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Learning activity 3 / Actividad de aprendizaje 3 Evidence: Family likes and

In a recording describe the members of your family. Consider the following information:
relationship to you, name, place of origin, occupation, likes and dislikes. Use the format below to
describe them.

Family member He is my Father She is my She is my He is my

Mother Doughter Brother
His name is Her name is Her name is His name is
Name Santander celestina lucila nelson

Origin He is from city She is from city She is from He is from city
Cartagena Cartagena city Cartagena Cartagena

Occupation He is a She is a She is a He is an

businessman Merchant student student

Likes He likes animals She likes to She likes He likes to

and walking walk and dogs dancing and read and go
music to movies

Dislikes He does not like She does not she does not He does not
shirts or like jeans or like soups or like chicken
sweatshirts high shoes pasta jeans or pasta
In another file, attach photos of the family members you described in the
audio file.

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