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A Report on Classroom Observation

Submitted to

The Department of Teaching Practicum

Tribhuvan University

Kirtipur, Kathamndu, Nepal

In Practical Fulfillment for the Teaching Practices

(Ed. 542)

Submitted by

Ravikant Kumar Sah

M. Ed. Fourth Semester

T.U. Reg. No. 9-2-229-71-2010

Examination Roll. No: 28710169

Class Roll No: 19


Preparing this report, first and foremost, I would like to extend my heartfelt sincerity and
cordial gratitude to Mr. Guru Prasad Poudel, teaching assistant of Department of English
Education T. U. Kirtipur forhis inspirational and motivational guidance and formative
suggestions during orientation class of practice teaching. Similarly, I would like to express
my thankful to the whole family of Department of Teaching Practice, Tribhuvan University,
Kirtipur, Kathmandu for providing the wonderful opportunity for experiential learning and

Finally, I would like to express my thanks to campus chief and respected teachers of
Manamohan Memorial College, Sorakhutte, Kathmandu for their kind support and
permission for the classroom observation.

Practice teaching provides the student teachers with opportunities to practice the various
processes and responsibilities of teaching under direct supervision of the teacher. This is to
give the student teachers a real classroom experience in teaching so that they can develop the
required skills for their classroom teaching later after graduation. Teaching practice, the
practical course is the obligatory requirement for M.Ed. fourth semester students in the
faculty of education under Tribhuvan University. There are four different phases of teaching
practice among them as the requirement of second phase; Class Observation of college, I
went to Nirvana College Lagankhel, Lalitpur to observe the English classes there. I attended
three classes there for the purposes of gaining experiential learning to develop my
competency regarding teaching. This type of experience helped me to strengthen the
confidence in my teaching career. I got different experiences during my days in the field
among them some are fruitful and some are bitter which I haven’t expected at all.

When I reached to the front of the gate of that college there, a security of that school didn’t
allow me to enter into the college. He asked me questions frequently supposed I was a
criminal. I dealt great to convince him there. When I entered in to the college I was refused
by the coordinator of that college as he said we have no class to attend. As I tried to convince
him I was there to take some techniques and experiential knowledge he even said that he
would give me the handout on techniques of teaching downloading from the net go to home
and look at them. Then, some of my friends also arrived there by bringing consent letter.
Finally, I got permission from the principle of that school and got a chance to enter into the
classroom. I was informed to attend the class from next day. From these observations, what I
wanted to learn is that some practical implementations of theoretical knowledge regarding
language teaching which I have been gaining since from my school level. Moreover, I wanted
to know how the teachers are dealing with the students inside the classroom. I would like to
take some of the positive aspects of teaching and was eager to implement them in my real life
situation in the days to come.

Furthermore, the detail description of classroom observation from what I gained through can
be presented as follows:

Classroom Observation no.1

Level of observed class: 12 (Education) Date: 2074-04-10

College: Niravana college, Lagankhel, Lalitpur Time: 8:10- 8:50

I observed the English class as a compulsory subject of I. Ed. The subject taught to them was
The Heritage of Words. The respective teacher warmed up the class by asking some
questions related to previous chapter in order to attract the attention of students. For example:
he wrote the question ‘why does the pensioner want to spit on the face of time?’ on the board
and asked them to share the answer. Thenonly, he entered into new chapter i.e. Too Long,
Term Problems: Too many people, Too few trees, written by MotiNissani.First of all, the
teacher explained the objective of the lesson in both verbally and written as he wrote on the
board ‘at the end of the lesson, you will be able to tell the causes, effects, and solutions of
overpopulation’. Then, he brainstormed the class to share about‘Overpopulation’. He noted
down some key points on the board shared by students. Thenafter, he also added some points
and clearly defined the term in the class. After that he wrote the terms causes, impacts, and
solutions respectively on the board and asked the students to share what might be the causes,
impacts, and solutions of overpopulation in Nepal. He noted down the key points on the
board under the subtopics shared by class. Furthermore, he also encouraged them to give
examples from their real lives and locality. Moreover, the class shared the ideas regarding
causes of overpopulation such as lack of education, unemployment, high child morality,
cultural beliefs, and soon. Similarly, the students presented the ideas under the effects of
overpopulation: environment pollution, serious health problems, crime increases and soon.
Likewise under solution of overpopulation, they presented the ideas such as providing
education, child spacing, empowering women, good family planning policy, raising
awareness among people. Finally, the respective teacher summarized the content and
elaborated the key points to the class.

On the basis of aforementioned, I can conclude thatit was wonderful class presentationas
teacher followed the student centered technique. The opening outlined the topic and objective
of the class. He provided as much as opportunities to students in order to interact in the class
where students were active. Thus, the atmosphere of the class was participative. The text
books were only materials provided to students however, the content was clear to students.
Moreover, students and teachers both were interested and enthusiastic in the class where
humor was used appropriately. The respective teacher was happy to address the questions and
had a good eye contact with the students. The teacher provided the appropriate examples
related to life experiences and local community. He emphasized the key points by explaining
them clearly in the class. Students and teachers both shared the examples, metaphors, and
analogies were appropriate to context. The teacher encouraged the students to summarize and
question verbally. Indeed, the delivery was paced to students’ needs.

Classroom Observation no. 2

Level of observed class: 12 (management) Date: 2074-04-11

College: Niravana college, Lagankhel, Lalitpur Time: 9:50 -10:30

I observed English as a mandatory subject of I. Com. class. The subject taught to them was
meaning into words. The respective teacher taught ‘Job application’ there. He motivated the
students by asking some questions related to job application such as what to write, why to
write, how to write and so on. Then, he presented the reasons of writing job application
orally. After that, he wrote the key points on the board that should be considered while
writing job application. For example; qualification, age, experience, healthy mind and sound
knowledge, etc. Furthermore, he elaborated the key aspects and the process of writing job
application to the class. Thenafter, he displayed a sample of job application in the class with
explanation and asked them to write a job application for the post of accountant
atManamohan Memorial College Sorakhutte as a class work. After some time, he checked the
classwork and provided the feedback to them. Finally, he gave home assignment to prepare a
bio-data suitable to this post.

To sum up, what I observed that it was nice presentation. Mostly the respective teacher used
lecture method in his class which is the appropriate way of teaching in large classes. He was
oriented to deliver the content as they were important from the examination point of view.
The objective of the lesson did not address formally by the teacher however, students became
able to write a job application at the end of class. The text bookand printed materials were
providedto students. That is to say, the teacher presented a sample of printed application
clearly in the class that made teaching effective. He had well commanding voice that helped
him to control the large class.The teacher was seen and heard to whole class and emphasized
the key points orally and written both. The opening attracted the attention of students, but
later on students got bored and some fall asleep aswell. The atmosphere of the class was not
participative as students did not get opportunities to speak in the class. That is to say, teacher
did not focus on classroom interaction and he did not encourage them as well. Similarly, he
did not pay attention to cues of boredom and confusion. Therefore, students were not active
while delivering the content by teacher in the class. Moreover, he did not encourage students’
question and opportunity to mention the problem either verbally or written. Most of the
students were not motivated and encouraged to follow the class.

Classroom Observation no. 3

Level of observed class: 11 (Education) Date: 2074-04-12

College: Niravana college, Lagankhel, Lalitpur Time: 9:10- 9:50

I observed English as a compulsory subject of intermediate level. The subject taught to them
was The Magic of Words. The respective teacher did not taught any particular lesson there
because it was his first class on that very subject so he mainly focused on the aims and
objectives of that book. He gave his lecture on the way of language use for communication.
Mostly he used lecture method in his class. He mainly described the importance of that book.
He was oriented to deliver the glimpses of contents included in the book. He also talked
about the lessons which were important from the examination point of view. In his
presentation he gave a lot of examples, most of them were contextual and real like situation.
This made the class real like and lively. He was happy to address the questions and had a
good eye contact with the students. As his voice was in commanding tone the class was
controlled well. He used to explain the content in a simple language this made the students
context sensitive and clear even about the difficult terms. He provided less chance for
students’ interaction.
The skills and competencies that I learnt from the class observation are listed below:

 To begin the class effectively.

 To be clear about the objectives and make students clear about the objectives of the
particular lesson.
 To address the query of the students and handle the large class.
 To relate the previous day discussions before starting new lesson in the class.
 Encourage and reinforce students to share their experiences and be enthusiastic and
attentive towards students response and make classroom participated through group
discussion, individual sharing.
 Try to focus on student-student interaction rather that teacher- student interaction.
 Encourage students to raise questions and provide opportunity to speak what they
have learnt in the class.
 To deliver the content on the basis of learners response and by considering on the
pace of the learner and needs of the learners.
 How to maintain discipline and built rapport in the class and summarize the content at
 We should have confidence and commanding voice while teaching in the class
 We should notice the whole class activities while teaching.
 Provide key points in the class which facilitate students to learn effectively.
 Use humor in the class because it provides refreshment to the students.
 Try to compare and link the text with real life event /situation.

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