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1. Young people who oversee and comment on love verses 2

Videos and audio visuals can influence young people more now this section discusses
the role of today's young people According to Valdamir Bobrovnikov in his journal
entitled Religion, State, Society said that " Islam was carried out and accepted in the
Dagestan postsoviet and the North Caucasus as a whole. Thanks to the increasing
popularity of videos, both the Islamic opposition, without other access to print media, but
also the Muslim elite recognized by the government, have tried to use the internet and
cinemas to instill their views of Islam into the culture of young people who consider
themselves Muslim. Young people are used to videos, regularly watching one or more
every day. (Bobrovnikov 2011:)

The role of young people who oversee and comment on the verse 2 verse love film
is that much preaching can be taken because marketing is rapid in this globalization era,
the role of young people is involved in high social achievement for the widespread spread
of Muslim film films throughout the world in a film many Muslims circulating in the
world consider Muslims that film films circulating in Luberana are only underestimated,
but are now circulating in various shows on the internet print media that pass impressions
about Islam, but now Islam has been recognized or accepted in postsoviet Degestans and
the northern Caucasus as a whole. but in the screening of Islamic films often Muslim
women who are made of ridicule and violence when the goddess Sandra or Sabina is
made satisfaction and torture out there is present in the AAC film 2.

In the role of young people who influence the development of video and film is
very interesting film attention AAC 2 tells the story of a good young peria who lives in a
western country surrounded by people of Islamophobia, many of whom are interesting in
this film, especially in their love of fahri who are able to make interest and become an
example for young people today to follow their example man how to preach young people
is very patient to face islamphobia in the western countries until the person from hate to
love because of the way the treatment of phahri is very patient in how to treat the
Because of the lack of da'wah films this is where young people play the role of
watching and commenting on the development Ah, in the film AAC 2, how sincerity of
Fahri to all people does not look at religion, race, culture, also the way fahri loves women
Islamically makes young people interested so that this film can be raised because it is
suitable for young people and young people must constantly monitor in the development
of this AAC 2 film and making the AAC2 film an example for life today.

Religion, State, Society

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