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Learners are able to understand the
meaning of life vocation (family,
religious life, work/profession).
Learners are able to fight for important
values in a dignified society according
to the teachings of Jesus; appreciate
diversity in society as a gift from God,
build dialogue and cooperation among
people of religion and belief and play a
role in the development of the
Indonesian nation, as a member of the
community. in the development of the
Indonesian nation, as the realization of
his/her faith in daily life in family,
church and society
Topic 1 : Call to Marriage Life
Topic 2 : Marriage in the Tradition of Catholic Church
Topic 3 : A Family Life which is Dreamed of
Topic 4 : Call to Celibacy or Religious Life
Topic 5 : Call to Career or Profession
Topic 6 : Main Values Fought for in the Society
Topic 7 : The Reason to Fight for the Main Values in the
Topic 8 : J Christ, Warrior for Justice, Honesty, Truth & Peace
Topic 9 : Diversity as the Reality in Social Life
Topic 10: Efforts in Upholding the National Unity and Peace
Topic 11: Preparation for marriage
Topic 12: The call for marriage life
Topic 13: Mixed marriage
Topic 14: The call for religious life
Topic 15: Goals and career
Topic 1
Call to Marriage Life

Topic Description
In this course, students will explore the call to marriage life from a religious perspective. They will examine
the theological and moral aspects of marriage, as well as the practical skills necessary for building healthy
and fulfilling relationships. Through a combination of theoretical study, real-life case studies, and interactive
discussions, students will develop a deeper understanding of the importance of marriage and the
responsibilities it entails.
1 : Understand the theological foundations of marriage
in different religious traditions.
2 : Define and explain the understanding of family in
community life (through a life story).
3 : Analyze the moral dimensions of marriage and its
impact on individuals and society.
4 : Define and explain the Scriptural teaching on family
(Matthew 19:1-13)
5 : Evaluate different models of marriage and their
cultural and historical contexts
6 : Define and explain the Church's teaching on the
family (Gaudium et Spes art.52)
7 : Define and explain the meaning of family as a
vocation (Gaudium et Spes art.52)
Human’s Calling

Human being is created by God. God has a purpose for

every one

It means God calls everyone to be saved, to live an

eternal life with Him. Humans are the objects and
subjects of God’s plan

This call goes on in a life time. It is a process. Humans,

as the special creatures, must keep answering the call
of God. They have to maintain and develop the whole
creation (Gen 1:26-28)

Every human has to go through this circle of :born –

work – married – death (at least). So, every one has to be
responsible for the life already given (maintain – give
meaning – develop ). On the death, humans have to give
responsibility to their life (Rom 14:10-12)
People view the marriage from many aspects

First from psychological aspects, there is a premise that

getting married is a daunting prospect. Lots of marriages
end in divorce.
The second lens is the romantic lens. This is the dominant
lens in movie and song. People want to marry the person
they are passionately in love with.
Their logic is that you need a few years of
passionate love to fuse you together so you’ll stay
together when times get hard. Love itself is what is
left over when being in love has burned away, and
this is both an art and fortunate accident. And when
all the pretty blossoms had fallen from our branches
we found that we were one tree and not two.
The third one is the moral lens. In this lens a marriage
doesn’t exist just to exist or even just for procreation. It
exists to serve some higher purpose, whether it is seeking
God’s kingdom for the religious or in service to some joint
cause or humanity-enhancing project for the secular.
People view the marriage from many aspects
Traditional it is an
not only two agreement
couples but all between the
the big family is (conclusion) a life couples and the
involved union based on families, valid
irreversible personal
free consent, aimed to
mutual love in building
Social the family, and it needs
a perfect loyalty of love Anthropology
a man and and can not be A union based
woman separated by no one, on love. Start
become a except God
and ends in
family, me
become us
The Sacrament of
commitment of a
When the Catholic Church When the Catholic Church
teaches that marriage is a man and a woman teaches that marriage between
Christian vocation it is saying two baptized persons is a
that marriage involves a call sacrament, it is saying that the
from God and a response from couple’s relationship expresses
two people who promise to MARRIAGE in a unique way the
build, with the help of divine unbreakable bond of love
grace, a lifelong, intimate and between Christ and his people.
sacramental partnership of
love and life to a lifelong
partnership, In a sacramental marriage, God’s
The call to love is “the fundamental love becomes present to the
and innate vocation of every
established for the spouses in their total union and
human being.” good of each other also flows through them to their
A vocation is a personal call and the procreation family and community

of their children
Codex Iuris Canonici GS 48 § 1; Eph 5:25, 32)

The marriage covenant, by Marriage is the primordial

which a man and a woman sacrament in which the union
form with each other an of one man and one woman
intimate communion of life and reveals an integral part of
love, has been founded and human nature that has been
endowed with its own special inscribed in our very bodies.
laws by the Creator MARRIAGE
The unitive and procreative
purposes of marriage are essential
By its very nature it is ordered to for a marriage to be a marriage.
the good of the couple, as well as it is free, total and self-giving,
to the generation and education of faithful, and fruitful. The love
children shared between spouses in
marriage, or marital love, is a
reflection of how God loves.
Some Bible Verses as the foundation of Marriage:

❖ Genesis 2:24: "Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become
one flesh.“

❖ In Genesis 1:26-27 and 2:18-24, God commands man and woman to leave father and mother and become husband
and wife through uniting in a one-flesh act that seals their love, and which can bring forth children. The formation of
family is part of humanity's call to a loving stewardship of creation and culture

❖ Genesis 2:18 “ Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for[e] him.”

❖ Genesis 1:27-28 : “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created
them. 28 And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have
dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

❖ Eph. 5:25–27: “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy,
cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain
or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless”.

❖ While our culture sees the purpose of marriage as personal satisfaction, the Bible says the purpose of marriage is personal
Spirituality of marriage

❑ Marriage is a faith event. Love, God is involved. It is a mystery, a transcendent experience.

❑ Love is the foundation of marriage
❑ Marriage is to answer the call of God
❑ In catholic Church is a sacrament
❑ Family is a mini-Church

The dynamics of married life, the family

❑ Rights and obligations of couples and parents

❑ Communication in the family, can be done in:
➢ Discussion
➢ Dialog
➢ Gesture
➢ Sexual intercourse
▪ To build a good communication, it needs:

➢ Ready to listen
➢ Openess
➢ Mutual trust

Barriers in communication can be:

➢ Self interest
➢ Too much emotion
➢ Enmity
➢ Traumatic experience
➢ Self defence mechanism
➢ Cracked and disharmonious relationship

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