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This scientific paper is to fulfill the English course assignment in Midwifery of


Junaida Rahmi, SST, M.Keb

Compiled by:

Azuna Kusmayanti Kalean (171030300041)

Firda Nurhayati (171030300061)
Hasrika Hery (1710303000000)
Meyra Elsya Princess (171030300042)
Savira Magituf (171030300063)
Siti Rofiah (171030300079)
Vinces Justin Halawa (171030300045)
Yasmin Nizmadilla (171030300072)






A. Background

Reproductive problems in old age are especially felt by women when

their fertility ends (menopause), although in fact men also experience a

decline in reproductive function (andropause), but this happens at an older age

compared to women. Before the menopause, women are in the

pre-menopausal stage where there is a decrease in the hormone estrogen,

leading to the occurrence of pre-menopausal syndrome. During the

menopause, menstrual cycle irregularities occur. This period starts around the

age of 40 years or is called middle adulthood (Andiyantoro, 2012).

The age of menopause in Indonesia ± 49 years, but usually since

women over 40 years menstruation has been irregular, cycles often occur

without egg removal, most likely to have a defective child / with poor quality

(Kumalasari, 2012).

Due to the cessation of menstruation, various reproductive organs will

experience changes. The uterus experiences anthropy, its length shrinks, and

the walls thin out. Myometrial tissue (uterine muscle) becomes less and

contains more fibrotic tissue (excessive fibrous properties). Cervical shrink

not protrude into the vagina even after a long time will be evenly distributed

with the vaginal wall. The folds of the fallopian tubes become shorter, thinner,

and constrict. The vibrating hairs at the end of the fallopian tubes or fimbria

disappear. The physical state of a menopausal woman undergoes many

changes due to changes in the reproductive organs and also bodily hormones.

This situation can cause discomfort in life daily disorders such as skin

disorders, bone joint complaints, vaginal dryness, unable to hold urine, weight

gain, eye disorders, bone and joint pain and including feeling hot (​Hot

Flushes)​ (Kumalasari, 2012).

The cause of ​hot flushes is not known with certainty, but it seems to be

related to the reproductive hormones in menopausal women. However, not all

menopausal women experience ​hot flushes​. Women who smoke, are obese,

and rarely exercise are higher at risk of ​hot flushes​. ​Hot flushes occur when

blood vessels under the skin expand to help cool the body (Tracci.C, 2016).

Medical help to overcome complaints of ​hot flushes can be used

pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies. But pharmacology that

is often used to overcome this problem is ​Hormone Replacement Therapy

(HRT). HRT has an effect in alleviating phasomotor complaints and

urogenital complaints related to menopause, but the use of HRT in the long

term can lead to breast cancer risk (Suparman & Suparman, 2014 ).
Non-pharmacological therapies that can be used to reduce ​hot flushes are

magnetic intervention therapy (devices placed on the patient's skin),

acupuncture, homeopathy and relaxation therapy (​News Medical​, 2010).

The research of Juliani, et al (2018) in Labuh Baru Timur Village,

Payung Sekaki District, Pekanbaru City proves that there is an effect of

laughter therapy on ​Hot Flushes in Menopause mothers. Laughter therapy is

one of the relaxation therapy methods for the treatment using laughter in order

to help individuals solve problems both physical and mental disorders, where

one round of laughter can release the hormone ​ephineprine ​and ​cortisol.I​ n a

happy or laughing state, the hypothalamus will secrete the endorphin hormone

which functions to reduce pain and increase immunity. When laughing

unconsciously and all the senses naturally spontaneously unite in a

harmonious moment to provide joy, peace, and relaxation (Juliani et al, 2018).

Based on this background, the authors are interested in conducting

research on "Overview of Menopause Knowledge About ​Hot Flushes​".

B. Problem Formulation The

problem of aging is inseparable from the decline in bodily functions, including

reproductive functions. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that

by 2025 the number of menopausal women is expected to increase from 107

million to 373 million so that many menopausal women will experience

menopausal complaints. Menopausal complaints can actually be minimized if

menopausal women have sufficient knowledge regarding menopause as a

whole so that Indonesian women are able to respond positively at the age of


Based on the results of the description of the problem form and background above

"Overview of Menopouse's Knowledge About Hot Flases?".


1. General

Objectives This study aims to determine the description of menopausal

mothers' knowledge of Hot Flases.

2. Case Purpose To

a. know the description of menopausal maternal knowledge by


b. Knowing the description of menopausal mother's knowledge

based on work.
c. Knowing the description of menopausal mother's knowledge

based on culture.

d. Knowing the description of knowledge of menopausal mothers

based on education.


1. The

targets in this scientific paper are menopausal mothers who experience ​Hot


2. The

Locationlocation of the study was conducted in the work area of ​the Pamulang

Community Health Center.

3. Time

The research was carried out from the proposal making in September 2019 until

the time the research ended in October 2019.


1. For Institutions

The results of this study can be used as scientific references on the description

of Ms. Menopouse's Knowledge of Hot Flases, as well as information

and documentation and can be used as an information additional

references for future researchers.

2. For Researchers

The results of this study are expected to increase the knowledge and

experience for researchers themselves in understanding the knowledge

of menopausal mothers about Hot Flases and can also apply and

implement knowledge gained during college.

3. For Communities

Increase public knowledge about Hot Flases so that people can know about

Hot Flases and other menopausal characteristics.



A. Basic Concepts of Menopouse

1. Definition of Menopause

Menopause is a condition of women who experience decreased ovarian

function so that estrogen hormone reduction decreases resulting in the

cessation of menstruation for good (menstrual death).

The age of menopause in Indonesia ± 49 years, but usually since women over

40 years of irregular menstruation, cycles often occur without egg removal

this means the possibility of pregnancy is small, but if pregnancy occurs at

this age, it is likely to get children with disabilities of high quality not

good. The period of 4-5 years before menopause is called climacteria

where women begin to feel changes whose symptoms occur are not the

same, depending on cultural factors, educational level, environment, and

genetics. (kumalasari, 2012)

2. Factors that influence menopause

Here are some factors that influence when a woman experiences menopause.

a. First menstrual age (menarche)

The younger a person experiences menstruation for the first time, the older

or longer he enters menopause.

b. Number of children

Some researchers find that the more a woman gives birth the older or

longer they enter menopause.

c. Age of birth

The older a person gives birth to a child, the older he starts to enter

menopause. This happens because pregnancy and childbirth will

slow down the reproductive system and even slow down the body's

aging process.

d. Psychic Factors

The condition of a woman who is not married and working is thought to

affect a woman's psychological development. According to some

studies, they will experience menopause younger, compared to

those who are married and not working / working or not married

and not working.

e. Smoking

Women smokers are thought to go faster into menopause.

f. Use of contraception

Hormonal type of contraception works by suppressing the function of the

ovaries so they do not produce eggs. Women who use

contraception will be older or older entering menopause.

g. Socioeconomic Socioeconomic

status, in addition to husband's education and occupation, as well as the

relationship between height and weight of a woman are thought to

influence the age of menopause.

h. Culture and environment Cultural and environmental

influences have been proven to greatly affect women to be able or unable

to adjust to the early climacteric phase.

i. Women with hysterectomy

Menopause can also occur in women who experience removal of the

uterus (hysterectomy, for example as a result of a tumor in the

uterus. They will experience menopausal symptoms at a younger


3. Hot flushes

The physical condition of a menopausal woman experiences many changes

due to changes in the reproductive organs and hormones of the body.

This situation can cause discomfort in daily life, including the


a. Extravagant heat on the face and upper body (such as the neck and

b. During hot flushes, the skin becomes reddish in the chest, neck and

face and feels an increase in temperature and touch.

c. Hot flushes occur because tissues that are sensitive or that depend

on extrogens will be affected as estrogen levels decrease.

d. It often arises at night so that it can cause women to wake up from


e. Occurs in just minutes to an hour.

f. The feeling of heat will be reduced if the air is cold, but it will

arise more often and is very disturbing when in a state of stress.

g. This burning sensation will decrease and disappear after 4-5 years

after menopause.

3. Menopause Countermeasures

One way to cope with menopause with nutritional intake include:

1) Soybean

2) Wheat

3) Yogurt

4) Tempeh

5) Tofu

6) CucumberCucumber
7) EggplantEggplant

8) Pumpkin

9) BroccoliBroccoli

B. Framework Theory

C. Framework Concept Concept


3.1 The conceptual

framework The conceptual framework in the study is entitled Overview of

Menopause Knowledge About Hot Flushes inPamulang Health Center in 2019 is as


Chart 3.1

Conceptual Framework for

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

From the above conceptual framework it can be seen that the independent

variables (independent) in this study are age, education, occupation, culture. While

the dependent variable in this study is the Menopause Knowledge about Hot Flushes.

3.2. Operational Definition

3.2.1. Knowledge
Mother's knowledge is everything that the mother knows about Exclusive ASI

which is assessed from the answers to the questions posed on the questionnaire sheet.

By category:

a. Good : If the respondent can answer the question correctly

16-20 question questions or the value is 76-100% of the 20

questions (questions) given.

a. Fair : If the respondent can answer the question

correctly 12-15 question questions or the value is 60-75% of the 20 questions

(questions) given.

b. Less : If the respondent can answer the question

correctly 0-11 questions or the value <60% of the 20 questions

(questions) given.

Measuring scale : Ordinal.

Measuring instrument : Questionnaire.

3.2.2. Age

Age is the length of life of a mother who is calculated from birth until the time

of research, with categories:

a. <20 years

b. 20-35 years

c. > 35 years
Measurement Scale : Ordinal

Measuring instrument : Questionnaire

3.2.3. Education

Education is the last level of formal education ever completed by the mother at

the time of the research.

By category:

a. Basic Education, that is, respondents who have taken formal education, namely

elementary school, junior high school / equivalent.

b. Secondary education, namely respondents who have taken formal education,

namely high school / equivalent higher education,

c. ie respondents who have taken formal education, namely Academy

and tertiary,

Measuring Scale : Ordinal

Tool measure :Questionnaire

1.2.4. JobWork

is a daily activity that mothers do to earn income. By category:

a. Working (civil servants, private employees, traders)

b. Not working (Housewives)

Measuring scale : Nominal

Measuring instrument : Questionnaire

3.3 Type of Research This

type of research is descriptive, namely to find out the description of menopausal

mothers' knowledge about hot flushes.

3.4. Research Location and Research Time

3.4.1. Research Locations The

location of the research conducted at the Pamulangin 2019 with the reason:


1. Public Health Centerauthor has practiced in Puskesmas Pusulang.

2. There are still many menopausal mothers who do not know about hot


3.4.2. Time is

Researchplanned for August 2019, and a proposal will be made from

September-October 2019.

3.5. Population and Sample

3.5.1. Research Population

As for the population in this study were all menopausal mothers in Pamulang

3.5.2. Research

Samples The sampling technique in this study is to use a ​cross sectional

method, which is the sampling method that is carried out by approaching menopausal

mothers, then collecting data at once at a time and measuring the menopausal mothers

at the puskesmas in Pamulang during the examination.

3.6 Data Types and Data Collection Methods

3.6.1. Types of Data The

data collected are primary data obtained by using a questionnaire tool aimed

at knowing the description of menopausal mothers' knowledge about 20 question hot


3.6.2. Data Collection Method Data

collection is carried out by giving questionnaires to respondents by first

asking the respondent for approval, whether willing to be a respondent by signing an

agreement letter, then the researcher gives a brief explanation to the respondent how

to fill out the questionnaire. In order for data collection to run well and thoroughly,

researchers supervise or accompany respondents. After the respondent completes the

questionnaire, the questionnaire is returned to the researcher.

3.7 Data Processing and Data Analysis

3.7.1. Data Processing Data

that has been collected is then processed with the following steps:

a. process ​Editing

Performed by checking the completeness of the data that has been collected if there

are deficiencies or mistakes made data collection again.

b. Theprocess ​coding

Data that has been edited is changed in the form of numbers or codes. The name of

the respondent is changed to the code number of the respondent ie 1, 2 ... 10.

c. Scoring Process

Examining the number of correct respondents' answers and giving a score obtained on

the questionnaire. Then collect according knowledge categories.

d. Theprocess ​tabulating

All data that has been examined for truth is entered into a frequency distribution


3.7.2. Data analysis Data

analysis was done descriptively by looking at the percentage of data collected

and presented in the form of a frequency distribution table. Data analysis was then

continued by using theories from existing literature as well as other research results

relating to the above titles that had been conducted.



A. Research Results

Based on the results of research conducted on 40 respondents regarding

"Overview of menopausal mothers knowledge about ​Hot Flushes"​ can be seen

as follows:

1. Overview of Respondents Knowledge Based on Education

From the results of research conducted, the data obtained about

menopausal mother education about ​Hot Flushes ​are as follows:

Table 1 Distribution of Respondent Education About ​Hot Flushes​ in

Pamulang Health Center 2019

No Education Good Enough Less

F % F % F % F %
1 Basic . . 2 5 7 17.5 9 100

2 Intermediate 3 7.5 10 25 4 0 17 100

3 High 9 22.5 2 5 1 2.5 12 100

Based on table 1, it can be seen that from 9 respondents based on

Basic Education the majority have 7 people lack knowledge (17.5%),

of the 17 respondents based on secondary education the majority have

enough knowledge of 10 people (25%), of the 12 respondents based on

tertiary education the majority have good knowledge of 9 people


2. Overview Knowledge Respondents by Age

From the research conducted, the obtained data about the mother

menopause ​HotFlushes ​by age is as follows:


Distribution Age of Respondents About ​Hot Flushes i​ n

Puskesmas Pamulang 2019




Based on table 2, it can be seen that of the 3 respondents based on age <20

years the majority have less knowledge of 3 people (7.5%), of the 29

respondents based on age 20-35 years the majority have enough

knowledge of 10 people (25 %), from 3 respondents based on age> 35

years the majority have good knowledge of 3 people (7.4%)'

3. RespondentsKnowledge Based on Work

From the results of the research conducted, the data obtained about

​ ased on Work are as

menopausal mothers Knowledge about ​Hot Flushes B

follows: :

Table 3

Age Distribution of Respondents About ​Hot Flushes​ in

Pamulang Health Center 2019





Based on table 3 it can be seen that from 26 respondents based on work have

good knowledge as many as 9 people (22.5%), of the 13 respondents

based on not working the majority have p know enough as many as 5

people (12.5%), and less 7 people (17.5%).


1. Overview of Respondents Knowledge Based on Education

Based on the research it can be seen that from 9 respondents based on

Basic Education the majority have less knowledge as many as 7 people

(17.5%), from 17 respondents based on secondary education the majority

of people have enough knowledge of 10 people (25%), from 12

respondents based on tertiary education the majority had good knowledge

of 9 people (22.5%).

According to Notoatmodjo (2007) education is a learning process that

has been formally taken in the last institution followed, namely

elementary school, junior high school, high school and diploma. The goal

to be achieved through education is to change the knowledge of

achievement and behavior or habits. Education can also improve human

abilities and is inseparable from the learning process. With education a

person can increase intellectual maturity and can make decisions in action.

A person can be said to learn if in him there is a change from not knowing

to knowing. This in the basic concept of education means that in its

process of growth, development towards better and learning is an internal

process and can be influenced by other factors.

According to Hurlock (2002) that educational factors have a significant

influence on the acceptance and knowledge of respondents. A person's

level of education will determine thinking patterns and insights. Besides

that, one's level of education is also part of work experience. The higher

one's education, it is expected that knowledge and skills will increase.

Through education, humans are considered to gain knowledge. Low

maternal education will likely slow him in adopting new knowledge.

2. Description of Respondent Knowledge by Age

Based on 3 respondents based on age <20 years the majority have less

knowledge of 3 people (7.5%), of the 29 respondents based on age 20-35

years the majority have enough knowledge of 10 people (25%), out of 3

respondents based on age> 35 years majority have good knowledge of 3

people (7.4%) '

Reproductive problems in old age are especially felt by women when their

fertility ends (menopause), even though men also experience a decline in

reproductive function (andropause) , but this happens at an older age than

in women. Before the menopause, women are in the pre-menopausal stage

where there is a decrease in the hormone estrogen leading to the

occurrence of pre-menopausal syndrome. In the pre-menopausal menstrual

cycle irregularities occur. This period starts around the age of 40 years or

is called middle adulthood (Andiyantoro, 2012).

3. Description of Respondent Knowledge Based on Work

Based on the results of the study can be seen that of 26 respondents based

on work have good knowledge as many as 9 people (22.5%), of the 13

respondents based on not working the majority have enough knowledge of

5 people (12.5%), and less 7 people (17.5%).

Age work is as an active activity carried out by humans. In another sense

the work is used for a task or work that produces a work of value

(Hardiwinoto, 2011). According to Mubarak 2007, explaining that the

work environment can make a person to gain experience and knowledge

both directly and indirectly. (Liauw, 2007) explains the psychosocial

factors, age, and occupational factors (duration of work) are factors that

play a role in the occurrence of symptoms of pathological psycho. Daulay

and Siregar, 2013 explained that there are differences in psychological

well-being between menopausal women who work and do not work in all

demensiotonomies, environmental authorities, personal growth, positive

relationships with others, life goals, and self-acceptance.

According to the assumptions of the authors in this study the majority of

respondents with sufficient knowledge who worked. This is because those

who work have a broader environment so that the information obtained is

even more, while for those who do not work if the information from their

environment is lacking, their knowledge is also lacking, especially if they

are not active in participating in various health activities, the information

they receive will be less.



5.1. Conclusions

From the results of research on the Knowledge of Menopause Knowledge

About Hot Flushes 2011, the following conclusions are obtained:

5.1.1. Menopausal knowledge about hot flushes, the majority of good knowledge as

many as 13 people (32.5%).

5.1.2. Knowledge of respondents based on age, at the age of <20 years the majority

of people lack knowledge as many as 3 people (7.5%), at the age of 20-35

years the majority are knowledgeable as much as 10 people (25%), and at the

age of 35 years the majority are well informed and enough as many as 3

people (7.5%).
5.1.3. Respondent's knowledge based on education, at the level of basic education

the majority were knowledgeable as many as 7 people (17.5%), at the level of

secondary education the majority were knowledgeable as much as 10 people

(25%), at the level of tertiary education the majority were well-informed as

many as 9 people (22 , 5%).

5.1.4. Respondent's knowledge based on work, the majority of knowledgeable work

activities are quite as many as 11 people (27.5%), the majority of those who

do not work are lacking knowledge of 7 people (17.5%).

good knowledge as many as 6 people (54.55%), the majority of environmental

information sources lack 8 people (61.54%).

5.2. Suggestion

5.2.1. For Pamulang Community Health Center Leaders

To further improve public health education about hot flushes during


5.2.2. For Respondents

It is expected that respondents will further increase their knowledge by being

more active in finding information about health, especially hot flushes during


5.2.3. For the next researcher

to be able to better understand and explore more research on hot flushes at

menopause with different variables and inform about the importance of

knowledge about hot flushes.

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