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"In a relationship, two beings become one and yet remain two.

- Fromm"

As the time goes by, love is still considered as the most profound emotions known to human

beings. They all need to love and to be loved. So, they get into a relationship where they can be

mold and cultivated. Until two different persons will be deciding to become one. And the vocation

that in line with this is the sacrament of marriage wherein they have to learn how to lean on each


According to the book of Genesis 2:18a.21-.24-25, God said that it is not good that the man

should be alone; so, He caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept. Then He took one

of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh and the rib that the Lord God and taken from the man

he made into a woman and brought her to the man. Therefore, a man leaves his father and his

mother and clings to his wife, and they become one flesh. It means that to love someone in this

way is not to desire their chosen partner for themselves, but to desire for them what they would

desire for themselves. This is the quality of love enshrined in the solemn promises that couples

make to each other in marriage when they promise to love and to honor each other for the rest of

their lives.

So, all in all, the two need to join together by means of helping the other to mature.

Fostering growth means helping a person to shape their own identity. Thus, love is a kind of

craftmanship wherein at every new stage, they can keep “forming” one another. So, in a

relationship, two beings become one and will never be remain two. Because love makes each wait

for the other with the patience of a craftsman.

As the time goes by, love is still considered as the most profound emotions known to human

beings. They all need to love and to be loved. So, they get into a relationship where they can be

mold and cultivated. Until two different persons will be deciding to become one. And the vocation

that in line with this is the sacrament of marriage wherein they have to learn how to lean on each


Characteristically, Hegel’s (1770–1831) account of marriage synthesizes the preceding

themes. He said that that matrimony is a “consent to constitute a single person and to give up their

natural and individual personalities within this union.” It emphasized that the essence of marriage

is ethical love, “the consciousness of this union as a substantial end, and hence in love, trust, and

the sharing of the whole of individual existence.” It means that to love someone in this way is not

to desire their chosen partner for themselves, but to desire for their partner what they would desire

for themselves. This is the quality of love enshrined in the solemn promises that couples make to

each other in marriage when they promise to love and to honor each other for the rest of their lives.

So, all in all, the two need to join together by means of sharing their lives as one. It is the

reason why fostering growth means helping a person to shape their own identity. Thus, love is a

kind of craftmanship wherein at every new stage, they can keep “forming” one another. And also

love makes each wait for the other with the patience of a craftsman. So, in a relationship, two

beings become one but will never be remain two.


Hegel, G. W. F., 1995, Elements of the Philosophy of Right, Allen W. Wood (ed.), H. B.

Nisbet (trans.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Ma. Zina Vivien C. Cabrera


("In a relationship, two beings become one and yet remain two. - Fromm")

Ms. Mahjalin A. Bugtong


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