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English for Academics and Professional Purposes

DIRECTION: Choose only the letter of your answer.

1. It refers to the oneness of idea in a text.

a. Unity b. coherence c. emphasis d. none of these
2. Another quality of an essay that demands the smooth flow of ideas in the entire composition.
a. Unity b. coherence c. emphasis d. none of these
3. It is a quality of essay that necessitates the use of sentence variety, particularly in sentence beginnings.
a. Unity b. coherence c. emphasis d. none of these
4. It is the first consideration in academic writing.
a. Purpose and strategy b. audience c. organization d. presentation
5. It refers to a purpose of writing a text which aims to provide information or explain something such as
how questions. Ex. How to strengthen our immune system.
a. Instructional b. entertainment c. persuasion d. none of these
6. Another purpose of writing a text wherein the writers take a position or a claim on a particular issue, and
their role is to convince the readers that their side or claim is the right one.
a. Instructional b. entertainment c. persuasion d. none of these
7. It refers to a scheme or a plan that writers use in presenting a topic, in organizing idea, and in writing
introduction and conclusion. Ex. The use of citation or statistics to support a main idea.
a. Purpose b. strategy c. process d. outline
8. It refers to the logical sequence of ideas. Furthermore, it likewise follows certain ways of organization.
a. Purpose and strategy b. audience c. organization d. presentation
9. It is a technique that is used by a writer, to communicate ideas in a particular way. Readers use an
understanding of these ways to try to develop a closer analysis of what the writer or speaker is trying to
express. Ex. Cause and effect and definition
a. Purpose b. strategy c. rhetorical pattern d. presentation
10. It is the act of stringing words to convey meaning or an act of putting ideas together using appropriate
transitions to achieve clarity in your entire essay.
a. Writing b. reading c. listening d. none of these
11. It refers to the unique presentation of ideas in writing. To do this, a writer should understand the different
levels of standards of English usage.
a. Organization b. presentation c. style d. flow
12. It is one of the acceptable levels of Standard English which is characterized by the use of idiomatic
a. Formal language b. informal language c. foreign language d. colloquial
13. It is one of the concerns in academic writing which refers to a compositions’ fluidity.
a. Organization b. presentation c. style d. flow
14. It is a consideration in academic writing which requires the writers to proof and read their academic paper
so as to avoid spelling and grammar errors.
a. Organization b. presentation c. style d. flow
15. It is the actual writing of an essay guided by an outline that is generated from any of the prewriting
a. Revising b. publishing c. editing d. drafting
16. It is a form of writing that uses formal language, citation and referencing.
a. Creative writing b. journalistic c. academic writing d. none of these
17. Below are conjunctions that is used to give an example, except:
a. To demonstrate b. as an illustration c. in this case d. whereas
18. These are conjunctions that shows addition, except:
a. Meanwhile b. and c. moreover d. furthermore
19. The following are some of the so-called transitional devices, except:
a. This/these+summary word b. synonyms c. repetition of words d. none of these
20. Which of the following does not conform to what is considered writing conventions (formal English) to
observe in academic writing?
a. The manager allocated little funding for the project
b. Apple products were originally developed by Steve Jobs.
c. Our school needs LCD projectors, computers with internet connection, TV sets, speaker, etc. to
provide our students quality education.
d. This paper discusses the conventions of academic writing.
21. The company need to _________a new policy for employees’ benefits.
a. come up with, b. produce c. create d. make
22. The use of accounting software system could _________ problems on sales discrepancies.
a. get rid b. eliminate c. end d. finish
23. The purpose of this research is to ____________ the effect of reading motivation on students’
a. figure out b. determine c. detect d. work out
24. Rice and sea foods ____________ the major part of the diet of most Ilocano’s.
a. make up b. constitute c. compose of d. chip in
25. HIV cases in the Philippines have __________ tremendously this year compared to that of the previous
a. gone up b. increased c. proliferated d. rise up
26. It is simply listing of ideas based on the given topic.
a. Brainstorming b. webbing/concept mapping c. free writing d. questioning
27. Which of the following is the correct order of pre-writing technique?
a. Brainstorming – questioning – free writing – webbing – tree diagram – outlining
b. Brainstorming – free writing – webbing – questioning - tree diagram – outlining
c. Brainstorming – outlining – tree diagram – webbing – free writing – questioning
d. Brainstorming – webbing – tree diagram – free writing – questioning – outlining
28. Which of the following is the correct order of stages of writing?
a. Prewriting – drafting – editing – revising – publishing
b. Prewriting – editing – drafting – revising – publishing
c. Prewriting – revising – editing – drafting – publishing
d. Prewriting – drafting – revising – editing – publishing

29. It is the initial stage of the writing process.

a. prewriting b. drafting c. revising d. editing
30. It is the final stage of the writing process.
a. editing b. drafting c. revising d. publishing
31. it is considered as structure or skeleton of an essay.
a. Tree diagram b. webbing c. outlining d. concept mapping
32. It is one of the prewriting techniques wherein the writer generates ideas by clustering them in bubbles around a
central concept.
a. brainstorming b. concept/semantic webbing c. free writing d. questioning
33. It is the part of an essay where the thesis statement is generally placed.
a. introduction b. body c. conclusion d. recommendation
34. it summarizes the main points discussed in the essay and offers recommendations.
a. Introduction b. body c. conclusion d. recommendation
35. It introduces an essay through a story.
a. anecdote b. provocative question c. quotation d. startling facts/statistics
36. It introduces an essay through quantitative data.
a. anecdote b. provocative question c. c. quotation d. startling facts/statistics
37. Our goal is to _________ an online educational game that will enhance students’ appreciation of local culture and
develop their language, leadership, and people skills.
a. come up with b. develop c. market d. invent
38. Every time my friend calls me, “Nerdy”, I _________
a. get pissed off b. get irritated c. am annoyed d. am goaded
39. This foundation for the unwed teenage mothers was _________ in 2004 to help address the increasing cases of
abortion in the country.
a. established b. put up c. instituted d. built
40. The _________ of thousands and thousands of people from various provinces to Manila aggravates the poverty
problem in the metro.
a. coming b. flocking c. migration d. arrival
41. Amy is in (a/an) _________ because she has betrayed her friend.
a. predicament b. trouble c. mess d. chaos
42. It is a part of speech that is used to connect words, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs.
a. Synonyms b. pronouns c. conjunction d. mechanics
43. It is another term for punctuation.
a. Synonyms b. pronouns c. conjunction d. mechanics
44. In writing a cohesive essay, you can use ________ to refrain from repeating similar words many times because this
will make your essay redundant and boring to read.
a. Synonyms b. pronouns c. conjunction d. mechanics
45. The following are an examples of conjunctions that shows addition, EXCEPT:
a. Moreover b. furthermore c. besides d. however
46. It refers to a type of evidence or introduction that consists of figures or numerical values.
a. Startling facts b. startling statistics c. quotation d.
47. It is usually found in the introductory paragraph of an essay.
a. Language use b. grammar and style c. mechanics d. thesis statement
48. It discusses the reasons as well as the implications of a phenomenon.
a. Narration b. cause and effect c. problem-solution d. comparison and contrast
49. It presents a topic with subcomponents. For instance, when developing the topic communication, the writer may
focus on its three main types.
a. Narration b. classification c. exemplification d. process
50. It develops a thesis statement by citing examples.
a. Enumeration b. classification c. exemplification d. process
TRIVIA/BONUS POINTS: Define what academic writing is. (5pts.)

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