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The Sacrament of Matrimony is the Sacrament by Just as Yahweh was faithful to unfaithful Israel, so
which man and woman unite themselves before God to Jesus to his unworthy disciples. Jesus’ covenant with
found a Christian family; human love is made into us is total and faithful: even if we abandon him, he
GODLY love. remains the same. “If we are unfaithful, he will still
remain faithful, for he cannot deny himself (2 Tim.
Why did God dispose man and woman for each 2:13).  
God himself instituted marriage in paradise, when he 2. MARRIAGE IS AN ACCEPTING
united Adam and Eve in an unbreakable bond.  “It is COMMITMENT
not good that man is alone,” God created then Eve and God made covenant with His chosen people not by
joined man and woman together.  The scripture reason of Israel’s worthiness by God’s own initiative.
(Genesis) then concludes: For this reason, a man We do not deserve to be loved yet God cares for us
leaves his father and mother, and clings to his wife, and loves us. The creator simply loves us because we
and the two become one flesh.” (Mt. 19:4-6) are, with our strengths and weaknesses. He accepts us
  as we are.
These words indicate the essential unity, and
indissolubility of marriage, characteristics inherent in 3. MARRIAGE IS AN EXCLUSIVE
the very nature of the bond that unites the spouses. COMMITMENT
God wants us to recognize no other God except Him.
Means a man can have only one He wants that our relationship with Him to be
wife and woman only one exclusive: “Set your mind on God’s kingdom and His
Unity justice before everything else.” Mt. 6:33. His desire is
our whole and undivided attention. Marital relationship
Means the union of marriage is is exactly the same.
Indissolubility for life and cannot be dissolved 4. MARRIAGE IS A CONTINUING AND
except by death. GROWING COMMITMENT
Marital commitment is dynamic, on-going; it is a day-
The best way to express the deep meaning of marriage to-day reality. Like love for God, it is never
is to speak of it in terms of “covenant”.  A covenant in accomplished once and for all, but only for the day that
the scripture is a binding agreement or bond lies immediately at hand.
between two parties.  God’s dealings with His people
were within the context of a covenant.  Both the Old
and the New Testament use marriage as a symbol of CHRIST MADE MATRIMONY A SACRAMENT
God’s covenant which his chosen people. 1. To sanctify the love of husband and wife
2. To help them the Christians in rearing of the
This reality of marriage as a covenant has its basis in children
the story of Creation (Genesis 2:23-24).  
ONE “BODY” (Flesh) (v. 24) this expresses the MARRIED LOVE AND FAITHFULNESS
intimate partnership of life and love that a married The married love of a man and a woman makes God
couple shares. “Become” – The day of their wedding present in their marriage.  Faithfulness in marriage
is just the beginning of a life-long process of becoming means more than just avoiding to commit adultery.  It
one for the couple. also means growing in faith, trust and love in each
other and in the marriage union itself (CFC, 1596).


Married love is creative. It is open to the procreation
and education of children.  One of the sources of
fulfillment within marriage is the participation in
Dr. de Mesa, as cited by Efren Naῆo, O.S.A., in his God’s own work of bringing forth the new human life. 
book Celebrations of life: Sacraments and Liturgy, has Children are themselves sign of God’s love because
listed the IMPORTANT ELEMENTS OF they were born of God’s love sacramentally present in
MARRIAGE AS A COVENANT: the love of the husband and wife.
PURPOSES OF MARRIAGE Jesus stresses the importance of the marriage bond in
1. Mutual love and companionship of the his Ministry (Matthew 19:6, 8). The importance of
spouses marriage is substantiated by the presence of Christ at
Seen in the creation of woman as man’s helper, in her the wedding feast of Cana, where he began his public
being formed out of man’s rib: ministry at the request of his mother Mary by
performing his first miracle (John 2). It is the Apostle
“Then the man said, “She is now bone of my bone, and
Paul who calls matrimony a great sacrament or
flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, for from
mystery, and who identifies the marriage of man and
man she has been taken.”
woman with the unity of Christ and his Church. 
Their mutual union in marriage is a divinely Genesis 2:24 "For this reason a man shall leave his
established and of their mutual perfection and father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the
happiness. two shall become one flesh."
2. Begetting of children and the formation of a Mt. 19:4-6 = Jesus said:  Have you not read that the
family where children can be cared for, educated and Creator from the beginning made them male and
reared, in this way the human race is propagated. female and that he said: “This is why a man must leave
Christ raised marriage to the dignity of a sacrament for father and mother and cling to his wife, and the two
Christian.  Transformed by Christ into a Sacrament, become one body.  They are no longer two, therefore
Christian marriage becomes the means by which the but one body.  So then what God has united, man must
Church is enriched with new members, the family of not divide.”
God with new sons, heaven with new citizens. Ephesians 5:25      "Husbands, love your wives, even
The Sacrament makes the married state a means of as Christ loved the Church."
redemption and mutual sanctification for those who Ephesians 5:32-33 "This is a great mystery, but I speak
embrace it.  Human love is transfigured that it in reference to Christ and the church. In any case, each
becomes the living symbol of the love between Christ one of you should love his wife as himself, and the
and the Church. wife should respect her husband."
Marriage among Christians, celebrated at the altar, in
Eph. 5:25; 29-32 = Husbands should love their wives,
the presence of the priest who witnesses to and ratifies
just as Christ loved the Church and sacrificed himself
the act, immediately creates the supernatural bond
for her to make her holy… A man never hates the
which no human authority may lose, but only the death
Church, because it is his body – and we are its living
of one of the spouses.
parts.  For this reason, a man must leave his father and
At the same time, it confers upon the spouses an mother and be joined to his wife, and the two will
increase of sanctifying grace.  Their new state of life become one body.  The mystery has many
is set under a continuous supernatural influence, by implications:  but I am saying it applies to Christ and
which they enjoy the particular divine helps to carry the Church.
out worthily and to their mutual advantage the new
duties that their state imposes. Vat. II LG 1 No. 11 – Finally Christian spouses, in
virtue of the sacrament of matrimony signify and
All that the Church legislates and teaches about partake of the mystery of that unity and fruitful love
marriage, all that she demands from society and the which exists between Christ and His Church (cf. Eph.
State, and from spouses. All that sacrifices and battles 5:32).  The spouses thereby help each other to attain to
she has to bear through the centuries in defense of holiness in their married life and by the rearing and the
marriage – all these arise from her clear-sighted education of their children.  And so, in their state and
view of marriage in itself and marriage as a order of life, they have their own special gift among
Sacrament. the people of God.
  GS 1 No. 48 – The intimate partnership of married life
2. SACRED SCRIPTURES AND THE and love has been established by the Creator and
TEACHINGS qualified by His law. It is rooted in the conjugal
OF THE CHURCH ON MARRIAGE covenant of irrevocable personal consent
Sacred Scripture begins with the creation of man and
woman in the image and likeness of God, and 3. THE MATTER AND FORM OF
concludes with a vision of the "wedding-feast of the MATRIMONY
Lamb" (Revelation 19:7, 9). The bond of marriage is The matter of the matrimony – is the marriage
compared to God's undying love for Israel in the Old contract
Testament, and Christ's love for his Church in the The form the words that expresses the free consent to
New Testament of the Bible. this contract.
The rite consists in the mutual consent and the joining 1. To love and help each other and to remain
of the pair, in the blessings and giving of the rings, and faithful until death
in the invocation and exhortations. 2. To accept the children which God may give
them and to train them for Christian living.
Christian marriage is the union of two baptized, man
1. Arrhae – symbolizes sufficiency of material and woman, who freely give themselves to each other
possessions, which they may use to attain eternal in a lifelong covenant of love.  Their relationship
life. imitates the love of Christ for his Church (Eph 5. 2f),
2. Rings – symbolize mutual love in an and manifests that love for others to see.  Christ
unbroken loyalty. condemns divorce by saying “What God has joined
Accompanied by the witnesses and relatives, the bride together, let no man asunder.” (Mt. 19:6).
and the groom enter the Church, kneeling on the To receive Matrimony worthily, Catholics should be in
benches prepared for them at the altar. the state of grace. Catholics should prepare for a happy
The groom as the head of the family takes his place on marriage by:
the right; and the bride kneels at his left side.  The 1. having a clean and not too long courtship of
bride is dressed in white – symbol of purity and bears which their parents approve.
a crown on her head to signify that in the family she 2. Consulting the parish priest at least one
should reign in goodness and in grace. month before marriage
The Church upholds and promotes marriage by
proclaiming it as central in God’s plan as well as for
human society, its essential characteristics are the
permanent, exclusive and binding qualities of the
marriage bond (cf. GS 48).
Premarital Instructions is arranged at the diocesan or
inter-parish level, should be obligatory for all engaged Can a Catholic Christian marry a person from
couples.  They will have to reflect on the nature of the another religion?
marriage relationship, the joys and problems of The Church does not generally favor mixed
married life, and the responsibilities they will assume marriage because:
toward each other and their children.
1. The Church is interested in the happiness of
2. Such marriage easily results in the loss or
1. It confirms the essential sanctity of marriage –
a.1. its unity and indissolubility neglect of Faith on the part of the Catholic
a.2. its ends of mutual love and perfection 3. Disagreement on fundamental principles of
a.3. it elevates the natural institution to something morality
supernatural 4. Lead to the neglect of the religious education
a.4. the begetting and educating of children of the children
a.5. making it a participation in the love Christ bears
for His spouse the Church. However, the Church grants dispensations from this
2. It increases sanctifying grace and confers rule in individual cases.
the sacramental grace.
It entitles the spouses to all the divine help they will What should be done if a Catholic wants to marry a
need for a happy and holy married life.  The non-Catholic Christian?
dispositions and cooperation of the spouses who Church approval must be obtained for the wedding.
receive the Sacrament will of course determine the This is because a so-called “mixed” (that is,
degree of grace conferred. interdenominational) marriage requires from both
partners a special fidelity to Christ, so that the scandal
of Christian division, which has still not been
JURIDICAL EFFECTS OF MARRIAGE remedied, does not continue in miniature and perhaps
1. It gives the right to each partner over the other even lead to giving up the practice of the faith.
for the fulfillment of the rights of marriage.
What is the Church’s stance on people who are
2. It assures the legitimacy of the children born divorced and remarried?
of the union She accepts them lovingly, following Jesus’ example.
3. It carries with it the obligation to live Anyone who divorces after being married in the
together. Church and then during the lifetime of the spouse
  enters into a new union obviously contradicts Jesus’
5. DUTIES OF CHRISTIAN SPOUSES clear demand for the indissolubility of marriage.
The Church cannot abolish this demand. This
retraction of fidelity is contrary to the EUCHARIST,
in which it is precisely the irrevocable character of
God’s love that the Church celebrates. That is why
someone who lives in such a contradictory situation is
not admitted to Holy COMMUNION.
Far from treating all specific cases alike, Pope
Benedict XVI speaks about “painful situations” and
calls on pastors “to discern different situations
carefully, in order to be able to offer appropriate
spiritual guidance to the faithful involved” (Apostolic
Exhortation Sacramentum caritatis, 29).

What does it mean to say that the family is a

“Church in miniature”?
What the Church is on a large scale, the family is on a
small scale: an image of God’s love in human
fellowship. Indeed, every marriage is perfected in
openness to others, to the children that God sends, in
mutual acceptance, in hospitality and being for others.
Nothing in the early Church fascinated people more
about the “New Way” of the Christians than their
“domestic churches”. Often someone “believed in the
Lord, together with all his household; and many
believed and were baptized” (Acts 18:8). In an
unbelieving’s world, islands of living faith were
formed, places of prayer, mutual sharing, and cordial
ROME, Corinth, Antioch, the great cities of antiquity,
were soon permeated with domestic churches that were
like points of light. Even today families in which
Christ is at home are the leaven that renews our

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