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Research methodology

Lecture 1

Research comprises of two words ..RE and Search....Re means again and Search means to find out or to
dig out so research means to to search again.

It is systematic investigation of activity to gain new knowledge of already existing facts

To dig out facts

Research is an intellectual activity which is responsible for bringing light to new knowledge

It it also correct represent mistakes removing misconceptions and adding new learning to the existing

Research is also considered as the application of scientific methods to solve the proble

it is a systematic formal and intensive process of caring on the scientific method of analysis it means
research is intended to describe develop and verify knowledge

P.M cook says " research may be defined as a method of studying problems whose solution are to br
derived partially or wholely from facts "

Chifornt oody

Research is a systematic effort to gain new knowledge

Social research may b defined as a scientific undertaking which hy means of logical and systematized
techniques amis to discover new facts or verify and test old facts . Analyze their sequence ,
interrelationships,and causal explaintion which were derived with an appropriate theoritical fram of
reference, developed new scientific tools, conceptebabd theories which could facilitates reachable and
valid study of phenonmima...


To gaib fimilarity with a phenomena or to achieve nre insight

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