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Quiz 1: IR Spectroscopy (Chapter 2)


Student ID: 2017680232
Group: A4AS1205_10

1. Propanone and 2-propen-1-ol are constitutional isomers. In order to distinguish between

them using IR spectroscopy, provide one (1) absorption peak for each functional group and
its corresponding wavenumber.

Propanone 2-propen-1-ol

Functional group

Absorption peak


2. The following is the IR spectrum of a carboxylic acid, which has the molecular formula
C2H4O2. Select two significant peaks associated with the carboxylic acid from the given
spectrum. State the wavenumber and the bond associated with each peak you selected.
3. A solid compound you wish to analyze has no appreciable solubility in carbon tetrachloride,
carbon disulfide or chloroform. How would you obtain the IR spectrum of this solid?

4. The infrared spectrum of 1-hexyne exhibits a sharp absorption peak near 2100 cm-1 due
to C=C stretching. However, 3-hexyne shows no absorption in that region. Why?

5. Assume that you have a compound with molecular formula C3H60. If the compound has
an IR absorption at 1715 cm"1, what can you conclude?

6. Explain how it would be possible to distinguish the following pairs using their IR
spectrum. Indicate the type of bonds and the approximate wavenumbers associated
with each peak.

i) 2-butanone and butanoic acid

2-butanone Butanoic acid

Type of bonds


ii) Benzene and cyclohexane

Benzene Cyclohexane

Type of bonds

7. Given the following bonds : CΞN, C=N, C-N
Rank the bonds in the order of increasing wavenumber.


8. The following diagram is the IR spectrum of octanoic acid. Based on the frequencies
shown, assign the types of absorption bands present in this molecule.

9. The following is the IR spectrum of acetic acid, which has the molecular formula C2H4O2.
Select three (3) peaks from the spectrum, provide the wavenumber and based on Appendix
1, state the bonds associated with each peak.
10. The following Spectrum A and Spectrum B are the IR spectra of two compounds, ethyl
acetate and 1-hexene, respectively. Assign a correct IR spectrum for each compound.
Identify two (2) absorption bands and its corresponding wavenumbers for each spectrum.

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