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Prepared to Assignments in English for Islamic Studies

Dosen Pengampu:
Hapid Ali, S.Pd., M. Hum.
Disusun oleh:
Group 2
Ulpa Meisaroh M 1202040135
Wafi Afifatussiddiqoh 1202040139
Yan Siti Rahma 1202040144




Assalamualaikum wr.wb

Praise be to our gratitude for the presence of Allah SWT, who has bestowed
His mercy and guidance, and not forgetting to offer prayers and greetings to our Great
Prophet Muhammad SAW, who has brought his people from the dark ages to an era
that is brightly bright as it is today.

We would also like to thank Mr. Hapid Ali, S.Pd., M. Hum. as a lecturer in
English for Islamic Studies. As well as friends who have helped us in making this
paper, so that we can complete this paper entitled analysis of ayat-ayat cinta film part

We realize that there are still shortcomings in this paper, so we are always
open to receiving suggestions and criticism from readers for the improvement of the
next paper. Hope these papers can be a benefit for all of us.

Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.


PREFACE .................................................................................................................... ii

TABLE OF CONTENS ............................................................................................. iii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION................................................................................ 1

A. Background of The Paper................................................................................... 1

B. Problem Formulation ......................................................................................... 1

C. Purpose of The Paper ......................................................................................... 2

CHAPTER 2 THEORY AND DISCUSSION ........................................................... 3

a. Character in the film Ayat-ayat cinta 1 .............................................................. 3

b. Why did the director make the film Ayat2 Cinta have a religious dimension
(Islamic dimension) ................................................................................................... 3

c. The Reason The Story was Raised in Al-Azhar Egypt ...................................... 4

d. When is The Movie Ayat Ayat Cinta 1 realeased .............................................. 4

e. The Disadvantages and Advantages of The Film Ayat Ayat Cinta 1 ................ 4

f. The benefits of the film Ayat Ayat Cinta 1 for life in the future ....................... 5

g. The Purpose of The Film Ayat Ayat Cinta is Shown Both for The World of
Cinema and for The Public. ....................................................................................... 5


A. Conclusion ......................................................................................................... 6

B. Recommendations .............................................................................................. 6

REFERENCE .............................................................................................................. 7



A. Background of The Paper

In early 2008, the people of Indonesia were shocked by the presence of
the film Ayat-Ayat Cinta taken from the best seller novel of the same name by
Habiburrahman El-Shirazy. So much public interest to watch this film, they are
willing to queue for hours to get tickets at the cinema. In just a short time, this
film was able to reach more than 10,000 viewers 3.8 million and recorded in
the Indonesian Record Museum (MURI), The Love Verses Virus apparently
spread far to various countries in Asia such as Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam,
and Hongkong.3 The film Ayat-Ayat Cinta seems to give a new color to
Indonesian cinema. In the midst of the rise of horror and sex film themes,
AyatAyat Cinta presents an Islamic love story. Unlike other Islamic films most
of which are inseparable from supernatural things, the Love Verses present
Islamic taste of tolerance and love. Moreover, in comparison with the film
Previously aired Islamic such as Doomsday is Near (Deddy Mizwar), We Miss
You (Garin Nugroho), Love Verses attract more interest viewer. It would not
be wrong to call Ayat-Ayat Cinta a film revival Indonesia, especially films with
Islamic nuances. The film Ayat-Ayat Cinta, directed by Hanung Bramantyo.

B. Problem Formulation
a. who are the characters in the film ayat-ayat cinta 1?
b. Why did the director bring up the film Ayat2 Cinta with a religious
dimension (Islamic dimension)?
c. Why is the story of love verses 1 raised in Al-ajhar, Egypt?
d. When will the film Verses Cinta 1 appear?
e. What are the weaknesses and strengths of the movie verses of love 1?
f. What are the benefits of the movie verses of love 1 for your future life?

g. Explain the purpose of the film ayat-ayat cinta 1 to be screened both for the
world of cinema and for the public?
C. Purpose of The Paper
a. To know who are the characters in the film ayat-ayat cinta 1
b. To Know Why did the director bring up the film Ayat2 Cinta with a
religious dimension (Islamic dimension)
c. To Know Why is the story of love verses 1 raised in Al-ajhar, Egypt
d. To Know When will the film Verses Cinta 1 appear
e. To Know What are the weaknesses and strengths of the movie verses of
love 1
f. To Know What are the benefits of the movie verses of love 1 for your future
g. To Know Explain the purpose of the film ayat-ayat cinta 1 to be screened
both for the world of cinema and for the public



a. Character in the film Ayat-ayat cinta 1

The Character of Each Character in The Film Ayat Ayat Cinta 1
o Fahri bin Abdillah is the main character in Ayat-ayat Cinta 1. In his
character, Fahri's ego does not necessarily follow id's will, but always
listens to the super ego's considerations.
o Aisha Greimas are described as women who tend to be weak when it
comes to love and have an attitude of mutual jealousy. Aisha is a veiled
foreign student of German and Turkish descent, intelligent, beautiful and
wealthy. Her complicated family background brought him together with
o Maria Girgis, Coptic Christian Girl who fell in love with Islam. She really
loves Fahri, but she only expresses her love through her diary which then
makes her suffer because of that love.
o Noura is someone with a good heart but needs protection because of being
abused. Until, because of his frustration at not getting Fahri's love, he was
determined to slander Fahri with cruel accusations.

b. Why did the director make the film Ayat2 Cinta have a religious dimension
(Islamic dimension)
The director's reason for choosing the film Ayat-ayat Cinta has a
religious dimension. Starting from the Ayat-Ayat Cinta directed by Hanung
Bramantyo which exploded in 2008, films with Islamic cultural backgrounds
are increasingly mushrooming. These films were then combined with various
other cultures such as China, Europe, and even America. Even though they
carry the theme of Islamic culture and are very religious, these films cannot be
immediately categorized as religious films, as many people think. Director
Hanung Bramantyo considered that this assumption was a misguided one that

occurred in society. Hanung stated that the category or genre of religious films
does not even exist. Hanung said Ayat-Ayat Cinta was included in the romantic
drama film category because it contains people who fall in love and then get
married. It's just that, they use the taaruf system a la Islam. Ayat-Ayat Cinta, he
said, is a romance set in Egypt, which has an Islamic culture.

c. The Reason The Story was Raised in Al-Azhar Egypt

The reason for the Ayat-ayat Cinta story was raised in Al-Azhar, Egypt.
Because the background of the story describes an Indonesian student named
Fahri who is studying at Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt. Fahri's life
journey while in Egypt, who is a Muslim, is highlighted in the film, including
a love story.

d. When is The Movie Ayat Ayat Cinta 1 realeased

The film is released 28 Februari 2008.

e. The Disadvantages and Advantages of The Film Ayat Ayat Cinta 1

- The film is able to convey religious values in a way that is not preachy
- The film is able to raise awareness about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict
- The film has a good cover and each conversation in Arabic is accompanied by
its meaning, making it easy for viewers to understand
- The film has some fatal flaws
- The plot is too exaggerated and unrealistic
- The film has some weaknesses in terms of plot, such as Fachri marrying Maria
before she converted to Islam
Overall, the film is considered good and has some advantages in conveying
religious values and raising awareness about social issues. However, it also has
some weaknesses in terms of plot and execution.

f. The benefits of the film Ayat Ayat Cinta 1 for life in the future
We think that the film Ayat Ayat Cinta 1 can have some benefits for viewers,
such as:
- Raising awareness about religious values and social issues
- Providing a good example of how to convey religious values without being
- Encouraging viewers to reflect on their own beliefs and values
Overall, the film can have a positive impact on viewers' understanding of
religion and social issues.

g. The Purpose of The Film Ayat Ayat Cinta is Shown Both for The World of
Cinema and for The Public.
The film Ayat Ayat Cinta 1 has several objectives for both the film industry and
the public, as follows:
For the film industry:
- To produce a successful film that can attract a large number of viewers
- To adapt a best-selling novel into a film
- To create a religious-themed film that can convey religious values without
being preachy
For the public:
To raise awareness about religious values and social issues
- To provide a good example of how to convey religious values without being
- To encourage viewers to reflect on their own beliefs and values
- To provide entertainment and enjoyment for viewers
Overall, the film aims to be successful in the film industry while also providing
a positive impact on viewers by raising awareness about religious values
and social issues.



A. Conclusion
The film Ayat-ayat Cinta tells the story of a man named Fahri bin Abdullah
Shiddiq (Fedi Nuril) from Indonesia, who gets the opportunity to study a
Masters program in Egypt. So far, Fahri is known as a devout figure in
practicing Islam, so he does not know the term courtship. The film, which is
based on a book by Habiburrahman Elshirazy, was directed by Hanung
Bramantyo, which was published in 2003.

B. Recommendations
We hope that the moral values contained in the structure of the novel Ayat Ayat
Cinta, which show the existence of a human dimension with God including
faith, piety, and humility, the human dimension with oneself, including self-
confidence, logical thinking, critical and patient we can apply in everyday life.


Puput Tripeni Juniman. (2017, June 8). “Tak Ada Genre Religi, yang Ada Hanya Film
Bernuansa Agama.” Hiburan;
Ayat-Ayat Cinta Batal Syuting di Mesir. (2023).
Inilah 8 Pemain Utama di Film Ayat-Ayat Cinta (2008). (2019).; Bacaterus.
Afrianti,W. (2022, June 20). Resensi novel ayat ayat cinta dan 4 Pesan pentingnya.
Ahmad, S. (2018, March 27). Verbalisme Ayat Ayat Cinta. Nalar Politik.

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