + T2)
n2= †kl we‡Rvo msL¨v
Question from Bank Exam:-
m~Î-6:- ‡hLv‡b,

n1 + n2 n1= 1g ‡Rvo msL¨v

µwgK we‡Rvo msL¨vi Mo = 2 01. The average age of husband, wife and their child 3 years ago
n2= †kl ‡Rvo msL¨v
was 27 years and that of wife and the child 5 years ago was 20
years. The present age of the husband is: [Basic Bank - 2014]

avivevwnK µwgK msL¨vi †ÿ‡Î †QvU ev eo msL¨v eo ms¨v †ei Ki‡Z n‡j, a) 35 years b) 40 years

‡QvU msL¨v............. Mo msL¨v ................... eo msL¨v c) 45 years d) 50 years

m~Î-8:- Solution for Written exam:

ivb msL¨vi Mo ( r ) = †kl Bwbs‡mi ivb - (Bwbsm msL¨v - 1) Mo ivb e„w× eZ©gv‡b (¯^vgx + ¯¿x + cyÎ) A_©vr wZb R‡bi Mo eqm = 27 + 3 = 30 eQi

m~Î-9:- ‡hLv‡b, GKB fv‡e 5 eQi ci wife I child Gi Mo eqm = 20 + 5 = 25 eQi

hLb †bŠKv †¯ªv‡Zi AbyK~‡j wM‡q m = ‡¯ªv‡Zi AbyK~‡j †eM  eZ©gv‡b (¯^vgx + ¯¿x + cyÎ) Gi eq‡mi mgwó eqm = 30  3 = 90 eQi

cÖwZK~‡j wd‡i Av‡m ZLb- n= ‡mªv‡Zi cÖwZK~‡j ‡eM  eZ©gv‡b (Wife + child) Gi eq‡mi mgwó = 25  2 = 50 eQi

2mn (we‡qvM K‡i) eZ©gv‡b Husband Gi eqm = 40 eQi

‡bŠKvi Mo MwZ‡eM = m + n
Ans. B
m~Î-10:- ‡hLv‡b,
02. The average of 2, 7, 6, and x is 5 and the average of 18, 1, 6, x
hLb wbw`©ó w`‡bi Mo ZvcgvÎv Ges T = ‡gvU ZvcgvÎv and y is 10. What is the value of y?

2| (Bank Job Publication)

BCS & Bank Math Average BCS & Bank Math Average
a) 5 b) 10 [Probasy Kalyan SEO 2014] c) 4.7 d) 4.8

c) 20 d) 30 Solution for Written exam:

Solution for Written exam: QqwU msL¨vi Mo 3.95 hv‡`i g‡a¨ 2wU msL¨vi Mo 34 Ges Aci 2wUi Mo 3.85|
msL¨v¸‡jvi †hvMdj
hw` 2, 7, 6, x Gi Mo 5 Ges 18, 16, x, y Gi Mo 10 nq Zvn‡j y Gi gvb Aci `ywUi Mo KZ? Mo = †gvU msL¨v


cÖkœg‡Z, 2, 7, 6 Ges x PviwU msL¨vi Mo †`qv Av‡Q = 5 6wU msL¨vi Mo = 3.95

2+7+6+x 6wU msL¨vi †hvMdj = 3.95  6 = 2370.

 =5
m~Ît 2wU msL¨vi †hvMdj = 3.4  2 = 6.8
x=5 msL¨v¸‡jvi †hvMdj
Mo = †gvU msL¨v
Aci 2wUi †hvMdj = 3.85  2 = 7.7

( 2 +2 ) = 4wU msL¨vi †hvMdj = 6.8 + 7.7 = 9.2

Aewkó `ywU msL¨vi †hvMdj = 6wU msL¨vi †hvMdj - Aci 4wU msL¨vi

Avevi, 18, 16, x Ges y Gi Mo †`qv Av‡Q = 10. †hvMdj = 23.70 – 14.50 = 9.2


18 + 1 + 6 + x + y
= 10 2wU msL¨vi Mo = 2 = 4.60 Ans. B

 y = 20. Ans. C 04. The average of five numbers is 27. If one number is excluded,

03. The average of six numbers is 3.95. The average of two of them the average becomes 25. The excluded number is:[Rupali Bank (SO) 2013]

is 3.4, while the average of the other two is 3.85. What is the a) 25 b) 27

average of the remaining two numbers? [Probasy Kolyan EO (Cash) c) 30 d) 35

2014] Solution for Written exam:

a) 4.5 b) 4.6

3| (Bank Job Publication)

BCS & Bank Math Average BCS & Bank Math Average
cuvPwU msL¨vi Mo 27| hw` GKwU msL¨v‡K ev` †`qv nq Z‡e Mo nq 25| ev` Solution for Written exam:

†`qv msL¨vwU KZ? 75wU msL¨vi MvwYwZK Mo 35| hw` cÖwZwU msL¨vB 5 K‡i e„w× cvq A_©vr cÖwZwU

5wU msL¨vi Mo = 27 Mo (Mean) KZ n‡e?

5wU msL¨vi mgwó = 27  5 = 135 GwU Common sense Gi AsK|

GLv‡b, 5wU n‡Z 1wU msL¨v‡K ev` w`‡j msL¨v nq = 5 – 1 = 4wU †h‡nZz, cÖwZwU msL¨vB 5 K‡i e„w× cvq| ZvB bZzb Mo I 5 e„w× cv‡e|

Avi 4wU msL¨vi Mo = 25 ZvB bZzb Mo = cyiv‡bv Mo + 5 = 35 + 5 = 40. Ans. B

4wU msL¨vi mgwó = 25  4 = 100 06. The average of 7 consecutive number is 20. The largest of these

numbers is: [Rupali Bank (JO) 2013]

ev` †`qv msL¨vwU = 135 – 100 = 35.
a) 20 b) 22
Shortcut Solution for MCQ:
c) 23 d) 24
ev` †`qv msL¨v = me¸‡jv msL¨vi mgwó – ev` †`qv evwK¸‡jvi mgwó = 27  5 –
7wU µwgK msL¨vi Mo 20 n‡j eo msL¨vwU KZ?
25  4 = 35
Shortcut Solution for MCQ:
Shortcut Solution for MCQ:
Mo gv‡b gvSLv‡bi msL¨v|
Mo K‡g = 27 – 25 = 1
1st 2nd 3rd 4th Mo 5th 6th 7th
5 wU msL¨vi †¶‡Î †gvU K‡g = 2  5 = 10
Pvqwb e‡j Kgvi `iKvi †bB 20 21 22 23
ev` †`qv msL¨v = 25 + 10 = 35 Ans. D

05. If the arithmetic mean of seventy five numbers is calculated, it

Solution for Written exam:
is 35. If each number is increased by 5, then mean of new
awi, 7 wU msL¨v = x, x + 1, x + 2, x + 3, x + 4, x + 5, x + 6
numbers is:
x + (x + 1) + (x + 2) + (x + 3) + (x + 4) + (x + 5) + (x + 6)
Mo = = 20
a) 30 b) 40 [Rupali Bank (SO) 2013] 7

c) 70 d) 90 7x + 21 = 140

4| (Bank Job Publication)

BCS & Bank Math Average BCS & Bank Math Average
x = 17 08. The average age of a husband, wife and their child 3 years

 x + 6 = 17 + 6 = 23. Ans. C ago was 27 years and the average age of the wife and the

07. The average age of a husband, wife and their child 3 years ago child 5 years ago was 20 years. What is the present age of the

was 27 years and the average age of the wife and the child 5 husband?

years ago was 20 years. What is the present age of the a) 35 years b) 40 years [Exim Bank Officer(Cash)2013]

husband? c) 45 years d) 50 years e) None of these

a) 35 years b) 40 years [Exim Bank Solution for Written exam:

Officer(Cash)2013] cÖ‡kœ ejv n‡q‡Q †h, ¯^vgx, ¯¿x Ges Zv‡`i wkïi eq‡mi Mo 3 eQi Av‡M 27 eQi
c) 45 years d) 50 years e) None of these
wQj| Avi 5 eQi Av‡M ¯¿x Ges wkïi eq‡mi Mo wQj 20 eQi| cÖkœ n‡jv eZ©gv‡b
Solution for Written exam:
¯^vgxi eqm KZ?
cÖ‡kœ ejv n‡q‡Q †h, ¯^vgx, ¯¿x Ges Zv‡`i wkïi eq‡mi Mo 3 eQi Av‡M 27 eQi
3 eQi Av‡M ¯^vgx, ¯¿x Ges wkï GB wZb R‡bi eq‡mi Mo 27 eQi|
wQj| Avi 5 eQi Av‡M ¯¿x Ges wkïi eq‡mi Mo wQj 20 eQi| cÖkœ n‡jv eZ©gv‡b
eZ©gv‡b Zv‡`i eq‡mi Mo = 27 + 3 = 30 eQi
¯^vgxi eqm KZ?
eZ©gv‡b Zv‡`i eq‡mi mgwó = 30  3 = 90 eQi
3 eQi Av‡M ¯^vgx, ¯¿x Ges wkï GB wZb R‡bi eq‡mi Mo 27 eQi|
Avevi, 5 eQi Av‡M ¯¿x Ges wkïi eq‡mi Mo wQj 20 eQi|
eZ©gv‡b Zv‡`i eq‡mi Mo = 27 + 3 = 30 eQi
eZ©gv‡b Zv‡`i eq‡mi Mo = 20 + 5 = 25 eQi
eZ©gv‡b Zv‡`i eq‡mi mgwó = 30  3 = 90 eQi
eZ©gv‡b Zv‡`i eq‡mi mgwó = 25  2 = 50 eQi
Avevi, 5 eQi Av‡M ¯¿x Ges wkïi eq‡mi Mo wQj 20 eQi|
myZivs eZ©gv‡b ¯^vgxi eqm = 90 – 50 = 40 eQi| Ans. B
eZ©gv‡b Zv‡`i eq‡mi Mo = 20 + 5 = 25 eQi
09. The average age of 30 students is 10 years and that of another
eZ©gv‡b Zv‡`i eq‡mi mgwó = 25  2 = 50 eQi
group of 5 of them is 14 years. What is the average age of the
myZivs eZ©gv‡b ¯^vgxi eqm = 90 – 50 = 40 eQi| Ans. B

5| (Bank Job Publication)

BCS & Bank Math Average BCS & Bank Math Average
remaining students? [Agrani Officer (Cash) – Ans. B


a) 8 years b) 10 years
11. The average of Selim's marks in 7 subjects is 75. His average in
c) 12 years d) 14 years e) 11 years
six subjects excluding Science is 72. How many marks did he
Solution for Written exam:
get in Science? [Agrani Bank (SO) 2013]

30 Rb Qv‡Îi Mo eqm 10 eQi n‡j mgwó (30  10) = 300 eQi

a) 72 b) 90

Avevi, Ab¨ Group Gi 5 R‡bi Mo eqm 14 n‡j mgwó (14  5) = 70 eQi c) 93 d) 98 e) 86

Aewkó 25 Qv‡Îi eqm‡i mgwó (300 – 70) = 230 eQi Shortcut Solution for MCQ:

25 R‡bi Mo eqm (230  25) = 9.2 eQi| Ans.bvB Science G †c‡q‡Q = (75 × 7 ) – ( 72 × 6) = 93

Solution for Written exam:

10. The average of eight numbers is 14 and die average of six of 7wU Subject Gi Mo 75 n‡j †gvU = 75  7 = 525 b¤^i

these numbers is 16. What is the average of the remaining two 6wU Subject Gi Mo 72 n‡j †gvU = 72  6 = 432 b¤^i

numbers? [Agrani Officer (Cash) –

 †m Science G †c‡qwQj (525 – 432) = 93 b¤^i| Ans. C
12. If 3a + 5b = 10 and 5a + 3b = 30, what is the average (arithmetic
a) 4 b) 8
mean) of a and b? [Agrani Bank (SO) 2013]
c) 16 d) 6 e) 12
a) 4 b) 2.5
Solution for Written exam:
c) 3.5 d) 4.5 e) 3
cÖkœ nj, Aewkó `ywU Number Gi Mo KZ?
Solution for Written exam:
GLv‡b, 8wU Number Gi Mo 14 n‡j mgwó = 14  8 = 112
`ywU Equation GKmv‡_ †hvM Kwi,
6wU Number Gi Mo 16 n‡j mgwó = 16  6 = 96
(3a + 5b) + (5a + 3b) = 30 + 10
evwK `ywU Number Gi mgwó (112 – 96) = 16 n‡j Mo n‡e (16  2) = 8.
 8a + 8b = 40
6| (Bank Job Publication)
BCS & Bank Math Average BCS & Bank Math Average
a + b = 5 Solution for Written exam:

a+b 5 Abyev`t 5wU msL¨vi Mo 25| GKwU msL¨v‡K ev` w`‡j Mo nq 31| Zvn‡j ev`
AZGe, a Ges b Gi Mo = 2 = 2 = 2.5 Ans. B

†`qv msL¨vwU KZ?

13. The average of five consecutive integers, in increasing order of
5wUi mgwó = 5  25 = 125
size, is 9. What is the average of the last three integers?
4wUi mgwó = 4  31 = 124
a) 8 b) 9.5 [IFIC Bank (Cash) 2013]

(-)ev` †`qv msL¨vwU = 1 Ans. D

c) 10 d) 11 e) None of these

Solution for Written exam: 15. Reza's average in four tests is 80%. What marks does he need

†QvU †_‡K eo Gfv‡e cici cuvPwU c~Y© msL¨vi Mo 9 n‡j †k‡li 3wUi Mo KZ? in his fifth test to raise his average to 84%? [Pubali Bank-2013]

a) 96% b) 94%
awi, cÖ_g msL¨v x _vK‡j c‡ii 4wU msL¨v h_vµ‡g = x + 1, x + 2, x + 3, x +
c) 84% d) 100% e) None of them

x+x+1+x+2+x+3+x+4 Solution for Written exam:

Mo = 4
=9  x = 7.
4 ‡Uó Gi †gvU b¤^i = (80 × 4) = 320
†kl wZbwU Integer n‡jv = (7 + 2) = 9, (7 + 3) = 10, Ges (7 + 4) = 11.
5 ‡Uó Gi †gvU b¤^i = (84 × 5) = 420
9 + 10 + 11
 †k‡li 3wUi Average = 3
= 10. Ans. C
myZivs average marks 84% Ki‡Z n‡j fifth test G 430 - 320 = 100

b¤^i †c‡Z n‡e| Ans. D

14. The average of five numbers is 25. After one of the numbers is
16. The average age of 10 members of a committee is the same as it
removed, the average of the remaining is 31. What number has
was 4 years ago, because an old member has been replaced by a
been removed? [Mercantile Bank (TO) 2013]
young member. Find how much younger is the new member?
a) 7 b) 6
a) 30 years b) 20 years [Janata Bank AEO-2012]
c) 4 d) 1 e) None of these
c) 40 years d) 60 years e) None of them

7| (Bank Job Publication)

BCS & Bank Math Average BCS & Bank Math Average
Solution for Written exam: ∑ `ywUi Mo
3 wUi Mo =
awi, 4 eQi Av‡M 10 R‡bi Mo eqm 30 eQi
3 wUi Mo = =3 Ans.A
myZivs Zv‡`i eq‡mi Mo mgwó (3010)=300 eQi 3

eZ©gvb Zv‡`i eq‡mi mgwó=(300+40)=340 eQi 18. Which one of the following numbers can be remove from the

set S = {0, 2, 4, 5, 9} without changing the average of the

 eZ©gv‡b Zv‡`i eq‡mi Mo= 10 =34 eQi
elements of the set S?

bZzb †jvKwU Avkvq=410=40 eQi Ans.C [Bangladesh bank 2012]

a) 2 b) 5

c) 9 d) 4
17. In a set of three numbers, the average of first two numbers is 2.
Solution for Written exam:
the average of the last two numbers is 3. and the average of the
Set S †_‡K Kv‡K ev` w`‡j Average GKB _vK‡e?
first and the last numbers is 4. What is the average of three
0 + 2 + 5 + 9+4 20
Set S Gi Average = = =4
numbers? [Bangladesh bank 2012] 5 5

a) 3 b) 6 †h‡nZz Mo 4 , ZvB 4 †K ev` w`‡jI wKš‘ Mo 4 B _vK‡e|

c) 9 d) 24 0 + 2 + 5 + 9 16
Believe bv n‡j †`Lyb = = = 4. Ans.D
4 4
GB AsKwU 36 bs Gi Abyiƒc| ZvB Av‡M 36 K‡i Zvici GwU Kiæb|
19. Average of 17 even consecutive integers is 42. What is the
Shortcut Solution for MCQ 1:
third integer from the beginning of the series when the
hw` msL¨vi Evenly Spaced ev mg`~i‡Z¡ nq Z‡e 3wUi Mo = gvSLv‡bi
integers are arranged in an increasing sequence?[Bangladesh Bank

msL¨v| AD 2011]

3wUi Mo = gvSLv‡bi msL¨v = 3 a) 28 b) 29

Shortcut Solution for MCQ: c) 30 d) 34 e) 36

8| (Bank Job Publication)

BCS & Bank Math Average BCS & Bank Math Average
Solution for Written exam: 7500
 V= =5
17 wU †Rvo avivevwnK msL¨vi Mo 42| avivwUi 3q ¯’v‡bi msL¨vi gvb KZ| hw`
Thus we get variable cost per book, V= 5tk.
avivwU µgvbymv‡i _v‡K|
c) Putting value of V in (i)
avivwU njt
 F+(10005) = 7500
26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 (42) 44 ..................
 F = 2500
 avivwUi 3q ¯’v‡bi gvb 30| Ans. C
Thus we get the fixed cost = 2500 tk.

20. A printer quotes a price of Taka 7,500 for printing 1,000 copies b) As cost function is linear and F = 2500 and V= 5 , so
of a book and Taka 15,000 for printing 2,500 copies. Assuming
In printing 2000 books we need
a linear relationship and 2,000 books are printed, find a) the
F+2000V= 2500 +(2000  5)= 12500 tk.
variable cost per book, b) the average cost per book and c) the
Average cost = 6.25tk.
fixed cost. [Bangladesh Bank AD 2011]

Solution for Written exam: 21. Salim gets grades of 79, 83, 86, and 89 on four math tests. What

a) Let, variable cost per book = V Tk and fixed cost = F Tk grade must he get on his fifth test to average 85?

1000 copies printing cost 7500 tk [Bangladesh Bank Cash 2011]

a) 86 b) 3
 F+1000V=7500 .....(i)

2500 copies printing cost 15000 tk. c) 87 1

d) 87 e) 88
 F+2500V=15000 .....(ii)
Solution for Written exam:
Now, {(ii)-(i)} 
5wU cix¶vq †gvU b¤^i n‡e = 85  5 = 425
4wU cix¶vq †gvU b¤^i Av‡Q = 79 + 83 + 86 + 89 = 337

9| (Bank Job Publication)

BCS & Bank Math Average BCS & Bank Math Average
5wU cix¶vq b¤^i †c‡Z n‡e = 425 – 337 = 88. Ans. E 3 + 13 + 23 + 33 + 43 + 53 + 63 + 73 + 83 + 93
 Average =

22. The average of four consecutive odd positive integers is = 48

always. Shortcut Solution for MCQ:- 1:

[Janata Bank AEO - 2011]
cÖ_g + †kl 3 + 93
= 2 = 48
a) an odd number b) divisible by 4 2

c) an even number d) both (B) and (c) Shortcut Solution for MCQ:- 2:

Solution for Written exam: gvSLv‡bi `ywUi †hvMdj 43 + 53

= 2 = 48 Ans. E
24. The average age of 4 brothers is 6 years. If the age of their
Four consecutive odd positive integers are 1, 3, 5, 7 respectively.
father is included, the average is increased by 5 years. Find the
 Average = =4
4 age of the father. [Bangladesh Krishi bank Officer - 2011]

(always even number) Ans. C a) 24 years b) 31 years

c) 35 years d) 38 years

23. Find the average of how all whole number between 1 and 100 Solution for Written exam:

that end in 3. [Janata Bank AEO - 2011]

Total age of 4 brothers = 6  4 = 24 years

a) 44 b) 45 Total age of 4 brothers and their father = 11  5 = 55 years

c) 46 d) 47 e) None of them  Age of father = 55 – 24 = 31 years. Ans. B

Solution for Written exam:

25. The average of 10 numbers is 7. What will be the new average
1 †_‡K 100 Gi ga¨ †h mg¯Í c~Y© msL¨vi end G 3 Av‡Q Zv‡`i Mo KZ?
if each of the numbers is multiplied by 8?

 Ggb msL¨v¸‡jv nj = 3, 13, 23, 33, 43, 53, 63, 73, 83, 93 [Bangladesh Krishi Bank Officer (Cash) -

10 | (Bank Job Publication)

BCS & Bank Math Average BCS & Bank Math Average
†kl 11 w`‡b Avq K‡i = 40  11 = 440
a) 45 b) 52
†gvU Avq = 25  9 + 30  10 + 40  11
c) 56 d) 55
Ans. B
Shortcut Solution for MCQ:
27. Average mark in Math in a class of 40 students is 45. Average
†h‡nZz Average of 10 numbers is 7 Ges Each of the numbers is
mark of all the 30 boys is 50. Then the average mark obtained
multiplied by 8.
by the girls is: [Bangladesh Bank 2010]

ZvB New average = 7  8 = 56. Ans. C

a) 30 b) 35

26. The average daily earnings of a man who makes Tk. 25 each of c) 25 d) 40 e) 33

the first 9 days, Tk. 30 each of the next 10 days and Tk. 40 each Solution for Written exam:

of the last 11 days is Tk. [Agrani Bank Officer - 2011] cÖ‡kœ ejv n‡”Q, 40 Rb QvÎ QvÎxi (evjK + evwjKv) As‡Ki Mo gvK©m 45 Ges

a) 31.67 b) 32.17 30 Rb evj‡Ki A_©vr Qv‡Îi As‡Ki Mo b¤^i 50 n‡j evwjKv‡`i A_©vr QvÎx‡`i

c) 32.67 d) 31.17 e) 32 Mo b¤^i KZ?

Abyev`: cª_g 9 w`‡b 25 UvKv K‡i, cieZx© 10 w`‡b 30 UvKv K‡I Ges †kl 11 40 Rb evjK + evwjKvi Mo b¤^i = 45

w`‡b 40 UvKv K‡i Avq Ki‡j Mo Avq †ei Ki‡Z n‡e|  40 Rb evjK + evwjKvi b¤^v‡ii mgwó = 45  40 = 1,800

1g 9 w`‡b Avq K‡i = 25  9 = 225 30 Rb evj‡Ki A‡¼i Mo b¤^i = 50

Shortcut Solution for MCQ:  30 Rb evj‡Ki A‡¼i b¤^i‡ii mgwó = 50  30 = 1,500

GwU Weighted Average Gi AsK| 40 Rb evjK + evwjKvi b¤^v‡ii mgwó = 1800

cieZ©x 10 w`‡b Avq K‡i = 30  10 = 300 30 Rb evj‡Ki A‡¼i b¤^i‡ii mgwó = 1500

Mo =
225 + 300 + 440
= 32.17  10 Rb evwjKvi b¤^v‡ii mgwó = 300

11 | (Bank Job Publication)

BCS & Bank Math Average BCS & Bank Math Average
300 6
 10 Rb evwjKvi b¤^v‡ii Mo = 10 = 30 `yywU msL¨vi Mo = 2 = 3 Ans. C

cix¶vi n‡j wKfv‡e Ki‡ebt (45  40) – (50  30) 29. In company X the average Salary of 10 employees is Tk. 30000,

= 1800 – 1500 the average salary of 30 other emloyees is Tk. 4000 and the
= 10 [50 – 40 = 10] averge salary of the remaining 20 employees Tk.60000. What is

the average salary of the 60 employees at the company?

= 30 Ans. A ans. A
[DBBL MTO- 2009]
28. The average of 5 quantities is 6. The average of 3 of them is 8.
a) Tk. 40000 b) Tk. 43000
What is the average of the remaining two numbers?
c) Tk. 45000 d) Tk. 60000 e) None of these
[Bangladesh Bank AD 2009]

Solution for Written exam:

a) 6.5 b) 4
Sum of the first 10 employees = Tk (30000  10) = Tk. 300000
c) 3 d) 3.5 e) None of these
Sum of the 2nd 30 employees = Tk (40000  30) = Tk. 1200000
Abyev`t 5wU msL¨vi Mo 6| G‡`i g‡a¨ 3wUi Mo 8| evwK `ywU msL¨vi Mo KZ?
Sum of the 1st 20 employees = Tk (60000  20) = Tk. 1200000
Solution for Written exam:
Sum of salary of 60 employees = Tk. 2700000
5wU msL¨vi Mo = 6
The Required average salary of 60 = = Tk. 45000 Ans. C
5wU msL¨vi †hvMdj = 6  5 = 30 60

Avevi, 30. The average age of 12 studetns is 20 years. If the age of one

3wU msL¨vi Mo = 8 more students its included, the average decreases by 1. What is

the age of the new student?

3wU msL¨vi †hvMdj = 8  3 = 24
12 Rb Qv‡Îi Mo eqm 20 eQi| hw` bZzb GKRb Qv‡Îi eqm AšÍf©~³ Kiv nq,
evwK `yywU msL¨vi †hvMdj 30 - 24 = 6
Z‡e eP‡ii 1 eQi K‡g hvq| bZzb Qv‡Îi eqm KZ?

12 | (Bank Job Publication)

BCS & Bank Math Average BCS & Bank Math Average
[IFIC Bank Probationary Officer- 2009] Solution for Written exam:
a) 5 b) 7
Total weight of 8 packages of 1st day = (12  8) lb= 99 lb
c) 9 d) 11 e) None of these
Solution for Written exam: Total weight of 4 packages of 2nd day = (15  4) lb = 61 lb

Sum of the age of 12 students = (12  20) years = 240 years Total weight of all packages = (99 + 61) = 160 lb

Again, average of 13 students = (12 – 1) years = 19 years Total number of packages = 8 + 4 = 12

Sum of the age of 13 students = (13  19) years = 247 years 160 1
Average weight of each package = = 13 lb Ans. B
12 3
Age of the new student = (247 – 240) years = 7 years Ans. B
32. The sum of the daily income of P, Q, R is Tk.90. If Q earns
31. On Monday, a person mailed 8 packages weighing an average
Tk.10 more then P and R earns double of what Q earns, then
of 12 pound and On Thursday, 4 packages weighing an
8 what is the average of daily income of P and Q?

1 [ICB Assistant programmer - 2008]

average of 15 pounds. What was the average weight, on
a) Tk. 40 b) Tk. 30
pounds, of all the packeagegs the person mail on both days?
c) Tk. 30 d) Tk. 40 e) None of these
GK e¨w³ †mvgev‡i 8 c¨v‡KU gvj Wv‡K cvVv‡jv hvi IRb 128 cvDÛ Ges Solution for Written exam:

1 Let, the daily income of P be x

e„n¯úwZev‡i 4 c¨v‡KU gvj Wv‡K cvVv‡jv hvi IRb 155 cvDÛ| Wv‡K cvVv‡bv
The daily income of Q = x + 10
c¨v‡KU ¸‡jvi Mo IRb KZ cvDÛ? [Bangladesh Commercial Bank (JO)- 2008]
The daily income of R = 2(x + 10)
3 1
a) 12 b) 13 According to question,
8 3
x + x + 10 + 2 (x + 10) = 90
1 1 e) None of these
c) 13 d) 27
2 4
 x = 15

13 | (Bank Job Publication)

BCS & Bank Math Average BCS & Bank Math Average
So, the daily income of P and 1 are respectively Tk. 15 and Tk 25 Qv‡Îi cÖvß b¤^‡ii Mo KZ? [Sonali, Janata and Agrani Bank Oficer - 2008]

So, the average of their income = Tk.

15 + 25
= Tk. 20 Ans. C a) 10 b) 8
c) 12 d) 15 e) None of these
33. If the aveage of the four number M, 2M + 3, 3M – 5 and 5M + 1
Solution for Written exam:
is 63. What is the value of The M? PviwU msL¨v M, 2M + 3, 3M – 5 ,
15 Rb Qv‡Îi †Kv‡bv cixÿvi djvd‡ji mgwó = (10  15) = 150
5M + 1 Ges Gi Mo 64. MGi gvb KZ?
10 Rb Qv‡Îi †Kv‡bv cixÿvi djvd‡ji mgwó = (15  10) = 150
[Sonali, Janata and Agrani Bank Officer - 2008]

a) 11 b) 23  25 Rb Qv‡Îi djvd‡ji mgwó = 300

c) 22 d) 32 e) None of these 300

25 Rb Qv‡Îi djvd‡ji mvwe©K Mo = 25 = 12 Ans. C
Solution for Written exam:
35. The average of 7 numbers is 12. After discarding one number,
PviwU msL¨vi mgwó M, 2M + 3, 3M – 5 , 5M + 1 = 11M - 1
the aveage become 11. What is the discarded number?
‡h‡nZz PviwU msL¨i Mo = 63
7 msL¨vi Mo 12| GKwU b¤^i evwZj Ki‡j Mo nq 11| evwZjK…Z msL¨vwU KZ?
myZivs Zv‡`i mgwó = 63  4 = 252
[Sonali, Janata and Agrani Bank Oficer - 2008]

cÖkœg‡Z, a) 7 b) 10

11M – 1 = 252 c) 18 d) 15 e) None of these

 M = 23 Ans. B Solution for Written exam:

7 wU msL¨vi mgwó = (7  12) = 84

34. The average mark obtained by 15 students was 10 and the
7 wU msL¨vi mgwó = (6  11) = 66
average marks obtained by 10 students was 15. What was the
myZivs evwZjK„Z msL¨v = (84 – 66) = 18 Ans. C
average mark obtained by all students?
36. The average of 3 number is 7. If 2 of the numbers are Zero,
15 Rb Qv‡Îi cÖvß b¤^‡ii Mo 10 Ges 10 Rb Qv‡Îi b¤^i‡ii Mo 15| mKj

14 | (Bank Job Publication)

BCS & Bank Math Average BCS & Bank Math Average
then what is the 3rd number? average mark obtained by all 16 students?

wZbwU msL¨vi Mo 7| hw` `yBwU msL¨v 0 nq, Z‡e Z…Zxq msL¨vwU KZ? 10 Rb Qv‡Îi cÖvß b¤^‡ii Mo 6 Ges 6 Rb Qv‡Zi cÖvß b¤^‡ii Mo 10| mKj

[Sonali, Janata and Agrani Bank Oficer - 2008] Qv‡Îi cÖvß b¤^‡ii Mo KZ? [BKB Officer - 2007]

a) 15 b) 17
a) 10 b) 8
c) 19 d) 21 e) None of these
c) 8.5 d) 7.5 e) None of these
Solution for Written exam:
Solution for Written exam:1
msL¨v wZbwUi mgwó = 7  3 = 21
Total marks obtained by 10 students = (6  10) = 60
cÖ_g `yBwU msL¨vi mgwó = 0
Total marks obtained by 6 students = (10  6) = 60

myZivs Z…Zxq msL¨v = 21 Ans. D

 Total marks obtained by 16 students = 120

37. Sum of P and Q is 72 and the value of R is 42. What is the 120
 Average marks obtained by 16 students = = 7.5 Ans. D
average of P, Q and R? P Ges Q Gi mgwó 72| R Gi gvb 42. P, Q
39. For a certain student, the average of five test scores is 83. If 4 of
Ges R Gi Mo KZ? [Bangladesh Bank assisstant director - 2008]

the scores are 81, 79, 85 and 90. What is the score of the fifth
a) 32 b) 34
c) 36 d) 38 e) None of these
GKRb Qv‡Îi cuvPwU cixÿvq cÖvß b¤^‡ii Mo 83| PviwU cixÿvq cÖvß b¤^i
Solution for Written exam:
h_vµ‡g 81, 79, 85 Ges 90 n‡j cÂg cixÿvq cÖvß b¤^i KZ?
Sum of P, Q and R = (72 + 42) = 114
[Bangladesh Bank Assistant Director - 2006]
Average of P, Q and R = = 38 Ans. D a) 83 b) 82

c) 81 d) 80 e) None of these
38. The aveage mark obtained by 10 students was 6 and the

average marks obtained by 6 students was 10. What is the Solution for Written exam:

15 | (Bank Job Publication)

BCS & Bank Math Average BCS & Bank Math Average
Let, the score in the fifth test be x a) 57 b) 76

According to the question, c) 77 d) 78 e) None of these

81 + 79 + 85 + 90 + x Solution for Written exam:

= 83
wZbwU cixÿvq cÖvß †gvU b¤^i = (78  3) = 234
 x = 80
2q I 3q cixÿvq cÖvß b¤^i = (234 – 80) = 154
Therefore, the required score = 80 Ans. D
40. The average of 3 number is 24. if two of the number are 21 and myZivs 2q I 3q cixÿvq cÖvß b¤^‡ii Mo = 2 = 77 Ans. C

23, what is the 3rd number? [Bangladesh Bank assisstant director - 2006]
42. The average weight of three friends is 33 kg. None of the
a) 20 b) 24 friends weights less than 31 kg. What can be the maximum

c) 26 d) 28 e) None of these weight of any three friends?

Solution for Written exam: 3 eÜz IR‡bi Mo 33 †KwR| wZbR‡bi g‡a¨ †Kvb eÜzi IRbB 31 †KwRi Kg

The sum of hte 3 number = (24  3) = 72 bq| wZb eÜzi GKR‡bi IRb m‡e©v”P KZ n‡Z cv‡i?

The sum of the 2 number = (21 + 24) = 44 [Bangladesh Bank assisstant director – 2001]

Therefore, the 3rd number = (72 – 44) = 28 Ans. D a) 37 b) 35

41. A student scored 80 marks in his first test. After taking the 3rd c) 33 d) 3178 e) None of these

test, his average dropped from 82 to 78. What is the average of Solution for Written exam:

2nd and 3rd test? wZb eÜzi me©‡gvU IRb = (33  3) = 99 Kg

GKRb Qv‡Îi cÖ_g cixÿvq cÖvß b¤^i 80| Z„Zxq cixÿvi ci Zvi Mo 82 †_‡K `yB eÜzi me©wb¤œ IRb n‡Z cv‡i = (31  2) = 62 Kg

K‡g 78 nj| 2q I 3q cixÿvq Zvi djvd‡ji Mo KZ? Z…Zxq eÜzi m‡e©v”P IRb n‡Z cv‡i = (99 – 62) = 37Kg Ans. A

[Bangladesh Bank assisstant director – 2001]

Question from BCS & Others Exam:-

16 | (Bank Job Publication)

BCS & Bank Math Average BCS & Bank Math Average
a) 60 b) 64

01. The sum of 10 number is 462. The average of first 4 numbers is c) 62 d) 50

52 and that of last five is 38. Find the 5th number? Solution for Written exam:

10 wU msL¨vi †hvMdj 462| G‡`i cÖ_g 4 Uvi Mo 52 Ges †k‡li 5 Uvi Mo cÖ_g 4wU msL¨vi Mo 52

38| cÂg msL¨vwU KZ?  cÖ_g 4wU msL¨vi mgwó = 52×4=208

[11 Zg wewmGm , `ybx©wZ `gb ey¨v‡ivi mnKvix Dc-cix`k©L:2004,Kg©ms¯’vb e¨vsK G¨vwm‡÷›U Awdmvi:2001, Zzjv Dbœqb
†kl 5 wU msL¨vi mgwó = 38×5=190
†ev‡W©i Kg©KZ©v:97, wbe©vPb Kwgkb mwPevj‡q mnKvix cwiPvjK:95, `ywb©Zx `gb ey¨‡iv wbe©vPbx cixÿv:84]

a) 60 b) 64  9 wU msL¨vi mgwó = 208+190 = 398

c) 62 d) 50 e) None of these  cÂg msL¨vwU = (462-398) = 64 Ans. B

Solution for Written exam:

03. wcZv I 2 mšÍv‡bi eq‡mi Mo 30 eQi| 2 mšÍv‡bi eq‡mi Mo 20 eQi n‡j,
cÖ_g 4 wUi Mo = 51;
wcZvi eqm KZ?
cÖ_g 4 wUi mgwó = 52  4 = 208
[cÖv_wgK mnKvix wk¶K-2010, gyw³‡hv×v I knx` gyw³‡hv×v mšÍvb-2010 (kir), cÖv_wgK wk¶v Awa`߇ii wnmve mnKvix
Avevi, †kl cuvPwUi Mo = 38 wb‡qvM cix¶v-2011]

a) 50 eQi b) 60 eQi
‡kl cuvPwUi mgwó = 38  5 = 190
c) 55 eQi d) 40 eQi
cÖ_g PviwU I †k‡li cuvPwUi mgwó = (208 + 190) = 398
†gvU ev mgwó
cÂg msL¨vwU = (462 - 398) = 64 Ans. B Basic: Mo = msL¨v

02. 10 wU msL¨vi †hvMdj 462| G‡`i cÖ_g 4 wUi Mo 52 Ges †k‡li 5wUi Mo ZvB †gvU ev mgwó = Mo  msL¨v|
38| cÂg msL¨vwU KZ?
A_©vr Mo †K hw` Avcwb msL¨v w`‡q ¸YK‡ib Z‡e Avcwb †gvU cv‡eb|
[11Zg wewmGm, gva¨wgK mnKvix wk¶K-2011, evsjv‡`k U¨vwid Kwgkb wimvP© Awdmvi-2010, Zzjv Dbœqb Kg©KZ©v-1999,
†hgbt wcZvmn 2 cy‡Îi Mo 30 eQi|
`ybx©wZ `gb ey¨‡ivi mnKvix Dccwi`k©K-2004, RvZxq mÂq cwi`߇ii mnKvix cwiPvjK-2009, Avevmb cwi`߇ii mnKvix

cwiPvjK-2006] GLv‡b, Mo 30 eQi

17 | (Bank Job Publication)

BCS & Bank Math Average BCS & Bank Math Average
Avi msL¨v n‡jv wcZv + `yBcÎ = 1 + 2 = 3 Rb| c) 20.25 †mwg d) 65 †mwg

Zvn‡j wcZv mn †gvU eqm = 30  3 = 90 eQi| Solution for Written exam:

Gevi Avmyb Shortcut m~ÎwU eywS| RyjvB gvm = 31 w`b

Shortcut m~Ît 31 w`‡bi e„wócv‡Zi Mo 0.65 †mwg

wcZvi eqm = wcZvmn cy·`i †gvU eqm - cy·`i †gvU eqm  31 w`‡bi e„wócv‡Zi mgwó = (31×0.65) †mwg = 20.15 †mwg Ans. A

A_©vr wcZvi eqm = (Mo  wcZvmn cy·`i msL¨v) - (Mo  cy·`i msL¨v)
05. 6 Rb cyiæl, 8 Rb ¯¿x‡jvK I 1 Rb evj‡Ki eq‡mi Mo 35 eQi| cyiæ‡li
Shortcut Solution for MCQ:
eq‡mi Mo 40 eQi Ges ¯¿x‡jv‡Ki eq‡mi Mo 34 eQi| evj‡Ki eqm KZ?
wcZvi eqm = (30  3) - (20  2) = 50 eQi| [cÖv_wgK mnKvix wk¶K-2012 (cÙ), cÖv_wgK cÖavb wk¶K-2009, evsjv‡`k K…wl e¨vsK Awdmvi-2011 ]

Solution for Written exam: a) 13 eQi b) 14 eQi

wcZv I `yB mšÍv‡bi eq‡mi Mo 30 eQi c) 15 eQi d) 16 eQi

wcZv I `yB mšÍv‡bi †gvU eqm = (30×3)= 90 eQi Solution for Written exam:

`yB mšÍv‡bi eq‡mi Mo 20 eQi 6 Rb cyiæl, 8 Rb ¯¿x‡jvK I 1 Rb evj‡Ki †gvU eqm = 35×15 =525 eQi

`yB mšÍv‡bi †gvU eqm = 20 × 2 = 40 eQi 6 Rb cyiæ‡li †gvU eqm = (40×6) eQi = 240 eQi

 wcZvi eqm = 90-40 = 50 eQi Ans. A

8 Rb ¯¿x †jv‡Ki †gvU eqm = (34×8) eQi = 272 eQi

 evj‡Ki eqm = 525-(240+272) = (525-512) = 13 eQi Ans. A

04. RyjvB gv‡mi ˆ`wbK e„wócv‡Zi Mo 0.65 †mwg wQj| H gv‡mi †gvU e„wócv‡Zi
06. †Kvb †kÖYx‡Z 20 Rb QvÎxi eq‡mi Mo 12 eQi| 4 Rb bZzb QvÎx fwZ© nIqvq
cwigvY KZ?

cÖwZi¶v gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb ¸ß ms‡KZ cwi`߇ii mvBdvi Awdmvi-2005, kÖg I Kg©ms¯’vb gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb kÖg cwi`߇ii
eq‡mi Mo 4 gvm K‡g †Mj| bZzb 4 Rb QvÎxi eq‡mi Mo KZ?
cÖfvlK, wkí m¤úK© wk¶vqZb-2005] [cÖv_wgK cÖavb wk¶K-2009 (†ejx), cÖv_wgK mnKvix wk¶K -2012 (cÙ)]

a) 20.15 †mwg b) 20.20 †mwg a) 8 eQi b) 9 eQi

18 | (Bank Job Publication)

BCS & Bank Math Average BCS & Bank Math Average
c) 10 eQi d) 11 eQi  x = 10

Solution for Written exam: x+4 = 10 + 4 = 14

20 Rb QvÎxi Mo eqm 12 eQi| Least integer 10 and greatest integer 14. Ans. D

 20 Rb QvÎxi †gvU eqm = (20×12) eQi =240 eQi

08. GKRb kÖwgK cÖwZw`b cÖ_g 8 NÈv Kv‡Ri Rb¨ NÈvq 10 UvKv K‡i Ges cieZ©x
4 35
24 Rb QvÎxi eq‡mi Mo = 12 -12 = 12 mg‡qi NÈvq 15 UvKv K‡i gRywi cvq| ˆ`wbK 10 NÈv KvR Ki‡j Zvi NÈvcÖwZ

35 Mo gRywi KZ? [24Zg wewmGm, RvZxq mÂq cwi`߇ii mnKvix cwiPvjK-2009]

 24 Rb QvÎxi †gvU eqm = 3 ×12=280 eQi
a) 11 UvKv b) 12 UvKv
4 Rb QvÎxi †gvU eqm = 280-240=40
c) 12.50 UvKv d) 13 UvKv
4 Rb QvÎxi Mo eqm = 4 = 10 eQi Ans. C Solution for Written exam:

cÖ_g 8 NÈv KvR K‡i cvq = (8×10) UvKv = 80 UvKv

07. If the average (arithmetic mean) of 5 consecutive integers is 12,
ciewZ© 2 NÈv KvR K‡i cvq = (15×2) UvKv = 30 UvKv
what is the sum of the least and the greatest of the integers?

[kÖg I Kg©ms¯’vb gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb kÖg cwi`߇ii cÖfvlK, wkí m¤úK© wk¶vqZb-2005,  10 NÈv KvR K‡i †gvU DcvR©b K‡i = (80+30) = 110 UvKv
AB Bank Ltd. Management Trainee-2011]
a) 14 b) 11  1 NÈvq cvq = 10 UvKv = 11 UvKv Ans. A

c) 12 d) 24
09. 1 †_‡K 49 ch©šÍ µwgK msL¨v¸‡jvi Mo KZ ?
Solution for Written exam: [RvZxq ivR¯^ †ev‡W©i B݇c±i/G‡cÖBRvi/wcÖ‡fw›Uf Awdmvi/‡Mv‡q›`v Kg©KZ©v-2010,

†hvMv‡hvM gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb evsjv‡`k †ijI‡q mnKvix Kgv‡Û›U-2007, wcGmwmÕi mnKvix cwiPvjK -2006]
Let, 5 consecutive numbers are x, (x+1), (x+2), (x+3), (x+4)
a) 22 b) 23
x+ (x+1) + (x+2) + (x+3)+ (x+4) = 12×5
c) 25 d) 50
= 5x + 10 =60 Average 12 gv‡b gv‡Si msL¨vwU 12
Shortcut : 10 11 12 13 14 Solution for Written exam:
=5x = 50
10+14 =24

19 | (Bank Job Publication)

BCS & Bank Math Average BCS & Bank Math Average
n(n+1) 9 Rb Qv‡Îi †gvU D”PZv = (5dzU 5 BwÂ × 9) = 45 dzU 45 BwÂ
¯^vfvweK µwgK msL¨vi †hvMdj = [‡hLv‡b n= c`msL¨v]
`kg Qv‡Îi D”PZv = (50 dzU 60 Bw - 45 dzU 45 BwÂ) = 5 dzU 15 BwÂ
= = 25 Ans. C = 6 dzU 3 Bw Ans. C

10 GKRb wµ‡KUv‡ii 10 Bwbs‡mi iv‡bi Mo 45.5| 11Zg Bwbs‡m KZ ivb K‡i 12. wcZv I Zvi `yB mšÍv‡bi eq‡mi Mo 25 eQi| `yB mšÍv‡bi eq‡mi Mo 22 eQi

AvDU n‡j me Bwbsm wgwj‡q Zvi iv‡bi Mo 50 n‡e? n‡j, wcZvi eqm KZ? [7g cÖfvlK wbeÜb I cÖZ¨qb cix¶v-2011 (ebjZv-46)]

[K…wl Awa`߇ii DcmnKvix K…wl Kg©KZ©v -2011] a) 25 eQi b) 21 eQi

a) 55 ivb b) 45 ivb
c) 31 eQi d) 32 eQi

c) 100 ivb d) 95 ivb Solution for Written exam:

Solution for Written exam: wcZv I `yB mšÍv‡bi †gvU eqm = (25×3)= 75 eQi
10 Bwbs‡m iv‡bi mgwó = (45.5×10) =455 ivb
`yB mšÍv‡bi †gvU eqm = 22 × 2 = 44 eQi
11 Bwbs‡m iv‡bi mgwó = (50×11) = 550 ivb
 wcZvi eqm = 75-44 = 31 eQi Ans. C

 11Zg Bwbs‡m Zvi AvDU n‡Z n‡e = (550-455) = 95 iv‡b Ans. D

13. cÖ_g I wØZxq msL¨vi Mo 25| cÖ_g, wØZxq I Z…Zxq msL¨vi Mo 30 n‡j, Z…Zxq

msL¨vwU KZ? [6ô cÖfvlK wbeÜb I cÖZ¨qb cix¶v-2010]

11. †Kvb †kÖYx‡Z 10 Rb Qv‡Îi Mo D”PZv 5 dzU 6 BwÂ| Gi g‡a¨ 9 Rb Qv‡Îi Mo
a) 25 b) 40
D”PZv 5 dzU 5 Bw n‡j 10g Qv‡Îi D”PZv KZ?

[K…wl Awa`߇ii DcmnKvix K…wl Kg©KZ©v -2011] c) 90 d) 50

a) 5 dzU 7 Bw b) 6 dzU 5 Bw Solution for Written exam:

c) 6 dzU 3 Bw d) 6 dzU `yBwU msL¨vi Mo = 25

Solution for Written exam:  `yBwU msL¨vi mgwó = 50

10 Rb Qv‡Îi †gvU D”PZv = (5dzU 6 BwÂ × 10) = 50 dzU 60 Bw wZbwU msL¨vi Mo = 30

20 | (Bank Job Publication)

BCS & Bank Math Average BCS & Bank Math Average
 wZbwU msL¨vi mgwó = 90 215 1
evwjKv‡`i Mo eqm = 15 =143 eQi ev 14 eQi 4 gvm Ans. B

 Z…Zxq msL¨vwU = (90-50)=40 Ans. B

16. 15 Rb †jv‡Ki Mo eqm 29 eQi| Zv‡`i g‡a¨ Avevi `yR‡bi Mo eqm 55 eQi|

14. 30 Ges 50 Gi ga¨eZ©x †gŠwjK msL¨v¸‡jvi Mo KZ? Zvn‡j evwK 13 R‡bi Mo eqm KZ n‡e? [cÖv_wgK mnKvix wk¶K-2010(K‡cvZv¶)]

[we‡kl wk¶K wbeÜb cix¶v-2010] a) 25 eQi b) 26 eQi

a) 39 b) 38.7
c) 27 eQi d) 29 eQi
c) 37.6 d) 39.8
Solution for Written exam:
Solution for Written exam:
15 Rb †jv‡Ki †gvU eqm = (15×29) eQi= 435 eQi
30 Ges 50 Gi ga¨eZ©x †gŠwjK msL¨v¸‡jv n‡jv - 31,37,41,43,47
Avevi 2 Rb †jv‡Ki †gvU eqm = (55×2) eQi = 110 eQi
G‡`i Mo = 5 = 39.8 Ans. D  evwK 13 R‡bi eq‡mi mgwó = (435-110) eQi = 325 eQi

15. 20 Rb evjK I 15Rb evwjKvi Mo eqm 15 eQi| evjK‡`i eqm 15.5 eQi  evwK 13 R‡bi eq‡mi Mo = 13 = 25 eQi Ans. A

n‡j, evwjKv‡`i Mo eqm KZ?

[cÖv_wgK mnKvix wk¶K (gyw³‡hv×v/knx` gyw³‡hv×v mšÍvb)-2010 (kir)]

17. wZb eQi Av‡M iwng I Kwi‡gi eq‡mi Mo wQj 18 eQi| Avjg Zv‡`i mv‡_
a) 14 eQi b) 14 eQi 4 gvm
†hvM`vb Kivq Zv‡`i eq‡mi Mo †e‡o 22 eQi nq| Avj‡gi eqm KZ?
c) 14 eQi 6 gvm d) 14 eQi 8 gvm
[cÖv_wgK mnKvix wk¶K-2010 (K‡cvZv¶)]

Solution for Written exam:

a) 30 eQi b) 28 eQi
20Rb evjK I 15Rb evwjKvi †gvU eqm =(35×15) eQi = 525eQi
c) 27 eQi d) 24 eQi

20 Rb evj‡Ki †gvU eqm = (20×15.5) eQi = 310 eQi

Shortcut Solution for MCQ:

15Rb evwjKvi †gvU eqm = (525-310) eQi = 215 eQi Avj‡gi eqm = (22×3) - (182) = 30

Solution for Written exam:

21 | (Bank Job Publication)

BCS & Bank Math Average BCS & Bank Math Average
wZb eQi Av‡M iwng I Kwi‡gi eq‡mi Mo wQj 18 eQi| x msL¨K msL¨vi Mo -a

 eZ©gvb iwng I Kwi‡gi eq‡mi Mo = (18+3) eQi = 21 eQi|  x msL¨K msL¨vi mgwó = ax

 eZ©gvb iwng I Kwi‡gi †gvU eqm = (21×2) eQi = 42 eQi| y msL¨K msL¨vi Mo -b

GLb, iwng, Kwig I Avj‡gi †gvU eqm = (22×3) eQi = 66 eQi  y msL¨K msL¨vi mgwó =by

 Avj‡gi eqm = (66-42) eQi = 24 eQi| Ans.A ax+by

 (x+y) msL¨K msL¨vi Mo = x+y Ans. C

18. GK †`vKvb`vi 12 w`‡b 504 UvKv Avq Ki‡jb| cÖ_g 4 w`b Mo Avq 40 UvKv
20. †Kvb cix¶vq 100 Rb Qv‡Îi Mo b¤^i 80| hw` 20% Qv·K ev` †`qv nq Z‡e
n‡j evwK w`b¸‡jvi Mo Avq KZ UvKv n‡e? [cÖv_wgK mnKvix wk¶K- 2010 (BQvgwZ)]
evwK Qv·`i cÖvß Mo b¤^i n‡e 90| 20% Qv‡Îi cÖvß Mo b¤^i KZ?
a) 40 UvKv b) 42 UvKv
[cÖv_wgK mnKvix wk¶K 2010 (wZZvm)]

c) 43 UvKv d) 47 UvKv a) 32 b) 36

Solution for Written exam: c) 40 d) 42

cÖ_g 4 w`‡b †gvU Avq = 40 × 4 =160 UvKv Solution for Written exam:

evwK 8 w`‡b †gvU Avq = (504-160) UvKv = 344 UvKv 100 Rb Qv‡Îi †gvU b¤^i =80×100=8000
344 20% ev‡` w`‡q evwK (100-20) = 80 Rb Qv‡Îi †gvU b¤^i = 90× 80=7200
 evwK 8 w`‡bi Mo Avq = 8 =43 UvKv Ans. C

20% Qv‡Îi †gvU b¤^i (8000-7200) = 800

19. hw` x msL¨K msL¨vi Mo a Ges y msL¨K msL¨vi Mo b nq, Z‡e (x+y) msL¨K
msL¨vi Mo KZ? [`ybx©wZ `g Kwgk‡b DcmnKvix cwiPvjK-2010]
 20% Qv‡Îi Mo b¤^i = 20 =40 Ans. C

a+b ax+by
a) b) 21. 1,5,9, ...................,81 avivwUi msL¨v¸‡jvi Mo KZ?
x+y 2
[¯^ivóª gš¿Yvj‡qi Kviv ZË¡veavqK -2010]
ax+by a+b
c) d)
x+y 2 a) 41 b) 39

Solution for Written exam:

22 | (Bank Job Publication)

BCS & Bank Math Average BCS & Bank Math Average
c) 42 d) 40 xy+ab xy+ab
c) d)
y+b x+a
Shortcut Solution for MCQ:
Solution for Written exam:
‡klc` +cÖ_gc` 81+1 82
mgvšÍi avivi Mo = 2 = 2 = 2 = 41 Ans. A x msL¨K †Q‡ji eq‡mi Mo y eQi

22. 3 Rb cyiæl I 6 Rb evj‡Ki Mo Avq 12.00 UvKv| 1 Rb cyiæ‡li Avq 2 Rb  x msL¨K †Q‡ji †gvU eqm = xy

evj‡Ki Av‡qi mgvb n‡j 1 Rb cyiæ‡li Avq KZ? [cÖv_wgK cÖavb wk¶K-2009(†Mvjvc)] a msL¨K †Q‡ji eq‡mi Mo b eQi

a) 20 UvKv b) 18 UvKv  a msL¨K †Q‡ji †gvU eqm = ab

c) 16 UvKv N) 14 UvKv  me †Q‡ji eq‡mi Mo = xy+ab eQi| Ans. D


Solution for Written exam:

24. GKRb †evjvi Mo 20 ivb w`‡q 12 wU DB‡KU cvb| cieZx© †Ljvq M‡o 4 ivb
2 Rb evjK = 1 Rb cyiæl
w`‡q 4wU DB‡KU cvb| GLb Zvi DB‡KU cÖwZ Mo ivb KZ?
6 Rb evjK = 3 Rb cyiæl
[cÖv_wgK cÖavb wk¶K-2009 (kvcjv)]

 3 Rb cyiæl I 6 Rb evjK = (3+3) ev 6 Rb cyiæl a) 16 b) 17

3Rb cyiæl I 6 Rb evj‡Ki †gvU Avq = (9×12) UvKv c) 18 d) 20

A_©vr 6 Rb cyiæ‡li †gvU Avq = 108 UvKv Solution for Written exam:

108 ‡gvU ivb = (12×20) + (4×4)= 240+16=256

 6 Rb cyyiæ‡li Mo Avq = 6 =18 UvKv| Ans. B
‡gvU DB‡KU = 12+4 =16
23. x -msL¨K †Q‡ji eq‡mi Mo y eQi Ges a msL¨K †Q‡ji eq‡mi Mo b eQi| 256
 DB‡KU cÖwZ Mo ivb = 16 = 16 Ans. A
me †Q‡ji eq‡mi Mo KZ? [cÖv_wgK cÖavb wk¶K-2009 (wkDjx)]

25. GKRb †evjvi M‡o 14 ivb w`‡q 12 wU DB‡KU cvb| cieZ©x †Ljvq M‡o 6 ivb
x+a y+b
a) b)
2 2
w`‡q 4wU DB‡KU cvb| GLb Zvi DB‡KU cÖwZ Mo ivb KZ?

[cÖv_wgK cÖavb wk¶K-2009 (cÙ)]

23 | (Bank Job Publication)

BCS & Bank Math Average BCS & Bank Math Average
a) 9 b) 10 27. hw` 15 Rb QvÎ Bs‡iwR‡Z M‡o kZKiv 80 b¤^i Ges 10 Rb QvÎ M‡o kZKiv

c) 12 d) 14 90 b¤^i cvq, Zn‡j 25 Rb Qv‡Îi kZKiv wnmv‡e Mo b¤^i KZ?

Solution for Written exam: [wbe©vPb Kwgkb mwPevjq Dc‡Rj/_vbv wbe©vPb Awdmvi 2008]

a) 84 b) 84%
‡gvU ivb = (14×12) + (6×4) = 192
c) 83% d) 8331 %
‡gvU DB‡KU = (12+4) =16
Shortcut Solution for MCQ:
 DB‡KU Mo ivb = 16 =12 Ans. C
15  180 + 10 90
A= = 84
15 + 10

Solution for Written exam:

26. p msL¨K msL¨vi Mo m Ges q msL¨K msL¨vi Mo n. me¸‡jv msL¨vi Mo KZ?
15 R‡bi †gvU b¤^i 15×180 = 1200
[cÖv_wgK cÖavb wk¶K -2009 (cÙ)]

p+q m+n 10 R‡bi †gvU b¤^i 10×90 =900

a) b)
2 2
 25 R‡bi †gvU b¤^i = (1200+900)= 2100
pm+qn pm+qn
c) d)
p+q m+n 2100
 25 R‡bi Mo b¤^i = 25 = 84
Solution for Written exam:
we: `ª: cÖkœc‡Î 25 Rb Qv‡Îi kZKiv wnmv‡e Mo b¤^i PvIqv n‡q‡Q| GRb¨ Dˇi
p msL¨K msL¨vi Mo - m
‎ _vK‡e bv| ZvB DËi 84|
% wPýwU Ans. A
 p msLK msL¨vi mgwó - pm

q msL¨K msL¨vi Mo - n
28. wcZv, gvZv I cy‡Îi eq‡mi Mo 30 eQi| Avevi wcZv I cy‡Îi eq‡mi Mo 35
 q msLK msL¨vi mgwó - qn
eQi| gvZvi eqm KZ? [27Zg wewmGm]
 me¸‡jv msL¨vi Mo = p+q Ans. C
a) 38 eQi b) 41 eQi

c) 45 eQi d) 48 eQi

24 | (Bank Job Publication)

BCS & Bank Math Average BCS & Bank Math Average
Shortcut Solution for MCQ: A+B AM+BN
a) b)
2 2
gvZvi eqm = (37  3) - (35  2) = 41 eQi|
c) d)
Solution for Written exam:
Solution for Written exam:
wcZv, gvZv I cy‡Îi †gvU eqm = (37 × 3) = 111 eQi
M msL¨K msL¨vi mgwó - AM
wcZv I cy‡Îi †gvU eqm = (35 × 2) = 70
N msLK msL¨vi mgwó - BN
 gvZvi eqm = (111-70) eQi = 41 eQi Ans. B
(M+N) msLK msL¨vi mgwó - AM+ BN
29. wZb fvB‡qi `yBRb `yBRb K‡i †bqv Mo eqm 22 eQi, 18 eQi I 16 eQi|
me‡P‡q †QvU fvB‡qi eqm -  (M+N) msLK msL¨vi Mo - M+N
Ans. C

[mgvRKj¨vY gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb mgvR‡mev Awa`߇ii DcmnKvix cwiPvjK/mnKvix e¨e¯’vcK-2005]

Question From BBA / MBA / EMBA / MBM Exam:-
a) 14 eQi b) 12 eQi
01. The average (arithonative mean) of 8 numbers is 6. When two
c) 13 eQi d) 15 eQi
more numbers added to the 8 mumbers, the new average of all
Solution for Written exam:
the 10 numbers is 7. What is the average of the two numbers
g‡bKwi, 1g R‡bi eqm = x, 2q R‡bi eqm =y, 3q R‡bi eqm =z
2 (x + y + z) eq‡mi mgwó = (22×2 + 18×2 + 16×2) eQi
a) 11 b) 12 [MBA (IBA)-2012(June)]

ev, x + y + z eq‡mi mgwó = 2 = 56 eQi c) 15 d) 22 e) none

x + y eq‡mi mgwó = 44 eQi Solution for Written exam:

c~‡e©i 8 wU msL¨vi †hvMdj = (8 6) = 48

 †QvU fvB‡qi eqm = (56-44) eQi = 12 eQi Ans. B
GLb 10 wU msL¨vi †hvMdj = (10  7) = 70
30. M msL¨K msL¨vi Mo A Ges N msL¨K msL¨vi Mo B. me¸‡jv msL¨vi Mo KZ?
bZzb `ywU msL¨vi †hvMdj = (70 – 48) = 22
[23Zg wewmGm]

25 | (Bank Job Publication)

BCS & Bank Math Average BCS & Bank Math Average
22 04. The average of three integers p, q and r is 8. If pq = 24, what the
 Mo = 2 = 11 Ans. A
following can not be a value of r?
02. If 4x + 2y = 24 and 3x + y = 10, what is the average of x and y?
a) 10 b) 12 [MBA (IBA)-2011-12(June)]
a) 5 b) 6 [MBA (IBA)-2012(December)]
c) 13 d) 14 e) none
c) 7 d) 8 e) none
Solution for Written exam:
Solution for Written exam:
p + q + r = 24
4x + 2y = 24 .......(i)
pq = 24
3x + y = 10 .........(ii)
Where, p = 2, q = 12 or p = 3, q = 8 or, p = 4, q = 6
Now, (i) – (ii) 
And p + q = 14 Or p + q = 11 Or p + q = 10
x + y = 14
And r = 10 Or, r = 13 Or, r = 14
x + y 14
 = =7 Ans. C
2 2 Therefore, r  12 Ans. B

03. What is the average (arithmetic mean) of 330, 331 and 332? 05. Rahim averaged 70 in his first m number of exams. After

a) 331 b) 13(328) [MBA (IBA)-2011-12(December)] taking n more exams, he had an overall average of 75. In terms

c) 39(339) d) 821 e) none of m and n, his average for teh last n exams was?

Solution for Written exam: a) (5m + 75)/n b) (5m/n) + 75 [MBA (IBA)-2011-12(June)]

330 + 331 + 332 c) (5n/m) + 75 d) (70m + 75n)/(m +n) e) none

Solution for Written exam:
330 331 332
= + +
3 3 3
1st m exams total = 70m
= 330 + 331 + 332
And over all total = 75(m + n)
= 3 (1 + 3 + 9)
 n exam’s total = 75 (m + n) – 70m
= 13(3 ) 29
Ans. E

26 | (Bank Job Publication)

BCS & Bank Math Average BCS & Bank Math Average
= 5m + 75n c) 14 d) 15 e) 18

5m + 75n
And average = Shortcut Solution for MCQ:
120 = 4×5 × 6 ,
= + 75 Ans. B
sum =4+5+6) = 15 Ans. D
06. The average of a set of 12 numbes, which includes 34 is N. if 34
08. The average of a set of 12 numbers which includes 34 is N. If 34
is removed from the set and 38 is added to the set. What is the
is removed from the set and 38 is added to the set, what is the
average of the new set of number?
average of the new set of numbers in terms of N?
1 19
a) N + 3 b) N +
[MBA (IBA)-2011-12(June)]
N + 19
3 3

c) N + 4 d) N + 6 e) none c) n + 4 d) n + 6 e) none

Solution for Written exam: Solution for Written exam:

Average N n‡jv 12 wU Number Gi total = 12 N 12N + (38 - 34) = 12N + 4

34 ev` w`‡q 38 include Ki‡j total 4 evo‡e| 12 N + 4 1

New average = =N+ Ans. E
12 3
A_©vr New total = 12N + 4 Ges
09. If the product of three consecutive integers is 210, then the sum
12N + 4
New average =
12 of the two smaller integers is- [MBM - 6th Batch – 2001 - 02]

=N + Ans. A a) 5 b) 11

07. If the products of 3 consecutive integers are 120, then the sum c) 12 d) 13 e) 18

of the integers is [EMBA 11TH Batch), (MBA-03-04), (Premier Bank-

Shortcut Solution for MCQ:
210 = 5 × 6×7 , sum of the two smaller =5+6) = 11 Ans. B
a) 9 b) 12

27 | (Bank Job Publication)

BCS & Bank Math Average BCS & Bank Math Average
10. The sum of 5 consecutive integers is 35. How many of the five (x + 2)2 + (x - 2)2
consecutive integers are prime numbers? [EMBA 9TH , 5TH , 3RD Batch]
x2 + 4x + 4 + x2 - 4x + 4
= 2
a) 0 b) 1
2x2 + 8
c) 2 d) 3 e) 4 2

Shortcut Solution for MCQ: = x2 + 4 Ans. C

35 13. Two cartons weigh (3x -2) kgs and (2x -3) kgs respectively. If the
Middle No = = 7, 2
average weight of the cartons is 10 kgs, the heavier carton weighs
Prime are 5 & 7 Ans. C
how many kgs more than the lighter carton? [BBA 2004 -05]

11. The average of 5 numbers is 40. If 2 more numbers, with and

a) 2 b) 4
average of 21, are added to these numbers, what will be the
c) 5 d) 6 e) 10
average of the combined 7 numbers? [BBA – 2006 - 07]

Solution for Written exam:

a) 8.7 b) 30.1
(3x - 2) + (2x - 3)
c) 30.3 d) 34.6 e) none of these 2
= 10

Shortcut Solution for MCQ:  3x – 2 + 2x – 3 = 20

5  40 + 2  21
 5x = 25
= 34.57  34.60 Ans. D
 Difference between two carton = (3x - 2) – (2x - 3)
12. Which of the following is equal to the average of (x + 2)2 and (x

- 2)2 = (3 × 5 - 2) – (2 × 5 - 3)

a) x2 b) x2+ 2 [BBA – 2005 – 06] =6 Ans. D

c) x2+ 4 d) x2+ 2x e) none

Solution for Written exam:

28 | (Bank Job Publication)

BCS & Bank Math Average BCS & Bank Math Average
14. Rahim averaged 70 in his first m number of exams. After taking n x=5

more exams, he had an overall average of 75. In terms of m and n,  5x = 25

his average for the last n exams was [MBA – 2004 - 05]  Difference between two carton = (3x - 2) – (2x - 3)

(5m + 75) 5m = (3 × 5 - 2) – (2 × 5 - 3)
a) b) + 75
n n
=6 Ans. D
5n (70m + 75n)
c) + 75 d) E) 80
m (m + n) 16. If the sum of 3 consecutive integers is 210, then the sum of the

Solution for Written exam: two smaller integers is: [MBA–98–99]

70  m + A2n
75 = a) 141 b) 139

 75m + 75n = 70m + A2n c) 110 d) 70 e) none of these

 5m + 75n = A2n Shortcut Solution for MCQ:

5m + 75n 5m 210
 A2 = = + 75. Ans. A Middle No = = 70,
n n 3

15. Two cartons weigh (3x -2) kgs and (2x -3) kgs respectively. If the Sum = 69+ 70 = 139 Ans. B

average weight of the cartons is 10 kgs, the heavier carton weighs 17. Average mark of 10 students is X. If 5 other students each earned

how many kgs more than the lighter carton? [BBA – 2004 - 05] 84 marks, average grade of the entire group? [MBA - 97 - 98]

a) 2 b) 4 a) (10x + 420) / 15 b) (10x + 84) / 15

c) 5 d) 6 e) 10 c) (x + 420) / 15 d) (x + 84) / 15 e) none of these

Solution for Written exam: Shortcut Solution for MCQ:

(3x - 2) + (2x - 3) 10  x + 5  84
= 10 A=
2 10 + 5

 3x – 2 + 2x – 3 = 20 =
10x + 420
Ans. A
29 | (Bank Job Publication)
BCS & Bank Math Average BCS & Bank Math Average
18. Average of 3 different positive integers is 150 & average of the 20. Average weight of 8 persons is 120 1b. One person leaves the

smaller two is 120. Find largest of these integers is [BBA - 97 – 98] group and a new person comes in & the new average weight

a) 110 b) 180 becomes 122 1b. If the weight of the outgoing person is 110 1b,

c) 210 d) 230 e) none of these what is the weight of the incoming person? [MBA - 94 – 95]

Solution for Written exam: a) 118 b) 120

Deviation =( 150 – 120) × 2 = 60 c) 122 d) 126 e) none of these

 Larger number = 150 + 60 = 210 Ans. C Solution for Written exam:

19. Hasan purchased 3 products: 100 units of product A @ Tk x per Deviations = 8 × (122 - 120) = 16

unit; 300 units of products B@ Tk. 2x per unit and 600 units of  Weight of Incoming = 110 + 16 = 126 Ans. D

product C@ Tk. 3x per unit. If he wants to make a profit of 21. Average of 3 numbers is 6 & average of 4 numbers including the

20%, he should sell these products at an average price of: previous 3 numbers is 8. Find ½ of 4th number? [BBA - 94 –

a) 2.4x b) 2x [MBA - 96 – 97] a) 7 b) 8

c) 3x d) 2.2x e) none c) 18 d) 19 e) 20

Solution for Written exam: Solution for Written exam:

100x + 600x + 1800x = 2500x Gi 20% = 500x Deviation = 4 (8 - 6) = 8

Sells = Purchase Price + Profit 1 1

× 4th num = (6 + 8) = 7 Ans. A
2 2
= 2500x + 500x
22. Average weight of 8 persons is 120 1b. One person leaves the
= 3000x
group and a new person comes in & the new average weight
3000 x
 Average = = 3x Ans. C becomes 122 1b. If the weight of the outgoing person is 110 1b,

what is the weight of the incoming person? [MBA - 94 - 95]

30 | (Bank Job Publication)

BCS & Bank Math Average BCS & Bank Math Average
a) 118 b) 120  36 = 19 + x

c) 122 d) 126 e) none of these  x = 17 Ans. D

Solution for Written exam: 25. Average of X, Y, Z is 5. What is the average X, Y, Z and 9?

Deviations = 8 × (122 - 120) = 16 a) 4 b) 5 [MBA-88-89]

 Weight of Incoming = 110 + 16 = 126 Ans. D c) 6 d) 7 e) none

Solution for Written exam:

23. Francis had an average of 75 on her first four Geography test.
After taking the next test, her average dropped to 72. How =5

much did she get in the fifth test? [BBA - 92 - 93]  x + y + z = 15

a) 54 b) 56  Average of x, y, z and 9 =

c) 58 d) 60 e) 73.5 15 + 9
Solution for Written exam:
=6 Ans. C
Total of 1st 5 test = 72 × 5 = 360
26. If the product of three consecutive integers is 6, then twice the
Total of 1st 4 test = 75 ×4 = 300 sum of the integers is [MBA - 88 - 89]

Total of 5th test = 60 Ans.D a) 12 b) 4

24. Average of 8, 11 and X is 12. What is the value of X? [MBA - 88 – 89]

c) 18 d) 3 e) none of these

a) 13 b) 15 Shortcut Solution for MCQ:

c) 10 d) 17 e) none 6 = 1×2 × 3 ,

Solution for Written exam: Twice the sum = 2 (1+2+3) = 12 Ans. A

8 + 11 + x
12 =

31 | (Bank Job Publication)

BCS & Bank Math Average BCS & Bank Math Average

= 5

Practice Work:-
=6 Ans. C

01. 7wU msL¨vi Mo 40| Gi mv‡_ 3wU msL¨v †hvM Kiv n‡jv| msL¨v 3wUi Mo 21| 03. 11 Rb †jv‡Ki Mo IRb 70 †KwR| 90 †KwR IR‡bi GKRb †jvK P‡j †M‡j

mgwóMZ fv‡e 10wU msL¨vi Mo KZ? evwK †jvK‡`i Mo IRb KZ?

[Lv`¨ Awa: mnKvix Dc-Lv`¨ cwi`k©K/ mnKvix Acv‡iUi/muvUwjwcKvi-2009, gnv wnmve wbix¶K I wbqš¿‡Ki Kvh©vj‡qi [cÖavbgš¿xi Kvh©j‡q cv‡m©vbvj Awdmvi-2004, wcGmwm KZ…©K wba©vwiZ 12wU c`-2001]

AwWUi/Rywbqi AwWUi-2011] a) 62 †KwR b) 68 †KwR

a) 6.1 b) 30.1
c) 80 †KwR d) 72 †KwR
c) 34.3 d) ‡KvbwUB bq
Solution for Written exam:
Solution for Written exam
11 R‡bi IR‡bi mgwó = (70×11) = 770
7wU msL¨vi mgwó = (40×7) = 280
90 †KwR IR‡bi 1 Rb P‡j hvIqvq eZ©gvb IRb =(770-90)†KwR = 680
3wU msL¨vi mgwó = (21×3) = 63
 10wU msL¨vi mgwó = (280+63) = 343 680
GKRb P‡j hvIqvq eZ©gv‡b 10 R‡bi Mo IRb = 10 = 68 †KwR Ans. B
 10wU msL¨vi Mo = 10 =34.3 Ans. C
04. †Kvb †kÖYx‡Z 20 Rb Qv‡Îi eq‡mi Mo 10 eQi| wk¶Kmn Zv‡`i eq‡mi Mo

02. 2 †_‡K ïiæ K‡i ci ci cuvPwU †Rvo msL¨vi Mo KZ n‡e? 12 eQi n‡j wk¶‡Ki eqm KZ? [cÖv_wgK mnKvix wk¶K (hgybv)-2012]

[cÖv_wgK mnKvix wk¶K-2010(Ki‡Zvqv), cÖv_wgK mnKvix wk¶K-2012 (hgybv) ]

a) 32 eQi b) 42 eQi
a) 4 b) 5
c) 62 eQi d) 52 eQi
c) 6 d) 7
Shortcut Solution for MCQ:
Shortcut Solution for MCQ:

32 | (Bank Job Publication)

BCS & Bank Math Average BCS & Bank Math Average
wk¶‡Ki eqm = (20×10) - (21×12) = 52 Solution for Written exam:

Solution for Written exam: wcZv, gvZv I Kb¨vi †gvU eqm = (30 × 3)= 90 eQi

20 Rb Qv‡Îi †gvU eqm = 20×10=200 eQi gvZv I Kb¨vi eqm = (25 × 2)= 50

wk¶K mn 20 Rb Qv‡Îi †gvU eqm = = 252  wcZvi eqm = 90-50=40 eQi Ans. B

 wk¶‡Ki eqm = 252-200= 52 eQi Ans. D

07. wcZv I `yB cy‡Îi eqm A‡c¶v gvZv I D³ `yB cy‡Îi eq‡mi Mo 2 eQi Kg|

05. The average of three numbers is 24. If two of the numbers are wcZvi eqm 30 eQi n‡j gvZvi eqm KZ? [mnKvix wk¶K (gyw³‡hv×v) 2010 (†ngšÍ)]

21 and 23, the third number is -- [Uttara Bank Ltd. Asst. Officer (Cash)-2011]
a) 20 eQi b) 22 eQi
a) 24 b) 26
c) 24 eQi d) 25 eQi
c) 28 d) 30
Shortcut Solution for MCQ:
Solution for Written exam:
gvZv = 30 - ( 2  3) = 24 Ans. C
Let, third number is x

 = 24
08. wZb cy‡Îi eq‡mi Mo 16 eQi| wcZv mn cy·`i eq‡mi Mo 25 eQi| wcZvi
 x = 72 - 44 = 28 Ans. C
eqm KZ? [cÖv_wgK mnKvix wk¶K (BQvgwZ) - 2010]

06. wcZv, gvZv I Kb¨vi eq‡mi Mo 30 eQi| gvZv I Kb¨vi Mo eqm 25 n‡j wcZvi
a) 45 eQi b) 48 eQi
eqm KZ? [K„wl Awa`߇ii DcmnKvix K…wl Kg©KZ©v -2011]
c) 50 eQi d) 52 eQi
a) 30 eQi b) 40 eQi
Shortcut Solution for MCQ:
c) 45 eQi d) 35 eQi
gvZvi eqm = (16×3) - (25×4) = 52
Shortcut Solution for MCQ:
Solution for Written exam:
wcZvi eqm = (30 × 3) - (25 × 2) = 40
wZb cy‡Îi eq‡mi Mo 16 eQi|

33 | (Bank Job Publication)

BCS & Bank Math Average BCS & Bank Math Average
 wZb cy‡Îi ‡gvU eqm = (16×3) = 48 eQi| 11. 1
wcZv I 3 cy‡Îi eqm A‡c¶v gvZv I D³ 3 cy‡Îi eq‡mi Mo 12 eQi Kg|
wcZv mn cy·`i eq‡mi Mo 24 eQi|
gvZvi eqm 30 eQi n‡j wcZvi eqm KZ? [mnKvix wk¶K 2008 (†gNbv)]

 wcZv mn eq‡mi mgwó = (25×4) = 100 eQi|

a) 32 eQi 1
b) 312 eQi
 wcZvi eqm = 100-48=52 eQi| Ans. D
c) 33 eQi d) 36 eQi
09. 10 wU msL¨vi †hvMdj 380| G‡`i cÖ_g 4wUi Mo 50 Ges †kl 5wUi Mo 32|
Shortcut Solution for MCQ:
cÂg msL¨vwU KZ?
wcZvi eqm = gvZvi eqm + (Mo hZ Kg  wcZvmn msL¨v)
[Lv`¨ Awa`߇ii Lv`¨ cwi`k©K/Dc-Lv`¨ cwi`k©K/D”Pgvb mnKvix/AwWUi/mycvifvBRvi-2009]

a) 10 b) 15 1
mgvavbt wcZvi eqm = 30 + 12  4 = 30 + 6 = 36| Ans. D
 
c) 20 d) ‡KvbwUB bq

Shortcut Solution for MCQ:

12. wZb-fvB‡ev‡bi eq‡mi Mo 16 eQi| wcZvmn fvB-‡ev‡bi eq‡mi Mo 25 eQi|
cÂg msL¨vwU = 380 - (4×50 + 5×32) =380-360=20
wcZvi eqm KZ? [†hvMv‡hvM gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb evsjv‡`k †ijI‡q mnKvix Kgv‡Û›U-2007]

Ans. C
a) 48 eQi b) 50 eQi
10. wcZv I `yB cy‡Îi eqm A‡c¶v gvZv I D³ `yB cy‡Îi eq‡mi Mo 3 eQi Kg|
c) 52 eQi d) 60 eQi
wcZvi eqm 32 eQi n‡j gvZvi eqm KZ? [mnKvix wk¶K 2008 (avbwmuwo)]
Shortcut Solution for MCQ:
a) 21 eQi b) 22 eQi
wcZvi eqm= (16 × 3) - (25 × 4) = 52
c) 23 eQi d) 24 eQi
Solution for Written exam:

Shortcut Solution for MCQ: wZb fvB‡ev‡bi eq‡mi Mo = 16 eQi

gvZv = 32 - (3  3) = 23 eQi| Ans. C  wZb fvB‡ev‡bi †gvU eqm = (16 × 3) = 48 eQi

wcZv mn fvB‡evb‡`i †gvU eqm = (25 × 4) = 100 eQi

34 | (Bank Job Publication)

BCS & Bank Math Average BCS & Bank Math Average
 wcZvi eqm = (100- 48) eQi = 52 eQi Ans. C wcZvi eqm = 25 + (2 3)= 25 + 6 = 31 Ans. B

13. wZb mšÍv‡bi eq‡mi Mo 9 eQi| wcZvmn Zv‡`i eq‡mi Mo 18 eQi n‡j, wcZvi 15. wcZv I 2 cy‡Îi eqm A‡c¶v gvZv I D³ 2 cy‡Îi eq‡mi Mo 2 eQi Kg| gvZvi

eqm KZ? [miKvwi gva¨wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wk¶K-2006] eqm 26 eQi n‡j wcZvi eqm KZ? [mnKvix wk¶K 2006 (ivRkvnx wefvM)]

a) 40 eQi b) 45 eQi a) 30 eQi b) 32 eQi

c) 50 eQi d) 60 eQi
c) 32 eQi d) 34 eQi
Shortcut Solution for MCQ:
Shortcut Solution for MCQ:
wcZvi eqm = (9×3) - (18×4) = 45
wcZvi eqm = 26 + (23) = 32 Ans. B
Solution for Written exam:
16. wcZv I `yB mšÍv‡bi eq‡mi Mo 17 eQi| `yB mšÍv‡bi eq‡mi Mo 2 eQi n‡j,
wZb mšÍv‡bi eq‡mi Mo 9 eQi|
wcZvi eqm KZ? [cÖwZi¶v gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb ¸ß ms‡KZ cwi`߇ii mvBdvi Awdmvi-2005]
 wZb mšÍv‡bi eq‡mi mgwó = (9×3) = 27 eQi|
a) 47 eQi b) 41 eQi
wcZv mn eq‡mi Mo 18 eQi|
c) 38 eQi d) 35 eQi
 wcZv mn eq‡mi mgwó = (18×4) = 72 eQi|
Shortcut Solution for MCQ:
 wcZvi eqm = 72-27=45 eQi| Ans. B
wcZvi eqm = (17  3) - (2  2) = 47 eQi|

14. wcZv I 2 cy‡Îi eqm A‡c¶v gvZv I D³ 2 cy‡Îi eq‡mi Mo 2 eQi Kg| Solution for Written exam:

gvZvi eqm 25 eQi n‡j wcZvi eqm KZ? [mnKvix wk¶K 2006 (ivRkvnx wefvM)] wcZv I `yB mšÍv‡bi eq‡mi mgwó = (17 × 3) = 51 eQi

a) 30 eQi b) 31 eQi `yB mšÍv‡bi eq‡mi mgwó = (2 × 2) = 4 eQi|

c) 32 eQi d) 34 eQi  wcZvi eqm = (51-4) eQi = 47 eQi Ans. A

Shortcut Solution for MCQ:

35 | (Bank Job Publication)

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