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Project Topics for

Second Assessment 2017

Class 8
Subject – English (any one topic)
 Collect information on renowned author, J.K.Rowling and about the
Harry Potter series.
 ‘Tom Sawyer’ - Flow chart of the story line.
 Collect information about Ruskin Bond. List out all his famous
publications. Give an extract from anyone of his book which you find
interesting and write a summary about the book.

Subject – History (any one topic)

1. Make lists of :
The Union Cabinet Ministers.
The Members of Parliament from your state.
2. Collect Pictures of Haider Ali, Tipu Sultan, Lord Warren Hastings, Lord
Wellesley and paste them in your scrap book. Write a few lines about them.

Subject – Geography (any one topic)

 On an outline map of Europe, mark the countries and their capita. Also
mark the major landforms and waterbodies.
 Europe -The Channel Tunnel is popularly known as Channel. Find out
more about this engineering marvel.
 Hint: Which countries built it, the cities linked by the tunnel etc?
 Make a presentation on the climate and natural vegetation of Europe.

Subject – Math (any one topic)

 Prepare a cutout of any 4 types of quadrilateral and write two
properties each.
 Verify the formulae (a-b)2 (a+b)2
 Prepare a presentation to show different modes of transport used by
students in your class to travel to school. Present in the form of a
table and bar graph.

Subject – Physics (any one topic)

 Draw dispersion of light.

 Model of Newton’s rotating colour disc.
 Draw a ray diagram using a concave mirror when object is at i)
infinity, ii) between curvature and focus, iii) at curvature and iv) at
focus in the scrap book. Also write down the nature and size of
the image formed.

Subject – Chemistry (any one)

 Make model of oxygen atom or water molecule.

 Prepare the valency chart for metals, non-metals, positive and
negative radicals.

Subject – Biology (any one topic)

 Use plasticine clay to make a model of neuron .Label its various parts
and display in the class.
 Create a concept map on the importance of endocrine glands, their
location, hormones they secrete and their functions.

Subject – Hindi (any one topic)

 ततलससीददासककजसीवनपरप्रकदाशडदाललयक I
 महदादकवसीवमदारककजसीवनसीकदासलचित्रवरर नकरक I
 ’स्वछभदारत, स्वस्थभदारत’लवषयपरअपनकशब्ददोपरलनबबंधलललखिए

Subject – Computer (any one topic)

Write ‘C’ program to perform calculator operations in the computer.
 Write a note on different data types supported by ‘C’
language . Draw classification in chart format.
 Write a program to accept purchase amount from the user. If
the amount is greater than 25,000 then display 20% discount. If
the amount is less than Rs 25,000 and above 10,000 no
discount. Calculate the discount and amount to be paid by the
buyer and display.

Subject – French (any one topic)

 DécrivezVotre Ville (Describe your city and paste few pictures of it)
 Paste few pictures of French food in the scrap book. Write few lines
on them in French.

Subject – Marathi (any one topic)

 आवडतदासरयदालवषयदावरलनबबंधललहदा
 जययंतननारळळीकरयनायंच्यनावविषयळीमनाहहितळीविनाचनाआणणित्यनायंच्यनावविषयळी (जन्म,
शशिक्षणि, कनायर्यइ.) मनाहहितळीशलिहिनाआणणिजययंतननारळळीकरनायंचचेचचत्रचचकटविना.

Subject – Sanskrit (any one topic)

 अस्मनाकयंपयनार्यविरणिरचे णिन्पयनार्यविरणिकविणिर्यनककीजजयचेचचत्रकचेसनाथ थ
(Only 2 and 3 )
 नननतशितकम श्लिलोकचेन पञ्च श्लिलोकनानयं शलिणखित l
 सयंगणिकम कनायर्यम पञ्च विनाक्यचेषष सयंस्ककतचेन चचत्र विणिर्यनम कषरुत l

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