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Procedia CIRP 7 (2013) 401 – 406

Forty Sixth CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems 2013

Statistical Process Control as a Service: An Industrial Case Study

a a,*
, , Peter Butalaa, Alojzij Slugaa
University of Ljubljana, Department of Manufacutirng Systems and Cont -1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +386-1-4771-744. E-mail address:


Strong operations support is one of the key requirements for competitive success of modern manufacturing organisations. An
important aspect of operations support is Statistical Process Control (SPC); the use of statistical methods for monitoring and control
of manufacturing processes and products. However, implementation of SPC requires a certain amount of statistical knowledge and
understanding. Although this is not an issue for big companies (e.g. in automotive sector), smaller companies are unable to provide
the required knowledge in-house. In this paper, a service-driven approach for SPC is proposed, in which SPC is outsourced through
the use of modern information and communication technologies, such as web services. This Statistical Process Control as a Service
approach is illustrated and discussed through an industrial case study.

© 2013 The
© 2013 TheAuthors.
Publishedbyby Elsevier
Elsevier B.V.
B.V. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Selection and/or
Selection and peer-review
peer-review underunder responsibility
responsibility of Professor
of Professor PedrodoFilipe
Pedro Filipe CarmodoCunha
Carmo Cunha

Keywords: Quality assurance; Statistical process control; Service oriented architecture

integrated solutions, smaller companies frequently resort

1. Introduction to manual methods, or are even left without SPC [2-4].
Furthermore, development of custom solutions is
Statistical Process Control (SPC) is a powerful expensive and requires expert knowledge which smaller
collection of problem-solving tools useful in achieving companies are unable to provide in-house.
manufacturing process stability and improving capability In this paper, a service-driven approach for SPC is
through the reduction of variability [1]. It may be used proposed. It is shown how modern information and
when a large number of similar items is being produced. communication technology (ICT) solutions can be used
The underlying assumption is that good items are to build a distributed electronic SPC system (eSPC). The
produced when processes are in control with respect to core of the system is a web service, which provides the
target values. The main objective of SPC is to give a means for remotely generating SPC reports such as
signal when the process changes, i.e. its mean moves control charts. The architecture of the system is
away from the target value and/or its variability presented along with an implementation of a user
increases. interface. The system is demonstrated in an industrial
In essence, SPC is used to support manufacturing case study of plastic tube production.
operations. When a signal shows that the process is The remainder of the paper is structured as follows.
changing, it is the up to the machine operator to trigger a In section 2, a literature review of SPC, control charts,
corrective action. Traditionally, the most important SPC and service-oriented architecture (SOA) in
tool is control chart, which graphically represents manufacturing is presented. Section 3 introduces the
process data and shows whether the process is under proposed approach of SPC as a Service, including the
statistical control or not. system architecture and the inner workings of the
Implementation of SPC requires a certain amount of system. Section 4 presents the case study and section 5
statistical knowledge and understanding, and is often concludes the paper.
integrated with commercial SCADA, MES, and/or ERP
software. While bigger companies are able to afford

2212-8271 © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of Professor Pedro Filipe do Carmo Cunha
402 Gašper Škulj et al. / Procedia CIRP 7 (2013) 401 – 406

2. Literature review STAKEHOLDERS NETWORK

In this section, two main topics are reviewed. The CONSTRAINTS CONVENTIONS
first one is SPC with control charts and the second one is


SOA in manufacturing. Together, they form basis for
SPC as a Service concept, presented in section 3.
The main reason for implementation of SPC in SERVICE SERVICE SERVICED
manufacturing processes is the need for higher and OBJECT PROCESS OBJECT
constant quality. Quality can be seen in various
dimensions; level of performance, reliability, durability, SUBJECT
serviceability, aesthetic, features, perceived quality, and
conformance to standards [5]. This is the traditional way SERVICES
to describe quality and is summed up as eans SERVICE UNITS

. In contrast to the traditional definition

that is consumer oriented, the modern is Fig. 1. Functional diagram of a service unit [12]
1], is primarily
concerned with manufacturing aspects [6]. An important SOA is based on information communication
interpretation of the mo technologies and mainly uses internet-based
improvement is the reduction of variability in processes technologies to support the integration of systems that
[1]. In this view, SPC is seen as a offer and use services [18].
mechanism for controlling variability. Huang et al. [19] propose a product service system in
In SPC the process is observed as a system with a set which various information services support production
of inputs and outputs, and is controlled according to along a supply chain. Furthermore, in [10], this approach
quality-related specifications set during product is extended to material-related services, and called
development. It is important to recognise that product manufacturing oriented services (MOSs).
quality is strongly related to the manufacturing process. Building o 2]
To produce high quality outputs, process parameters are present the functional diagram of a basic service unit,
set specific values that correspond to nominal or target shown in Fig. 1.
values. The actual values can differ from nominal values A service unit creates new value by providing
in the predetermined area between an upper specification services. Together with service consumers, service units
limit (USL) and a lower specification limit (LSL). form a manufacturing oriented service network, where
Control charts are one of the primary and well known various services can be consumed by work systems or
techniques of SPC. A systematic use of control charts is other services according to a set of rules and
intended to reduce variability and therefore, according to conventions. A detailed explanation can be found in
the definition, improve process quality. Many types of [12].
control charts are known, differing with respect to In the next section, an example of a service unit for
specifics of the controlled phenomena. Control charts SPC is described.
can be roughly divided into control charts for variables
and control charts for attributes [1]. 3. Distributed SPC system: eSPC
Although the use of control charts is fairly simple, it
is not always done correctly and systematically. In the This Section presents the distributed electronic SPC
light of SOA, SOM [e.g., 7-10] and IPS2 [11] an option (eSPC) concept and ways of its realization. eSPC is a
is to implement control charts in a form of a service [12- web service and a corresponding web application,
16], to ensure correctness and a clear definition of SPC providing SPC functionality through generation of
role within a manufacturing system. control charts and other SPC reports. The role of eSPC
in operations support is illustrated in Fig 2.
provider p The input for eSPC is process data, obtained by a data
with the objective of changing the conditions under acquisition system, and quality related data such as
17]. Use of services target values and specification limits, determined by an
brings external knowledge, expertise and abilities. expert. The output is control chart and other SPC data in
Service providers are usually specialized and can XML from.
therefore perform requested actions better than the
beneficiary himself.
Gašper Škulj et al. / Procedia CIRP 7 (2013) 401 – 406 403

Permission Organisation Process

SERVICE UNIT PermissionID OrganisationID MachineToolID
WORKPIECE/ OrganisationID OrgName ToolID
SPC DATA UserID MaterialID
(XML) WorkOrder
AND CONTROL Measurement Characteristic
MeasurementID CharacteristicID
CONTROL Password
CharacteristicID MachineID
Date CenterLine
INPUTS {X} OUTPUTS {Y} Comment StDev
Fig. 2. eSPC role in manufacturing operations support EwmaUCL

A functional overview of eSPC usage is presented in

Fig. 4. eSPC minimal database schema
Fig. 3, which shows how eSPC transforms raw process
data into control charts viewable by the user. The
process consists of three steps: (1) data transfer, (2) data Data processing
processing, and (3) display of SPC data.
In the data processing step process data is
Data transfer transformed into SPC data. The transformation consists
of calculation of statistics for each sample, and
In the data transfer step, production data is sent to application of rules which determine whether the
eSPC through web service methods. Methods are statistics of samples are within limits and thus in control.
available for specification of a new part, specification of In addition to the limit checking, rules (e.g. Western
a new measured characteristic, and insertion of a new Electric rules [20]) are applied to identify out of control
measurement. All data is stored in a database, which samples.
resides on the web server. SPC data is sent back to the user in form of XML
The minimal required database schema is shown in reports. XML structure for control charts is shown in
Fig 4. The schema is based on the following concept. A Fig. 5.
manufacturing organization performs several processes. A control chart report specifies a name generated
For each process, several characteristics can be from product and characteristic data, a centre line along
observed. Each characteristic consists of a set of with control limits, and includes an array of data points,
measurements and SPC related data such as control each associated with a value and a Boolean variable
limits. Each user of the eSPC service has individually specifying whether the data point is out of control. This
granted permissions to access data of an organization. is all the data that is required to draw and display a
control chart.
SPC <CenterLine></CenterLine>
DATA ALGORITHMS SPC <LowerControlLimit></LowerControlLimit>
DISPLAY OF <Value></Value>
DATABASE WEB SPC DATA <OutOfControl></OutOfControl>
(ON eSPC SERVER </DataPoint>

Fig. 3. Functional diagram of eSPC

Fig. 5. XML structure of a control chart report
404 Gašper Škulj et al. / Procedia CIRP 7 (2013) 401 – 406

Display of SPC data minute changes caused for example by machine wear
that tends to move the process out of control.
Finally, the data is displayed in a web browser by a Multivariate Hotelling T2 charts take into account
web application. The web application consists of several correlation between different measured parameters and
screens: sometimes show that process is out of control even if
a control panel, showing an overview for a control charts for individual parameters do not detect the
chosen process, change.
control charts, showing detailed charts for a Control limits can be calculated from sample points,
characteristic, or are predefined. Furthermore, historical data can be
histograms, probability diagrams and statistics viewed from control charts screen by defining a time
screen displaying statistical information and window to be observed.
distribution of the data.

Control panel

The control panel is the main screen of the

application. For a chosen process, all control charts of its
characteristics are shown in one place. The colouring of
the charts is similar to that of traffic lights; green charts
signify that the characteristic is in control, yellow ones
that the characteristic exceeds warning limits, and red
ones that the characteristic is out of control. In this way
the operator is alarmed in a transparent manner simply
by glancing at the control panel.

Control charts

The control charts screen displays detailed control

charts for a chosen characteristic. Samples which are out
of control are clearly marked in red. Several well
established types of control charts are provided i.e. x-R,
EWMA, CUSUM, Hotelling T2. Fig. 7. The Control charts screen

Other screens

Other screens include histograms, probability

diagrams, and general statistics of data. Together, they
provide means for analysis of the observed data;
especially for checking whether the data is normally
distributed. This is important, because the control charts
theory assumes normal probability distribution. This
may seem trivial, but when the data is not normally
distributed, SPC alarms may be triggered for improper

Fig. 6. The Control panel screen

Different control charts are used simultaneously for a

various real situations. Shewhart's X-R charts are basic

control charts and are effective for detection of large
shifts in process. EWMA control charts are on the other
hand effective for detection of smaller shifts. CUSUM
control charts are used for trend detection and can reveal
Fig. 8. The General statistics screen
Gašper Škulj et al. / Procedia CIRP 7 (2013) 401 – 406 405

4. Case study

The primary reason for using control charts is quality

management which is often required by business clients.
This includes both production of quality products as well
as generation of appropriate documentation. The study
presents the use of eSPC in a case of thermoplastic tube
The particular manufacturer is a small on-demand
supplier of extruded plastic tubes. A lot of its customers
are beginning to demand documentation about
manufacturing process for specific manufactured items.
The manufacturer decided to satisfy the demand with the
use of SPC and control charts. To ensure documentation
Fig. 10. Control panel showing a process out of control event
quality, traceability, quality analysis possibility, and gain
a competitive edge, the use of the outsourced eSPC was
selected as best solution for the given problem.



T6 T5 T4 T3 T2 T1


Fig. 11. Hotelling T2 chart showing the event from Fig. 10.
The PC runs a program that is capable to connect
CLIENT SERVER with the eSPC web service. The gathered data are then
transmitted to eSCP and saved in the online database.
Fig. 9. Case study: use of eSPC for temperature control Beside SPC, eSPC is also providing data storage and
therefore continuous accessibility of data. On request,
the data is analyzed and control charts are generated.
The process of plastic tube extrusion is observed. For Online information is displayed in an intuitive and
the finished tube to be acceptable, it has to have specific understandable manner, as shown in Figs. 10 and 11.
material properties that can be reached only by Both figures display control charts for temperature in
controlled heating during extrusion. The critical target tube extrusion process. On some charts it can be clearly
parameter, ie. the temperature during extrusion, is seen that at some point a major jump in temperature
specified by the customer. The manufacturer therefore occurred. In this case the change in temperature was
has defined target temperature points with tolerances caused by the operator.
that must to be reached during manufacturing and has to Fig. 10 shows that not all charts have detected the
provide documentation that the material was treated change and even if they did it is not marked as process
correctly during tube extrusion process. It is requested out of control event in all cases. For this reason the
by the customer that all non conformative tubes are control panel is designed to show multiple control charts
excluded from delivery. side by side. In this kind of situations the use of
The diagram in Fig. 9 presents the basic structure of multivariate Hotelling T2 chart is also a good idea as
deployed eSPC service for temperature control in four shown in Fig. 11.
heating zones and two zones in extrusion area. The Information provided by eSPC acts as documentation
temperatures are measured by a programmable logic for the customer. This kind of documentation can be
controller (PLC) and forwarded to a personal computer viewed anytime and anywhere, as long as the traceability
(PC) that is connected to the internet. of products related to the processes is achieved.
Besides process documentation gathering, eSPC
control charts are also used as a real time control
406 Gašper Škulj et al. / Procedia CIRP 7 (2013) 401 – 406

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