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Tic Tac Toe Choice Board


Choose an activity from each column! Make sure your activities create a line through the middle
whether that be lengthwise, horizontally, etc. The middle space is a project that all students will
have to do. Instructions for each activity are below!

Write a short analysis on a Draw a political cartoon Start a chat discussion on the
political cartoon of your related to this unit. Write a meaning and rise of
choosing (10 pts). short caption beneath (15 nationalism using Padlet. You
pts). will be chatting with two other
classmates (20 pts).

Read this article on the Identify one major cause of Pretend you are a Chinese
Bengal Famine of 1943. European imperialism. You diplomat. Write a letter to
Then, you will create a cause and three others will create Queen Victoria asking her to
and effect chart using the a presentation using Prezi halt the export of opium into
online tool Popplet.Identify at Meeting, or Google Slides your country. Mention the
least 3 causes and 3 effects (30 pts). effects it’s having on the
(10 pts). population (20 pts).

Watch this video of European Write a response to “The Read these articles on the
industrialization. On Popplet, White Man’s Burden”. Boxer Rebellion and the
do a thought map on a few Response should be a poem Siege at Peking. Using the
key ideas that the video gives or haiku (15 pts). Newsletter template on
(10 pts). Google Docs (or your own!),
create a short news article
covering the Boxer Rebellion
and the siege (20 pts).

Political Cartoon Analysis: Write a one paragraph analysis for the political cartoon of your
choosing. For examples, please see the homepage of my website. In this analysis you will
describe the cartoon, what the author’s message was, and what this showed about attitudes at
the time. This assignment is worth 10 points.

Follow the link to the article about the Bengal Famine. On Popplet, create a cause and effect
graphic identifying three causes of the Bengal Famine and three details about the aftermath.
Please use complete sentences. See below for an example of how this chart will look like!

Also on Popplet, watch this short video on Khan Academy about how industrialization was a
main cause of new imperialism. On popplet, create a simple mind map about a few key ideas.
Please use complete sentences.

Think of the events going on at the time, symbols for countries, and attitudes. Using this
knowledge, create a political cartoon that could have reflected either side’s view (colonizers vs
colonized). Write a short caption describing what’s going on in your cartoon.

Read the poem “White Man’s Burden”. Write a response refuting the notion of the “white savior”
complex. This can be a short haiku or a longer poem.

Think about how Nationalism developed and what it means to us today and how it was used
back then to justify imperialism. You and two others will create a chat discussion on the topic on
Padlet. Each group member should have at least three responses. Please feel free to share any
sources you find online that are related!

Reflecting on the reasons for the opium ban in China, roleplay as a Chinese diplomat urging
Queen Victoria to stop the illegal export of opium. The letter should be about a page long. Think
about the effects of opium had on the population while making your argument.

Read these two articles on the Boxer Rebellion and Siege at Peking. Pretend you are a reporter
writing a one page (at least) news article on both subjects. Introduce the Boxers and their
ideology as well as describe the Siege and what went on as if you were there covering it. On
Google Docs, use the Newsletter templates available and add some images to make it more

GROUP PROJECT: This project is mandatory! You and three others will identify one major
cause of imperialism (nationalism, industrialization, religion, etc). Once you have identified and
researched your topic, you and your group members will use either Google Slides or Prezi
meeting to create a collaborative presentation. Each member should have at least two slides
explaining how these contributed to the new wave of imperialism. Make sure your presentation
is clear with lots of supporting sources!

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