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1. AMY-a high school student
4. DINA-AMY’S friend

The students of St. Francis Academy have a field trip to Subic Bay Metro
Politan authority in Olongapo City. And Amy would need five hundred peso so
she could join the field trip. Five hundred pesos is not really a big amount of
money. She could ask his mother or father for it anytime. Her mom is a high
school principal is would her mother allow he to join the trip? Now she has a
problem with her mom. Her mom has been nagging her to clean the room,
study and sweep the backyard. She wanted to limit her watching television,
playing with her cell phone and going out with friend which according to her
mom, has a back effect on her report card.

MORAL LESSON: Being industrious has its own reward.


Title : The Ant and the Grasshopper

Author : Benita N. Miranda
Settings : Meadows
1. Ant
2. Grasshopper

Theme/Plot : The ant wants to teach the grasshopper how to save food for the
rainy days.

Brief Summary:

One summer morning, the ant was busy gathering foods that will be
consumed during the rainy days, while the grasshopper was singing joyfully under
the sun. The grasshopper asked the ant why is he very busy working and gathering
foods when there is so plenty to eat at that moment. The ant replied that he is saving
food for the coming rainy days and asking the grasshopper to do the same. But the
grasshopper didn’t heed. Then the rainy days came. The grasshopper couldn’t find
any food and he was very hungry. On the other hand, the ant was happy and he had
enough food stacks until the season’s ends. The grasshopper visited his friend ant. He
asked his friend to spare him some food for he was dying in hunger. The ant
sadly replied that he can’t give anything to him for the food is just enough for his family.

Moral Lesson:
The story tells the importance of saving so that we can use it in times of

The ant shows the value of work and the benefits of saving.

Title : The City Mouse and the Barrio Mouse

Author : Benita N. Miranda
Settings : Barrio, Kitchen, City Mouse’s hole.
Characters :
1. City Mouse
2. Barrio Mouse
3. the girl who owns the house

Theme/Plot : The City Mouse wants to bring his friend Barrio Mouse to the City
to enjoy the delicious foods.

Brief Summary:

One day, the City Mouse visits his friend Barrio Mouse.
The Barrio Mouse p r e p a r e d s o m e f o o d b u t t h e C i t y M o u s e
d i d n ’ t l i k e t h e f o o d . H e convinced his friend to live with him in the city
where there are lots of delicious foods. So Barrio Mouse went with the City Mouse
to the city. City Mouse took him to the kitchen of a big house. They were
enjoying eating cheese and biscuits in the cupboard when a girl came into the room.
They run away as fast as they can to the City Mouse hole. The Barrio
Mouse d e c i d e d t o g o b a c k t o h i s o w n h o m e t h a t v e r y d a y . H e
s a i d t o h i s f r i e n d t h a t e v e n though he hasn’t much food in the barrio, he
felt much safer to his home rather than in the city.

Moral Lesson:
The story tells that it is not bad to live simple and not to be greedy.

The City Mouse lives luxuriously in expense of danger while the
Barrio Mouse wants to live simple yet peaceful.

Title : The Poor Man Who Became Rich

Author : Benita N. Miranda
Settings : Town
Characters :
1. Mr. Garcia

Theme/Plot : Mr. Garcia was very poor but he strives very hard and became the
richest man in town.

Brief Summary:

There was a poor man named Mr. Garcia. He was the poorest
man in town. He had very little money. He lived i n a s m a l l h u t a n d s l e p t
o n i t s f l o o r . H e h a d o n l y f e w clothes to wear and most are old and
torn. He ate the cheapest food. Sometimes, he ate only one meal a day. But he was
the most industrious man and he worked very hard. He saves what he earned
for many years of working. He spent his money very wisely and bought
things that were only necessary. Soon he became the richest man in town. He lived
in the biggest and the most beautiful house. He now lives happily but still continues to
work hard.

Moral Lesson:
The story tells that striving hard brings fruitful reward.

The perseverance and hard work of Mr. Garcia led him to success.

Title : The Turtle and the Rabbit

Author : Benita N. Miranda
Settings : Mango Tree near the river and the Nipa hut beside the farm
Characters :
1. Rabbit
2. Turtle

Theme/Plot : The rabbit insults the turtle about being slow. They bet in a raceand
the turtle won because of patience and hard work.

Brief Summary:

One day, a rabbit met a turtle. He asked the turtle why he can’t run as
fast as him. The turtle felt insulted and said that he can also run fast as he does. To
prove it, they had a race. So the race started early in the afternoon at a tree
near the river. The rabbit ran fast and he was very much ahead of the turtle.
He felt tired and took a rest under the shade of the tree and went fast asleep. The turtle
continued to walk though he felt tired. Soon he was nearing the finish ine. He just
rest when he was already done. T h e r a b b i t w o k e u p . H e l o o k e d b a c k b u t
h e d i d n ’ t s e e t h e turtle. He ran as fast as he could but the turtle was
already at the finish line. The turtle was the winner.

Moral Lesson:
The story tells that you must not give up easily and not to judgethe book by
its cover.

The rabbit learned his lesson not to underestimate another becauseof their
appearance and disabilities.

Title : A Home For The New Year

Author : D. Paulo Dizon
Setting/ Time : When Mang Estong building their new house two days before
new year.
Place : In the vacant lot where they building their new house.
1. Mang Estong- the father.
2. M o t h e r
3. Melkor- the son of Mang Estong.
4. Victa - daugther of Mang Estong.
5. The driver- a man with pockmarks on his face who humiliated Mang


1. Utter- give audible expression to : say

2. Drenched- wet thoroughly
3. Evicted- expel
4. Mumbled- speak inarticulately
5. Pock-marked- a pus-filled eruption as in small pox
6. Shack- a rough cabin
7. Gnawed- bite or wear away with front teeth
8. Ego- “I”, the self
9. Gnashing- grate or grinding the teeth
10. Vengeful- seeking revenge
11. Shanty- rough or flimsy hut or house
12. Threatened- utter or be a threat(against)


This is the story of Mang Estong and his family who was humiliated by the
driver of the owner of the land that their house occupied. That is the reason why
Mang Estong utter bad words against that man because he could not believe
at first it could happened: that one man could drive another from a shelter. At
noon time when Mang Estong was fairly exhausted, after eating lunch he
spread tarpaulin and slept on the ground. Melkor tasked by his mother to
continue to work for the roof. While working, he felt the burning of his scalp and
skin but, he could stand it. Several times he hit his finger by hammer then, he
knows what his father felt. When hisf ather stood up and he already finish the
roof, Melkor utter the same bad words against the driver. His father now feeling
better after siesta said, “It is alright to be angry and to hate but maybe it is
better to forgive.” Melkor’s mother and his sister Victa are now preparing to
move their things in the shack. Little by little they will add something to the
house. Then, build a kitchen, put curtain, and plants.

Moral Lesson:

It is alright to be angry and hate. But, it is better to forgive. . . “For if you

forgive others their trespasses your heavenly Father will forgive you too.”
Matt. 5:14.

Title : Truce In The Forest

Author : Fritz Vincken
Setting : Hurtgen Forest near the German-Belgian Border
Characters :
1. Author (narrator)Mother of the Author
2. American Soldiers (Jim, Harry, Robin)
3. The Four German Soldiers

There was a lone mother and her twelve year old son, were hiding in a little
cottage in the forest near the German-Belgian border. While they are preparing for
Christmas Eve, they heard a knock on their door. When his mother open, she was
frightened and silent when she see the American soldiers who has a weapons. But
she them in. They serve them a coffee for them to lessen their coldness. And they
learned that the stocky dark haired yellow was Jim, his friend tall and slender was
Robin and he wounded one was harry. The Americans said to them that they are
hiding from their enemies and that’s the German Soldiers. While they are busy in
cooking, the boy heard another knock on their door without hesitation. His mother
went to open again the door she was nervous and panic when she seethe four
German Soldiers, because they are the enemies of the Americans who are inside at
their house. The Germans Talked to her if they can stay to have rest at her house.
But before he answered, she said that they have three visitors that they will not
consider as a friend and this are the American soldiers. The Germans understand
what she said, so they fallowed the instructions, they put down their weapons at the
woodpile and the Americans put down also their weapons. When the foods are
already served the Soldiers sit at the chairs and they smiled with each other. His
mother and him, was surprised and happy of the result because they did not fight
rather they talked and became friends at that night. Morning rise, so the American
and German soldiers decided to go home already. They were thankful to his mother
for letting them rest in their house. After that his mother gave them back their
weapons. And the American-German soldiers shake their hands before they go with
their families. Her mother and Him watched them until they disappear in opposite

Moral Lesson:
Love your enemies. And be considerate to others. Share your blessings.

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