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A34.What are our strengths? How are we exploiting them?

- We have an excellent customer service wherein our customers could coordinate with us
conveniently, we have strong relationship with our customers and great coordination with each
person involve in our company, leadership in product innovation as we do our best to discover
more innovations and fill the market gaps. Our company promotes strong employee attitudes
since we believe that a great business environment starts with them. We utilize our following
strengths to help us correct and improve our weaknesses. Above all, consistency is always a key
to a good business as our company believes that strengths are useless if can’t maintain those.

A35. What are our weaknesses? How are we correcting them?

- A business without weaknesses can’t be considered as a progressing business because as an

entrepreneur who seeks for innovation it’s impossible not to encounter problems along the
way. Being too detail-oriented and taking too much risks are weaknesses of our company and
we are correcting them using our strengths. We can manage taking risks by our great
coordination within our company such as elimination of risks we are willing to take, same with
us being too detail-oriented.

A36. What are opportunities in the marketplace? How are we planning to exploit them?

- Opportunities are everywhere but we need to think the best for our business so we have to
analyze what opportunities we are going to grab. Our company consider our web
developer/designer as an opportunity as well as having online referral service since it help us to
promote our business in a large audience medium like social media.

A37. What are external threats? How are we negating them?

- Threats are hindrances to a smooth flowing business, but are company believes that these
barricades make our business stand strong. Changing customer patterns is inevitable and it is
obviously a threat in a business world for it might slow down the sales, as well as technological
changes and economic environment, but we can nullify all of these by preparing of what may
happen. Our company could create some alternatives or substitutes for a better business
feedbacks to happen, all in all we can neutralize the following threats by preparing for the
challenges that might come.

A46. Resources: What are our hard assets? How can we exploit these?

- Hard assets are considered particularly valuable because they can be used to produce or
purchase other goods or services. They can also be sold to generate cash in the event the
company has financial difficulties. Our company has packaging, machinery, building &
equipment to use for production. The following assets are used for creation as they can also be
sold to generate cash in the event the company has financial difficulties.
A47. Resources: What are our soft assets? How can we exploit these?

- Ideas and skills are great foundation to run a successful business. Soft assets are the things you
should have before putting up a business for everything is useless without those. Our company
considered brand recognition, strategies and intellectual capital as our soft assets.

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