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Q 1- Which of the following is not a disacharide

a. Hyaloronic acid

b. Maltose

c. Lactose

d. Sucrose

Q2- What is molecular formula of Glucose

a. CH3OH

b. C12H22O11

c. C6H12O6

d. C6H12O5

Q3 – Sucrose is composed of which two sugars

a. Glucose and glucose

b. Glucose and Fructose

c. Glucose and Galactose

d. Fructose and Galactose

Q4 – In which of the following forms glucose is stored in Plants

a. Starch

b. dextrin


d. Cellulose

Q5 – Which out of the following is a Carbohydrates with no Nutritional Value?

a. Glycogen

c. Dextrin

d. Cellulose

Q6 – Choose a sugar not reactive to seliwanoff reagent

a. Sucrose

b. Fructose

c. Inulin

d. Ribose

Q7- Choose a sugar which is a keto triose

a. Glyceraldehyde

b. Dihydroxyacetone

c. Eryrthrose

d. Arabinose

Q8 – A pentose sugar present in heart muscle

a. Xylose

b. Xylulose

c. Lyxose

d. Aldose

Q9- d-Glucose and I-glucose are

a. Stereo isomers

b. Anomers

c. Keto-aldose isomers

d. Optical isomers

Q10- Which of the following test is negative for lactose

a. Benedict

b. barfoed

d. Osazone

Q11- Glucose can have how many isomers due to presence of 4 asymetric carbon

a. 4

b. 2

c. 12

d. 16

Q12- Fructose and Ribulose are

a. Epimers

b. Anomers

c. ketoses

d. Ketose-Aldose isomers

Q13- The compounds having same structural formula but differing in configuration
around one carbon item are called

a. Optical isomers

b. Anomers

c. Stereo isomers

d. Epimers

Q14- what does the following equation represents

α-D Glucose +112o 52.5 o +19 o β-D glucose

a. Stereoisomerism

b. optical isomerism

c. Mutarotation

d. Epimerization

Q15 – The carbohydrate of honey is

a. Fucose

b. Maltose

c. Lactose


Q16- Mannoic acid is a

a. Sugar acid

b. Deoxy sugar

c. Amino Sugar

d. Sugar alcohol

Q17- Which of the following is not a monosaccharide with 5 carbon items

a. Arabinose

b. Trehalose

c. Xylulose

d. Ribulose

Q18- which of the following gives a brown colour on reaction with iodines

a. Starch

b. Glycogen

c, Dextrin

d. Cellulose

Q19- Invert Sugar is

a. Starch

b. Fructose

c. Glucose

d. hydrolic product of sucrose

Q20- Which out of following is a structural homopolysaccharide

a. Hyaluronic acid

b. cithin

c. Inulin

d. starch

Q21- Which of the following is a non reducing diasaccharide

a. Galactose

b. Maltose

c. Trehalose

d. Sucrose

Q22 -Which of the following is true about glucose

a. can not be utilized by RBCs

b. Has 4 asymmetric carbon atoms

c. Stored as Strach in body

d. Oxidized to form glycerol

Q23- Sucrose is composed of following two sugars

a. Glucose and glucose

b. Glucose and Fructose

c. Glucose and Galactose

d. Fructose and galactose

Q24- Which of the following is not a homopolysaccharide

a. Starch

b. Heparin

c. Glycogen

d. Cellulose

Q25- Which of the following is a fructosan

a. Glycogen

b. Agar

c. Inulin

d. Cellulose

Q26- Sugar abundant in honey is

a. Maltose

b. Fructose

c. Ribulose

d. Lactose

Q-27 choose an aldo pentose

a. Glyceraldehyde

b. Dihydeoxyacetone

c. Erythrose

d. arabinose

Q28- Which one is keto tetrose

a. Xylose

b. Erythrulose

c. Fructose

d. Sedoheptulose

Q29-Which one is a carbohydrates with 6 carbon atoms and a keto group as functional

a. Glyceraldehyde

b. Dihydroxy acetone

c. Fructose

d. galactose
Q30- Mucic acid and Gluconic acids are

a. Glycosides

b. Sugar acids

c. Amino sugar acids

d. Sugar alcohol

Q31- Sarbitol and Mannitol are

a. Optical Isomers

b. Anomers

c. Srereo isomers

d. Epimers

Q32- A polysaccharide formed by β1 4 Glycosidic linkages between glucose residue


a. Inulin

b. Amylose

c. agar

d. Cellulose

Q33- Which of the following sugar is a levorotatory predominantly

a. Starch

b. Fructose

c. Sucrose

d. Glucose

Q34- Which is not glucosans (polymers of glucose)

a. Glycogen

b. Inulin

c. Starch
d. Cellulose

Q35- which one is aldose sugar

a. sucrose

b. Ribulose

c. Fructose

d. Ribose

Q36- α -D glucose and β –D glucose are

a. Epimers

b. keto aldose isomers

c. anomers

d. Optical isomers

Q37-Galactose and Glucose are

a. Epimers

b. Isomers

c. Anomers

d. ketose-aldose isomers

Q38-Dulcitol is

a. sugar acid

b. amino sugar

c. Deoxysugars

d. Sugar alcohol

Q39- which one is non reducing sugar

a. Arabinose

b. Erythrose

c. Trehalose
d. Ribulose

Q40- Invert sugar is

a. Starch

b. Glucose

c. Fructose

d. Hydrolytic product of sucrose


1-a, 2-c, 3-b, 4-a, 5-d, 6-d, 7-b, 8-c, 9-d, 10-b,

11-d, 12-c, 13-d, 14-c, 15-d, 16-a, 17-b, 18-b, 19-d, 20-b

21-c, 22-b, 23-b, 24-b, 25-c 26-b. 27-d 28-b, 29-c, 30-b.

31-d, 32-d, 33-b, 34-b, 35-d 36-c, 37-a, 38-d, 39-c. 40-d

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